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官职利益化分配倾向在我国发展社会主义市场经济过程中有越来越严重的趋势,已经成为制约我们党建设高素质干部队伍的主要因素。本文着重分析我国官职利益化分配倾向加剧的现实成因,并结合我国正在进行的干部人事制度改革,对解决这一问题提出一些对策性思考。  相似文献   

改革要调整利益分配关系,人们会有既得利益的丧失,也会有新的利益的获得。要让人们特别是在改革中一时失利的人们理解、支持并投身改革,思想政治工作就要从引导人们辩证地看待改革过程中的利益得失入手,引导人们抓住平等竞争的机会。其中  相似文献   

利益集团理论视角的中国行政审批制度改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政审批制度改革实质上是一个利益重新分配和调整的过程,是有着利益冲突的相关利益集团相互博弈达成利益均衡的过程。改革所涉及的相关利益集团在这项制度变迁中有着冲突的利益和目标,导致了他们对改革采取不同的态度和行动策略,从而对改革进程产生不同程度的积极或消极影响。行政审批制度改革是一个渐进的动态的过程,不同阶段的改革成效取决于各相关利益集团之间的博弈而达成的一种均衡,这种动态的渐进过程在宏观层面上表现为中央政府主导的强制性制度变迁的过程。  相似文献   

"省管县"体制改革:动因、障碍与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
操世元  姚莉 《理论导刊》2007,(11):21-22
我国行政体制改革正从减人、减事、合并机构的行政职能调整,开始扩展到"减少层级"的行政改革,省管县的行政体制改革正是暗合了这样的趋势。省管县体制改革要克服地方层面原有体制的惯性与利益因素和中央层面对政治统治有效性的疑虑的障碍,为此,中央政府必须加大推动力度,适度增加省级政府的数量,主动调整县级行政区划,合理维护现存的地级市的利益并推行电子政务的跟进,才能使这一改革顺利进行。  相似文献   

他信的改革政策在维护草根阶层利益的同时,也不可避免地限制和削弱了精英阶层的利益,导致两个阶层之间的矛盾不断显现和尖锐。泰国社会运动的发生给我们很多的启示:在改革的过程中,政府一定要坚持公平、公正的原则,以增进全体国民的利益为改革的出发点;在加强相关制度建设的过程中,积极稳步地扩大公民的政治参与权;以新的价值规范引导社会各阶层面对改革带来的变化,从而促使社会在改革的过程中走上和谐的发展道路。  相似文献   

中国改革开放是一个动态的过程,根据利益关系分化的方式、速度和利益格局变动的特点,我国利益格局变迁呈现出三个阶段性特征。1978—1992年,利益分化成为利益格局变迁的主要方式,不同利益群体从共享改革初期成果到利益格局的合理分化;1992—2002年,1992年社会主义市场经济改革方向确立之后,我国利益格局呈现出失衡状态:传统的基础性群体在利益格局中被边缘化,以权力、资本为代表的强势利益群体在利益格局中处于主导地位。2002年以后,我国从侧重利益分化到侧重利益整合的利益格局再调整,以共享改革发展理念构建新的利益格局。  相似文献   

中国以市场为导向的改革是在权力的主导下并服务于政治的价值取向,是"权威志向型"的改革。改革没有现成的模式,具有较突出的探索与试错性质。经济体制改革虽然在逐渐放权,但总的趋势是权力不褪色。随着权力的下放,对权力约束减弱,权力偏好现象较突出,一些经济市场与社会管理逐渐演变成权力的角逐,很多当权者都在改革中追逐着地方、部门以及自身的利益,一些权力的双重代表性突出体现,即在代表大众利益与权力者自身利益的双线上运行,权力者保持着高额的回报。这样,资源的累积不可避免,加速了财富的积累与贫穷的累积,引发社会发展的多重效应。  相似文献   

利益是人类社会生活中的重要社会现象,追求利益是人类一切社会活动的动因。利益问题一直是人类社会生活的核心问题,人类的全部社会活动都与利益密切相关,人们的全部社会关系,都是建立在利益关系的基础之上的。改革实际上就是社会利益再分配的过程。社会主义市场经济的发展过程实质上就是利益分化和实现利益关系和谐的过程。改革开放以来,利益分化成为中国社会转型时期的鲜明特点。和谐社会的构建与利益分化有着密不可分的关系。在利益分化时代构建社会主义和谐社会的核心问题是实现人们利益关系和谐的问题,利益和谐是社会和谐的本质。  相似文献   

本文从利益相关者的视角解析中国农业转移人口市民化的难题。市民化不仅是生活消费习惯、理念等的市民化,更是相关利益主体利益格局重新分配以及寻找平衡点的过程,这一过程既包括顶层设计,还涉及公共服务的均等化、财税体制以及干部考核评价制度的改革,目标是真正让改革的红利惠及到那些为追求幸福而常年奔波于城乡之间的群体。  相似文献   

当前征地中存在土地利益分配过程和分配结果的双重失调:分配过程失调主要表现为分配过程的灰色化和无序化;分配结果失调既表现为土地利益初次分配的失衡,又表现为土地利益再分配的不公。利益协调机制陈旧、再分配机制过时和矛盾化解机制乏力是土地利益关系失调的深层根源。因此,加快征地制度综合改革,构建适应市场经济发展需要的新型利益协调机制、土地利益再分配机制和纠纷化解机制,是确保土地利益关系协调和农村社会稳定的迫切需要。  相似文献   

日本的行政改革及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本的行政改革是在经济低迷与政局混乱中启动并完成的.其改革内容是全面的,体现了市场化、分权化与绩效化的趋向,在行政机构重新设置的过程中,完成了对传统官僚制的根本性改造,同时还实现了政府职能的重新清理与定位.改革过程中突出政治领导,充分利用内生动力,并尽力遏制部门利益,以及最终强化了政府首脑及内阁府的行政权力和综合协调功能等做法与结果为各国的行政改革提供了一定的借鉴与参考.  相似文献   

行政权力是公共权力,是服务于公共利益的权力。行政改革的目的是要校正行政权力对公共利益的偏离。但是央我国的行政改革过程中,出现了行政行为不规范的问题;提出了行政权力减少数人所窃取并服务于少数人利益的问题,出现了地方极限截留来自上面的分权,并运用这些权力搞地方保护主义和以权谋私,从而破坏了社会主义市场经济健康发展的2,行政权力之所以背离了公共利益,原因是复杂的,其中,旧的利益关系、权力格避的影响和新折  相似文献   

In 2004 the Swiss people accepted a new equalization scheme and a new distribution of competences between the federal state and the cantons. It was argued that the reform was successful because of the capacity of veto-players to overcome their interests and adopt a ‘problem-solving’ interaction mode. We propose a different interpretation and argue that distributive issues and the accommodation of actors' interests crucially mattered. We identify three mechanisms that contribute to a successful reform, i.e. package-deals, side-payments and the downsizing of the reform. Our in-depth, mainly qualitative study of both the content of the reform and related decision-making process supports the pertinence of these strategies for the explanation of the successful reform of Swiss federalism.  相似文献   

The article investigates the processes driving the ongoing Danish reform of the structure of the public sector with the purpose of understanding the factors rendering the reform possible at this particular juncture in time. For this reason, the article applies a theoretical framework consisting of John Kingdon's 'Multiple Streams' perspective combined with the Institutional Rational Choice approach developed by Fritz Scharpf, among others. As a heuristic tool for the analysis, the policy process is divided into the three phases of initiation, estimation and decision making. The analysis points to a rather complex process influenced by institutional and situational factors, including those of coincidence and external events. The process can be understood as a series of interrelated games in which bounded rational actors pursue their interests. In conclusion, the article finds that the speed and tight steering of the process left relatively little room for a broader public and political debate. The process leading to what has become the largest public sector reform in Denmark was in actuality determined by relatively few actors involved in decisive moments.  相似文献   

李慧 《学理论》2012,(13):33-34
社会转型期我国城市化具有特殊性,即政府主导型城市化。我国在取得巨大经济建设成就的同时,城市化也取得了很大成就,但依然存在着诸多需要解决的问题,譬如城市化水平有待提高、城市化进程中出现了某些"城市病"、城市化进程中农民利益需要得到更充分的保障、"土地城市化"大于"人口城市化"等。我国城市化过程当中出现的一些问题对我国政府改革提出了新的要求。政府应该努力做好以下几个方面的工作:政府应该努力加快政府职能的转变;政府必须坚持对城市化的进程、城市人口的增长、城市区域布局、城市规模扩大等方面实施必要的宏观调控;政府要切实充分保障农民权益。  相似文献   

关于改革农村土地制度问题的一点思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大多数国家和地区在现代化进程中都曾不同程度地侵害过农民的利益,但是这并非必然是现代化的必要条件,相反,过度侵害农民利益会阻碍现代化进程。中国社会主义现代化进程中侵害农民利益的现象主要表现为两种形式,即计划经济时期的“剪刀差”和改革开放以来的不合理“征地”。解决的办法应该是把土地所有权真正归还给农民,让他们在关心自己切身利益的基础上关心农业发展,进而促进中国的现代化发展。  相似文献   

This article uses Paraguay, in Latin America, as a case study in order to examine the difficulties of introducing state reform where the state itself has a long history of control by private interests. It shows how the ‘privatized’ nature of the Paraguayan state is central to an understanding of how it has functioned and responded to recent reform efforts. The article provides an overview of the Paraguayan public sector and identifies several of its peculiar features that are relevant to understanding the state reform process: its small size, high levels of inefficiency and ineffectiveness, rampant politicization and endemic corruption. The article examines the three major components of an externally driven state reform process that began with democratization in 1989: privatization of loss‐making state corporations, civil service reform and decentralization. It shows how the ‘privatized’ nature of the state has proved a major obstacle to these efforts and is a major factor in explaining their limited success. The article concludes by offering a pessimistic assessment of the likely prospects for state reform and highlights the danger that Paraguay could descend into a ‘failed state’. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Chinese reformers wish through their economic programme to create a new form of developmental state in China and a new relationship between state and economy. This paper examines these issues through a study of the impact of Chinese economic reforms on the structure and behaviour of local government, focusing on urban government at the district level. It looks at three aspects of the issue—the trend towards financial decentralization, institutional changes in district administration and changes in the relationship between local government and the urban economy. It concludes (contrary to arguments which regard bureaucratic response to the reforms as one of pure inertia and obstruction) that urban local government has changed in several major ways, the most obvious being a trend towards institutional expansion and proliferation. From the point of view of the reform process, some institutional changes have been positive, others negative, resulting in a ‘dualistic’ state which contains elements of both old and new forms of developmental state. There is a need for systematic analysis of the specific future needs and evolution of China's urban government which would guide a process of politico-administrative reform comparable to the current economic reform.  相似文献   

Most Americans believe that their nation's weapon acquisition system is one of the worst-managed activities in the public or private sectors. Although the process has been the subject of many reform efforts, it is reasonable to ask whether these reform efforts had any success. This article examines the effectiveness of such reforms by reviewing the results of the acquisition process. This analysis, using measures of the extent of cost growth and schedule slippage, indicates a trend toward improvement in the acquisition process, at least up to the 1980s. Acquisition results from the decade of the 1980s suggest some stalling in this trend. However, when the process is compared to other public and private sector acquisition systems, it appears to be performing well.  相似文献   

以我国三个省会城市为例来试图回答这样一个问题:在省会城市预算过程中,党政首长究竟发挥着怎样的作用,他们是如何影响着预算过程和预算改革的?研究发现,这三个省会城市预算改革后,预算权力结构并未从根本上改变.其核心仍然是市委书记和市长,他们仍然是地方预算过程中实际的财政资源申请的审批者或最终资源配置者.这主要体现在,预算改革后,市委领导下的"行政预算"体制的继续,市政府领导高层预算分配权力的相对集中,和市长对部门关系以及部门利益的决定性影响.研究还指出,要准确地表达地方党政首长在预算过程中的权力,需要将其放在一种"关系"的维度来具体化.此外,对预算环境的讨论也是必要的,尤其是政治环境,对于党政首长而言,预算过程中的不确定性通常都是和政治环境相联系的.  相似文献   

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