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罗马尼亚社会主义共和国新闻法1974年颁布,1977年修改后由国务委员会重新颁布施行。罗马尼亚新闻法明文规定,全体公民都享有宪法所规定的新闻自由权利,承认和保护新闻工作者的职业,禁止对新闻工作者和其它公民行使新闻自由权利进行任何压制和威胁,以保证新闻活动为社  相似文献   

目前新闻自由问题成为热点,其深度、其实践意义是建国四十年来从未有过的.本届人大和政协“两会”的发言,为加速新闻法的问世作了有力的呼唤.现代化新闻媒介直接迅速影响着千百万读者、听众和观众,而如果稍一欠周,其负面作用,是难以估量的,在新闻立法过程中既要迅速积极,又要慎重考虑周详. 没有新闻法并不意味着在发展新闻自由  相似文献   

1980$在全国人民Jt表大会上,来自新闻界的1980年在全国人民代表大会上,来自新闻界的数位人大代表首先发出了新闻立法的呼声。1983年,在六届全国人大一次会议上,几位人大代表向大会提交了“迅速制定新闻法”的建议。并说,制定新闻法,一方面是为在党的领导下保证新闻采访自由,另一方面,也是为了限制某些新闻工作者滥用新闻自由,随后全国人大法律工作委员会的负责人向中外新闻记者宣布,全国人大教科文卫委员会开始着手起草《新闻法》。1987年,国家新闻出版署成立,新闻立法成了它的一项重要任务。1988年,在中共第十三次全国代表…  相似文献   

高颖秋 《法制与社会》2011,(13):177-177,179
新闻自由在现代社会中是一项得到广泛认可的公民基本权利。但我国还没有一部专门的新闻法,同时,新闻传播活动管理构架存在权限划分不明确,控制失灵的现象。这既不利于保障公民新闻自由权利,又不利于舆论引导和社会控制。为此,应加强新闻立法建设,进一步完善新闻自律的机制。  相似文献   

言论只要未触犯法律,尽管被某些人认为是不利于安定团结,也不能因此剥夺言论者的出版自由,更不能因此对宪法规定的言论出版自由任意加以限制.制定一部切实保障新闻自由的新闻法,必须强调理性地对待现实的原则.  相似文献   

<正> 新闻扮演着多种角色——它是一种自我表达的工具,也是舆论的缩影;是公众的消息传达者,又是舆论形成的参预者,还是政府的监督者.这些角色不一定互相补充,甚至也不一定能共存,但对现代民主社会而言,每一角色看起来都是必不可少的.本文试图勾画一个理论框架,以阐释现代民主和新闻自由的关系及其表现形式.首先,本文将探讨明显地使各种新闻法律体系区分开来的两个因素:1.新闻自由有无宪法保障;2.是否有专门的新闻法.接着,本文要讨论在不同环境中的各种新闻法律制度.  相似文献   

论司法公正与新闻自由的良性互动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
司法公正与新闻自由是现代社会两大重要价值取向,然而两者在现实社会中,却会经常发生矛盾与冲突,如何协调两者之间的关系,形成良性互动,是摆在新闻学界和法学界面前的一道难题,解决难题的关键,是寻求两者之间的平衡,尽快完善相关立法,尤其是《新闻法》的制定。  相似文献   

新闻立法之我见   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
史煜虹 《行政与法》2003,(12):87-89
新闻传播活动是当代社会生活的重要方面,涉及各种错综复杂的社会关系,任何国家都需要通过适合本国情况的新闻法规范这一重要领域的活动。我国新闻法制建设历史悠久,特别是建国后进行了大量修订和补充工作,但是始终没有制定一部专门的新闻法,这与我国日益蓬勃复杂的新闻传播事业,特别是加入世贸组织以后的情况不相适应。我国新闻立法进程缓慢的问题主要在于认识上的偏差,要适时、顺利的出台和实施新闻法,必须从法制意识和对新闻自由的理解方面寻找原因,弥补不足。  相似文献   

据匈牙利法律公报一九八六年十六号载,匈牙利已在一九八六年通过了《新闻法》。为了制订这项法案,匈牙利新闻工作者协会曾对范围广泛的有关问题参加了讨论。讨论中不仅考虑到国内的认识,更考虑到国际惯例,首先是联合国有关政治法规及民法的统一文献。《新闻法》在序言中确认了新闻自由的原则。但如违反宪法所规定的原则、或者损害匈牙利人民共和国的利益、或者侵犯人权和法律所保护的国民利益、或者违反公共道德者,一律禁止刊载。《新闻法》也规定了新闻从业人员的权利和义务,并对报刊的信息,给予法律上的保护。新闻从业人员有权为提供信息者的姓名保守秘密,并可提出要  相似文献   

一为什么要制订新闻法?它的重大意义还需要好好研究。1980年,五届人大三次会议上,一些代表提出应该制订新闻法,新闻界的同志很赞成。但是有不少同志却不以为然,认为我们的新闻事业是在党直接领导下的,一切按党的政策、方针和指示办事就行下,还要什么新闻法?订了新闻法,究竟是按党的领导办还是按新闻法办?以后,在北京新闻学会召开的新闻立法座谈会上,呼吁制订新闻法的同志谈到“记者对事实负责,报纸对法律负责”时,有的同志又批判说:“怎么能只对法律负责呢?还要不要对党对人民负责  相似文献   

The relationship between French members of the National Assembly and citizens is paradoxical. On the one hand, the French political culture, constitution and history favour a very abstract conception of representation: MPs are supposed to act as trustees and collectively to embody the French Nation. On the other hand, they are deeply involved in their constituencies and express a great level of satisfaction being there. In order to understand how French MPs reconcile the national and local dimensions of their mandate, the data gathered through face-to-face interviews with MPs are described. Then a scale analysis is provided in order to sum up the local–national orientations of the MPs. Using this scale, it is possible to test the impact of several variables on the territorial focus of MPs: electoral incentives, political ambition, ideological factors and working conditions at the local and the national level.  相似文献   

The Hutchins Commission took a favorable view of government speech; Its report recommended that government act as a supplementary news source for the public. This article asserts that the commission was “fighting the last war” by focusing on government restraints on the press, while failing to propose limitations on the government's ability to circumvent the press. With the advent of new forms of telecommunications technology, the government might one day replace the private sector press as the public's primary source for news. This article asserts that the Supreme Court should recognize that the Press Clause of the First Amendment guarantees the existence of the private sector press as an independent, nongovernmental branch of our governance system. Based on a “separation of powers” view of Press Clause values, the article argues that the Court should create a First Amendment “right of reply” to any government dissemination of information to the American public in a manner that circumvents the traditional role of the private sector press.  相似文献   

Peter French’s and Steven Ratner’s thoughtful comments are helpful in advancing the analysis we offered in our book On Complicity and Compromise. Inevitably, there are areas of disagreement and bones to pick. However, our primary concern in this reply will be to press, with their assistance, the more positive agenda.  相似文献   

Very few studies have examined the influence of the acculturation strategies of an offender of foreign descent on the way a third party judges the personality and action of that offender. The aim of our study was thus to measure the effect of three variables (Seriousness of the harm suffered by the victim; Type of acculturation strategy of the offender; Level of Social Dominance Orientation [SDO]) of the person making the judgement) on the judgements and decisions made by a sample of students faced with a situation of physical aggression committed by a man of North African descent living in France. After reading a scenario describing a criminal act committed by a man of North African descent, who had or had not adopted French culture, 168 French students completed a judgement scale concerning the criminal act and the offender and an SDO scale. The results show that the crime was perceived as less serious when the perpetrator had adopted French culture than when he had not. The perpetrator was also judged less severely. Participants with higher levels of SDO advocated harsher punishment and attributed the crime to the offender’s personality. We discuss these results and identify new avenues for research.  相似文献   

A method for lifting two-dimensional dust footwear marks on rough or porous surfaces, such as cardboard or cloth, using a hydraulic press, was examined. It was found that exerting pressure on the lifter by the press usually improves the quality of the results. When the shoeprints were on rough or soft surfaces, the prints transferred to the gelatin lifters were better than those obtained by the conventional method. In other cases, using the press did not improve the results but was much simpler to apply. Based on the results of this study, the hydraulic press/gelatin lifter method (the "press method") is used at the authors' laboratory, depending on the surface from which the shoeprint is to be lifted. It is the authors' intention to apply the method to other surfaces after finding the optimal pressure for surfaces with loose fibers.  相似文献   

Influence of the Code Civil in the Netherlands   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The subject of this paper is the influence of the Code Civil in the Netherlands. First, the history of the codification in the Netherlands is examined. Then, attention is paid to the Burgerlijk Wetboek (BW) of 1838, the predecessor of the Dutch civil code of the present day. It is investigated whether this BW is a copy of the Code Civil or a work on its own. Within this framework, the reasons why the Code Civil had an extraordinary influence are shortly mentioned. Finally it is explained how this BW has developed to our BW of 1992. The Code Civil was the model for the BW of 1838. This does not mean that the BW is a copy of the Code. It was not simply a translation. The BW is influenced by the Code Civil, but this does not justify the view that the Netherlands adopted French law. On the contrary: some French rules were removed. Former Dutch law was inserted instead of the French rules or as a supplement to the BW. A large part of the Code is based on joint roots, and the most important common background is Roman law. Those rules cannot be qualified as French law. Besides this there are also typical French provisions, some originated by the French Revolution. With regard to this rules the question is whether these are French rules or universal rights. It can be argued that the BW of 1838 is an improved version of the Code Civil.  相似文献   

Judges in many jurisdictions are today prepared to utilize the media to promote a better public understanding of their role. Understandably, they wish not to be perceived as 'spin doctors' intent on a cynical manipulation of public opinion. Judges' professional reputation, their public image, and public confidence in their role hinge on a belief in their neutrality and impartiality. Court communicators are also aware that their success in the media arena depends on a degree of skill and strategizing to ensure that the integrity and complexity of their message are preserved in media reports. This paper discusses how press judges (judges who also act as media spokesperson) and communication advisers in Dutch courts address this. It is argued that the media liaison function embraced by Dutch courts may be an expansion of law's empire or, at least, a possible attempt by law's empire to strike back against the pressures of an increasingly inquisitive media.  相似文献   

我国改革开放以来的新闻立法历经30多年至今未果,无论法治社会的内在要求还是传媒领域的现实发展,都表明了迫切的新闻立法诉求。在“新闻法”尚不能出台的众多复杂原因中,学术研究的偏颇却总是被忽略,研究方法的迷失带来学理探讨的浅尝辄止,宏观研究的乏善可陈,以及学科之间的壁垒隔膜。其背后透露出不容回避的学术勇气的不足和技术细节研究的缺乏。基于新闻传播法学理论建设的推进和现实新闻传播立法的需求,应首先在思想和理论上明确:新闻自由是谁的自由,谁可以办报,如何协调采访报道和国家公权力的关系等问题,同时必须关注新闻传播立法技术的研究,如舆论监督的规范体系,为新闻来源保密的规则归属等细节问题。  相似文献   

This article evaluates two significant methods of protecting private information in the UK – via actions under the tort of misuse of private information, and via press regulation. As the Leveson Report has recently found, parts of the press have systematically abused their power, in terms of acquiring and publishing personal information non-consensually. Thus, as the Report found, it appears that the system of press self-regulation has been shown to be ineffective. The article considers the Leveson proposals for an improved system of press regulation and the current proposal of a Royal Charter. It suggests that, ideally, press regulation could work alongside the tort, tending to encourage press restraint, obviate the need for court action, and providing a remedy for those not willing or able, due to lack of resources, to go to court to seek a remedy for privacy invasion. The history of press self-regulation indicates that those results may not be achieved, but it will be argued that the current response to the Leveson Report in the form of a Royal Charter suggests otherwise.  相似文献   

朱琳 《法学论坛》2006,21(1):126-138
法国1994年新刑法典规定“无实行重罪或轻罪之故意,即无重罪或轻罪”,从而首次将故意提升到总则的高度,并确定了以惩罚故意为原则,惩罚过失为例外的政策。本文从故意在法国的“行为-行为人”二元论体系中的位置入手,分析了故意的内容、类别及犯罪的特殊样态中的故意,展现出法国不同于其他大陆法系国家的独特的犯罪故意理论,并在结论中指出法国刑法理论研究的实用主义对我国的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

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