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Effects of the Taser in fatalities involving police confrontation.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sixteen deaths associated with the use of the Taser were examined. All involved young males who had a history of abuse of controlled substances; all but three were under the influence of cocaine, phencyclidine [phenylcyclohexylpiperidine (PCP)], or amphetamine. All were behaving in a bizarre or unusual fashion which necessitated calling the police. The cause of death was an overdose of drugs in eleven, gunshot wounds in three, heart disease and Taser shock in one, and an undetermined cause in one. All were considered to be under the influence of PCP by the police at the time of the incident. All were unarmed, which was the reason a Taser was used instead of a more lethal weapon. The conclusion reached after evaluation of these cases is that the Taser in and of itself does not cause death, although it may have contributed to death in one case.  相似文献   

Missile head injury is predominantly caused by firearms; however, small blunt objects such as a stone can be propelled into the air and cause a low-velocity-type missile injury, as described in this case report. Since the cerebral damage in low-velocity missile injuries is usually focal, there might not be disturbance of consciousness until secondary brain damage occurs; therefore, adequate medical supervision is necessary to prevent and treat potentially fatal complications in a timely manner. This is a rare case of a penetrating missile wound of the head, most likely caused by the use of a stone propelled by a slingshot that penetrated the skull and lacerated the brain with the stone embedded within the substance of the brain. The deceased died at home 2 days later from focal suppurative meningitis with cerebral abscess formation and a subdural hemorrhage.  相似文献   

A homicidal case by an air gun involving a 73-year-old woman who was found dead in her home is described. At autopsy, two gunshot wounds were observed on the left anterior chest and the right back. There was neither exit wound nor powder burns. The fatal pellet, 0.9 g and 5.5mm diameter, penetrated the left anterior chest and the heart to cause cardiac tamponade (200 ml) before lodging in the left subclavian artery. Death was due to cardiac tamponade.This case has exhibited two rare phenomena: homicide by an air gun and pellet embolisation. This is the first homicide case by use of air gun in Japan and demonstrates that although it may be rare, air guns can be used as potential homicidal weapons. This experience will alert our society and others on the potential hazards of air guns we have tended to regard as toys.  相似文献   

Hyperostosis cranii ex vacuo is diffuse thickening of the bones of the cranium occurring after successful ventricular shunting in hydrocephalic children, presumably as a compensatory phenomenon. We present three adults with severe brain atrophy and correspondingly severe skull thickening. In each, the cause of cerebral atrophy was well defined, and none had undergone ventricular shunting. In two, brain atrophy resulted from different temporally discrete insults sustained in adult life, ischemic in one and traumatic in the other. In the third case. progressive brain atrophy resulted from a primary neurodegenerative disorder, Hallervordan Spatz disease. Our observations suggest that hyperostosis cranii ex vacuo is a more general phenomenon than has been previously recognized, and point to a relationship between dynamic changes in brain size and skull thickness. We suggest that such relationships should be taken into account in anthropometric evaluation of the skull.  相似文献   

In this study, it was aimed to investigate the relationship between skull fractures and intracranial lesions following head injury. For this purpose, 500 cases, which were referred to the Third Committee of Council of Forensic Medicine in Istanbul due to traffic accidents by the courts of laws between 1998 and 2000, were examined retrospectively. They were categorized in 3 groups based on findings of their cranium x-rays and brain tomographies. 1- The cases who have fractures in skull bones with brain lesions 2- The cases who have fractures in skull bones with no brain lesions 3- The cases who have brain lesions with no skull fractures. They were examined in detail according to age, sex, localization of skull fractures and brain lesions, and if surgery was applied or not.Of the cases, 152 (30.4%) had only linear fractures, 69 (13.8%) had depressed fractures, 92 (18.4%) had linear fractures plus intracranial lesions, 49 (9.8%) had depressed fractures plus intracranial lesions and 138 (27.6%) had only intracranial lesions. The rate of intracranial lesion among the cases with the skull fracture was 38.9% (141/362), while the rate of skull fracture among the cases with the intracranial lesion was 50.3% (141/279) (P < 0.001). Male to female ratios were 2.4/1 for linear fractures, 5.2/1 for depressed fractures, and 3.5/1 for intracranial lesions. Linear fractures were more frequent among females whereas depressed fractures were often among males (chi2: 9.68, df: 4, p: 0.046). The mean age was 26.3. The rate of depressed fractures was higher the age groups of 0-30 years. (chi2: 16.28, df: 4, p: 0.003). Depressed fractures in the regions of frontal and parietal and, linear fracture in the regions of temporal and occipital were found at higher rates (P < 0.001).In conclusion, we reviewed skull fractures and/or intracranial lesions due to traffic accidents, and found depressed fractures to be more common among males whereas linear fractures to be more common among females and young males. In the male, the skull architecture is thicker and stronger than females and young males. We can state that presence of skull fractures lowers the incidence of intracranial lesions by lowering the intracranial pressure.  相似文献   

With respect to wound ballistics, the situation is different if the person wearing a military helmet suffers head injuries from a bullet. The mechanisms of injury were investigated in four experimental series and supplemented by a case history. The study showed surprising results: in the majority of cases, the helmet does not protect the wearer, but instead intensifies the damage caused by the bullet. The reasons for this phenomena are changes in the stability of the projectile and deformation of or damage to the bullet. All of these mechanisms result in the bullet striking the tissue with higher energy. In this investigation, Kevlar helmets were also tested, which are not penetrated by 9 X 19 mm parabellum bullets. Even so, however, severe injuries of the skull and brain can occur because the projectile causes intensified impressions on the skull under the helmet and, in addition, an acceleration of the head.  相似文献   

An impact incurred by the movable head may bring about a change in intracranial pressure and this change may play an important part in the occurrence of the cerebral contusion. We have carried out the following experiments to determine whether the intracranial pressure change was attributed to an accelerated motion of the head or to a skull deformation. In the blow experiment in which the head was accelerated, a positive peak in the intracranial pressure was recorded immediately after impact at the impact site and a negative one at a site opposite the impact. In the one in which the skull could be deformed, the intracranial pressure curves at both sites contained harmonics. The modal analysis revealed an inbending in the frontal and occipital regions of the skull and an outbending in the parietal and temporal regions immediately after impact, followed by a reverse deformation. Regarding the intracranial pressure change, positive pressures were recorded in the frontal and occipital regions immediately after impact, followed by a negative one. This study demonstrated that the positive and negative peaks were caused by the accelerated motion of the head, and that the curve of the intracranial pressure changes contained harmonics which were caused by the deformation of the skull.  相似文献   

A 33-year old hobby pyrotechnician sustained a lethal craniofacial trauma secondary to a salute fireworks blast. He was examining a misfire of a self-constructed salute gun, when it detonated, causing an explosively rupture of his forehead, which led to his immediate death. An autopsy was performed to achieve knowledge of the injury and to be able to reconstruct the events that lead to it. The pressure effect of the explosion caused a shredded rupture of the forehead with a regional spread of brain tissue and small polygonal skull fragments up to 30m from the detonation site. Furthermore multiple cinderlike fragments of black powder were embedded in the skin of the face and the anterior aspect of the neck (s.c. blast tattoo). The complete destruction of the forehead in combination with the multiple blast tattooing suggested that the explosion detonated while he was leaning over the device.  相似文献   

In case of suicide, the presence of multiple entrance wounds is always suspicious. We report the case of a man who committed suicide by shooting himself three times in the chest and the skull with a submachine gun. The weapon seems to have been initially pointed in the precordium area with a lethal lesion of the proximal aorta. Two other projectiles were fired by the weapon and hit the neck and the skull of the deceased. The presence of three entrance wounds despite a first fatal wound could finally be explained by the characteristics of the weapon and wounds. Most suicides related to multiple gunshot wounds are explained by a first nonlethal shot but the use of an automatic weapon can also be found. In these last cases, medicolegal and criminalistics aspects become important in differentiating suicide and homicide.  相似文献   

A male in his 70s was found lying dead in the living room of his house. A gunshot entrance wound was observed in the left orbit, with a lead slug and wadding left in the skull, which exhibited fatal cranio‐cerebral trauma. A cartridge had been discharged from a handmade launcher, or zip gun, that had been fixed to a spare gun barrel on a pipe chair, by heating the launcher from the side using a gas burner. The deceased had owned guns for hunting in the past and had returned the license, but he had retained a spare barrel and live cartridges at home. In this unique case of suicide, a zip gun was discharged by heating with a gas burner.  相似文献   

This study reports two unusual cases of skull‐encephalic injuries in bathers that were caused by violent impacts with beach umbrellas. The first case concerned a 36‐year‐old man who, while lying on a sun bed, was struck on his left temple by a beach umbrella, which had been blown away by a gust of wind. The second case concerned a six‐year‐old child who was struck on the right temporal region while he was playing on the sand. Both subjects died. A review of the literature was carried out. Various skull and brain injuries caused by several objects were found, but no injuries caused by beach umbrellas were detected. There were only cases of injuries caused by normal umbrellas. These cases showed that several objects can be responsible for traumas causing skull and brain injuries, therefore forensic investigation must be supplemented by circumstantial data.  相似文献   

A fatal case of a homicidal penetrating head injury by a blunt object (yard broom) is described. A piece of wood penetrated the skull and remained in the intracranial cavity resulting in infection. The need of careful examination of the head injury is emphasized.  相似文献   

The present study reports our observations of a naturally mummified human brain found in the bushveld of South Africa. This case extends the geographic and climatic ranges in which mummified brains have been found, and it represents an additional case where no human activity has led to the mummification. The mummified brain was c. one fifth the size of a normal human brain, while the gyral and sulcal patterns of a typical human brain were clear. CT scanning of the brain revealed that subcortical structures, normally evident in this type of imaging, were not discernable, indicating a slow mummification process. Histological examination of the tissue revealed near complete degradation of the microanatomical structure, with only putative Nissl bodies remaining as identifiable neural microstructures. The specimen appears to have survived several veld fires, as well as a high annual rainfall, and a high relative humidity. It is thought that specific conditions amenable to brain mummification, but not other soft tissues, occurred in the skull of this specimen in the weeks postmortem.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Here presented is the case of a one-level jumping-fall with extensive skull fractures and brain expulsion. The body was found on the basement floor at the foot of the stairs. At the autopsy, the skull was extensively fractured, with about half of the brain expulsed several feet away from the body. The cause of death was established as a craniocerebral trauma with brain expulsion. The circumstances and manner of death were still unclear at that time. A low fall seemed very unlikely considering the severity of the skull and brain damage. The police investigation clearly revealed that the man, in a paranoid psychotic state, attacked his wife with a knife and then was witnessed by his children to have hit his head several times with a hammer. Afterwards, they saw him running to the top of the basement stairs and jumping to the bottom of the stairs head first.  相似文献   

Expert must evaluate with great attention the calibre of a gun from which a shot was made as expert errors are not rare. Diameter of inlet wound at the skull vault bones may significantly exceed the bullet calibre. The final decision on the calibre of a gun used to produce body injuries can be made after experimental shots at biomannequin.  相似文献   

Three cases of suicidal temporal gunshots. Different circumstances in the clinical course and in the ability of action.--In one case there was a bullet tract in the lower temporal region with considerable destruction of the base of the skull, followed by immediate inability of action and early death. Another case with a transtemporal gunshot without radiological signs of a laceration of the base of skull showed severe disturbance of cerebral functions for some days and remaining blindness. In the third case there was a pistol shot in the temporal region with retained missile, full ability of acting and undisturbed consciousness. Causative for the differences in the effect of the gunshots are differences of weapons and amunition and the anatomical position of the wound track in the temporal region. Discussion about the role of concussion of the brain by different rate of transgression of energy from the missile to the skull. Reference to the importance of X-ray analysis and to a radiographic documentation of the findings in such cases.  相似文献   

目的 研究涉案枪支的杀伤力鉴定标准。方法 采用直尺测量方法 ,分别测量制式枪弹、送检枪弹射入同一客体的深度及送检枪弹径。将制式枪弹各数据及送检枪弹径代入新公式 (d1/d2 ) 0 75(h1/h3) 0 7=v1m1/ 5 .2 4d2 ,得出送检枪具有最低杀伤力时射入客体深度h3,该深度标准与送检枪弹射入客体深度h2 比较后可判断杀伤力。结果 该方法计算出的h3值为一区间范围 ,若被检枪弹射入客体深度在区间右侧 ,有杀伤力 ,在区间左侧 ,无杀伤力。结论 用射入客体深度进行枪支杀伤力鉴定 ,方法简单、实用 ,有助于探讨建立枪支杀伤力标准。  相似文献   

Concern has been raised over the infection risk of the TASER electrical weapon since the probes penetrate the skin. The manufacturing process produces unsterilized probes with a 5% rate of Staphylococcus aureus contamination. Voluntary recipients (n = 208) of probe exposures were surveyed and there were no self‐observations of infection. With over 3.3 million probe landings, there have been 10 case reports of penetrations of sensitive tissue with no reported infections. The electrical field was modeled and found that the electrical pulses generate a field of over 1200 V/mm on the dart portion. This is sufficient to sterilize the dart via electroporation. Electrical weapon probes appear to have a very low (possibly zero) rate of infection. The factors leading to this low infection rate appear to be a manufacturing process producing a low rate of bacterial contamination and the pulses sterilizing the dart via electroporation.  相似文献   

We report on the application of video skull-photo superimposition as an identification method in a case from Ajo, Arizona in which five individuals died after crossing into southern Arizona from Mexico. Initial analyses at the Pima County Forensic Science Center in Tucson, Arizona determined that the disarticulated skeletal remains represented two adult Hispanic males and three adult Hispanic females. Based on biological profiles, both the males and one of the females were tentatively identified and assigned names. The other two females were too similar in age and height, making skeletal separation and identification difficult. As a result, the Michigan State University Forensic Anthropology Laboratory assisted in the identification efforts by performing video skull-photo superimposition on the two unknown females. The skulls were compared to a photograph reported to be one of the missing females. By evaluating facial proportionality and by comparing a number of morphological features of the face and skulls, one skull was excluded as a possible match and one skull was not excluded as a match to the antemortem photo. Because this case was presumed to be a closed disaster, the exclusion of one skull and the failure to exclude the other represented circumstantial identifications.  相似文献   

It is often said that once the skin has been penetrated no further force is required to produce penetration of underlying tissues. This experimental study has used technology which was not available to earlier investigators to examine this issue in detail. The results confirm the importance of skin penetration but indicate that the penetration of other tissues may also require significant force.  相似文献   

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