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知识经济与法律的人文价值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于知识经济的特殊属性 ,人们第一次有可能摆脱物质稀缺性的制约、追求人的自由全面的发展 ,这就是知识经济的人文意义。相应地 ,知识经济时代的法律应该以人文价值为核心价值  相似文献   

The article analyzes the spatial location behavior of economic activity that is knowledge based, by decomposing the Knowledge-based Economy Index developed by the OECD (1999) and elaborated by Cooke and Schwartz (2003) into major components that represent groups with different characteristics. The spatial behavior is analyzed in Israel in the years 1995–2002. We find that business services and high tech services tend to concentrate in metropolitan areas. Business services are found in the main city and high tech services in the satellite urban ring, with the outer-cities becoming stronger over time. Public services supporting the knowledge-based economy are concentrated in the center of the country, though not necessarily in the principal city, and they can represent an important tool in regional policy. The high tech manufacturing is concentrated around the big cities, mainly around the main metropolis. The other knowledge-based manufacturing activities tend to leave for the periphery.  相似文献   

In the increasingly competitive, knowledge-based economy, universities have a variety of potential roles for stimulating economic development beyond teaching, research and technology development. In this article we focus on universities’ role as actors in the governance of local and regional development. Using recently developed theories about the emergence of heterarchical governance, we discuss the motivations, interests, structural arrangements, and contingent conditions for universities becoming actors and partners in steering regional economic development policy and contributing to regional problem-solving, and explore the how university involvement may increase the effectiveness of governance processes. We test several hypotheses and draw lessons for the design and participation of governance arrangements. Our results suggest that individual leadership initiatives and the quality or interpersonal working relationships among leaders may be more important than the particular structural arrangements for producing effective governance outcomes.  相似文献   

In the last two decades, concepts have appeared that have influenced and even defined entire science and technology policies in Western countries: high technology, national system of innovation, information economy, knowledge-based economy, and the new economy. In all these policy developments, the OECD, acting as a think tank for its member countries, has been an important promoter of these concepts, turning them into buzzwords. This article looks at the concept of knowledge-based economy in order to explore the crucial role of the OECD in its dissemination and, above all, the role statistics have played in shaping policy discourses.  相似文献   

目前世界发展潮流已从知识经济到创意经济时代,而创意产业又以知识产权为核心,是文化、商业与法律的结合,形成文化创意产业,借文化元素提升商品的附加价值,产生效益创造财富。台湾地区于2009年5月14日提出“创意台湾——文化创意产业发展方案”,打造台湾成为亚太文创产业汇流中心,马英九先生更于2010年主张在ECFA之框架下,以文化创意产业作为开创“黄金十年愿景”的重要主轴之一。大陆地区更在《十二五规划》第十篇“传承创新推动文化大发展大繁荣”中,强调推动文化产业成为“国民经济支柱性产业”之目标。本文将以比较法观点,从两岸知识产权法律体系,探讨两岸文创产业规范制度之差异。其次将商业机制导入文创产业中,从知识产权管理观点,分析文创产业之法律保护议题。希望本文研究成果,除有利于两岸文创交流时,能够突显两岸各自的核心价值及优势,也可以借此比较政策面及法规面之劣势及机会,俾完善文创产业发展环境,促进两岸文化创交流。  相似文献   

龚红兵 《河北法学》2004,22(11):151-155
反垄断法律制度在一个国家经济发展中起着极为重要的作用 ,素有“经济宪法”之称。入世后 ,在知识经济和经济全球化的背景下 ,各种各样的不正当竞争行为、限制竞争行为以及垄断行为对我国经济的健康发展带来了愈来愈严峻的挑战 ,完善与发展我国反垄断法律制度已经成为全社会共同关注的课题。立足我国具体国情 ,较为详尽地分析了入世后我国反垄断法律制度所面临的诸多挑战 ,并在此基础上从立法层面和具体法律制度层面上提出了我国反垄断法律制度的“适世”和发展策略。  相似文献   

龚红兵 《行政与法》2004,(11):91-92
竞争法律制度在一个国家经济发展中起着极为重要的作用,素有“经济宪法”之称。入世后,在知识经济和经济全球化的背景下,各种各样的不正当竞争行为、限制竞争行为以及垄断行为对我国经济的健康发展带来了愈来愈严峻的挑战,完善与发展我国竞争法律制度已经成为全社会共同关注的课题。本文立足我国具体国情,从立法层面和具体法律制度层面上提出了我国竞争法律制度的“适世”和发展策略。  相似文献   

即将来到的知识经济时代与工业经济时代相比,是一个更加关注人本身的时代。它彻底扭转了工业经济时代中人自然的主客体关系模式,将二者的关系视为以人为中心的统一世界中相互联系的不同部分之间的关系。这一历史阶段不以工业时代可持续发展作为基础而是以对其扬弃的结果作为基础,是人类所要经历的一个更高的发展阶段。  相似文献   

在21世纪初,作为培养高级人才主要机构的高等学校将面临着知识经济的怎样挑战。本文从知识经济的人才需求对高等教育培养目标、教学组织改变、学校体制和教学方式等方面谈一点粗浅的看法。  相似文献   

在知识经济时代的今天,实施电子政务是各国政府主动应对社会信息化新形势所采取的有效举措。电子政务不仅仅是政务手段的电子化,它同时还会引起政府管理全方位的创新,主要包括政府的管理理念、管理组织与管理行为三个纬度的转变。  相似文献   

2006年12月18日欧洲议会及理事会1982/2006/EC号决议正式批准了《欧盟研究、技术开发及示范活动第七框架计划》(简称FP7)。FP7的首要目标是促成欧盟成为世界领先的研究中心,使得科研、技术革新和知识积累在经济增长、社会进步和环境保护方面发挥着更加重要的作用。为此FP7按照科研务求卓越的主要原则,强力促进在世界级的最尖端领域的研究工作并加大投资,而且其计划周期比FP6延长了两年。除了在自然科学技术领域外,欧盟在FP7中还增加了社会经济科学和人文科学项目,着力促进人文社会学科与自然科学之间的对话,通过鼓励批判性反思,使科技研究计划尽量满足普通公民的需求,增强民众对科技的信心。FP7计划要实现的欧盟战略目标就是:实现向知识型社会的转型,提升欧洲研究潜力和附加值  相似文献   

产业政策法初论   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
王先林 《中国法学》2003,(3):112-118
产业政策是市场经济条件下政府宏观经济调控政策的重要方面 ,产业政策法是产业政策的法律化。产业政策法具有政策性、社会本位性和综合性等特征 ,是宏观调控法的重要组成部分 ,其体系主要由产业结构政策法、产业组织政策法、产业技术政策法和产业布局政策法等构成。在“入世”、知识经济和可持续发展的背景下 ,我国以市场经济为基础的产业政策及产业政策法需要得到进一步的发展和完善  相似文献   

邹思平 《政法学刊》2007,24(6):59-62
在知识经济时代,商业秘密是一笔巨大的社会财富。实现该财富社会效益最大化的根本在于给商业秘密权人提供适度而合理的法律保护,保障商业秘密相关利益的平衡。其理论基础在于博弈理论、和谐发展理论、法益平衡理论。  相似文献   

干部人事制度改革是我国政治体制改革的重要组成部分。20世纪80年代以来,经过30多年的改革,我国已初步建立起了适合我国国情的社会主义现代化干部人事制度。本文在回顾我国干部人事制度改革历程的基础上,分析了目前改革中存在的问题,并就未来的改革趋势从干部选拔任用、管理监督以及思想教育等方面提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   

姜旭之  沈斯 《行政与法》2007,(10):35-37
广东省作为第一经济大省,其省内区域经济发展出现了非均衡现象,珠三角与东西两翼和粤北山区的经济发展差距远远超过全国东西部地区差距。这种较大的区域发展差距严重地制约了广东经济持续健康的发展。财税政策作为一个行之有效的宏观经济杠杆,对促进区域经济协调发展和构建和谐社会发挥了巨大的作用。本文立足广东省内,就财税政策如何促进区域经济协调发展进行研究和探讨。  相似文献   

在区域经济发展过程中,市场配置资源在客观上存在的不足需要政府发挥对经济活动的引导和规范作用。政府作为制度创新的主体,要充分利用自有优势,弥补市场失灵的缺陷;通过制度创新。使地方政府问形成良好的协调合作机制,促进区域经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

地方政府的创新对于促进区域经济的全面发展具有重要作用.因此,地方政府在区域经济发展中的角色需要进行正确的定位,即在遵守市场规律的前提下进行不断创新,为区域经济的发展提供更好的服务,从而促进区域经济的跨越发展.  相似文献   

In the modern knowledge economy higher educational institutions are being required to operate more entrepreneurially, commercialising the results of their research and spinning out new, knowledge-based enterprises. Like most large organisations, particularly those operating in the public sector, they are not traditionally suited to this role and often face the same sort of barriers to intrapreneurial activity as their counterparts in the private sector. In this note, the theories of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship development are used to identify what needs to be done and a case example is provided.  相似文献   

周菊 《政法学刊》2010,27(5):34-39
区域经济的协调发展需要有统一、完善的法制作保障。国家统一的法制往往满足不了特定区域经济协调发展的需求,而地方性法规和规章又只能在本行政区域内发生作用,且地方立法之间往往存在着冲突。借鉴美国的法制协调经验,构建我国的区域法制协调机制,有利于我国区域经济的协调发展。  相似文献   

An entrepreneurial university is a natural incubator that tries to provide a supportive environment in which the university community can explore, evaluate and exploit ideas that could be transformed into social and economic entrepreneurial initiatives. Entrepreneurial universities are involved in partnerships, networks and other relationships to generate an umbrella for interaction, collaboration and co-operation. Rapid developments in science, the multidisciplinary nature of frontier research, legislative changes such as the Bayh–Dole Act and demands from business and society have shaped knowledge-based entrepreneurship within universities. Despite sharing similar historical backgrounds, economic conditions and cultural and social structures, entrepreneurial universities in most countries remain distinct from one another by their institutional arrangements, traditions and characteristics unique to each organization. Interestingly, no comparative research has been conducted to understand the similarities and differences of the conditioning factors and the outcomes/outputs of entrepreneurial universities in different regions that share similar social, economic and political conditions. This paper addresses this research deficit, adopting institutional economics and resource-based view. We compare entrepreneurial universities in two European regions (Spain and Ireland) using an in-depth qualitative approach based on multiple case studies (two Spanish universities and two Irish universities) between 2006 and 2010. The findings provide organizational practices and approaches relevant to the transformation process of other regional universities seeking to become entrepreneurial.  相似文献   

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