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教育公平是社会公平的重要基础,学生资助工作的顺利开展,切实解决困难生的经济问题,是学分制能够逐步实行的重要一环,也是促进教育公平的重要保障。培养一支专业、高效、尽责的学生资助队伍,是做好高校学生资助工作的重要依托。本文以济南大学数学科学学院资助服务中心实践为基础,阐述了做好高校学生资助工作的重要意义,分析了高校学生资助工作的开展所面临的问题,提出了提高高校学生资助工作水平的几项举措,分享了学生资助工作经验,以期能够提升高校学生资助工作水平,进而为促进高校学分制的顺利推行尽绵薄之力。  相似文献   

我国高校已逐渐形成了包括"奖、勤、助、补、贷、减"等完善的资助体系,基本保障了家庭经济困难学生公平受教育的权利,但同时也出现了资金分配不合理、重资助轻育人等问题,严重影响了高校育人效果。以山东农业大学为例,构建了包括完善资助制度设计、注重资助评选过程、开拓资助实践平台、加强资助相关教育为内容的资助管理体系,可以帮助解决资助与育人脱节的问题,有效保障高校资助育人效果。  相似文献   

本文在结合公平与效率理论、教育认同理论和需求层次理论对发展性资助进行全面解读的基础上,分析当前高职院校贫困生资助体系面临的现状和存在的问题,旨在从资助理念、资助方式、资助愿景和资助管理等方面探索家庭经济困难学生发展性资助体系的构建。  相似文献   

江西省赣州市是著名的革命老区,经济欠发达,贫困学生人数多.近几年市政府加大了对普通高中的教育投入,但普通高中学生个人承担的教育成本比例仍然偏高,出现"高中致贫"现象.因而建立和完善赣州市普通高中贫困生资助体系是亟待解决的现实问题,需要政府继续加大普通高中教育投入,拓宽资助渠道,为学生提供更多勘工助学岗位,建立"双助"制度,从而解决普通高中学生上学贵的问题,有效促进赣州市教育事业的发展.  相似文献   

王啸 《学理论》2010,(10):216-217
如何做好贫困生资助工作是高校值得深思的问题,做好贫困生资助工作应将经济资助与精神资助紧密结合,共同作用,公平、公正、公开地做好贫困生认定、贫困生档案的建立与更新、资助工作的有效监督和感恩教育,使贫困生全面健康成长。  相似文献   

随着江苏省高等教育规模的不断扩大,高校家庭经济困难学生人数逐年增多,上学难问题引起了社会的普遍关注。江苏非常重视高校困难学生资助工作,在整合原有政策的基础上建立了江苏省高等学校家庭经济困难学生资助体系。通过对现行江苏省高等学校家庭经济困难学生资助体系的结构进行研究,分析其存在的问题,并提出合理化建议,对维护教育公平、社会公正,从而进一步完善江苏省高等学校家庭经济困难学生资助体系具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

随着我国教育制度的改革和发展,高校资助工作实现了奖、贷、助等全覆盖的工作体系。资助对帮助家庭经济困难学生顺利完成学业起到了至关重要的作用,但目前国内资助普遍存在"重资助,轻德育"等不足。本文旨在通过对当前国内普通高等院校资助工作现状及存在的问题加以分析研究并提出相应对策。  相似文献   

高校资助育人现状及对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现行高校资助育人体系还不够完善,主要表现为:"贫困生"认定机制有待完善;资助体制存在弊端;物质资助为主,忽视贫困生的身心健康;受资助学生综合能力培养不足。本课题旨在构建新型高校资助育人实践体系,将从贫困生认定,奖助学金评定,勤工助学,诚信感恩教育等方面展开讨论。  相似文献   

曹艳春 《学理论》2013,(21):312-314
中美两国在大学生资助的理念演变过程中表现出显著的差异,尤其在资助的功利意识方面取向不同,中国在大学生资助理念方面主要关注的是政治影响与社会和谐,体现社会主义的公平公正理念。美国对大学生的资助则倾向于服务国家发展的战略需要,同时也兼顾个人的需要,表现出强烈的功利主义价值取向。对二者资助主体观念异趣的比较,可以促进我国大学生资助观念的变革与拓展,为不断完善大学生资助体系建设提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

中国各级政府在农村基础教育以及针对贫困家庭儿童的基础教育上做了大量卓有成效的工作,但农村贫困地区的一些贫困家庭的学生要完成义务教育仍需要得到政府和社会各界的资金帮扶,对盐池县的三种比较有代表性的贫困家庭学生资助模式进行分析,可以看出给予村民参与权有利于资助资金公平发放、采用教育券资助方式有利于保证资助资金有效用于教育。  相似文献   

In contrast to education reform efforts that target teachers and schools, merit‐based financial aid for college increases the incentives for high school students and their families to directly affect the quality of education by investing more time and effort in schoolwork. Large‐scale merit‐based aid programs, such as Georgia's HOPE Scholarship, seek to improve education by encouraging students to meet higher standards, in this case by obtaining a 3.0 grade point average in high school and college. Since the HOPE program began in 1993, the number of high school graduates qualifying for the aid has steadily increased to more than 38,000 graduates in the class of 1998, or 59.5 percent of the graduating class. At the same time, the relationship between grades and achievement has remained consistent or, in some cases, improved since HOPE began. In fact, African–American males and females with a 3.1 high school core course grade point average have increased their average Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) scores by more than 20 points. This indicates that merit‐based aid has improved the quality of K–12 education in Georgia and reduced racial performance disparities by motivating students and their families to commit greater effort to schooling. © 2002 by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.  相似文献   

Concerns over rising college tuition and slow economic growth have brought renewed attention to the role of federal and state financial aid programs in opening access to education. Despite a large body of literature examining the effects of grant aid on four‐year and public two‐year college enrollment, for‐profit colleges—particularly the vast majority that offer two‐year degrees and certificates—have largely been ignored. Using panel data methods and a new administrative data set of for‐profit colleges operating in California between 1989 and 2003, I assess the impact of the federal Pell Grant program, the G.I. Bill, and California's Cal Grant program on the net number of for‐profit colleges per county. The results suggest that for both Pell and Cal Grants, increases in the per‐student maximum award encourage for‐profit entry. This relationship is particularly strong in counties with high adult poverty levels, where more students are eligible for aid. Further, these gains in the private sector do not appear to come at the expense of the public sector. Rather, public community colleges also experience enrollment gains as the generosity of Pell and Cal Grants increases, although this reaction appears to be weaker than the reaction of for‐profits. © 2010 by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.  相似文献   

Although workers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields earn above‐average wages, the number of college graduates prepared for STEM jobs lags behind employer demand. A key question is how to recruit and retain college students in STEM majors. We offer new evidence on the role of financial aid in supporting STEM attainment. Exploiting a regression discontinuity that allows for causal inference, we find that eligibility for need‐based financial aid increased STEM credit completion by 20 to 35 percent among academically‐ready students in a large, public higher education system. These results appear to be driven by shifting students into STEM‐heavy course loads, suggesting aid availability impacts the academic choices students make after deciding to enroll. We also find suggestive evidence that aid offers increase degree attainment in STEM fields, although we cannot rule out null impacts on STEM degree production.  相似文献   


In August 2013, US president Barack Obama announced a plan to link federal financial aid to college performance. This plan, it is argued, will allow students, parents, and federal lenders to avoid paying tuition for an ultimately meaningless credential. It identifies relevant educational outcomes as rates of graduation, the earnings of graduates, and the attainment of advanced degrees after graduation. The president’s plan is part of a much larger trend toward “accountability” and “transparency” in education, an important feature of which is the proliferation of the language and programs related to assessment of student learning outcomes. In this essay, I show that outcomes assessment is a form of “one-dimensional thought” as this concept is developed in One-Dimensional Man and that it suffers from the defects identified by Marcuse there. Outcomes assessment, therefore, codifies ways of thinking about education that undermine its role in the development of liberated forms of consciousness and emancipatory praxis.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that the college application process itself prevents access. This paper reports results from a school‐based experiment in which application assistance is incorporated into the high school curriculum for all graduating seniors at low‐transition schools. Over three workshops, students were guided to pick programs of interest that they were eligible for, apply for real, and complete the financial aid application. The goal was to create a real college option for exiting students to make the transition easier and more salient. Among all graduating seniors, the program increased application rates by 15 percentage points, and college going rates by 5 percentage points. Among those not taking advanced‐level courses, college enrollment increased by 9 percentage points. The program generated significant effects for a wide range of heterogeneous groups, including both males and females, those from urban and rural schools, and those with above and below average grades. While more intensive than other tested approaches, in‐class application assistance may provide a more effective approach for bridging the gap towards higher education.  相似文献   

Jackson Toby 《Society》2010,47(1):42-47
An unintended consequence of making access to college an entitlement readily available to all high school graduates is that serious study in high school has become optional—even for those intending to apply for college admission. Without an incentive to study diligently, many students are disengaged in high school and, as a result, underprepared for college. Some freshmen arrive at college thinking that having fun is the main reason they are at college and that the pursuit of knowledge should be available for when they have nothing better to do. Before World War II academically excellent students from families unable to finance college for them could apply for competitive scholarships. Scholarships mutated into “financial aid” when the GI Bill of Rights financed college for discharged veterans of World War II. Pell grants should continue to be available to youngsters who want to go to college even if they are mediocre students—provided they can persuade a college to admit them. Mediocre students are being given a chance to become “late bloomers.” Loans, however, are expected to be repaid, and mediocre high school students with bad credit ratings are likely to default on their loans, causing serious financial problems for themselves and financial complications for the American economy. Targeting loans to students with good prospects for repaying them is more prudent financially and makes more sense educationally.  相似文献   

Brazil became a highly decentralized country following democratization and the 1988 Constitution. The consequences of decentralization at the federal level are quite clear: the federal government is facing financial constraints and difficulties in building governing coalitions, allowing the Presidents to govern and to implement public policies, especially those concerning fiscal control. At the level of the states, however, the results of decentralization are quite heterogeneous given the country's high degree of regional inequality. The article identifies the cleavages and tensions surrounding federal–state relations, as well as the mutual dependency of the states and the federal government. It argues that the Brazilian experience of political and financial decentralization has contributed to the prospects of democratic consolidation and has forced the federal government to negotiate and compromise with subnational governments the implementation of national policies. On the other hand, the Brazilian experience highlights the constraints of decentralization in countries with deep‐rooted regional disparities. Furthermore, the financial weakness of the federal government which has been brought about by decentralization and by fiscal control brings new tensions to the federal arrangements and to public policies. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Federal highway financing institutions affect the response of state and local government spending to federal highway aid. Most previous studies of the spending effects of federal highway grants consider federal highway expenditure as the highway grant variable, disregarding the reimbursement nature of this expenditure and the multiyear availability of highway aid. This article argues that obligations of federal highway aid to states rather than actual federal expenditure should be used in models assessing the spending effects of federal highway grants. Considering federal obligations rather than expenditure results in a greater effect of highway grants on spending than reported in previous studies.  相似文献   

Both the states and the federal government distribute significant aid to cities. Federal agencies generally offer direct assistance to cities, bypassing the states. Many federal programs operate under the assumption that the federal government is more responsive to urban problems than are state governments. This paper demonstrates that this assumption is probably not true. Federal aid administered through the states has benefitted "distressed" cities more than federal assistance which goes directly to urban areas.  相似文献   

Amidst growing public concern in the United States over college access and affordability, federal policymakers have implemented many low‐cost, behaviorally‐informed strategies aimed at simplifying the college‐going process and reducing informational barriers. Our paper reviews recent U.S. federal policies and interventions that draw on insights from the behavioral sciences to help students navigate various stages of the college‐going process and summarizes empirical evidence of these efforts on college outcomes, highlighting variations across interventions and for various student populations. We conclude with up‐to‐date discussions of policy proposals and opportunities for behavioral science applications in postsecondary education.  相似文献   

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