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论"罪疑唯轻"原则下刑事被告之举证负担   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈珊珊 《法学论坛》2007,22(6):82-87
罪疑唯轻是刑事法中的重要裁判原则,裁判者在犯罪事实存在疑问时必须作出有利于被告的裁判.如果公诉方不履行法定的证明责任,或者刑事被告提起"有事实根据的合理怀疑"使案件事实真伪不明时,裁判者应当遵守罪疑唯轻原则作出有利于刑事被告的判决."选择确定"本质上是罪疑唯轻原则例外,但刑事被告在选择确定中仍无需承担主观的举证责任,只承担客观的证明责任.在程序性事项上,除重大的影响刑事被告权利的事项外,罪疑唯轻无适用余地.  相似文献   

刑事诉讼中的“审辩交易”现象研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
孙长永  王彪 《现代法学》2013,35(1):125-138
刑事诉讼中的"审辩交易"是一种客观存在的现象,从法官的视角出发,可以将其分为三种类型,即基于事实疑罪、法律疑罪以及案外因素进行的交易。压力驱动与大权在握的法官,在主动与被动之间的被告方,作为旁观者的公诉方以及被和解或者不知情的被害方的理性选择促成了"审辩交易"的达成。审判权力行政化的运行机制、不合理的诉讼真实理念、案件分流机制的匮乏以及不当的绩效考评机制导致法官承担巨大的压力,法官选择进行交易是转移压力的一种方式。目前,"审辩交易"的存在有一定的合理性,但也存在大量的弊端,要改变这种压力后置型的司法模式,需要对导致"审辩交易"现象发生的诸多因素进行改革。  相似文献   

我国民事诉讼法以及民事诉讼理论一直以来以中立证人观规定、理解证人,也以证人与案件、当事人有无利害关系作为判断证人证词证明力的重要方法。其实证人都在一定程度上、一定方式上与案件或当事人有这样或那样的关系,中立的证人不仅是一种乌托邦的设想,同时与现代诉讼制度改革是异质的。为此,应在反思传统中立证人观的基础上,确立与之适应的证人评价法,这就是矛盾评价法。  相似文献   

"权利消减"的时效构成背离了人类的一般道德情操和自然正义观念,而"公益"、"社会秩序"、"信赖保护"、"社会效率"、"不保护权利上的休眠者"等都不能使该构成正当化。将时效定性为"权利推定"的制度,克服真正权利人或已免责义务人的举证困难,将从根本上去除时效制度的反道德性,使其成为"人类权利的保护神"。  相似文献   

范伟 《政法论坛》2021,(1):41-53
作为一项现代司法原则,"法官不得拒绝裁判"已然广泛运用于我国司法实践中。在回应实践发展的理论研究中,"法官不得拒绝裁判"原则的本质界定居于中心位置。实践中,当事人视角下的"唯满意论"解读和裁判者视角下的"唯制定法论"解读,使其陷入了绝对化的陷阱,尤其在司法责任之归责模式上陷入"全有"或"全无"的窘境。"法官不得拒绝裁判"原则应当提倡作相对性解读:就整体层面而言,表现为司法解决纠纷范围的有限性;就具体层面而言,表现为司法裁判的过程性与"拒绝裁判"的多元性、"拒绝裁判"评价标准的客观性与合理性以及"拒绝裁判"受司法责任调整的有限性。唯有如此,"法官不得拒绝裁判"原则的规范意涵才能得以彰显。  相似文献   

We are all aware of the vast practical and scientific significance of the problem of studying and preventing crime and of researching its causes and the conditions giving rising to it. That is why one of the principal provisions of Soviet criminal procedure is the demand that the reasons and conditions making possible the commission of the crime be determined in each criminal case, and that measures be taken to eliminate them. But if the most characteristic, the most typical features in the development of criminality are to be discovered, and if its essential causes and conditions are to be determined (and this is a most important task of criminology), we cannot rely upon the study of individual cases and persons. Because these typical, essential characteristics in the realm of criminality manifest themselves in the form of statistical regularities, criminology must therefore make use of the statistical method on the very largest scale, i.e., it must base its conclusions upon mass-scale observations. "We must remember the rule," wrote Lenin, "that in social science... we deal with mass-scale phenomena and not individual cases." (1) Therefore, criminology, like the other social sciences, is required "to make broader and fuller use of the richest statistical material. For statistics, like concrete investigations, are the air without which science suffocates and is distorted into dead scholasticism." (2)  相似文献   

刑事再审程序改革研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨建广  王学成 《河北法学》2007,25(8):191-198
从近年来的司法实践看,法院和检察院对再审程序的适用呈不断减少的趋势,但同时不服生效裁判的申诉却呈不断增加的趋势.调查表明,人们对现行刑事再审的制度设计评价并不高.现行刑事再审程序的运作实际上也已陷入了困境.这是因为立足于发现事实真相、纠正错误裁判理念的原制度设计存在启动主体不适当、再审理由不具体、审理程序不规范、裁判效力不确定的"四不"缺陷.改革的基本思路是:从创新制度的立论基础出发,树立以程序正义为核心价值的"特殊救济"再审理念,以启动程序的法定理由具体化为切入点,严格限制法院自行再审的职权,规范检察院的再审抗诉权限,赋予当事人启动程序的主体资格,并确立再审一审终审原则.在此基础上,提出了修改刑事诉讼法再审程序的多条立法建议.  相似文献   

“以人为本”:素质教育的价值实质   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
有中国特色的人的全面发展理论把"努力促进人的全面发展"确立为建设有中国特色社会主义的根本价值目标,也就确立了素质教育"以人为本"的基本价值定位,以人为本"是一个全新的教育理念,对于深化我国教育改革,全面推进素质教育,构建一介充满生机的有中国特色社会主义的教育体系,具有重要意义.但当囿于社会历史条件的限制,人的全面发展不可能是全体的或全方位的进步时,素质教育必须基于社会历史的现实,以终极价值为基本导向,合理地安排人所追求目标的先后秩序.只有这样才能彻底坚特"以人为本"的价值立场,才能保证素质教育价值定位的历史合理性.  相似文献   

“禁止不利益变更”原则若干问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"禁止不利益变更"原则,作为大陆法系主要国家民事上诉案件审理的一项重要原则,其是仅适用于第二审程序中的一项规范法官裁判的规则;其中的"不利益"指的是有损于上诉人在一审判决中,已经判归上诉人的实体利益。应当将"不利益"的判断和识别标准扩大到判决的理由。将这一原则引入我国,有利于较好地贯彻和体现辩论主义,促进审判民主和防止裁判突袭,以及保障法官的裁判中立。  相似文献   

论人格在定罪中的运用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈忠林  梅锦 《现代法学》2012,(6):136-145
刑法上的人格特指行为人对刑法所保护价值的对立态度,它是认定犯罪的内在根据。在人格影响定罪问题上,现有的"否定论"、"出罪论"和"法定论"观点都难以给出合理解释。外部行为是人格的现实化,除涉案行为外,人格的载体还包括案前和案后的表现。行为人的对立人格必须达到一定程度,是一切犯罪成立所必需具备的条件。当涉案行为处于立案标准的边缘时,案前、案后表现等情节就可能使得对行为人的整体人格态度评价发生质的变化,从而发挥人格在出、入罪方面的双向功能。要保障人格的此种功能得到有效落实,除了要扩大法官的自由裁量权外,还应当设立一定的限权机制。  相似文献   

"Last week the world suffered a shock that will inevitably make us divide the time into two parts—before the terrorist acts in the United States and after them. Because a new world and a new world order are being born in the ruins of the World Trade Center" (S. Strokan', "The Dawn of a New Era" [Zarevo novoi ery], Kommersant-Vlast', 2001, no. 37 [18 September], p. 35). Not only the Russian political weeklies thought this. The tragic events that the United States suffered on 11 September not only sent many countries into shock but also sparked the idea that humanity suddenly found itself in an incomprehensible world, a new space-time—that life would be different from then on, that we would think differently and structure international relations differently. Even some of the supporters of Francis Fukuyama, who proclaimed the "end of history" more than ten years ago, hurriedly declared that the "oracle" was wrong, since on 11 September events of historic scale and significance had taken place in the United States. One critic of the American "prophet" noted, not without sarcasm, that "Black Tuesday" signified "the end of the end of history." That did not, however, shake the convictions of Fukuyama himself. In an article eloquently titled "History Is Still Going Our Way," published in The Wall Street Journal Europe on 8 October, he continued to assert that "we remain in the final stage of history" (F. Fukuyama, "History Is Still Going Our Way," The Wall Street Journal Europe, 8 October 2001).  相似文献   

周叶中  祝捷 《现代法学》2008,30(1):136-146
我国台湾地区"司法院"大法官凭借所谓"释宪"机制,在两岸关系发展中扮演着重要角色。其针对两岸关系,已作成"法统"型、权利型、制度型三类共16个解释。大法官在解释两岸关系时,综合运用了文义、论理、历史、体系等传统解释方法,以及"政治问题不审查"、"结果取向解释"以及"宪法解释宪法"等新兴解释方法。经过数十年的发展,大法官在选择解释两岸关系的方法时,表现出所谓"去政治化"倾向。而"台独"分裂势力也正是利用大法官解释两岸关系时的"去政治化"倾向,力图通过维持形式上"中立"的法学方法,为其"台独"目的提供"正当化"外衣。  相似文献   

未来我国民法典不宜采用“一般人格权”概念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马俊驹  王恒 《河北法学》2012,(8):15-16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26
"一般人格权"是民法"生出"的宪法权利,它不像人格权那样可以以具体化的形式作为民法中的权利样态。无论是以演绎法还是以归纳法来构建我国人格权体系,都会得出"一般人格权"与现有的人格权体系相龃龉。未来我国民法典应以"一般条款"替代"一般人格权",使人格权体系变成以具体人格权为主体,辅之以一般条款的立法模式。  相似文献   

Only if we understand where HIV/AIDS-related stigma and discrimination come from, and how they are connected to broader social inequalities and the denial of fundamental human rights, can we develop effective strategies to combat them. This article is a much-condensed version of a keynote presentation given at "Meeting the Stigma Challenge: New Paradigms for Civil Society," a satellite meeting held in Barcelona on 8 July 2002, and sponsored by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). The presentation described the conceptual framework underpinning the 2002-2003 World AIDS Campaign, whose theme is "HIV/AIDS-Related Stigma and Discrimination," and whose slogan is "Live and Let Live." In this article, Peter Aggleton provides a conceptual overview of the relationship between the stigma and discrimination associated with HIV and AIDS and the human rights violations that ensue from them, with the goal of demonstrating the interconnectedness of these concerns. He also provides some examples of concrete steps that can be taken to counter the stigma, discrimination, and human rights violations.  相似文献   

殷骏 《河北法学》2012,(10):111-116
异地侵权责任的准据法确定必须重视对受害人权益的保护,但如何实现历来是一个难题。对此,我国刚刚生效的涉外民事关系法律适用法无论是一般规定还是侵权行为的相关规定都未作任何规定。因此显然有必要对新法的相关规定予以修订。而各国的确定异地侵权行为准据法的立法例大致可分为侵权行为实施地、侵害结果发生地及偏在理论等三种方式。由于过度强调加害人的利益,第一种方式不宜采用。而由于兼顾对受害人权益和当事人双方预见可能性的保护,侵害结果发生地的方式显然更为合理。因此,在很难大幅扩充特殊侵权责任单独规定的情况下,法律适用法第44条前半部分宜转采以侵害结果发生地为系属的准据法确定方式。  相似文献   

The Supreme Court's decision in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) is infamous for its doctrine of "separate but equal," which gave constitutional legitimacy to Jim Crow segregation laws. What is less-known about the case is that the appellant Homer Plessy was, by all appearances, a white man. In the language of the Court, his "one-eighth African blood" was "not discernible in him." This article analyzes Plessy as a story of racial "passing." The existence of growing interracial populations in the nineteenth century created difficulties for legislation designed to enforce the separation of the races. Courts were increasingly called upon to determine the racial identity of particular individuals. Seen as a judicial response to racial ambiguity, Plessy demonstrates the law's role not only in the treatment of racial groups, but also in the construction and maintenance of racial categories.  相似文献   

"The law is harsh, but it is the law"—the well-known ancient Roman saying is entirely suitable as a brief synopsis of the Lb.ua interview with the chairman of the Central Election Commission (CEC), Vladimir Shapoval.

"Any electoral legislation, I emphasize, any, will always be 95 percent the product of political expediency. Always. This way gives them an advantage—so be it." This is how he calmly parried my emotional "How can the advantage of the strong be codified in the law (!), and the weak essentially have no chance? What can you do, how can it be?" "All this ‘whining and crying,’ say, the law is this and that in substance, I do not accept it. The laws were adopted—so we will follow them. You cannot get away from it," he added.

It might seem to someone who does not know Vladimir Nikolaevich that the chief vote-counting official is being clever, "covering up" the "distortions" of the authorities "at the local level." He is in fact speaking frankly. The chairman of the Central Election Commission formed on the eve of the 2007 preterm parliamentary elections by a "coalition"—a retired Constitutional Court of Ukraine (CCU) justice, and a doctor of legal sciences who is an active member of the High Council of Justice (HCJ), he can permit himself that. Shapoval contrives to call things by their names: "How the law is written is another matter. And its parts are written abominably," he states bluntly.

In view of this, my discussion with Shapoval—formally tied to the start of a local elections campaign—went far beyond the bounds of a discussion of the legislation on this topic, and even the specifics of the campaign. The more so as I had already discussed this in detail with CEC Deputy Chairman Andrei Magera. Vladimir Nikolaevich, without concealing his indignation, related just what the HCJ is really afraid of (and it turned out it was not at all, or more precisely not only, what they are portraying it to be). Relying on nine years of experience as a CCU justice, he elucidated the risks of the invalidation of the 2004 constitutional reform by the current Constitutional Court—"only those who have face can lose it." Sketching out the situation in the body politic, he summed up, "If the Party of Regions (PoR) does not win the local elections, many questions will arise."  相似文献   

"Proceedings in all courts shall be open to the public." Such is the content of Article 157 of the Constitution of the USSR. The principle that judicial proceedings are to be open to the public—a principle that is contained in the nation's highest legislative act—is of enormous practical significance. The fact that judicial proceedings are open to the public is a guarantee that procedural norms are scrupulously observed in the process of examining the materials of a case, thereby substantially reducing the probability of judicial error. It goes without saying that the further improvement of social oversight over the work of law enforcement agencies is a necessary condition to the democratization of public life. What is more, the openness of judicial proceedings to public scrutiny is a powerful means for the legal education of citizens and of forming a truly socialist legal conscience.  相似文献   

刘水林 《现代法学》2006,28(1):43-51
作为经济法的重要学说之一的“需要国家干预论”,因其影响大,而争论和分歧也多,分歧的焦点在于对“谁之‘需要’”与“‘干预’什么”存在不同理解。对此问题,按整体主义理解,国家干预是社会基于整体经济发展的“需要”,这意味着“需要”的主体是社会,干预的内容是具有全局性和社会公共性经济关系。正因“需要”的主体是社会,就防止了国家干预的恣意性,同时,社会整体利益因有国家代表而得以保障,从而彰显了经济法的社会本位属性。另外,社会的“需要”决定了经济法的目的,目的作为指针指出了经济主体的行为准则,同时,整体构造的复杂性预示了经济法技术规范的复杂性与多样性。  相似文献   

贺小勇 《现代法学》2008,30(2):126-132
2007年4月美国就中国知识产权刑事保护机制问题提交WTO争端解决机构(DSB)以寻求解决。这是DSB受理的第一起就知识产权刑事保护机制问题所引发的争端。本案的争议核心是如何解释作为"刑事门槛"的《TRIPS协定》第61条所规定的"商业规模"。通过DSB解释实践,可以看出,"商业规模"的解释主权应属各成员所有,但解释边界受《TRIPS协定》第61条相关条件的限制,中国知识产权刑事保护立法机制符合《TRIPS协定》,没有必要继续下降"刑事门槛"。美国对中国知识产权的施压应由单纯要求"降低刑事门槛"转变为"如何在降低正版产品的价格情况下加大对盗版的刑事打击力度"。  相似文献   

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