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Abstract: The organizational structure of Australian police forces is based on the quasi-military pattern established by the London Metropolitan Police Force. While community values, attitudes and aspirations remained comparatively static, this pattern seemed to both police and the public to be workable, if not completely satisfactory. However, it is becoming increasingly evident to police administrators that the traditional pattern of organization is experiencing difficulties in coping with a changing society. In America, in particular, attention has been given to attempts to replace the traditional police bureaucracy with a more flexible, participatory, science-based structure. Changes in police structures come about very slowly for a variety of reasons, including bureaucratic resistance to change. Australian Commissioners of Police are usually career appointments from within the force of practical officers who are not necessarily interested in administrative principles. Ministerial heads also are often not committed to innovative programs. In most cases, changes within Australian police forces have resulted from outside pressures, and major reforms have usually been associated with outside appointments to the post of Commissioner. A Commissioner who elects to be an innovator needs powerful backing from his minister and from within his organization, the support of influential community voices, reasonably long tenure of office and adequate financial allocations. His freedom to introduce reform is also affected by the philosophy of his police union. Available data suggest that our traditional law enforcement system is not succeeding in its prime tasks of preventing and solving crimes. Several courses of action are open to enable Australia's law enforcement agencies to be more responsive to a changing society: senior police officers should establish a national forum to enable their views to be heard, opportunities should be provided for concerned civilians to be informed about and involved in crime prevention and criminal justice, and the feasibility of copying the American system of State Criminal Justice Planning Agencies should be examined.  相似文献   

随着“高铁时代”的到来,铁路公安机关面临的形势任务和警力需求之间的矛盾更加凸显,警力资源结构亟待调整。对此,只有积极致力于警力无增长改善,不断努力探索破解任务繁重与警力紧张之间矛盾的有效途径,从思想理念、用警机制、工作模式、素质建设、综合保障等全方位推进对铁路民警队伍整体的优化,才能从根本上解决这一突出问题。  相似文献   

In an attempt to reap the purported benefits that "knowledge workers" bring to organizations, many police departments have shifted to a community problem–oriented policing philosophy. Rather than focusing on enforcement and incarceration, this philosophy is based on the dissemination of information to promote a proactive, preventative approach to reduce crime and disorder. In keeping with much of the contemporary literature on the "learning organization" (sometimes called the "knowledge organization"), police departments hope to deter crime through the knowledge benefits that derive from information and its associated technologies. With goals to stimulate productivity, performance, and effectiveness, police departments across the country are employing information technology to turn police officers into problem solvers and to leverage their intellectual capital to preempt crime and neighborhood deterioration.
Many public and private organizations are striving to change their operations toward this same concept of the knowledge worker. Information technology is often touted as a vehicle for capturing, tracking, sorting, and providing information to advance knowledge, thus leading to improvements in service–delivery efforts. Based on an extensive study of police departments that have attempted to implement a knowledge–worker paradigm (supported by information technology initiatives), this research explores the feasibility, effectiveness, and limitations of information and technology in promoting the learning organization in the public sector.  相似文献   

Studies of local law enforcement actions toward immigrants show that while some cities engage in enforcement, many others do not. The extent and determinants of enforcement have been assessed, but these studies have not evaluated the full range of practices, including welcoming practices, toward immigrants. This article introduces the concept of “welcomeness,” develops a framework for measuring it, and, using a nationwide survey of local police departments, examines how widely departments are welcoming (or unwelcoming) to immigrants. The data show that many police departments have consciously and deliberately developed practices intended to foster positive relationships between the police and immigrants and to encourage immigrants to call the police for assistance.

Practitioner Points

  • Welcomeness encompasses a range of practices toward immigrants that are often intentionally created, thoughtfully implemented, and found in a variety of communities.
  • The dimensions of welcomeness provide a framework for police departments to assess their practices and provide a model for police departments that want to engage positively with immigrants.
  • Welcoming practices may improve interactions between police officers and immigrants and may improve immigrants’ perceptions of local law enforcement.
  • Welcoming police departments often have a deeper commitment to community policing.

“三基”①建设是一项牵涉到公安工作根基的综合性系统工程,需要各级组织和全体民警积极投入。结合厦门铁路公安处新建处的特点,提出了围绕“当好领导、精简机关、夯实基层”的全新“三基”工作思路。  相似文献   

责任区刑警队是公安机关一线战斗实体,是侦查破案的专业队伍。铁路公安机关以“三基一化”建设为契机,贯彻“警力下沉、充实基层”的精神,进一步深化刑侦体制改革。加强责任区刑警队建设,健全完善管理体制,打牢刑侦工作基础,努力提升综合素质,充分发挥职能作用,全力推进刑侦工作专业化、规范化建设,把铁路公安机关刑侦工作推上一个新的台阶。  相似文献   

德育工作对人才培养发挥着方向性和导向性作用,是我国社会主义教育的灵魂。公安工作的特殊性决定了所需人才必须具有坚定的政治信念、良好的为人民服务的职业素养,这些都需要在公安院校经过系统的、完整的教育、教学过程来完成。公安高等院校要通过提高认识、转变观念、发挥思想政治理论课的主渠道作用、教师的言传身教、加强学生心理健康教育等几方面,贯彻"育人为本,德育为先"的理念,以铸造忠诚警魂为根本和学生全面发展为目标,促进公安高等教育健康发展。  相似文献   

当前英语教学改革在各高校正如火如荼地进行,而公安高职高专院校的英语教学改革却易于被人们所忽视。本文对公安高职高专院校英语课程的设置、英语教学目标的确定和英语教学模式的采用作了尝试性探索,特别是对“学习者自主性”教学方法在公安高职高专院校的应用进行阐述,提出了一些建设性意见。  相似文献   

Abstract: The management of police by government in Australia is a controversial but neglected topic, with little research or theoretical work having been undertaken. What is clear from the limited information available is that governments tend to adopt an arms-length policy and allow police to act with a greater degree of independence than they do with many other government agencies. What underpins this approach is the traditional British model for managing police. This model is considered in this paper, along with other matters such as local police statutes, discretion, statutory authority status and accountability. These aspects of the arms-length approach are discussed in the light of current policy-making and accountability systems. Consideration is also given to the question of whether this approach by government is still appropriate.  相似文献   

作为主动型侦查手段的一种特殊形式,诱惑侦查在打击犯罪,维护社会秩序方面具有较高的效能,然而我国侦查机关在运用这一手段时却存在着诸多混乱的情况。这种局面与我国试图实现“依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家”的宏伟目标是相悖的。在侦查程序日益强调人权保障的今天,对我国诱惑侦查制度进行法律规制无疑是一项重要的课题。  相似文献   

铁路线路治安稳定对社会经济发展起着重要作用。在全路公安领导干部“10·17”会议上,部局党组专门提出要将创建线路治安绿色通道活动作为“两大任务”和“五大品牌”之一,全力打造推进。通过对蚌埠铁路公安处淮南车站派出所管内“二通道”淮南、阜淮等线路在日常治安防控中存在的问题及原因反思剖析,围绕如何进一步提升线路治安防控,从改进巡防机制、加强日常督导、提升宣传实效、狠抓隐患整治、推动综合治理等五个方面进行了阐述。  相似文献   

Federal first responder funding is estimated to be $98 billion below the minimum required level over the 5 years ending in 2010. A significant portion of that shortfall can be covered by savings attained by eliminating non-public-good services, initiating public–private partnerships for meeting peak time demand in emergency situations, and contracting-out other public services. We concentrate on such savings in the context of response to false calls to police, fire, and ambulance services. Solving the false alarm problem for police, fire, and ambulance services and eliminating some non-public-good police services could release significant service-hours and 23.7–31.4% of the required additional Homeland Security (HLS) annual spending. Reducing false alarms means 88,000 police, fire, and ambulance first responders could be shifted to HLS activities.
Andrew J. BuckEmail:

Christian B. Jensen 《管理》2004,17(3):335-359
Most theories of how to control bureaucracies are derived from American experience and are tested with data from the U.S. In contrast, this article uses evidence from the 15 members of the European Union to examine oversight mechanisms through which legislators attempt to control the bureaucracy. Analysis of European data shows that "police patrol" mechanisms of oversight appear in countries with relatively little gridlock as measured by the ideological range of their governments. "Deck stacking" mechanisms appear in countries that experience greater problems with gridlock measured in the same way.  相似文献   

Decentralization is argued to enhance citizen–government relationships and, thus, to lead to higher levels of citizen trust. General purpose policing encompasses various services that might be assigned to different levels of governments. The literature lacks generalizable studies of the effects of the structural arrangements of police systems on police performance. This study is a cross‐national exploration of the relationship between the varying degrees of police decentralization and police performance as measured by citizen trust in the police. It uses a measure of decentralization of police systems based on the tiers of government with some control over police. Results show that, in the 72 sample countries, the relationship between citizen trust in police and decentralized police systems is not statistically significant. However, when the countries are categorized by the Human Development Index, decentralized police systems tend to be positively related to citizen trust in the more developed countries but inversely in the less developed countries.  相似文献   

加强学生管理,做深入细致的思想政治工作,是公安院校学生管理工作的重要内容。搞好公安院校的学生管理工作,要以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,坚持与时俱进,坚持科学发展观,把“以人为本”深入贯彻到思想政治教育中去,坚持人性化管理,这是搞好公安院校学生管理工作的关键。  相似文献   

公安机关采取有效对策应对网络公共关系危机,是警察公共属性的体现,有利于密切警民关系,赢得公众的支持配合,这是公安机关履行职责、完成任务的重要保障。借鉴泰州公安机关应对网络公共关系危机的有益经验并正视其不足之处,研究我国公安机关应对网络公共关系危机的有效对策,有助于恢复公安机关的受损形象,强化公安机关的执法权威。  相似文献   

近年来,警民冲突事件频发,其中警察队伍自身人文素质较低、人性思想缺失等原因不能忽视。因此,加强人性思想教育内容就成为公安教育的当务之急。人性教育是人文教育和素质教育领域中最重要、最基本的组成部分。根据马克思主义人性思想,教育的基本问题就是人的发展问题。警察职业要求也是以人性思想为基础的。当前公安高校教育目标与教育模式强调了人才所应具备的职业技能,却对人才所应具有的基本的人文素养有所忽视。要构建公安教育中人性思想内容,首先必须明确公安教育的根本目的和目标在于育人,其次要通过在人文通识课程中加大人性思想教育内容的比重,在公安专业课程教学中渗透人性思想教育内容,透过校园文化创造敬畏生命、尊重个人的人文环境等途径使人性思想内容融入到公安教育课程体系中。  相似文献   

美国刑法上的警察圈套是一种合法的辩护理由,被告人如果因为警察的诱惑行为而实施了犯罪,可以以此进行辩护。美国刑法上警察圈套构成要件有主体、行为和主观三个条件,并有其一套认定标准。根据美国关于警察圈套的有关规定,我国刑事法上的警察圈套的完善应当包括明文规定刑事责任,明确警察辩护理由的适用标准,以及在司法上规定侦查人员应该出庭接受质证,在立法上确立有限度的警察圈套无罪辩护制度。  相似文献   

警察文化是警察机关在长期警务活动实践中逐步形成的、为全体民警所认同并遵守的,带有警察特点的使命与愿景、精神与价值观、警务理念,以及在警务活动、管理制度、民警行为方式上的体现和对外形象的总和。它是警察机关以共同目标为核心的内在精神与外在表现的统一。警察文化是警察精神世界中最核心、最本质的东西,它以观念的形式来调控组织及个体的行为,是警察事业的制高点。警察文化建设是对警察机关管理中的正规化管理的补充和强化,将其潜移默化地贯注于民警的行为之中,是民警为实现警察目标自觉地团结协作的过程。研究警察文化的目的就是在警察机关中培养警察文化,使全体民警树立共同的警察价值观。  相似文献   

上海公安机关在实施现代警务机制战略中以新一轮社区警务改革为核心,形成了警种联动、警社合作、警民沟通、外部考评四大工作机制,特别是在加强实体及网上警务室建设、推进警社合作、引入外部考评机制方面,为新时期密切警群联系、构建和谐警民关系奠定了坚实基础。  相似文献   

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