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1.警务实战技能与警察实战战术的概念警务实战技能训练是提高警察执行公务必需、必备技术及战术能力的训练。我国公安民警的警务实战技能训练是指公安系统人民警察依法必备并别于其他国家公务执法人员的独特能力和特殊技能训练。警务实战技能训练的主要内容包括:警察  相似文献   

贺电 《政法学刊》2012,29(5):5-10
公安机关肩负着巩固共产党执政地位、维护国家长治久安、保障人民安居乐业、服务经济社会发展的重大政治和社会责任.面对日益繁重的工作和不断更新的社会问题,公安机关必须在繁杂的警务工作中抽丝剥茧,明确警务重点,才能更好地履行自己的职责,推动公安工作科学发展.公安机关如何紧紧围绕“发展、民生、稳定”的大局来突出警务重点,从而把握机遇、战胜挑战,不断取得新进步,是我们必须解答的时代课题.  相似文献   

韩天宇 《法制与社会》2010,(26):241-242
由于公安工作特殊性,使警察必须具备终身警务技能,公安院校警务技能课程教学应以公安工作实战应用需要为教学目标,重视培养学员终身警务技能意识。丰富合理的教学内容、良好的自我锻炼能力以及科学的监控体系,有助于终身警务技能观的养成。终身警务技能观的养成对保障警队有生力量有着积极的作用。  相似文献   

强化公安机关人民警察警务实战技能战术训练,致力提高广大公安民警的警务实战技能战术水平,是公安机关忠实履行巩固共产党执政地位、维护国家长治久安、保障人民安居乐业三大政治和社会责任的迫切要求,是建立健全公安机关大练兵活动长效机制的必由之路,是  相似文献   

警务公开是一个复杂的系统,是指将公安机关的职责和工作及其运作过程等所有与警察权能有关的信息以各种适当的形式公示于社会、社区或告知权利人。[1]警务公开制度虽取得了丰硕的成果,但运行中存在着一些不足。因此有必要探讨警务公开制度存在的问题并分析原因,找出解决途径,从而使公安机关更好地开展警务公开工作。  相似文献   

警务实战是每天都在真实发生的,是社会治安行为的必要组成部分,因此,在公安行为的秩序背后,以科学建构警务实战理论体系,以警务实战理论指导建设研究,是提升警务实战水平的必要构成。警务实战是贯穿公安工作和队伍建设的基础性、全局性、战略性工程,警务实战的理论体系建设包括对警务实战的概念,警务实战的划分,警务实战中公安机关的规范行为模式,警务实战在公安机关中的作用进行了深入细致的探讨,在此基础上提出了我国警务实战理论体系建设思路,对公安机关警务实战具有重大现实价值和时代性。  相似文献   

杜晋丰 《政法学刊》2002,19(2):69-71
为人民服务是人民警察的宗旨,而公益服务则是宗旨内涵中必不可少的内容。人民警察承担公益服务的职能,不仅是为人民服务宗旨的具体体现,而且对于做好公安工作还具有极大的手段价值,从世界范围来看,也符合世界警务发展的趋势。公安机关和公安民警在履行公益服务职能时,要强化法制观念,量力而行,处理好本职工作与公益服务的关系。  相似文献   

王柏杨 《法制与社会》2013,(18):163-164
警务公开是公安机关顺应时代发展潮流所进行的一次警务机制变革,有利于约束警察权力、规范执法行为、提高警务效能,将公安工作提升到一个新层次。本文旨在梳理综述当前学者们就警务公开的具体推进、存在不足及完善措施的研究现状,总结这一课题的研究成果,为进一步完善这一制度提供借鉴。  相似文献   

铁路公安机关的体制改革,与国家警察体制改革一起,是我国政治体制改革的一部分,无论是队伍建设,还是警务活动,铁路公安机关都发生了深刻的变化。当前铁路公安指挥系统和处置体系现状存在许多问题如警力严重不足与警务工作量刚性增加矛盾凸现成为制约铁路公安发展的"瓶颈",应立足"警力无增长改善"思路,制定和完善预案体系、建立集约、高效的铁路警务作战指挥体系,提高指挥效能,培养高素质指挥人才。  相似文献   

当前,社会治安形势日趋动态化、复杂化、公安机关必须加强基层基础工作,大力实施社区警务战略。但在实施社区警务战略的过程中。公安工作面临的诸多问题暴露出公安机关在思想认识上、运行体制上、自身建设上都存在各种问题,我们必须针对问题加强各方面建设,进一步推动社区警务建设的纵深发展。  相似文献   

The majority of police cadets, upon being sworn in and becoming rookie officers, enter their law enforcement organization and actively seek connections that they hope will be fulfilling and meaningful as well as provide a sense of belonging, security, honesty, mutual understanding, and trust. They strive to be the best that they can be. To the extent that healthy relationships form, the individual officer moves closer towards achieving a sense of wellness and a sense of personal wholeness that typically translates into optimum commitment to and performance on the job. However, to the extent that relationships are embedded in a culture of corruption and meta-pathologies such as dishonesty, an officer's sense of well-being will forever fall short of achieving wholeness and less than optimum performance will be achieved. As the culture continues to become increasingly more toxic, the individual's performance will continue to decline (Trott, 1996, Yerly, 2000). The Mink Group  相似文献   

近年来,公安民警在执法过程中遭遇暴力袭击的事件频发,不仅严重阻碍了正当执法工作的进行,而且对人民警察的人身安全构成了极大威胁,本文试从当前警察执法权威缺失的角度对暴力袭警的问题进行探讨.  相似文献   

As a context for this special section, we surveyed the published research literature on the psychology of law enforcement in four specialty journals that feature law and psychology studies and two more broadly targeted scholarly outlets. The volume of research studies was scant and concentrated on two targets: clinical services to the police and eyewitness identification studies. We call for social scientists to engage in empirical study of psychological variables that affect the full spectrum of police activities.  相似文献   

Restructuring and merging public sector organisations is often seen as a way to enhance efficiency and efficacy. There is ongoing debate about the impact of police force sizes, structures and mergers as police organisations attempt to adapt to reductions in their budgets and changes in patterns of criminality. The article reviews the evidence regarding key aspects of police reform: finding mixed evidence regarding the links between size and performance, while noting risks that mergers may impair local policing. The article discusses the impact of mergers on protective services, governance and accountability, while also discussing potential risks and opportunities associated with the merger process itself. The review finds significant gaps in the available evidence, and significant opportunities to expand the evidence base on this topic. Given current gaps in the evidence regarding size, efficacy and efficiency, it is important to give due consideration to symbolic and rhetorical aspects of mergers.  相似文献   

This article analyses exchange relationships involving public police agencies and external institutions. It specifies three general forms of exchange (Coercion, Sale and Gift), then observes that, in practice, the three may not be mutually exclusive. It identifies ambiguities that may exist within exchange relationships, and discusses the implications of these for three important aspects of police performance: efficiency or value for money; equity in the distribution of police services; and the legitimacy of the police organisation. The article concludes that managing ambiguity in exchange relations has become a challenge of 21st century policing, and that police are well advised to have elaborate guidelines in place to govern their exchange relations.  相似文献   

The development of two self-report scales that measure police daily hassles and uplifts is reported These scales reflect the positive and negative work experiences common to police officers. Self-report questionnaire data were provided by 330 police officers drawn from a systematic sample of all ranks and work sections within an Australian police department. Results showed that 19 dimensions of police hassles and 12 dimensions of police uplifts could be grouped into two broad domains of organizational and operational experiences. Correlations with job satisfaction and perceived quality of life (PQOL) indicators supported the construct validity of the scales and suggested that organizational hassles and uplifts were more important than operational experiences in determining a police officer's PQOL. When compared to population norms, police officers reported more favorable levels of PQOL. These results raise questions about the assertion that policing is highly stresful, and they demonstrate the need for a more systemic view of police work that takes into account experiences that are beneficial as well as experiences that are harmful to an officer's well-being.  相似文献   

This research, using the content, validity and clinical scales found in the MMPI-2, investigates the differences in the psychological makeup of male versus female police recruits. The research design involves testing of police recruits on the first day of their academy experience. The literature on the police personality suggest that there exists a stereotype for male officers, a finding replicated in this study. The findings of this research also suggest that female officers do not generally fit the stereotype found in the study of male officers. An earlier version of this paper was present at the 1996 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, March 12–16, 1996, Las Vegas, Nevada.  相似文献   

The central focus of this study was to examine types of contact between adolescents and police as determinants of attitudes toward these authority figures. Three value or group expressive determinants — race, deviance, and parental defiance — were used as control variables to specify conditions under which the importance of actual contact with police is enhanced or diminished. Positive contact with police was found to be predictive of positive attitudes and negative contact was predictive of negative attitudes toward police. Further investigation revealed that the relationship between positive contact and positive attitudes toward police became significantly stronger among youths who had experienced negative encounters with police, as well as among those who reported being frequently involved in deviance, and among those who had been defiant of parental authority. The effects of negative contact with police were most significant among whites, those who report infrequent deviant behavior, and those youths who had experienced little or no positive contact with police.  相似文献   

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