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全球金融危机已经在我国蔓延,在这种形势下,一些企业为了度过难关,采取了各种措施,其中包括经济性裁员。如何运用劳动法、劳动合同法等法律法规赋予企业经济型裁员的权利,什么情况下企业可以经济性裁员,裁员的程序、裁员过程中的优先留用和禁止以及裁员的补偿等问题是减少企业的法律风险,降低企业运营成本的关键问题。  相似文献   

唐鑫 《瞭望》2001,(37)
当前,世界上除巴以流血冲突不断升级外,最让人关注的莫过于严峻的世界经济形势。上个月,美国企业裁员创下历史最高纪录,就连一向被视为“金饭碗”的华尔街金融业也不能幸免,摩根大通、摩根斯坦利、运通、美林、嘉信、高盛等世界著名公司纷纷宣布裁员,就连今年第三季度盈利增长13%(37.9亿美元)的美国最大金融企业花旗集团公司也宣布将裁掉3500个职位,使其今年以来的裁员总数达到4700人。同样  相似文献   

在激烈的市场竞争下,裁员是很多企业不能回避的问题。裁员可以降低企业运营成本,优化人岗匹配,为企业建立一个充满竞争的氛围。但裁员也会引起幸存者综合症在工作方面具体表现为工作不安全感增强,工作满意度降低以及工作积极性双向变化;在组织方面裁员会影响幸存者的组织信任感,组织承诺和心理契约。裁员的这些消极影响对企业有很大的负作用,足以引起企业的重视。主要讨论裁员如何引起心理契约的破坏及员工帮助计划在修补心理契约方面的作用。  相似文献   

1、裁员减薪潮会在中国进一步扩大吗? 张燕生(国家发改委对外经济研究所所长):不好说。全球裁员减薪潮会愈演愈烈,中国也会受到波及,一些跨国公司的全球裁员会包括中国公司。不过最终会不会进一步扩大,还要看中国扩大内需的政策和欧美日裁员减薪潮,哪个对中国的作用力更大一些。  相似文献   

一、酷6网的裁员风波 据报载,2011年5月18日,酷6网宣布,因为销售成本过高(2011年2月,酷6传媒被曝亏损高达5150万美元,全年营收仅2030万美元),公司将裁员20%,多达150人的被裁员工均来自于公司的销售及其直接支持部门,涉及京沪广三地公司。员工们被要求在当天就离开公司。被裁员工被要求挨个到办公室与人力...  相似文献   

南京新出台的《企业经济性裁员暂行办法》规定:本市行政区域内国有、城镇集体、外商投资等企业,因濒临破产或生产经营发生重大变化而裁员时,一次性裁员不得超过职工总数的5%。尽管用“保护被裁减人员合法权益”的说法,贴着“国内首创”的标签,这种做法还是引起了理论工作者的非议:企业是经济组织,追求的是以最小成本获最大效益。该裁员却不裁,必然是效率、效益下降;给企业裁员设上限,是用计划经济手段管企业;在市场经济条件下,政府无权为裁员设限。  相似文献   

金融危机导致全球就业危机金融危机引发裁员风潮。美国金融业首当其冲。2008年,华尔街已经减少了12万个工作岗位,2009年还将进一步裁员24万人。金融业裁员风波也很  相似文献   

随着美国经济的持续减速且恢复前景仍不明朗,世界经济前景暗淡,席卷世界发达国家的一股强大的裁员浪潮正一浪高过一浪。这种情况使人们在解读主要发达国家公布的各类经济数字所反映的整个经济状况的同时,也已成为判断世界经济现状与前景的一个重要衡量因素。 目前,这股裁员浪潮正跨洋过海,冲击美欧日韩等美欧亚许多国家,仅美国已经实行裁员的大公司  相似文献   

通过对内蒙古师范大学非英语专业大学生英语学习的策略进行的实证性研究,调查和分析了他们的英语学习策略总体使用情况,探讨了性别、性格等因素与学生的英语学习策略使用的关系。研究结果显示,被测学生学习英语最常用的策略是元认知策略和补偿策略,其次是认知策略、情感策略和记忆策略,最不常使用的是社交策略。  相似文献   

<正>国际金融危机给全球经济带来极大的负面影响,波及国内的许多经济实体,许多企业选择裁员或者减少新增雇员以应对危机,这就给原本严峻的就业形势带来了更大的压力。为了深入了解金  相似文献   

This article attempts a purely empirical approach to the issue of optimal civil service size by looking for a systematic relationship between observed size and underlying explanators. The residuals from such a fitted relationship then serve as a first approximation to whether the government in question is overstaffed or not. The data are from Indian subnational states, which as members of a single federation, follow the same definitional conventions with respect to the civil service. The contribution of the article is methodological, and addresses an issue of central importance, since staff downsizing conditionalities attached to externally funded structural adjustment programmes are not analytically underpinned. The article also explores issues surrounding the composition of the civil service. There is no evidence that overstaffing, as determined from the residuals of the estimated specification, is the joint outcome along with staff composition, as proxied by mean salary, of job creation pressures at the lower salary scales. This suggests that correction of overstaffing might be possible without political opposition, while at the same time leaving unexplained the variation in staff composition across states. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The article scrutinises the behaviour of the personal staff of MEPs, using newly collected survey data. The personal staff known as accredited parliamentary assistants (APAs) have long been in the shadow of staff in parliamentary groups and staff in the European Parliament’s (EP) central Secretariat. In the 2010s, MEPs’ allowance for personal staff increased and a statute for APAs was adopted. Against the background of these reforms, this article hypothesises that APAs are a frequent source of assistance for MEPs in comparison to the other EP staff. It assumes that the significance of APAs’ involvement depends on their characteristics as direct employees of MEPs. Results show that APAs frequently assist MEPs in activities relevant for the internal life of the EP, but that they are less frequently involved in inter-institutional relations. The article shows that MEPs seek support which is political, but also that is tailored towards them personally.  相似文献   

从高校图书馆女性馆员岗位成才的必要性入手,分析了阻碍女性馆员岗位成才的因素,并对女性馆员岗位成才的途径进行了探讨。借以引起高校有关部门对女性馆员岗位成才的足够重视,帮助女性馆员在工作岗位中发挥出最大的作用,为图书馆的创新发展做出应有的贡献。  相似文献   

刍议征地拆迁工作人员素质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着城市的建设发展,由征地拆迁引发的矛盾和纠纷日益增多。分析目前征地拆迁人员的素质及其对征地拆迁的影响,本文提出了提高征地拆迁工作人员素质的几点建议。  相似文献   


Structural reforms such as the creation of autonomous agencies are a widely heralded solution for a multitude of problems in the public sector. These reforms have effects on public employees. This article shows how the structural disaggregation of ministries into autonomous agencies affects staff satisfaction with the organization. The article discusses three cases, where Dutch public organizations were either disaggregated from a ministry or reaggregated to the ministry. These structural reforms constitute a quasiexperimental setting where effects on agency staff and parent ministry staff are compared. In one case, creating the agency led to a decrease in staff satisfaction with the organization as compared to the staff that remained within the ministry. A second case showed that these negative effects linger and can last for more than eight years. An inverse organizational change—reaggregation—caused inverse effects: increasing satisfaction with the organization.  相似文献   

在我国矿难等生产安全责任事故中,存在着司法机关对监督过失者无法追究或者很少追究刑事责任的司法错位,造成了安全生产事故防控的困难和罪刑的失衡。化解这一司法困境的进路是借鉴监督过失理论,构建我国的国家公务人员监督过失责任追究机制。具体建议为:其一,设立业务监督过失罪和职务监督过失罪;其二,在监督过失犯罪中增设资格刑和罚金刑;其三,在司法中适用“信赖原则”限制司法权力滥用;其四,在诉讼程序上实行“举证责任倒置”。  相似文献   

In the first part of this article, the authors examined the historical and structural factors constraining the effectiveness of the Organization's capacity to carry out increasingly critical global mandates. In a second, concluding part of the article, the authors will suggest a strategy for UN reform and a process for carrying forward a ‘renewal exercise’ to equip the Organization for its role beyond the year 2000. Effective UN administrative reform, unlike so many previous attempts that were characterized by tinkering with its structure or taking isolated measures to improve performance, will require a comprehensive overhaul of, inter alia, the following: the professional management environment and culture, personnel, financial and supportive information management and technologies, the establishment of an effective oversight function and the development of operational management capabilities. The proposed post-50th anniversary ‘renewal exercise’ brings together the governmental, senior management and staff levels of the Organization, along with outside experts, to develop a long-term strategy and an integrated and practically implementable action plan for facilitating UN administrative reform. The exercise would also be guided by global experience and look to its success in charting the future by involving both member states and UN staff. Only such an approach will ensure that accountability for results is effectively in-built.  相似文献   

The use of interorganizational relationships such as collaboration, partnerships, and alliances between public, private, and nonprofit organizations for the delivery of human services has increased. This article contributes to the growing body of knowledge on collaboration by exploring one kind of interorganizational relationship—interagency collaboration—in the field of early care and education. It examines variations within interagency collaborations and their impact on management and program outcomes. The findings show that interagency collaboration has a clear impact on management, program, and client outcomes: Specifically, the intensity of the collaborative relationship has a positive and statistically significant impact on staff compensation, staff turnover, and school readiness.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, America's National Beer Wholesalers Association (NBWA) has transformed itself from an organisation lacking much political influence into one of the most powerful interest groups on Capitol Hill. The NBWA has been described as “the toughest lobby you never heard of” (Birnbaum 1998: 148). Its strategy over this period provides an ideal case study of how to manage government relations within a trade association. It demonstrates the importance of establishing and implementing a measurable strategy, maximising the impact of a range of lobbying tools and leveraging the political environment to operate as effectively as possible. Senator Ben Nelson (Dem, Nebraska) has stated that, ‘NBWA is one of the most effective trade associations in Washington DC, with a staff that is savvy to the public relations and marketing strategies required to be influential on Capitol Hill’ (Nelson 2001). Indeed, the fact that the NBWA's government relations programme is so explicitly based upon marketing principles is unusual from a British perspective; even in the American context, the strategy is executed particularly effectively. Copyright © 2003 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

Nonprofit child care centers are frequently observed to produce child care which is, on average, of higher quality than care provided in commercial child care centers. In part, this nonprofit advantage is due to different input choices made by nonprofit centers—lower child‐staff ratios, better‐educated staff and directors, higher rates of professional development for staff. Nonprofit centers may have an additional productivity advantage, due to unmeasured staff motivation and abilities or to better management of the production of good‐quality child care. However, where nonprofit and for‐profit child care firms compete in the same local markets, we speculate that this extra advantage should only appear where demand is sufficiently “thick” to permit a quality differentiation strategy to be financially viable for nonprofits. We estimate the effect of nonprofit status on quality, controlling for differences in financial resources available to the center, differences in the clientele served, and differences in staff and center inputs. In this conventional examination, nonprofit status has a moderately positive impact on quality. However, when we account for the unobserved heterogeneity and separate markets into “thick” and “thin,” a particularly strong nonprofit advantage is found in thick markets, but no productivity advantage for nonprofits is found in thin markets. This finding suggests a clear role for nonprofit organizations in improving the cost‐quality trade‐off faced by parents, but also identifies the market conditions that affect the ability of nonprofit managers to employ this advantage. © 2009 by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.  相似文献   

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