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网络赌博犯罪作为集网络犯罪与赌博犯罪于一体的新型赌博犯罪,具有隐蔽性强、时空跨度大、监控困难、危害极其严重等特点。网络警务是公安部门对网络赌博犯罪所采取的侦查、打击、取证及使用网络技术手段等的警务活动,其重要方面是侦查。提出网络赌博犯罪侦查策略主要有从网络平台入手进行侦查,从人员到案件进行侦查,从赌资流动链进行侦查几种形式,强调刑侦、网监、技侦相结合,建立适时打击的侦查理念;针对赌客登录赌博网站,通过网络赌博集团,利用网络视频等进行赌博活动的,提出相应侦查方法;认为侦查的主要难点是传统证据固定性与电子证据虚拟性的矛盾,侦查管辖确定性与网络犯罪跨地域性的矛盾等。  相似文献   

王刚  白薇 《法制与社会》2012,(30):77-78
网络赌博是一种严重扰乱我国经济秩序的新型网络犯罪。网络赌博犯罪隐蔽性强、涉案金额大、地域跨度广,给公安机关侦查破案带来了很大难度。本文结合作者公安实战经验和对网络赌博案例的深入剖析,给出了一种典型的网络赌博资金流向和组织拓扑图,结合办案经验论述了办理网络赌博案件中关于侦查取证的几点思考。  相似文献   

全媒体时代,网络赌博呈爆发式增长态势,打击网络赌博犯罪已然成为当前司法工作的重要内容。该类犯罪具有赌博场景多样化、规避侦查方式不断升级、共同犯罪率高且成员之间有明确分工、犯罪主体及资金跨地区、跨国境等特征。案件办理面临嫌疑人查明抓获难、电子证据提取难、构罪标准认定难、量刑难统一等困境。对此,检察机关应提高电子证据提取分析能力、提高司法办案人员的执法能力、完善法律法规等依据、建立公检法协作办案机制,以破解取证难题、把握办案规律、统一法律适用前提、更好形成办案合力,促进该类案件的有效办理。  相似文献   

当前,跨境网络赌博犯罪组织多向澜湄流域国家转移,并持续对我国社会经济秩序与人民利益造成威胁.因此,以澜湄流域执法合作为背景,探索完善跨境网络赌博犯罪侦查打击与合作机制具有重要意义.根据当前跨境网络赌博犯罪呈现出的新特征,跨境网络赌博犯罪侦查打击的困境,可采用多途径解决管辖权争议、加强情报信息共享建设、提高电子证据取证能...  相似文献   

微信赌博犯罪作为社交软件与第三方支付技术所催生的网络赌博新形式,近年来逐渐呈现出蔓延趋势,对公众财产安全造成了极大的危害。微信赌博犯罪不但具有传统赌博犯罪的特性,借助网络媒介具有了受众面广、人员复杂、隐蔽性强、取证困难等特点,而且公众对于此类犯罪防范意识较弱,致使微信赌博犯罪的防控难度较大。本文通过介绍微信赌博犯罪,结合实际案例微信赌博犯罪中常见的操作方式、犯罪特点、多发原因及其危害等分析的基础上,提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

新时代随着高科技的迅猛发展,科技在改变着人们生活方式的同时也改变着犯罪嫌疑人的诈骗手段。尤其近几年,网络电信诈骗犯罪呈现出居高不下的态势。本文基于网络电信诈骗案件的两起真实案例,分析了当前电信诈骗案件侦查中受害人范围广、犯罪手段智能化、行为非接触性、诈骗方式多样、反侦查能力强等问题,探讨了由个案侦查向串并案侦查的侦查思维转变,从传统物证向电子证据的取证方式转变,从侦查部门合作到与电信部门、第三方支付平台等侦企合作模式转变以及提升社会公众防范意识等破解思路。  相似文献   

对利用网络进行诈骗犯罪的侦查取证问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王铼  雍晓明 《政法学刊》2010,27(1):79-83
近年来,伴随着网络普及程度的提高,网络诈骗犯罪亦日趋严重。网络的开放性、不确定性、虚拟性等特点使网络诈骗犯罪的证据更加复杂多变、网络诈骗犯罪的取证更加困难。面对诸多严峻的取证难的现状,在分析其原因后有针对性地提出一些解决网络诈骗犯罪取证难的办法和建议,以期突破网络诈骗案件取证的难题,从而有效地遏制网络诈骗犯罪。  相似文献   

电信诈骗犯罪案件的规律、特点及打防对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顾伟 《政法学刊》2013,30(1):111-115
当前手机短信、电话、网络诈骗等电信诈骗犯罪依然猖獗。该类犯罪影响面广、涉案金额大,人民群众深受其害,但由于该类犯罪多为有组织犯罪、组织严密、流动性强、取证难度大,因而给侦查破案带来许多困难。为及时有效地打击电信诈骗犯罪,侦查机关要认真分析其规律和特点,研究制定侦查对策。  相似文献   

网络赌博犯罪侦查初探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王瑞山  朱华栋 《犯罪研究》2005,(3):52-54,70
网络赌博犯罪是一种新型赌博犯罪形式,是当前全国集中打击赌博违法犯罪专项行动的打击重点之一。网络赌博活动既有传统赌博犯罪专业化、组织化程度高、作案手法隐蔽、手段多样等特点,又利用了互联网跨地区、跨国界、便捷快速的技术条件,公安机关在打击网络赌博违法犯罪活动中存在着诸多难题,本文力求通过分析我国网络赌博的形态、特征,探索合理的侦查对策。  相似文献   

微信赌博犯罪的出现时间短,扩散速度快,社会影响大,对其防控措施可以参照网络犯罪的模式,却不可以忽视其自有特点。根据微信赌博犯罪的特殊表现形式和特点,结合侦查中表现出的犯罪发现难、调查取证难、打击认定难的具体情况,从思想宣传、公安专门工作、部门间协调、行业自身四个方面建立立体防控体系是打击微信赌博犯罪的解决途径。  相似文献   

In India, the government has perniciously ignored the issue of internet gambling. Unfortunately, there is no specific legislation in place that addresses internet gambling, nor has there been any consistent policy professed with regard to internet gambling. Thus, online gambling operators, both domestic and offshore, are allowed to operate with impunity in India. Spurred on by factors like inadequate legislation, a lack of enforcement, and an indifferent judiciary, online gambling in India is unregulated, untaxed, and most of all, unclear. This paper posits that there is an urgent need for legislative clarity in India's policy towards internet gambling.  相似文献   

谈互联网上毒品犯罪及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
互联网因其现代化、科学化、高效率、高覆盖及无国界等优点,迅速走进人们的生活,同时也给不法之徒进行犯罪活动提供了契机。目前通过互联网订购、销售毒品、进行在线毒品交易、提供制毒配方等互联网上涉毒案件已出现,网上毒品犯罪已成为全球毒品犯罪的最新发展动向,引起各国政府及执法部门的高度关注。  相似文献   

Illegal gambling operations have been alleged to support organized crime and victimize participants, rather than benefit them. This is said to occur through cheating in the games provided, defrauding the government of tax revenue, and funding other illicit and criminal activities. What has been missing is a systematic analysis of actual cases involving illegal gambling businesses to determine precisely who is involved, how these businesses operate, the nature of the threat posed, and the law enforcement response to it. The analysis reported here examines all federal convictions involving operation of illegal gambling businesses during a single year. There were more than 80 persons charged and convicted of participation in illegal gambling businesses, centered around 40 distinct enterprises. The results indicate that illegal gambling businesses in the United States are long-term operations consisting of four general types, and that enforcement of existing laws, particularly related to illegal online sports betting, are not working effectively.  相似文献   

葛景富 《行政与法》2007,(7):100-103
赌博,是指用财物作注比输赢,以偶然性的胜负争财物或财产利益得失的行为。对赌博罪、赌博中的违法行为与娱乐活动进行界定,可以使我们正确区分罪与非罪,赌博罪、赌博中的违法行为与娱乐活动的界限以及认清赌博中的犯罪与违法的特殊形态和表现形式。  相似文献   

This paper describes a recent researcher–practitioner partnership designed to address the challenges faced by law enforcement agencies when implementing crime control and prevention strategies. Using an action research methodology, the project embedded a group of trained students within the law enforcement community to assist with local crime problems and supplement existing crime analysis and research capabilities in six agency units. Results of this case study offer several implications for future researcher–practitioner partnerships focused on crime analysis and present an enhanced set of metrics for evaluating success.  相似文献   

论网络赌博罪的认定及其立法建构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
姜涛 《河北法学》2006,24(5):143-147
网络赌博罪是一种新型犯罪形式,凭借其犯罪成本低、风险小、利润丰厚等优势,而在全球迅速蔓延.相对于传统赌博罪来说,网络赌博犯罪隐蔽性更强、监控难度更大、犯罪来势更猛、危害后果更重.网络赌博罪的构成要件有其自身的独特性,不易认定,再加之现行刑法对此规范不明确,其已成为一种危害严重但又打击不力的犯罪.对此,我国必须尽快完善赌博罪的构成要件和法定刑,积极寻求刑事法律冲突的国际协调和合作,以合理组织对此类犯罪的反应.  相似文献   

Crime Mapping and the Training Needs of Law Enforcement   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper explores some of the more recent developments within crime mapping and the broader application of geographical information technology within law enforcement. The information technology (IT) revolution and the reduction in computing costs since the 1980s has brought a range of analytical tools within the budgets of most police services, and one of the most significant changes has been in the way that spatial data are handled. Law enforcement has strong geographic currents at all levels of the organisation, and this paper examines three applications of geographical information systems (GIS) within policing: hotspot mapping; CompStat; and geographic profiling. The paper concludes by discussing the future training needs using a simple model of intelligence-led crime reduction. This model suggests that training for managers to enable a greater understanding of the analyses presented to them, and how to use mapping to further crime prevention and reduction, may be as important as increasing the technical ability of crime analysts. The challenge for the immediate future of crime reduction practice in law enforcement is less to worry about the training of analysts, and more to address the inability of law enforcement management to understand and act on the crime analysis they are given.  相似文献   

An important yet poorly understood function of law enforcement organizations is the role they play in distilling and transmitting the meaning of legal rules to frontline law enforcement officers and their local communities. In this study, we examine how police and sheriff's agencies in California collectively make sense of state hate crime laws. To do so, we gathered formal policy documents called “hate crime general orders” from all 397 police and sheriff's departments in the state and conducted interviews with law enforcement officials to determine the aggregate patterns of local agencies' responses to higher law. We also construct a “genealogy of law” to locate the sources of the definitions of hate crime used in agency policies. Despite a common set of state criminal laws, we find significant variation in how hate crime is defined in these documents, which we attribute to the discretion local law enforcement agencies possess, the ambiguity of law, and the surplus of legal definitions of hate crime available in the larger environment to which law enforcement must respond. Some law enforcement agencies take their cue from other agencies, some follow statewide guidelines, and others are oriented toward gaining legitimacy from national professional bodies or groups within their own community. The social mechanisms that produce the observed clustering patterns in terms of approach to hate crime law are mimetic (copying another department), normative (driven by professional standards about training and community social movement pressure), and actuarial (affected by the demands of the crime data collection system). Together these findings paint a picture of policing organizations as mediators between law‐on‐the‐books and law‐in‐action that are embedded in interorganizational networks with other departments, state and federal agencies, professional bodies, national social movement organizations, and local community groups. The implications of an interorganizational field perspective on law enforcement and implementation are discussed in relation to existing sociolegal research on policing, regulation, and recent neo‐institutional scholarship on law.  相似文献   

Notwithstanding the results of some empirical studies, casinos and gambling are widely considered to be breeding grounds for a range of deviant behavior and criminal offenses. As one writer expressed it, “the world of gambling offers a portfolio of anonymous expenditure” which allows for money laundering and other illegal activities associated with the legal operation of casinos. This paper examines economic and white-collar criminal activities and case histories of offenses related to Macau’s growing casino industry, now the highest revenue generating in the world. A Portuguese colony from 1557 until 1999 when it was returned to China, Macau is a Special Administrative Region (SAR) with its own governing officials operating under the PRC maxim of “one country, two systems.” The dramatic recent growth of the casino industry in Macau offers a unique opportunity to examine issues of economic crime and law enforcement within the context of the People’s Republic of China’s recently acquired political and economic stewardship in this SAR. The paper documents white-collar and organized crimes that present new challenges and risks to China now that Macau has become an international marquee.  相似文献   

论赌博罪的完善——法经济学的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张林鸿 《河北法学》2007,25(8):76-79
我国刑法已明确地将赌博作为一种犯罪进行处罚.但由于我国法律没有很好地考虑刑罚的效率性和经济性,在赌博犯罪立法上还存在着一定的缺陷和漏洞.通过法经济学方法,对赌博犯罪立法的正当性和效率性进行分析,提出完善我国赌博犯罪立法的建议.  相似文献   

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