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高校辅导员如何与学生有效沟通   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胥炜 《学理论》2011,(12):321-322
学生工作是高校工作的重要部分,高校辅导员是高校教育和管理学生的主力军,是具体落实管理、教育、服务学生工作的教育工作者。要想真正做好高校辅导员工作,必须与学生进行有效沟通,才能切实解决工作中的实际问题。本文从辅导员的角度着手,对如何实现有效沟通作出一定的思考。  相似文献   

在现代资讯日新月异的今天,网络微博以其优于其他媒体的特性,在高校中迅速发展并广泛应用,成为大学生沟通信息、交流情感、发表见解的平台,也成为学生业余时间的消遣工具。因势利导发现、利用网络微博的特点,搭建高校学生辅导员工作的新平台,探索新时期辅导员工作的路径。为此,要构建高校辅导员常规工作新平台;辅导员与学生真诚沟通的新平台;大学生心理咨询辅导新平台。  相似文献   

高校辅导员是开展大学生思想政治教育工作的直接组织者和实施者,辅导员与学生间良好的信任关系能够增强学生思想政治教育工作的实效性。师生间的有效沟通是建立融洽的师生关系的基础与前提,辅导员要在工作中不断探索创新,提高沟通协调能力,灵活运用沟通方式和策略,怀着高度的责任心和爱心,与学生进行心灵上的沟通,构建和谐信任的师生关系,促进大学生思想政治教育工作的顺利、良好、有效地开展。  相似文献   

关爱学生是高职辅导员的本职工作,也是密切联系学生的重要内容。通过调查研究,高职辅导员在"沟通、教育、管理、服务"四个方面对学生关爱存在较大的问题。针对这些问题,我们以为"群众路线"为标准,提出解决问题的措施,以期促进高职辅导员工作将关爱学生工作落到实处。  相似文献   

赵洁 《学理论》2015,(6):96-97
辅导员和班主任是高校学生党建工作队伍的重要组成部分。高校学生党建工作中,他们分工不同,目的一致。在学生入党前、入党中和入党后的各阶段培养教育中,辅导员与班主任要经常交流、良好沟通、紧密配合,把党员发展的过程作为学生思想政治教育的过程,保质保量做好学生党建工作。  相似文献   

新媒体给高校辅导员提供了良好的工作平台,能够有效增进师生间的沟通与理解,方便辅导员实时掌握学生情况,有利于师生获取各种信息;但同时带来了妨碍课堂教学、影响人际交往和网络安全等问题。学校必须建立师生互动交流的网络平台,加强对学生的文明上网教育和心理疏导,帮助学生提高甄选网络诈骗信息的能力,将线上线下互动结合,以改善辅导员的工作,提升班级管理效率。  相似文献   

高职院校辅导员在做好学生思想引领的同时,还承担着班级的管理工作,是学校与学生之间沟通的桥梁,既要遵照学校的规章制度开展班级日常事务的管理,又要为学生解疑答惑,做学生的"知心人"。深入了解高职院校辅导员与学生关系的现状,认真研究影响辅导员与学生关系的制度因素,积极探索高职院校构建辅导员和学生和谐关系的新型管理制度与理念,是高职院校学生工作所面临的一个现实而紧迫的课题。  相似文献   

关爱学生是落实群众路线的有力举措,也是高职辅导员工作的基本任务。高职院校大学生需要关爱的内容很多,主要从"积极与学生沟通,做学生成长的良师益友;加强学生管理,做学生成长的船长;提高文化、道德素质,丰盈学生成长的羽翼;热情服务,为学生成长搭把手"四个方面探究了高职辅导员关爱学生的内容。  相似文献   

研究生思想政治教育工作能否落到实处很大程度上取决于高校辅导员与研究生之间的沟通是否有效。传统条件下,高校辅导员与研究生沟通场所及形式单一,缺乏主动沟通,沟通效果不佳。新媒体时代的到来,无疑给高校辅导员与研究生的沟通带来了挑战和新的机遇。探讨二者的有效沟通策略如下:强化新媒体意识,不断提升辅导员信息素质;更新教育理念,提高研究生沟通交流的主动性;建立新媒体沟通平台,弥补传统沟通方式的不足;建立新媒体监管引导机制,坚持正确的舆论导向。  相似文献   

秦明承  陈建华 《学理论》2010,(19):233-234
党中央提出建设一支“职业化、专业化、专家化”高校辅导员队伍,在网络时代背景下,如何面对“90后”大学生开展思想政治教育工作,熟练、巧妙地运用网络载体开展日常教育管理学生工作,这是辅导员工作方式创新的重要内容。结合网络时代对高校的影响,分析了高校学生和辅导员工作中所面临的问题,提出了高校辅导员工作对策。  相似文献   

This article notes the tremendous significance of communication skills for public administrators with the authors examining the attention that has been given to teaching these skills in MPA programs. The authors hold that basic communication skills are the essential building blocks on which more advanced skills (i.e., qualitative skills and computer skills) are constructed. This article considers the various skills of communication that are most essential to public administrators and the manner in which courses addressing these skills are handled in MPA curriculum. In concluding the article, the authors offer several options for teaching communication skills to students of the discipline.  相似文献   

刘会 《学理论》2012,(22):170-171
以大学生和大学教师为分析对象,从三个方面分析了高等教育过程中"马太效应"给大学生带来的消极影响,"马太效应"的存在使得大学生自我评价出现偏差、人际交往能力两极分化,同时由于"马太效应"大学生也受到了各种不公平待遇。然后相应给出了大学教师应该如何应对的方法。以期为大学生更好认识自己、更好规划发展提供指导;为广大教师改进教学方法、更好地与学生沟通、保障学生在公平友善环境中健康成长提供参考。  相似文献   

Regulation plays a vital role in reducing harms and promoting public order. However, regulatory reform has been likened to painting the Sydney Harbour Bridge, it never ends. Coupling this reality with the increasing array of areas requiring regulation, there is an acute need for regulators to become more effective in how they work. We discuss the leadership skills needed to ensure regulators consistently contribute to the creation of public value.

Points for practitioners

  • Regulators can be more effective when they appreciate their authorising environment and the factors which make that environment dynamic.
  • Careful calibration of enforcement practices to the capabilities of those being regulated can reduce conflicts and improve outcomes.
  • Regulators with good communication skills can do much to resolve apparently intractable disputes.


As the advisers for the Model United Nations and Judicial Internship programs at our university, we have witnessed first-hand the benefits of simulations and experiential learning. Specifically, students are able to apply knowledge from other classes to real-world situations, all while honing their writing skills and communication skills, as well as their ability to analyze and synthesize information—skills that are critical to success in a wide variety of careers. This practical experience also gives students confidence as they prepare for and make decisions about their future career paths. While we have anecdotal evidence suggesting that these programs contribute to student success, we use survey data from former students to assess formally the longer-term impact of participating in these programs. We find that experiential learning programs contribute to student success by improving time to graduation and increasing the likelihood of attending graduate school or law school and/or finding employment after graduation. In addition, the students’ own assessments indicate that these programs instill numerous practical skills and provide insights that help prepare students for success in their future careers.  相似文献   

Based upon interview data from 60 officers in four county jails, this paper examines the differences in the institutional work orientations and experiences of deputy sheriffs and career line correctional officers. We found that both deputy sheriffs and corrections officers felt they received little support from administrators and were treated as second-class employees. Corrections officers were more likely to emphasize the professionalism of corrections work, to reduce social distance with inmates, and to stress the importance of human relations skills in effective work performance. In contrast, deputies were more likely to emphasize the futility of corrections work, to view inmates with suspicion and distrust, and stress coercive control and order maintenance duties.  相似文献   

市场选择下人际沟通对大学生就业的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李应华 《学理论》2009,(9):101-102
随着大学生就业制度从“分配制”到“双选制”的变化,大学生就业出现结构性的“就业难”现象,很多大学毕业生无法在市场选择下实现就业。要改变这一不利局面,一个重要的方法就是加强大学毕业生的就业人际沟通,使大学毕业生能够自觉地实现有效就业人际沟通,避免无效就业人际沟通,最终顺利实现就业。  相似文献   


Statistical software applications are increasingly used to measure student engagement in the classroom. However, more work remains to be done to clarify how meaning is created and measured in classroom settings. With the growing use of technology in the classroom, students’ peer review has become a standard practice to improve students’ writing skills. This article examines the use of an open-source R software application based on Peirce’s sign theory to analyze students’ peer-review comments. Peer review is the assessment of student or professional work by others. The importance of open-source R as a platform lies in the fact that users can extend its code without having to ask permission. The results suggest a new approach, based on computational and social semiotics, to the assessment of students’ peer-review comments in higher education.  相似文献   

王曦  王立梅 《学理论》2011,(20):224-226
在英语写作过程中,学习者拥有一定的元认知基础,能有意识地用英语进行写作并进行自我反省,同时对写作过程进行有效的规划、监控和评价,使写作成为学习者自觉、能动的认知活动。大学英语写作教学中由于学生缺乏有效地写作策略而存在种种问题,在教学过程中教师应指导学生运用元认知策略调节和监控自己的写作行为,提高写作能力。将元认知与大学英语写作教学融为一体,对深化英语课堂教学改革具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

廖国胜 《学理论》2010,(10):230-231
思想品德教育是学校教育的重要组成部分,也是体育课应配合教学的要素之一,体育教学不仅能使学生增强体质,提高运动技巧和技能,而且还能发展智力、陶冶情操、锻炼意志,培养学生的全面发展,特别是中等专业学校的学生毕业后将直接进入社会。为了使学生更好、更快地适应社会和工作岗位,作为中等专业学校的体育教育者对学生进行思想教育更为重要。根据体育教学的特点,把思想教育贯穿体育教学之中,使学生在增强体质、学习运动技能的同时提高品德素养。  相似文献   

Higher education requires best leaders and collaborative environment to stimulate staff and student because of facing more challenges and to make the educational institutions remain relevant in a competitive global context. Considering the fruitful academic outcome, ideal leadership style and collaborative work are essential among teachers and students. Therefore, an empirical study was performed to investigate the effect of transformational leadership and team communication on task performance. The proposed model was verified by quantitative study to clarify the complex relationship between predicators and outcomes. Research data were collected from a sample of 273 master students from the University of Science and Technology of China. The collected data were examined through partial least square analysis technique. The results suggested that team perception of transformation leadership has positive effect on team communication and team trust to measure high task performance. In addition, team communication has positive effect on team trust, whereas team trust has a significant effect on team creativity, which enhances the task performance.  相似文献   

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