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杜威用整体哲学来看待经验,反对传统的二元论哲学将原本完整的世界划分为实体与现象、身与心、感性与理性、主观与客观、经验与自然等相互对立的两个方面。杜威认为在这种分离和割裂的二元论哲学中,"经验"一词的内涵被严重误解。他认为经验既是在自然之内的,也是关于自然的;经验是人与环境交互作用的过程与结果;经验就是生活;经验就是生命活动;经验是内在地联系着的;经验是指向未来的,它蕴含着自我生长、自我更新的力量。一切教育来自经验。教育的作用是扩展有益的经验,改造有害的经验,从而促进儿童的生长。课程应按照儿童生长的自然进程,遵循儿童获得经验的规律,以帮助儿童获得有益于生长的经验。  相似文献   

杜威在其《儿童与课程》中,将其教育哲学落实于课程理论。杜威认为,儿童的生长需要是教育的出发点,儿童的心理规律是课程的依据,儿童的主动活动是课程实施的方法,儿童经验的增长是课程的最终目标,所以教育的各种措施都应围绕儿童这个中心。类似的精彩的教育哲学观念不一而足。杜威《儿童与课程》的问世,距今已有115年,但其中的思想对于当前的教育改革、课程改革以及教育学建设,依然具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

当今教育领域,理解课程理论已经成熟,它给以开发范式为基础的学校音乐学科课程带来了新的教育评估视野。课程领域所出现的理论转型,使我们开始一种以理解课程范式为基础的音乐课程理念的思考。音乐课程开发范式中音乐的界定具备科学技术概念的含义,如乐理学习对音高、音质、音色、音的力度、音程等的物理属性的界定,它将这种音乐体系看作是“文化无涉”的具有普遍性的“科学体系”。而作为理解课程范式的起点和理论框架,将音乐作为文化的界定表明,音乐理解课程已经显示出音乐是作为一种文化表征,因此,音乐课程被理解为历史文本、政治文本、种族文本、性别文本、现象学文本等以及后结构主义、解构主义和后现代文本。  相似文献   

<正> 尽管人们倡导教育改革由来已久,然而,法学院的课程设置结构并无多大变化。同时,如果再不认识到并处理好课程设置结构与教师结构的辩证关系,我相信,这一问题将来也不会有根本变化。实践证明,法学院的课程设置结构是其教师结构的产物,课程设置的前提、结构以及实施问题,无不与其教师结构休戚相关。为改革教育以适应现代社会迅猛发展的需  相似文献   

小学语文课程资源的开发和利用是我国语文基础教育改革面临的一个崭新课题,是新课改中最具活力的因素.充分利用现有的课程资源,积极开发新的课程资源,是贯彻新课标精神,深化教育改革、提高教学效益的重要途径,有利于拓宽小学生语文学习和运用的领域,在开放式的语文学习中得到全面发展.  相似文献   

我国基础教育课程现代化的若干理论思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育现代化的核心应当是教育内容现代化,即课程现代化。而课程现代化的实质是以现代化的思想、观念、价值来统摄课程编制,更好地解决“社会需求”、“知识体系”、“儿童发展”三者之间的关系,使课程系统诸要素在结构性地联系中展现整体效应。本文在基础教育范围内,对课程系统涉及的课程观念、课程内容与结构、课程传递、课程评价等诸要素进行了若干理论分析  相似文献   

课程泛化是我国近20年课程研究和实践探索共同促成的现象,该现象演进包含4个阶段:"什么都是课程"的课程概念泛化阶段,"人人皆做课程"的课程权责泛化阶段,"事事皆可成课程"的课程资源泛化阶段和"事事皆需课程化"的课程技术泛化阶段。悬置对课程"泛化"现象的消极评价,对其进行开放、动态、辩证的过程性分析,可以发现:源自于课程研究范式多元化的"课程概念泛化"有助于建构富有张力的课程思想;发端于课程管理体制民主化的"课程权责泛化"促进了课程政策和思想向生动课程实践的转化;开拓课程视野的"课程资源泛化"解放了实践者的教育想象力;激活学校课程建设创新力的"课程技术泛化"则有助于被忽略轻视的教育领域和活动重振旁落的教育地位和价值。  相似文献   

陈健  邹丹 《法制与社会》2010,(27):252-252
目前我国高校普遍开展了针对非法律专业学生的法律基础课程,然而在实践教学中现行法律课程存在着明显的不足与缺陷。本文针对高校法律基础课程现存的问题进行深入研究,同时对存在的不足与缺陷提出了理论性意见,以期有助于我国高校法律课程建设。  相似文献   

文化性的缺失—论课程的文化锁定现象   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
课程起源于化传承的需要,传递、复制、再生产社会化是学校课程唯一不变的使命。在课程发展中形成了特定的化锁定现象。它造成了课程应具有的自的化品性及其所必然引发的内在的、独立的价值标准与宗旨的消解。课程成了现实社会主流化的“代言人”。它具有诠释、粉饰及原样传递的职责,却无反思、批判、创新的品质。学校教育的工具品性、灌输与训练机制、教育教学理论的学术品质等,都是课程化锁定现象所造成的化性缺失的必然结果。揭示课程化性缺失的病理表征,是使课程由化的工具存在转变为化的主体存在的重要前题。  相似文献   

道德是否可教,不同的道德理论可认知性各不相同,因而要求不同的德育课程形态。弱认知的亚里士多德美德伦理学强调通过善的实现活动养成德性,因而可以从活动课程的意义上构建学校的公共活动;非认知的杜威共同体主义伦理学主张通过学校的共同生活培养儿童的道德观念,因而可以从隐蔽课程的意义上营造学校公共文化的道德氛围;强认知的科尔伯格道德发展学说将公正观念看作是道德的核心,因而可以从研究性课程的意义上拓展学校公共治理的空间。增加儿童参与的积极性、广泛性和真实性是不同德育课程形态的共同要求,儿童公共参与建构了学校和班级生活的公共性。  相似文献   

In order to test the hypothesis that learning disabilities are related to juvenile delinquency, a sample of 1,005 public school and 687 adjudicated juvenile delinquent youths (ages 12 to 17) reported about delinquent behaviors in which they had engaged. The youths' educational records were screened, and, if the presence of learning disabilities could not be discounted, the children were given a series of tests. Every child was classified as either learning disabled or not. The results indicated that proportionately more adjudicated delinquent children than public school children were learning disabled. Self-report data, however, showed no differences in delinquent behaviors engaged in by learning-disabled and non-learning-disabled children, within either the adjudicated or public school samples. Public school children who have learning disabilities reported that they were picked up by the police at about the same rate as non-learning-disabled children, and engaged in about the same delinquent behaviors. Charges for which learning-disabled and non-learning-disabled adjudicated delinquents were convicted followed the same general patterns. In light of these findings, it was proposed that the greater proportion of learning-disabled youth among adjudicated juvenile delinquents may be accounted for by differences in the way such children are treated within the juvenile justice system, rather than by differences in their delinquent behaviors.  相似文献   

This article gives a detailed review of the evolution of the Chinese study of Foreign Legal History over the past 60 years. It covers five aspects: academic conferences, Chinese translated works on Foreign Legal History, the education of Chinese scholars in this field, academic activities and contestations, and the prospect of Foreign Legal History as a discipline. This article aims to tease out the achievements and problems of the studies of Foreign Legal History and analyze the social conditions underlying these problems and achievements. It concludes that the reconstruction of Chinese legal system and the development of Chinese legal system cannot stand in isolation from the process of absorbing, transplanting, and learning from foreign jurisprudence and legal systems. Though Foreign Legal History might not become a hot topic, it remains of great significance to the Chinese understanding of law.  相似文献   

Purpose. The main aim of the study was to examine the relationship between learning (intellectual) disability and interrogative suggestibility among children (11‐12 years old) and adults. Method. The Gudjonsson Suggestibility Scale (GSS 2) was administered to 110 children and 221 adults who were categorized into three groups according to fullscale IQ scores: (1) normal IQ (>75); (2) mild impairment (IQ score 55‐75); and (3) moderate impairment (IQ score <55). Results. Highly significant differences in memory and suggestibility emerged in both the child and adult samples across groups. Using memory as a covariate in the analysis eliminated the significant group differences for ‘yield 1’ among the children, but not for adults. There was no significant influence of memory on ‘shift’ in either group. Whereas ‘shift’ was significantly influenced by intellectual disability in children, no significant difference emerged across groups among adults. Conclusions. Children and adults with learning disability have much poorer memory and higher suggestibility scores than their contemporariesof normal intelligence. Differences in suggestibility are only partly explained by poorer memory scores. The findings reveal important differences between children and adults with intellectual disabilities. Children with learning disabilities are more susceptible to altering their answers under pressure than are adults with learning disabilities.  相似文献   

《汉英双语现代汉语词典》(2002年增补本)的面世,无论是对以中文学英文,还是以英文学中文的人而言,或日对中国与英语国家之间文化交流,无疑是件大好事。但通读《新记号新义》部分后,本文作者认为,由于种种原因,其中一些词条的英译出现了不同程度的瑕疵,因而有碍其预期效果的实现。现成文一述己见,同时旨在引起有关方面对此予以关注。  相似文献   

中国海事仲裁发展初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伦敦是名副其实的国际海事仲裁中心,其成功经验值得学习和借鉴。以中国海事仲裁委员会为代表的中国海事仲裁发展现状不容乐观。海事仲裁是国际航运中心的重要元素,中国有必要发展海事仲裁。分析内外因素,提出中国海事仲裁发展的措施建议。  相似文献   

中国儿童文学在五四时期获得了现代品格,但是仍然经受着多重审美困扰.中国儿童文学这一发生期的审美困境大致有四:"未来之民"的儿童观底蕴深厚,暗含教化思想的文学观的变相延续,童心主义所致的玄美,单纯强调儿童的"现在"性导致的矫枉过正等.这些困境在整个二十世纪的中国儿童文学中都不同程度存在,对此加以探讨可以为当代儿童文学的审美提供历史借鉴.  相似文献   

Obtaining effective rehabilitation and gaining access to full development services are fundamental for children with disabilities to fully participate in society and achieve social inclusion. A disabled child’s right to rehabilitation is specially protected by law in China and internationally. Chinese law specifically provides that the State shall ensure the enjoyment of the right of children with disabilities to rehabilitation services. This study shows that in the last five years, the rehabilitation services for children with disabilities are generally improved. But due to the incomplete protection mechanism, the right of children with disabilities to rehabilitation still could not be fully realized. This article concludes that the rehabilitation situation of children with disabilities in China presents the general feature of lacking of opportunities and structural imbalance. The Chinese government should take more responsibility to improve the rehabilitation system for children with disabilities. Specifically, the Chinese government should undertake the obligations as stated in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to provide rehabilitation services for all children with disabilities. To ensure the effective implementation of the right of children with different disabilities in different areas, China shall improve the rehabilitation legal system, establish an urban-rural integral rehabilitation system, enlarge financial invest and increase professional level of rehabilitation staff.  相似文献   

林雅 《法学论坛》2005,20(4):141-144
洋务派"中体西用"的法律思想是在国力衰微,清朝统治"岌岌乎不可以支日月"的状况下对西方近代文明冲击的一种回应和调和,即希望通过西学来"补救"中学.洋务派成员是儒家的信徒,所以这种思想不可能超出阶级和时代的局限.但它毕竟为中西文化结合找到了一种可能的范式,其中也并不乏真知灼见.检视其中得失对于我们当今的法治建设是很有意义的.  相似文献   

Past research indicates that adults who were subject to severe physical discipline as children are often violent toward their spouse and children as adults. This association is usually attributed to modeling or the learning of attitudes that legitimate hitting family members. Using four waves of data from a sample of midwestern families, this study found only limited support for these explanations. Analysis showed that the relationship between childhood exposure to harsh parenting and recurrent adult violence toward children or a spouse was mediated by the extent to which parents displayed an antisocial orientation. This pattern of findings is consistent with criminological theories that view criminal and deviant behavior of all sorts as rooted in a general antisocial orientation acquired in childhood largely as a result of ineffective parenting.  相似文献   

作者对音乐特长儿童和普通儿童的智力测验结果进行了比较,分析了音乐特长儿童在智力和智力结构上的特点,并考察了这种特点与学业成绩之间的关系。结果发现,音乐特长儿童的总体智力位于中等智力水平。他们的智力结构表现为,词汇、常识方面的发展较为突出。他们学业成绩与普通学生相比,语文、英语成绩要明显在优于普通生,而数学成绩则与普通儿童之间没有显著差异。进一步分析表明,这种学业成绩的表现与其智力结构的特点是相一致的。  相似文献   

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