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黑社会性质组织犯罪及司法认定的若干问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方明 《现代法学》2003,25(6):84-87
成立黑社会性质组织 ,应当同时具备组织结构特征、经济实力特征、暴力行为特征、非法控制特征等四个特征。科学地界定黑社会性质组织的内涵 ,明确黑社会性质组织与其他相关犯罪组织 (如 ,黑社会组织、犯罪集团、恶势力、恐怖活动组织等 )之间的界限 ,按照犯罪构成的要求 ,在司法实践中 ,才能准确认定黑社会性质组织犯罪 ,对此罪与彼罪以及定罪与处罚等问题作出正确地裁量  相似文献   

林国辉 《法制与社会》2011,(36):130-131
1997年《刑法》第二百九十四条设立“组织、领导、参加黑社会性质组织罪”罪名开始十年内,适用寥寥,但近几年,各地判例突增。2011年的刑法修正案八对该罪名进行了修改,将黑社会性质组织的基本特征以及刑罚予以补充和完善。本文拟就现阶段我国刑法对于黑社会性质组织犯罪的规定以及相关司法解释入手,对黑社会性质组织犯罪在司法实践中的几个问题进行论述。  相似文献   

黑社会组织犯罪与黑社会性质组织犯罪都是同一性质的犯罪,境外黑社会组织入境举行扎职仪式等组织性活动,不应当按入境发展黑社会组织罪定罪处罚,而应以组织、领导、积极参加黑社会性质组织罪定罪处罚,文章还着重研究了刑法中当然解释的可适用性.  相似文献   

丘志馨 《政法学刊》2001,18(2):8-11
入境发展黑社会组织成员犯罪是黑社会性质组织犯罪中的一种重要类型,刑法第二百九十四条第二款规定了“入境发展黑社会组织成员罪”的罪名。该罪所侵犯的客体是我国正常的经济、社会生活秩序;在客观方面表现为行为人到中华人民共和国境内发展境外黑社会组织成员的行为;其犯罪主体只能是境外黑社会组织的人员;在主观方面表现为直接故意。广东省地处改革开放的前沿,是全国受境外黑社会组织渗透影响最早和最严重的地区,鉴于入境发展黑社会组织成员犯罪危害的严重性,必须完善对该犯罪行为的立法,加强打击的准确性和力度。  相似文献   

自从改革开放以来 ,黑社会犯罪在我国又沉渣泛起 ,加之境外黑社会的渗入 ,有组织犯罪即黑社会 (性质 )犯罪在我国日益猖獗。从国际上来看 ,黑手党、1 4K等黑社会组织的活动范围都已经超越了国界 ,成为世界性的公害犯罪。我国 1 997年刑法第 2 94条规定了组织、领导、参加黑社会性质组织罪、入境发展黑社会组织罪以及包庇、纵容黑社会性质组织罪。从此 ,关于黑社会的犯罪正式进入我国的刑事立法。理论界和实务界对于黑社会 (性质 )犯罪的研究可谓方兴未艾。正是在这些背景之下 ,经过数载的辛勤耕耘 ,何秉松教授所著长达六十多万字的《有组织…  相似文献   

王晨 《时代法学》2011,(5):26-31
对黑社会性质组织犯罪,刑法修正案(八)从明确黑社会性质特征、增设财产刑、加大对“保护伞”的打击力度等几个方面进行了完善。但是仍然存在罪名、罪种相对滞后,刑事政策贯彻不够全面,附加刑设计不尽合理等缺陷,应进一步进行完善。  相似文献   

汪涛 《法制与社会》2012,(6):116-117
随着经济与社会的不断向前发展,黑社会性质组织犯罪日益呈现高度组织化、技术化、隐蔽化、智能化等特点,使得侦查、起诉及审判难度不断加大。为了更好的适应新形势下惩治、打击黑社会性质组织犯罪的需要,《刑法修正案(八)》对黑社会性质组织罪中的组织、领导、参加黑社会性质组织罪增设了财产刑,但本文认为,该修正案仍有可完善之处。本文将以黑社会性质组织犯罪相关法条中有关财产刑的规定为出发点,对黑社会性质组织犯罪财产刑的适用及立法、司法的完善进行探讨。  相似文献   

中国大陆黑社会性质组织与国外黑社会比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、“有组织犯罪猖獗,黑社会复活了!” 一般认为,目前我国有组织犯罪的犯罪形态符合黑社会的一些特征,但只是具有黑社会性质的组织,还不是典型的黑社会组织。然而,根据2000年岁末“扫黑除恶”专项斗争破获出来的案件看和当前中国大陆有组织犯罪的最新动态看,有的有组织犯罪的行为,已经完全符合黑社会组织的基本特征。如果将这类犯罪还认定为“黑社会性质组织罪”,已经不符合当前的实际。因为黑社会组织一般有  相似文献   

我国刑法关于黑社会犯罪的法律适用现行刑法第二百九十四条增设7了黑社会犯罪的法律规定,该条款共包括三个罪名:(1)组织、领导、参加黑社会性质组织罪:(2)入境发展黑社会组织罪;(3)包庇、纵容黑社会性质组织罪。组织、领导、参加黑社会性质组织罪是指组织、领导或者参加以暴力、威胁或者其它手段,有组织地进行违法犯罪活动,称霸一方,为非作恶,欺压、残害群众,严重破坏经济,社会生活秩序的黑社会性质组织的行为。本罪的犯罪构成主要表现在以下方面。(1)本罪侵害的客体是社会管理秩序。它严重地危害一定区域或行业内正常的社会经济秩序及党和政府  相似文献   

防治黑社会性质组织犯罪的长效机制建设研究报告   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
建立健全防治黑社会性质组织犯罪的长效机制已经成为我国当前社会治理方面的紧迫任务之一.根据重庆"打黑除恶"专项斗争的经验,应当在准确把握黑社会性质组织犯罪基本特征和原因的基础上,从政策、工作机制和立法完善三个方面建立健全防治黑社会性质组织犯罪的长效机制:在政策方面,要根据犯罪特点灵活执行刑事政策,完善惩治黑社会性质组织犯罪的司法政策和防治黑社会性质组织犯罪的社会管理对策;在工作机制方面,要完善黑社会性质组织犯罪的侦查工作机制,建立对涉黑资产的分类处置模式;在立法方面,需要修改现行刑事实体法、刑事程序法和民商事、行政立法的相关规定.  相似文献   

Despite an abundance of mafia romaticism both in litarary form and in social science the psychological study of personality of prominent organized crime figures is almost completely absent. Criminological attempts to understand how the mafia kingpin's mind works have failed so far because they are based on the mistaken view that underworld leadership would not require a certain level of skills and knowledge. Thus I have constructed a theoretical portrait of a maffia boss using the Five Factor Personalityy Model thatt is also used for personal selection purposes. I then suggest that personality traits that predict leadership success in the legitimate business world such as extraversion, controlled impulsiveness, a sense of adventure, megalomania, annd Narcissistic Personality Disorder, are all equally suitable triats for a career in organized crime.  相似文献   

This paper studies organized crime in three regions, the Veneto in Northern Italy, Liverpool in England, and Chicago in the United States. Data were gathered from published reports, government documents, and field observation. Case studies were then compiled describing organized crime in each area. The findings suggest that various jurisdictions define organized crime differently. These different definitions correspond to the nature of organized crime in each locality. In spite of these differences, however, there is consensus about the use of the term mafia. Groups that are defined as mafias generally exercise some degree of political influence in their areas of operation. Additionally, criminal groups that began as adolescent gangs retain the gang classification even after they move into drug trafficking and other organized criminal activities. These findings suggest important distinctions between organized criminal groups and improve our understanding of the term organized crime.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the territorial movements of the mafia groups. After postulating that the concept of mafia refers to a form of organized crime with certain specific characteristics of its own, the paper presents: i) a repertory of the mechanisms underlying the processes whereby mafias expand beyond their home territories, and ii) a taxonomy of the forms that the mafia assumes in nontraditional territories. In a case study approach, the conceptual framework thus outlined is applied to the mafia’s presence in Germany, as reconstructed from documentary and judicial sources. Though this is an exploratory investigation, certain findings are clear: i) the ‘Ndrangheta is more active in Germany than the other traditional Italian mafias (Cosa Nostra and Camorra), and ii), even in “successful” expansions, the mafia does not reproduce the embeddedness it typically shows in its home territories, but chiefly concentrates on infiltrating the economy and dealing on illegal markets.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the development of persons and organizations in the successor states of the Soviet Union, with an emphasis on Russia. It examines the development of criminal professionalism in Russia between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries and argues that exiling peasants to Siberia contributed to the development of a criminal underworld and the creation of a professional criminal underclass. In the early to late Soviet periods, vory v zakone, or “thieves-in-law,” evolved together with criminal groups as a means to survive in the GULAG, these criminal groups operating within the Soviet prisons and penal colonies. Inadequacies of the Soviet system of central planning led to the criminalization of the Soviet economy and the emergence of the thieves-in-law as critical players. Activities such as racketeering, robbery, and other crimes were dangerous but predominantly secondary. The roots of the Russian mafia lie in the innermost depths of the Russian shadow economy. Some of the key aspects of the post-Soviet privatization process are analyzed together with the interaction between various levels of the Russian government and organized crime groups. It is argued that the state was not corrupted by organized crime groups, but rather the organized crime groups became the state. In the new Russia, organized crime groups and corrupt government executives work together to generatea new criminal state.  相似文献   

This article studies the decline of a long‐standing mafia known as thieves‐in‐law in the post‐Soviet republic of Georgia. In 2005 an anti‐mafia campaign began which employed laws directly targeting the thieves‐in‐law. Within a year, all Georgia's thieves‐in‐law were in prison or had fled the country. This article looks at the success of the policy by investigating how Georgia's volatile socio‐economic environment in the 1990s affected the resilience of the thieves‐in‐law to state attack. The article presents data showing that the chaos of this period impacted on the ability of thieves‐in‐law to coordinate activities, regulate recruitment, and protect their main collective resource—their elite criminal status. Due to this, the reputation of the thieves‐in‐law as a mafia drastically declined creating vulnerability. The article adds to the literature on resilience in criminal networks and the study of organized crime in the post‐Soviet space.  相似文献   

We explore how the idea of partial organization can provide insights in the study of organized crime. Studying criminal organizing with a theoretical framework used for other social organizing phenomena can help us see the interplay between different forms of criminal collaboration under a single analytical lens, and start a discussion on whether criminal organizing is intrinsically different from other types of social organizing. We analyze four cases of criminal collaboration in Sweden between 1990 and 2015: the Syriac mafia, the Hells Angels Mc Sweden, the street gang Werewolf Legion, and the Hallunda robbery. While the outlaw motorcycle gang, and to a certain extent the street gang, are complete organizations, the mafia is based around and heavily parasitic on other institutions. We have also shown that time-bounded projects are found in the criminal context, with these emerging from strong network relations. Our results show that most of the elements of criminal organizing are not formalized and that partial organization is at least as important and powerful as complete organization.  相似文献   

Terrorist organizations, groups, cells or just ‘bunches of guys’ are systematically compared with other types of criminal or deviant organizations: organized crime such as the mafia, street gangs and religious sects. Of course there are many differences between them, especially where motivation is concerned, but they share the common factor that it is almost impossible or very difficult for individual members to step out. However, de-radicalization may follow analogous paths: aging out, accepting exit programs in prison or disengaging ideologically. The article discusses the obstacles that a government strategy that encourages desistance from terrorism by stepping out may encounter. It may be sufficient and more realistic to discourage radicals from using violence than to try to de-radicalize them by using counternarrative techniques.  相似文献   

Terrorist organizations, groups, cells or just ‘bunches of guys’ are systematically compared with other types of criminal or deviant organizations: organized crime such as the mafia, street gangs and religious sects. Of course there are many differences between them, especially where motivation is concerned, but they share the common factor that it is almost impossible or very difficult for individual members to step out. However, de-radicalization may follow analogous paths: aging out, accepting exit programs in prison or disengaging ideologically. The article discusses the obstacles that a government strategy that encourages desistance from terrorism by stepping out may encounter. It may be sufficient and more realistic to discourage radicals from using violence than to try to de-radicalize them by using counternarrative techniques.  相似文献   

With varying degrees of enthusiasm, federal, state, and local governments had been investigating and prosecuting gangsters since the late nineteenth century. Despite this relatively long history, the primary interpretation of the Apalachin arrests lay in the belief that the New York State Police had uncovered proof of the existence of organized crime. This essay investigates the reasons why there seemed to be an ongoing need to prove its existence, concluding that organized crime came to be defined within the cultural and political agendas of Cold War America. Drawing on media accounts, government documents, archival sources, and popular non-fiction, this essay argues that rather than the conclusive proof of the mafia, Apalachin is best viewed as an exhibit in an ongoing argument about the existence and meaning of organized crime.
Lee BernsteinEmail:

Lee Bernstein   Associate Professor of History at SUNY—New Paltz. He is the author of The Greatest Menace: Organized Crime in Cold War America.  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(1):41-69
This article presents the Mafia Index (MI), an index measuring the presence of mafias at the provincial level. In the abundant literature on Italian mafias, relatively few studies have attempted to measure the presence of mafias across the country. A review of previous attempts points out the limitations and methodological shortcomings of existing measurements. The study provides an operational definition of ‘mafia’ and selects the most appropriate indicators and variables according to multiple criteria. The MI combines data on mafia-type associations, mafia murders, city councils dissolved for infiltration by organised crime, and assets confiscated from organised crime and covers the period between 1983 and 2009. The MI highlights not only the strong concentration of the mafias in their original territories but also their significant presence in the central and northern provinces. This confirms that mafias should not be regarded as typically Southern Italian phenomena, but rather as a national problem.  相似文献   

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