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李鸿 《工会论坛》2009,15(4):145-147
在全球经济一体化发展趋势的作用下.世界各国法律在调整市场法律关系的过程中也正经历着趋同化的历史走向,《国际商事合同通则》正是在这一大的历史背景下产生的。将我国《合同法》与《国际商事合同通则》作以比较和分析.找出彼此之间的趋同与差异,对进一步完善我国《合同法》,促进我国市场经济的发展,具有深远的理论和实践上的意义。  相似文献   

商法的独立性根源于其所调整的商事关系的独立性。商事关系的立法界定,应当坚持主观主义标准,以商人作为确认商事关系的核心与基础地位。商事关系在规范对象、价值追求、调整方法等诸多方面均区别与民事关系。与制定《商法通则》的路径相比,“民商合一”系我国商事立法的务实选择。  相似文献   

目前制订商事通则的呼声颇高,但从商法与民法的关系、我国的立法传统和立法技术等方面看,制订商事通则的可行性、必要性值得检讨;否定商事通则的立法主张绝不意味着商法不重要,其重要性与独立性无必然联系.坚持民商合一,商事规范以单行法的形式存在是我国商事立法的最佳模式选择.  相似文献   

我国应选择以<商事通则>为统率,以商事单行法调整具体商事关系的商事立法模式.在此立法模式下构建我国的商事主体法律制度,应当遵循保守与超越的基本理念,这是由于新时期我国的民商事立法模式和民事主体与商事主体的关系所决定的.<商事通则>中商事主体的概念应以商事权利能力与行为能力为要素,超越传统商法中商人概念的确定模式;明确规定商事主体的消极资格,放宽对商事主体营业能力的要求,超越传统商法对商事主体资格的认定标准;在商事主体的范围上,以民事主体在经济生活中的表现形式为基础,尊重我国的社会现实,不明确规定商事主体的范围.  相似文献   

商人资格的取得与丧失关乎着商人的“准入、退出制度”,对规范商人从事商事活动具有重要意义。本文主要以《商事通则》的制定为契机,从对国外商人资格取得与丧失的立法例考察和对我国不同类型商人的商人资格取得与丧失的分析入手,建议在未来《商事通则》中作出对商人消极资格的规定,对商人积极资格取得与丧失按照设立中的商人、商个人、商合伙、商法人的分类以条文的形式分别作出规定,以实现商事立法的系统化、科学化。  相似文献   

《国际商事合同通则2010》是国际贸易全球化的应然产物,其在国际商事争端解决中的司法功能愈加凸显。《通则》于司法实践中不仅可以经当事人的选择成为国际商事合同的准据法,而且可以经由法庭的裁量充当国际商事合同的准据法。中国也已有一些与此相关的司法案例,学界以往一直对《通则》能否作为合同准据法适用存有质疑。2013年施行的《最高人民法院关于适用(中华人民共和国涉外民事关系法律适用法)若干问题解释(一)》加剧了这种质疑。  相似文献   

制定<商事通则>要考虑立法资源的节约与立法技术上的可行性.<商事通则>应致力于协调民商法的关系,确立商事一般规则,要规范商主体的一般规定、商人名称与营业转让、商业雇员、商事登记、商事账簿、商人团体、商事代理.<商事通则>中不宜规定不具有一般性的内容,如商事责任、商事行为、商事短期诉讼时效等.要反对以社会责任观念限制商主体的营利性,营利性原则是<商事通则>的基本原则,而保护交易安全、保障交易效率和商主体法定是营利性原则派生的规则.  相似文献   

损害赔偿是违约补救措施的重要形式之一,涉及到合同双方当事人的切身利益。通过比较《国际商事合同通则》和《中华人民共和国合同法》中关于违约损害赔偿制度的相关规定,分析比较两部文件中关于损害赔偿的范围和限制进行,可以发现《国际商事合同通则》对我国《合同法》损害赔偿制度可借鉴之处。  相似文献   

在国际商事仲裁中,传统的合同准据法选择理论越来越不能适应国际商事交易的需要,合同准据法的选择出现了重要突破:仲裁庭可以不经冲突规范指引直接适用非国内规则。在这样的背景下,《国际商事合同通则》被适用来解决当事人之间的争议。《国际商事合同通则》的适用对准据法概念和合同准据法的选择提出了挑战,反映了当代国际私法发展的总体特征和合同准据法发展的新趋势,标志着一个全球性的商事价值体系正在形成并迅速发展。  相似文献   

民商两法的关系处置问题,是民法典编纂过程中绕不过去的疑题。从历史、立法、司法及比较法等层面考察可知,制定《民法总则》应充分体现对商事关系的包容性,以实现商事关系集约化调整之目标。《民法总则》包容商事关系存在独立成编、独立成章、独立成条和完全融合四种备选模式。从编纂时机与法律成本上考量,独立成章是《民法总则》包容商事关系最现实、可行(非最优)的模式选择。该模式下,《民法总则》包容商事关系应符合"简、通、补、适"四性要求。未来《民法总则》调整商事关系一章,应包括一般规定、商主体、商行为、商事代理、商事登记、商业账簿、商号七方面内容。  相似文献   

商人作为一种特殊的民事主体,在商法体系中具有核心的地位,不同国家对商人概念的表述有所不同,我国《商事通则》应该在商人条件、范围开放的基础上表述商人概念。  相似文献   

The theory of juristic acts is the core content of the General Principles of Civil Code, and the perfection of the legal norms is one of the main tasks of the General Principles of Civil Code of PRC. Based on the theory of juristic acts, this paper gave a detailed review of all the legal norms about juristic acts in the new General Principles of Civil Code of PRC. The author believes that the General Principles of Civil law of PRC have made great progress in the definition of juristic act, the basic values behind it, the implementation and effectiveness of the declaration of intention, and the validity system of juristic acts. At the same time, the article also pointed out that this General Principles of Civil Code still needs second consideration or perfection in this field, including the selection of terminology, the effect of persons with limited capacity of juristic acts, the rules about the error in the declaration of intention, the adoption of rules aboutunilateral false declaration of intention, the optimization of the validity system of invalid juristic acts etc. This paper put forward a series of concrete and practical perfection plans, looking forward to be useful for further improvement of the General Principles and the codification of other parts of the civil law.  相似文献   

商事信用是商事伦理制度下的产物,是对商事主体履约能力的一种社会评价。但当前我国的商事信用缺失已经严重影响到市场经济的健康发展。本文认为在运用法律手段调节、规制商事信用的同时,还应该运用伦理的手段规制商事信用。  相似文献   

权利与利益的关系之争,涉及到对权利概念内涵的理解。关于我国《民法通则》第一百○六条第二款规定的"财产",如果仅仅将之解释为财产权,那么只要行为人侵害的不是他人的财产权利,行为人就可以不受侵权法规制。因此,司法实践应与立法相一致,采取概括性规范模式,将财产权利与财产利益保护统一起来,且一并适用《民法通则》第一百○六条第二款之规定。  相似文献   

The “General Principles of Civil Law” of our country (article 110 and article 111) protects the privacy and information separately, the problem in theory and practice is that, in this two yuan protection mode, privacy and information can be clearly distinguished from or not? From the perspective of foreign legislation, majority legislation take the “one system” protection, which does not distinguish between information and privacy, which the reason is the privacy and the personal information are difficult to distinguish. I agree that the “General Principles of Civil Law” of China's “dual system” protection for privacy and information, and consider that the privacy and information can be distinguished, and we should apply the “Rule of Thirds” to distinguish between privacy and information, which is divided into purely personal privacy, privacy information, purely personal information.On the basis of the claim basis for the protection of privacy and information, the claim basis whose privacyand information is infringed exists in the eighth chapter of the “General Principles of Civil Law”, and several special laws such as “Tort Liability Law” and “Network Security Act”. Although the “General Principles of Civil Law”‘s Article 109-111 stipulated the provisions for the protection of right of privacy and information, but there is no effect of independent norms, because in these three articles, there is no protective measures to solve the problem that what is the civil juristic consequences when the privacy and information are violated.  相似文献   

“未成年人致人损害责任体系”向来为民法学中的疑难问题,《民法典》编纂过程中亦存在较大的争议。未年成人致人损害责任体系的核心在于未成年人责任能力制度,而未成年人责任能力之构建又取决于法律体系所欲实现的内在价值体系。自《民法通则》以降我国法律完全否认了未成年人的责任能力,从而由其监护人承担法律责任。此种立法模式固然实现了充分保障受害人利益和未成年人利益的价值追求,但是却并未能够兼顾其他现代侵权责任法所追求的价值。法学、心理学、人类学、社会学、教育学以及经济学等新的研究成果共同指向只有将未成年人的责任能力按照其年龄予以类型化,也即区分为绝对无责任能力与相对无责任能力,才能够在损害预防、受害人保护、未成年人养成、鼓励父母养育子女等诸多现代民法典之内在价值体系中实现最佳平衡。  相似文献   

The system of liability for damage caused by minors has always been a difficult problem in the field of the civil law, and there are also major disputes during the drafting of the tort liability law and civil code. The core of the liability system of the damage caused by minors lies in the system of the tort capacity of minors, which depends on the internal value system that the legal system aims to realize. Since the publication of the General Principles of Civil Law(1986), the Chinese tort law has completely denied the responsibility capacity of minors, so that their guardians should bear the legal responsibility. Although this legislation mode has realized the value of fully protecting the interests of victims and minors, it does not take into account the value pursued by other modern tort laws. The new research results in jurisprudence, psychology, anthropology, sociology, pedagogy and economics point out that the capacity of minors should be further classified according to their age, that is to say, into absolute incapacity and relative incapacity. Only in this way many values pursued by the modern civil law systems can be balanced,such as preventing damage,compensating victims,cultivating minors,and encouraging parents to bear and raise children.  相似文献   

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