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This paper focuses on interactive innovation. It starts by operationalising Regional Innovation in the context of multi-level governance. It shows how regional and external innovation interaction among firms and other innovation organizations is important for regional innovation potential. The ability to access and use funding for innovation support for regional firms and organizations is crucial for regional innovation promotion. Equity investment funding is more important than public funding, which tends to be cautious and otherwise risk avoiding, except in circumstances of market arrest or failure to develop. Regional systems of innovation are broader than single sectors or clusters but some of these will be strategically privileged recipients of policy support because of their growth performance or potential, rather than, as in the past, their uncompetitiveness. The paper devotes space to exploring biotechnology clustering from a regional innovation systems viewpoint, as an instance of rather strong sectoral, regional innovation systems capabilities, though integrated also to global knowledge supply and markets. Illustration is provided of the way such sectoral innovation systems work at local regional level by reference to cases from Cambridge, Massachusetts and Cambridge, England.  相似文献   

技术创新与管理创新的协同机理及其对企业绩效的影响机制和作用边界存在较大研究空白。本文基于组织双元性理论和协同理论,在分析双元性技术创新和管理创新动态协同机理的基础上,实证检验了探索式和利用式技术创新与管理创新的协同效应对企业短期和长期绩效的影响以及战略一致性的调节作用。研究表明,探索式和利用式创新与管理创新的协同对企业短期和长期绩效均有显著促进作用;探索创新与管理创新的协同对企业长期绩效的贡献高于利用式创新,而利用式创新与管理创新的协同对企业短期绩效的贡献高于探索式创新;战略一致性在创新协同与企业绩效的关系中具有正向调节作用,战略一致性越高,创新协同对短期和长期绩效的促进效应越显著。  相似文献   

产业集群与中小企业竞争力的提升   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由于存在先天缺陷,中小企业在市场竞争中往往处于劣势.而产业集群的一些功能(或机制)所创造的独特的竞争合作机制、激励机制等有利因素,很好地弥补了中小企业的产业缺陷,能帮助集群内的中小企业在规模不变的情况下参与灵活专业化分工,实现外部规模经济,从而获得集合竞争优势,中小企业的竞争力也因此得以提升.  相似文献   

产业群具有产业集聚、资源整合等特点,因此,被认为是拉动地方经济发展的一剂良方。本文围绕地域产业群的选择、培育等内容,结合地域经济发展的规律与特点,对地方构建优势产业群提出建议。  相似文献   

全球经济一体化速度加快,价值链条不断变化,产业集群在经济全球化和产品区域化趋势的推动下,已成为引领世界经济发展的主要形式.国外著名产业集群的成功经验对我国发展产业集群有很大的示范作用,为此有必要分析我国产业集群的具体情况,借鉴国外成功集群经验,进行路径创新,使我国产业集群嵌入国际价值链,参与国际竞争.  相似文献   

课程泛化是我国近20年课程研究和实践探索共同促成的现象,该现象演进包含4个阶段:"什么都是课程"的课程概念泛化阶段,"人人皆做课程"的课程权责泛化阶段,"事事皆可成课程"的课程资源泛化阶段和"事事皆需课程化"的课程技术泛化阶段。悬置对课程"泛化"现象的消极评价,对其进行开放、动态、辩证的过程性分析,可以发现:源自于课程研究范式多元化的"课程概念泛化"有助于建构富有张力的课程思想;发端于课程管理体制民主化的"课程权责泛化"促进了课程政策和思想向生动课程实践的转化;开拓课程视野的"课程资源泛化"解放了实践者的教育想象力;激活学校课程建设创新力的"课程技术泛化"则有助于被忽略轻视的教育领域和活动重振旁落的教育地位和价值。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explore some questions around the process of engaging in research in restorative justice in the contemporary political and economic climate of the UK. Its key concern is to endeavour to create a framework in which it is possible to develop an understanding of the process whereby restorative justice was transformed from the ‘dead duck’ of the late 1980s to its current popularity. It takes as its example for understanding this transformation the problems and possibilities of engaging in research in restorative justice and how such research needs to be contextualised within a wider understanding of the policy and political process. This paper does not set out to offer any answers to the questions it raises, but is primarily concerned to bring to the fore some of the absences that can be detected within the contemporary embrace of restorative justice in the UK.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the privatisation process carried out in Spain through the period 1985–1998. Firstly, an updated overview of the magnitude of the process is presented, paying also attention to the legal background, the economic features of the privatised firms, and the ways and procedures. And secondly, the paper provides a critical assessment of the objectives that the successive governments have actually pursued through privatisations; so, we attempt to verify to which extent privatisations carried out could be related to the usual explanatory hypotheses based in the property rights theory. As a result it is argued here that the main goals actually pursued by Spanish governments (given the features of the privatised firms) do not fit well with such hypotheses.  相似文献   

The study reported here follows the suggestion by Caplan et al. (Justice Q, 2010) that risk terrain modeling (RTM) be developed by doing more work to elaborate, operationalize, and test variables that would provide added value to its application in police operations. Building on the ideas presented by Caplan et al., we address three important issues related to RTM that sets it apart from current approaches to spatial crime analysis. First, we address the selection criteria used in determining which risk layers to include in risk terrain models. Second, we compare the “best model” risk terrain derived from our analysis to the traditional hotspot density mapping technique by considering both the statistical power and overall usefulness of each approach. Third, we test for “risk clusters” in risk terrain maps to determine how they can be used to target police resources in a way that improves upon the current practice of using density maps of past crime in determining future locations of crime occurrence. This paper concludes with an in depth exploration of how one might develop strategies for incorporating risk terrains into police decision-making. RTM can be developed to the point where it may be more readily adopted by police crime analysts and enable police to be more effectively proactive and identify areas with the greatest probability of becoming locations for crime in the future. The targeting of police interventions that emerges would be based on a sound understanding of geographic attributes and qualities of space that connect to crime outcomes and would not be the result of identifying individuals from specific groups or characteristics of people as likely candidates for crime, a tactic that has led police agencies to be accused of profiling. In addition, place-based interventions may offer a more efficient method of impacting crime than efforts focused on individuals.  相似文献   

Legitimacy is said to be comprised of two underlying constructs: obligation to obey and moral alignment. However, legitimacy studies are mainly derived from contexts where the legal system has evolved naturally and is said to reflect the values of society. There is a paucity of research measuring public perceptions of legitimacy in postcolonial settings such as Hong Kong where the legal system was initially transplanted and many of its values may not reflect those of the local population. Procedural justice has been asserted to be a primary antecedent by which legal authorities improve their legitimacy and moral alignment. This study examines whether procedural justice is positively associated with legitimacy and moral alignment with the courts. Moreover, this study tests whether legitimacy is positively associated with cooperation with the courts. Using a random survey of the Hong Kong general population, both questions are answered in the affirmative. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

社会理论中的惩罚:道德过程与权力技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
惩罚是法律与社会理论中的一个重要论题。在惩罚问题上,涂尔干和福柯对于近代以来残酷惩罚的衰落,以及从酷刑到监禁的历史变迁都做了分析,并且都触及到国家权力与个人权利相互加强、螺旋上升的现代趋势。而在分析思路和认知态度上,二人却表现出明显不同。关于惩罚,涂尔干坚持一种道德观点,视惩罚为道德过程,而福柯则坚持一种政治观点,视惩罚为权力技术。由这两种不同的典型观点,可以洞察人和国家在现代社会所遭遇的道德和政治困境。就此困境而言,在现代进程中,维护和加强人和国家的道德向度显得尤为必要。  相似文献   

苏维埃犯罪客体理论:过程、特点与评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一 随着苏联的解体,苏维埃犯罪客体理论已经终结,成为历史.从这一点上看,苏维埃犯罪客体理论具有鲜明的时空性特征.从时间上讲,它始于十月革命胜利后的20世纪20年代,终结于苏联解体;从空间上看,它存在于由15个加盟共和国组成的苏联,因此,独立后的俄罗斯的犯罪客体理论虽与苏维埃犯罪客体理论有着承继关系,但前者已不属于后者.  相似文献   

This article looks in detail at a form of kinship that is contingently crafted and mobilized to achieve specific purposes. On the basis of ethnographic material collected among local actors within bodies that regulate kidney transplants in Israel, the objective of this article is to expand the sociolegal definition of fictive kinship. I use transplant relatedness to refer to the set of formal and informal norms that grow out of social and medico-legal practices in the field of kidney donations and sales; however, the form of fictive kinship that appears in this specific field tells us something broader about kinship as it is constructed and performed in legal processes more generally. The configuration of fictive kinship that is examined is the shared history ( historia meshoutefet ). I argue that in the present case, the shared history alters social and legal deep-seated understandings of kinship and ultimately makes the distinctions between allegedly real and pseudo-kinship collapse.  相似文献   

中国的行政程序立法:语境、问题与方案   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从现代行政国家中行政权不断增长与行政程序发展之间的内在联系入手 ,指出了现代法治国家中行政程序对行政权行使理性化的重要功能。通过对西方主要国家行政程序发展的简要考察 ,文章强调 :我国正在进行的行政程序立法 ,是一个“政府再造”的契机。围绕着我国行政程序立法 ,文章对我国行政程序立法的制度基础、理论基础、以及相关的现实问题进行了扼要归纳 ,这些归纳构成中国行政程序立法的语境。在此基础上 ,文章结合《行政程序法》(专家试拟稿 )的基本框架 ,对我国行政程序立法的立法模式、目标、结构、以及行政程序法与其他相关法律关系等问题进行了讨论。本文的主要目的是指出我国行政程序立法的语境 ,提出立法中的基本问题 ,并探讨可能的方案 ,从而引发对这些问题更多、更深入的关注  相似文献   

Currently the American criminal justice system has no institutional mechanism to evaluate the conviction of an innocent person. An innocence commission would fill this gap. The commission would automatically review any acknowledged case of wrongful conviction, whether the conviction was reversed on post-conviction DNA tests, or through development of new evidence of innocence. Upon review of these cases, the commission would recommend remedies to prevent such miscarriages of justice from happening again. This paper commences with a review of the primary areas of wrongful conviction, followed by recommendations made with respect to the substantive components constituting innocence commissions. To empirically demonstrate the fiscal soundness of creating an innocence commission, data was gathered pertaining to the state of Arizona. Statements from criminal justice professionals and politicians in support of innocence commissions conclude our discussion.  相似文献   

符合“正当程序”是土地征收的合法性要件之一.而“正当程序”的满足需要一系列制度作为支撑条件,美国和法国的法律对此都有相似的规定.中国的土地征收制度重实体而轻程序,程序设计总体而言存在诸多不足之处.如何进一步修改完善是一个复杂的命题.  相似文献   

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