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美国社区管理模式是典型的自治型,即通过制定完善的法律制度、发挥非政府组织、志愿者和市场作用等,推动自下而上的民主参与式自治管理。美国城市社区管理经验,对新时期下进一步完善深圳社区管理有着重要的启示作用。基层群众自治制度是我国的基本政治制度。文章结合我国国情和社区管理实际工作需要,从社区管理体制、主体、功能和服务等四个方面对完善社区管理提出对策建议。  相似文献   

姜郸 《学理论》2015,(1):58-59
美国社区治理是一种以公民治理社区为主的自治模式。在这个治理过程中,多种治理主体包括如政府、社区居民、社区非政府组织、社区企业都平等、自由地参与其中。美国的社区治理历史悠久,理论和实践经验都十分丰富,能够为我国发展社区建设带来一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

本文对中美城市社区自治的形成从历史的角度进行了梳理,分析了城市社区自治在中美不同的政治体制中所产生的背景与功能,并通过比较得出,美国城市社区是以非营利组织等社区自治组织为主体来行使社区管理职能,主导社区发展的自治型治理模式,我国城市社区是在地方政府主导的以党组织和居委会为主体的政府主导型治理模式。笔者进而对我国城市社区自治面临的挑战做了思考,以美国城市社区自治模式为经验,对我国未来的城市社区自治模式进行了展望。  相似文献   

本文对中美城市社区自治的形成从历史的角度进行了梳理,分析了城市社区自治在中美不同的政治体制中所产生的背景与功能,并通过比较得出,美国城市社区是以非营利组织等社区自治组织为主体来行使社区管理职能,主导社区发展的自治型治理模式,我国城市社区是在地方政府主导的以党组织和居委会为主体的政府主导型治理模式。笔者进而对我国城市社区自治面临的挑战做了思考,以美国城市社区自治模式为经验,对我国未来的城市社区自治模式进行了展望。  相似文献   

本文从组织规模与类型、组织结构、组织行动等方面对北京市社区治理中社区民间组织参与社区活动情况进行剖析,并结合北京实际,揭示社区民间组织在社区治理中的作用,总结当前社区民间组织的发展能力.通过研究发现,社区民间组织既能有效的促进居民参与社区活动,为公众提供参与交流、活动的公共空间和平台,同时社区民间组织在预防社区矛盾和善治社区等管理方面也发挥了及其重要的作用.  相似文献   

一、美国非营利组织的基本情况和规模 (一)美国非营利组织在社区中的发展美国经济发达,在世界经济舞台上起着主导作用,但是美国政府并没有包揽社会事务,而是通过积极培育和推动非营利组织的发展,来承担许多具体的社会服务和社会管理工作。美国社会有三大经济体,即政府、营利组织(企业公司)和非营利组织。  相似文献   

本概述了美国非营利组织发展的过程,阐述了非营利组织的概念及其在美国社区发展中所起的作用,并对美国非营利组织的管理方式进行了研究。作对我国政府培育和发展非营利组织提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

通过实地考察美国中纽约州社区基金会、Gifford私人基金会和Onondaga郡天主教慈善会情况,结合美国慈善基金会相关研究材料,将美国社区基金会与深圳市光明新区正在试点的社区基金会进行比较分析。美国以社区基金会为代表的慈善基金会具有完善的治理结构、多元的投资机制、成熟的项目研讨和选择机制、良好的监管机制、有效的税收制度支持机制等,可以为光明新区的试点工作提供有益借鉴。在此基础上,文章提出设立多元化的社区基金会和专项基金、完善治理结构、完善项目决策评估机制、完善资金支出管理机制、完善资金募集和投资增值机制、加强专业人才培养等9个方面的建设性意见。  相似文献   

新加坡政府自70年代以来,不断推进社区建设,社区规划、社区组织、社会组织、基层党建同步发展,形成了一个层次分明、功能完善的社区治理体系。新加坡的经验做法,对于深圳完善社区治理体系,推动形成主体多元、管理有序、参与广泛的基层社会治理新格局有着一定借鉴意义。文章结合深圳实际情况,从组织体系、角色定位、服务功能、社会活力等四个方面对加强社区治理提出对策建议。  相似文献   

就实质而言,社区旅游是以社区为基础的一种旅游发展方式,其基本特征就是.旅游与社区的结合".社区旅游对社区建设具有推动作用,表现在:发展社区旅游能健全社区组织、扩展社区服务、丰富社区文化、改善社区环境、促进社区治安与壮大社区经济.加快发展社区旅游必须以社区特有的旅游资源为立足点;以服务游客为出发点;以社区居民参与为着力点;以促进社区发展为终极点.  相似文献   

International social security agreements are advantageous both for persons who are working now and for those whose working careers are over. For current workers, the agreements eliminate the dual contributions they might otherwise be paying to the social security systems of both the United States and another country. They also favorably affect the profitability and competitive position of American companies with foreign operations by reducing their cost of doing business. For persons who have worked both in the United States and abroad, and who are now retired, disabled, or deceased, the agreements often result in the payment of benefits to which the worker or the worker's family members would not otherwise have become entitled. Credit for social security coverage the worker earned in the United States and the other country can be combined, if necessary, to meet eligibility requirements, and partial benefits can be paid by one or both countries. Because international social security agreements benefit both workers and employers, the agreements program is supported by organized labor and the international business community. Since the first agreement was signed 15 years ago, every Presidential administration has endorsed the program. In view of this support, and the fact that the agreements enhance the image of the United States as a socially progressive member of the international community, it is expected that totalization agreements will be concluded with additional countries in the future.  相似文献   

Beginning in 1967 the Soviet Union allowed some Jewish citizens to leave for family reunification in Israel (see Appendix ). Due to the break in diplomatic relations between Israel and the U.S.S.R., most émigrés traveled to Vienna where they were then flown to Israel. After 1976 the majority of émigrés who left on visas for Israel “dropped out” in Vienna and chose to resettle in the West. Several American Jewish organizations facilitated their obtaining visas and being resettled in the United States and other countries. This article examines efforts by Israel to deny Soviet Jewish émigrés the option of resettling in the United States. Israeli officials pressured American Jewish organizations to desist from aiding Russian Jews who wanted to resettle in the United States. Initially American Jews resisted Israeli efforts. Following Gorbachev's decision in the late 1980s to allow free emigration for Soviet Jews, the American Jewish community agreed to a quota on Soviet Jewish refugees in the United States, which resulted in most Soviet Jewish émigrés to Israel. The article uses the case study to explore efforts by American Jews and Israel to influence American refugee policy in the 1970s and 1980s. It provides insights into ethnic politics as well as “sponsored politics,” whereby Israel used the American Jewish community to further its interests in the making of United States foreign policy. It also deals with the issue of human rights and migration. While no migrant has the right to go to a country of his or her choice, Israel did deny some émigrés the right to exercise freedom of movement to other countries who welcomed them as refugees.  相似文献   

In 1947, the United States created a modern intelligence community to guard against another surprise attack like the one at Pearl Harbor. This community consists of 13 major agencies, among them the CIA and the FBI. Concealed from public view, they pose a significant challenge to the concept of government accountability in a democratic society. This article examines the failure of congressional lawmakers to hold the secret agencies accountable during the Cold War. Contrary to recent theoretical research on legislative oversight, which suggests reasons that accountability has been strong in the United States, this study finds that a weak system of legislative review has permitted a dangerous erosion of civil liberties. The study also explores the efforts of the Church Committee in 1975 to fashion new safeguards that would reduce the probability of further abuse of power by the intelligence community.  相似文献   

This article assesses the impact of export policy on 21st century United States space power. The efficacy of current export controls in preventing the proliferation of space technologies and maintaining United States advantage is evaluated. The study finds that space launch technology has been and remains highly globalized; the United States has lost significant international communications satellite market share, but it maintains a tangible lead in position, navigation, and timing systems; and the recent growth in foreign imaging systems, both radar and optical, have eroded any advantage the United States once enjoyed. Furthermore, export controls have not appreciably slowed the internationalization of space and breaking dependency on the United States is a common underlying theme. The paper goes on to highlight the unintended consequences stemming from current policy, including limiting access to advanced technology of foreign origin, limiting access to foreign-born expertise, and adding “fog” and “friction” to the execution of programs that include foreign content. This paper finds current export control policy is incongruent with 21st century space power programs and initiatives, such as Operationally Responsive Space, Coalition Space, and “Soft” Space Power. Export control reform is suggested herein on the basis of developing a trusted community of trading partners.  相似文献   

There has been much discussion of the economic rise of Asia and an emerging Pacific community. This is nowhere more true than in Australia and the United States. And yet an interesting by‐product of the tremendous change in Asia is that it has contributed directly to a drift in the bilateral relationship between Canberra and Washington. Notwithstanding the universally enthusiastic official rhetoric about Asia, the region is in fact of much greater importance to Australia than the United States. It is no coincidence that as Australia finds itself being increasingly pulled towards Asia, its traditionally very close relationsip with the United States is gradually weakening. This trend can be illustrated by focusing on developments in Southeast Asia and the differential way they are affecting US and Australian interests in three key policy areas: trade, politics and human rights, and security.  相似文献   

This paper considers community strategies in economic revitalization. Guidelines are proposed for local economic development practitioners and as a framework for further research. Findings are based on extensive analysis and comparative study of economic development efforts in four medium-sized industrialized cities in the northeastern United States. The role of motivating, organizing, and diagnostic agents, including crisis situations, community based planning, and local development agencies, are highlighted. The analysis presents economic revitalization as an on-going activity requiring strong local leadership, competent local development institutions, and broad-based public and private sector participation.  相似文献   

The number of objects in Earth’s orbit has continued to grow since the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union. The historical “few objects, large space” principle left satellite operations a relatively benign environment, but that construct has shifted significantly due to the advent of the commercial space sector, the small satellite industry boom, and the resurgence of the desire for human space flight. The regulations for space operations both at the international and national level have always been sparse, but there is a large desire for more now that commercial capital is at stake. The purpose of this article is to bring to the surface available regulations for on-orbit operations to identify the gaps to fill and highlight the change for the Department of Defense. The international community and commercial sector recognize the need for a state like the United States to set a standard to influence the international community. This national-to-international framework is a technique used in other arenas, such as maritime traffic management and air traffic management, and the lessons learned from these fields are applicable to the space domain.  相似文献   


When the development of large‐scale public housing projects was discontinued in the 1970s in both Canada and the United States, the policy response was very different. This article reviews the nature of the dissimilar low‐income housing policy paths, documenting the role of federal housing policy in the evolution of a significant nonprofit “third sector” in Canada's housing system; the decision of the U.S. federal government to rely on the private sector for subsidized rental supply; and, with very little help from the federal government, the ‘bottom‐up” attempt to develop a nonprofit housing sector in communities throughout the United States. In Canada, a permanent stock of good‐quality, nonprofit social housing was created along with a growing and increasingly competent community‐based housing development sector.

The Canadian experience demonstrates that it takes time to build the capacity of the nonprofit sector. The U.S. experience demonstrates that there is a great deal of community‐based talent ready and willing to provide nonprofit housing if reliable and adequate funding is available. Canada has made outstanding progress relative to the United States in the area of affordable housing supply, creating yet another small but significant difference in the quality of life for lower income households. The general Canadian approach to consistent national support of nonprofit and cooperative housing can be applied in the United States. Canada's relative success is not based on unique structural or systemic differences—that is, it is a matter of political choice and political will. The United States should look to Canada's 20‐year experience to determine whether some of the mechanisms used to support Canada's nonprofit sector might be transferable to the United States.  相似文献   

The administration of the employee-owned or worker cooperative firm must provide for two conceptually separable functions: organizational governance and the management of work. Three theoretical models tend to shape the thinking of those who design the organization: authoritarian, bargaining, and town meeting or community democracy.We review the experience of self-management in Yugoslavia, the Israeli kibbutzim, Mondragon cooperative system, and employee ownership in the United States. We conclude that the model best designed to favor the growth of employee ownership in the United States will be one that combines certain features of all three theoretical models noted above.  相似文献   

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