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正2003年3月起,我担任了十年的全国人大代表,接受各种媒体的采访是一年比一年多。不仅接受传统媒体的采访(报纸、广播、电视),也接受网络媒体的采访(长江云、动向新闻等),还玩起了自媒体。在采访中,很多记者问我:你为什么会提这么多的建议?我说:我是民主党派成员。问我:你怎么会一当了省统计局副局长,就建议公车改革?我说:我是民主党派成员。  相似文献   

正采访时间:2016年3月17日(星期四)上午采访地点:北京市台联会客室记者札记:第一次接触王刚老师是缘于我负责《台声》2015年增刊——《纪念第三届全运会台湾省体育代表团》。热心的他作为当时第三届全运会台湾省体育代表团自行车运动员的领队,不但接受采访,提供资料,还多次协助我联系其他参加过第三届全运会的台湾省体育代表团团员。再次邀约采访时,王老依旧很爽快地答应了。他家较  相似文献   

崔战伟 《创造》2007,(6):122-123
为了节省你们宝贵的时间我把手机关了吧. 你们不抽烟吗? 我是坐下就要抽烟的. 这是李总(李晓龙:物流公司总经理)接受采访时的开场白.  相似文献   

2000年12月11日,采访蔡理事长时,省政府法制办和省残联联合举办的执法培训刚刚结束。全省各市县的理事长近250人经过培训,将依法持证工作,这是福建这个沿海开放省残疾人工作的一个突破。午饭后稍事休息,来自全省各地的理事长们急于赶回去,我也将随莆田市黄理事长的车前往采访的第一站莆田。就在这个空隙。蔡理事长用40分钟时间接受了我的采访,他侃侃而谈。看来对福建的残痰人事业是胸有成竹。 记者(以O代表):来福建采访之前,就听说您是1994年到的残联,正好经历了福建省残疾人事业  相似文献   

政策先行支撑就业创业 记者(以下简称“记”):您好,感谢您接受我们的采访到台州之前,我了解到,2016年,台州市的残疾人家庭人均可支配收入增长了17.85%,在全省是第一,请问是如何做到的? 张加正(以下简称“张”):收入是和就业有关的,对于残疾人来讲,就业不仅能改善自身经济状况,更重要的是能够融入社会.  相似文献   

(采访烟台市残联理事长徐崇旭。是在2002年6月8日的下午。采访之前,我先注意到了两个不合“常规”的细节:一是徐理办公室门上挂的不是“理事长”的牌子,而是“接待宣”;二是在我采访徐理时,他还请来了市残联的于坤副理事长和宣文部的王新和主任。这两个细节,直到我结束采访后,才理解了其中蕴涵的深意……)  相似文献   

2020年2月13日,崔天凯大使接受美国全国公共广播电台(NPR)“早间新闻”(Morning Edition)节目主持人英斯基普(Steve Inskeep)采访,就中国抗击新冠肺炎疫情、中美关系等回答了提问。采访部分内容于当地时间2月14日上午播出,全部采访内容刊登于NPR网站,实录如下。  相似文献   

<正> 观察记者:谢谢您接受我们的采访。首先,您能否阐述一下您对2002年中国外交工作的一个基本看法?张昆生:好的。也非常感谢《观察与思考》杂志给我这样一个机会。对于2002年中国的外交工作,我是这么看的:在这  相似文献   

正采访时间:2015年8月4日(星期二)上午采访地点:北京朝阳区潘家园记者札记:"我将古老的名称泉州来寻访,心中荡起柔情蜜意的涟漪,我踏上似曾相似的祖先土地,作为一个挚爱着你的儿女。多么熟悉,沿着亭仔脚的热闹街道,多么亲切,庙前屹立的大榕树。从小抚爱过的台岛古城风景,有如一幅艳美图画又涌现在我心里。"(摘自1983年第3期《台声》)如若不是有幸采访,我竟不知彭克巽老先生早在1983年就和《台声》有了渊源。彭老在北京大学俄语系教学长达45年之久,曾任俄语文学教授、博士生导师及中国外国文学学会理事。他主要讲授俄罗斯文学史、俄罗斯文学思潮等  相似文献   

一九四零年四月,我受政治部第三厅委派当战地记者,接受李宗仁将军的建议,到敌后大别山进行采访活动。一九四一年,就是我到立煌(今金寨县)的第二年,姚雪垠也来到立煌,给大别山文化界带来了活力。他早在重庆时就以小说《差半车麦秆》享誉文坛,我心仪已久,论年龄,他比我只大七岁,论文字事业成就,我差得太远,实在惭愧。他给我的印象是,热情直爽。我与姚雪垠在立煌相处一年,彼此相见多半在文化界举办的集会上,平时很少往来。一是我经常走出大别山,到桐城、庐江各地从事采访,且住处分散,一出来就得  相似文献   

"Quotes from Lei Feng’s Diary:People’s lives will end but there is no end to serving the people.I want to devote my life to serving the people endlessly.There is only one aim in my life:to be a useful person to the people.It’s a great glory to become a nameless hero.To live is to serve the people-live to make others happy."  相似文献   

THE decision on where to run my first marathon was an easy one: I chose my second home, Xiamen, a beautiful city with long beaches and a lovely climate. The route for the Xiamen marathon, which runs along the Island Ring Road, must be the most beautiful in the world. This year was the city's third to hold a marathon, and it attracted 15,000 participants from several countries. I downloaded a training program  相似文献   

证人询问既是获取真实、准确和完整证言的基本途径,也是证言极易被污染的关键环节。证人询问的程序和方法直接影响证人证言的质量和可靠性。①作为一套专门针对证人询问的技术——认知询问技术,简称CI,已在国外警务部门广为使用,且效果显著。为了进一步提高我国警务工作者证人询问技术水平,有必要将该项技术引入我国。文章从认知询问技术的产生与发展,认知询问技术的有效性实证研究以及认知询问技术实际应用的相关问题等方面做了全面综述,为该项询问技术引入我国奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

IN 1995 luck came my way. I entered Anhui Normal University and, at the first class meeting, met Wang Fang, a girl in a green blouse, whose limpid eyes and sweetly shy smile instantly stole my heart. To a boy from the countryside, this city girl seemed to me the essence of beauty, charm and sophistication. It was this great difference in  相似文献   

Youth aging out of foster care are assumed to embody a disempowered group, for whom civic engagement opportunities are rare. Utilizing a targeted initiative, this study explores individual- and community-level outcomes derived from foster youth civic engagement. Data were collected via: (a) interview and survey research with foster youth advisory board leaders; (b) interview and survey research with civic youth workers; and, (c) non-participant observation of five foster youth advisory board meetings. Directed content analysis revealed three emergent themes, which transcended the data inductively (Opportunity through Access; Positive Conceptions of New Jersey's Department of Children and Families; and, Participatory Competence). These themes support and extend our current understanding of empowering outcomes for this population. Implications for research, policy, and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

作者通过对贵州和云南两个苗族村落的田野考察,结合既往有关苗族村落之权威结构的民族学与人类学研究,以历史纵向书写的方式描述了两个村落的权威模式的形成、延续与现状,并分析了其中的原因。本文揭示两个文化相似的苗族村落在不同的历史条件下会形成不同的权威模式,而且这种模式会在村落中延续下去,这无疑也力图与那些赞同村落权威的模式发生的观点形成对话。  相似文献   

The author recounts his life and how it led to a career as an activist community psychology practitioner with a focus on issues of social justice. He tells of his upbringing, family and education as the background to a series of positions in various systems. The story shows an evolution from working with individuals to working with whole communities; and from working on issues of remediation and treatment to working on prevention and finally empowerment, social change, and social justice. The story of his life parallels the social issues of the time. Throughout the accounting of his life the author raises the questions that he was struggling with. The sequence of those questions is as follows: Can I emerge as a community leader? What do I do with that leadership? Can my work in psychology have any relationship to the larger social issues? Can my politics, social action and beliefs in social justice, be integrated with my mental health job? Can I find a setting that will tolerate and permit me to do work to create social change and reduce oppression? Can we build competent helping systems with partners from many sectors? Can we mobilize whole communities around community crises? Can we use coalition building to make a difference in quality of life? And finally: How can our spirituality inform our work for social change and how can our social change work to inform our spirituality?  相似文献   

MANY specialists think that world gastro-nomic variety can be divided into three maingroups: French, Middle Eastern and Chinese cuisines. There are people who do not agree: Italians will bombard you with pizza and pasta, Spaniards have paella, and even my fellow Belarusians can take part in this argument with our famous potato pancakes - draniki. Many Americans also think that pizza and pancakes belong to their national  相似文献   

After having studied Chinese for almost three years in Jordan, I chose northeast China as my destination in an attempt to improve my standard Chinese and learn the northeastern dialect. I arrived in China for the first time in 2017, with Shenyang, capital of Liaoning Province, embarking on my journey.  相似文献   

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