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本文首先在构建汉语句子语义系统的基础上指出,句模研究的对象不是句子的指称意义,而是句子语义平面的关系语义;接着在综述配价分析方法的基础上说明句模研究的总体思路应当是先分化、后综合,句模研究的起点不是形式化的配价结构,而是语义实体之间客观存在的各种认知联系;最后指出句模研究必须遵循形义结合、原型构拟这两大基本原则  相似文献   

动态句可区别为动作句与状态句两大类,依动作的内在时间性特征动作动词大体可划为五类,动作的内在时间性特征取决于动词的环境,动词处于不同的环境中可体现出不同的情景意义——类义,五类动词具有五种不同的意义。动作动词可视为一个功能体,类义选择取决于动词环境成分的性质。  相似文献   

基础表述相互组配形成高一级复合句模的研究路子,可以较好地揭示句子语义结构内部固有的层级组合性.根据对基础表述的相互组配及相关语义兼格现象的描写,表述使成型复合句模应归并为15个次类,原动力表述和所成表述均呈现出较强的语义选择性.  相似文献   

“把”字句的情状类型及其语法特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从时间系统角度考察“把”字句动词的语义特征和句子的情状类型及其语法现象。能否作“把”字句的谓语动词,与动词的内部过程结构有密切的关系。动词[+完成][+持续]的语义越强,能进入“把”字句作谓语的自由度越大。“把”字句由一个动作同指示该动作结果的行为和状态结合而成构成复变类情状,具有[-持续][+完成][+成就]的语义特征。“把”字句的一些语法现象都可由这些语义特征得到解释。本文最后分析了“把”字句的几种与句子语义特征有关的语法现象。  相似文献   

O动词作动词的修饰语,现代汉语中是个普遍现象,语法学界对此有所论述,但都语焉不详。本文将对动词修饰动词的基本类型、结构特征、词汇特征、语义关系作较为详细的描述。1.动词作动词的修饰语,根据结构有三类基本形式。①稳住劲儿,身子别来回摇晃(谌容《生前死后》)  相似文献   

包含名宾心理动词的事件句和非事件句   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
事件句和非事件句是从认知语言学的角度上界定出的一对语法语义范畴.在句法层面上,事件句、非事件句和构句成分有相互的选择关系.在不同的句法结构中,心理动词的语义表现为属性义和非属性义.当心理动词表现为属性义时,由心理动词作谓语述语构成的句子是非事件句;当心理动词表现为非属性义时,由心理动词作谓语述语的句子是事件句.  相似文献   

主宾互易的同义句是指。语义相同,即V两边的主语或宾语(N_1和N_2)位置互易,句义基本不变。主宾互易的同义句,根据主、宾语的语义特征,可以分为处所+V+存在者、处所+V+交通工具(或人),供用物+V+使用者,受事+V+工具、受事+V+时间,材料+V+材料等六种句类,本文将对这六种句类主、宾互易的情况作具体的描述。  相似文献   

对不成文宪法的专门研究,将有助于宪法学研究领域的拓展、内容的丰富和结构的平衡。但目前从基本概念到该专题的扩展性研究,在国内外学术界均未见系统性成果。“不成文宪法”是一个多义的、历史的和相对的概念,概念本身的混乱源自语义的歧误,而不成文宪法形成与形式特征的明确则是划分成文与不成文宪法类型的基础。以两类不同宪法类型的特征为标准,就能够对不成文宪法国家类型形成较为清晰的判断。  相似文献   

表"补充增加"意义的"还"字复句(句组)[H1,H2]有两类:补充同类项目与补充同一项目.前者"还"的补充项目(H2中的B)与已有项目(H1中的A)是并列关系,后者是同一关系.后一类句式中,A有体词性和谓词性两类成分,补充A的H2也有事物属性和动作情状两类.句法上,该复句(句组)(基本句)可以变换为复杂的单句(变式句),语用表达上具有简洁明了、强调性状、主观情感色彩浓烈等特点.  相似文献   

从构词语素与其构成的复合词的语法类型的关系上考察,就会发现,形名结构的构词格式对构词语素在语义、语法上的选择制约是有很强的规律的:构词语素与复合词同类时,它在语义类型上受选择制约得较少,异类时,受选择制约得较多;语义类型受制约的语素一定与合成词语法功能上不同类,构词语素语义类型自由的一定与合成词语法功能上同类。合成词与中心语素的形类不同所造成的与向心结构原则的背离,主要是受制于语素的语义上的特殊性质。  相似文献   

吕叔湘先生的<中国文法要略>开创了从意义到形式的汉语语法研究的新思路,这不但体现在下卷的"表达论",而且贯穿全书的始终.该书最主要的贡献在于建立了六大语法范畴系统:动词时态系统、句子功能系统、句子语气系统、语义角色系统、语义范畴系统以及语义关联系统,这是吕叔湘语法研究的核心思想.在这一思想的指导下,汉语语义语法理论才得以长足的发展.本文全面阐述了汉语语义语法的理论思想,指出它的理论核心是:强调形式与意义的的双向研究,特别是强化了语义范畴、语义角色和语义关联的研究.  相似文献   

“您”主语祈使句的标记性表现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"您"作为祈使句主语系统中最高层次的标记项呈现出丰富的种种语法表现:对祈使句肯定式的制约主要表现为祈请事象常具有听者[ 受惠]特征;对强调式的制约主要表现在对强调标记的选择与对意志语气强度的限制两个方面;对否定式的制约主要表现为祈请事象常带[ 受损]性以及对否定标记的选择等方面."您"的标记性表现主要与其自身的表敬性及言语行为的礼貌原则有关系.  相似文献   

The federal sentencing guidelines prescribe ranges of sentences to be given to persons convicted of felonies in the federal criminal courts. The U.S. Sentencing Commission wrote the guidelines attempting to make sentences conform to community views of appropriate punishments, along with several other criteria. Employing data from a 1994 national sample of adult Americans, designed as a factorial survey, the degree of correspondence is shown between guidelines sentences and those desired by the American public. Although at the individual level only a modest degree of concordance was found, the central tendencies of public opinion (median sentences) were found to correspond quite closely to the guidelines sentences. The major points of disagreement centered around drug trafficking crimes: the guidelines prescribed very long sentences for those crimes and distinguished sharply among trafficking in heroin, powder cocaine, and crack, whereas median sentences desired by the public were much lower and did not distinguish sharply among trafficking in those drugs. We interpret the findings as indicating that the guidelines sentences conform reasonably closely to American normative consensus concerning the sentencing of federal felons.The research reported in this article was commissioned by the U.S. Sentencing Commission. The views expressed in this article are not necessarily endorsed by the Commission. Full expositions of the findings from the national survey used are given by Rossi and Berk (1995, 1997).  相似文献   

The Government has recently abolished Imprisonment for Public Protection, a highly controversial form of indeterminate sentence. Yet, at the time of writing, nearly 6,000 inmates are still serving such sentences, all of whom will have to convince a Parole Board that detention is no longer necessary for the protection of the public. This paper evaluates recent European Court of Human Rights jurisprudence which considered the legality of post‐tariff detention in the absence of suitable rehabilitative provision. The Court held that there would be a violation of Article 5(1) if prisoners were held without access to such provision. Consideration is given to the implications of this ruling for those serving such sentences and, more broadly, to the impact it may have on risk‐based sentencing policies.  相似文献   

普通话亲属称谓形式化初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汉语亲属称谓具有区分辈分、性别、同辈长幼、直系旁系和姻亲血亲等特点,据此可以对汉语亲属称谓作出形式化判断;核心称谓、基本称谓是构成汉语称谓系统的基础;从属性亲属称谓所指的年龄、辈分由相应的核心称谓和基本称谓决定;除性别服从尾标记外,用附加法构成亲属 称谓,如果核心语素与附加成分包含相同义素,取附加成分义素,亲属称谓从右省略的现象也与之相互印证。  相似文献   

This article examines the formulation, application, and effects of Article 31 of Law 14.394, which introduced absolute divorce into Argentina, albeit briefly: the law was passed in December 1954 and ‘suspended’ in March 1956. Our study sheds light on the juridical dimension of a topic that has not been considered to date. We present the results of our research in two parts. The first part analyzes the text of the law and the debates around it in Argentina's Congress. The second part provides an overview of divorce sentences and then considers certain exceptional cases. The specific features of the debates and sentences considered here provide a more complex vision of Juan Domingo Perón's government's definitions of the ‘new family.’  相似文献   

With prisons in the UK reaching full capacity, and with similar trends in other European countries and the USA, there is much political debate about the efficacy of prison and community sentences. This paper aims to inform this debate by testing the hypothesis that prisons are an effective and efficient way of reducing re-offending. A rapid review of effectiveness studies was performed to determine the relative impact of prison and community sentences on re-offending. An economic analysis was undertaken to transform the estimates of effect into estimates of the economic efficiency of alternative sentencing options in the context of the UK. When compared with standard prison sentences, a number of community-based interventions and enhancements of standard prison sentences were found to save money, both for the public sector and for society more broadly. Diverting adult offenders from standard prison sentences to alternative interventions saves the UK public sector between £19,000 and £88,000 per offender. When victim costs are considered, diverting offenders from standard prison sentences saves UK society between £17,500 and £203,000 per offender. It was concluded that standard prison sentences are not an economically efficient means for reducing re-offending.
Kevin MarshEmail:

Kevin Marsh   Kevin Marsh is head of economics at The Matrix Knowledge Group (TMKG), London. He completed his Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Bath, UK, specialising in monetary techniques for valuing environmental resources. Following a year at the Social Disadvantage Research Centre, Oxford University, Kevin joined TMKG in 2003. His research interests include the economic evaluation of public policy, in particular criminal justice and public health interventions. Chris Fox   Chris Fox is a Principal Lecturer in Criminology at Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK. He specialises in evaluations of social policy, with a particular focus on criminal justice and crime reduction. He is Joint Editor of Safer Communities, a journal for crime reduction and community justice practitioners. He is a trustee of Community Service Volunteers (CSV), the UK's largest volunteering and training organisation.  相似文献   

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