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加强党对人大工作的领导,是新时期党的政权建设的重要内容,是巩固党的执政地位的重要保证。近年来,廊坊市委围绕深入落实中央要求和省委部署,从思想上、政治上、组织上全面加强和改进对人大工作的领导,全力支持和保障人大及其常委会依法履职,在促进领导机关与权力机关良性互动、经济社会发展与加强民主法治建设互促共进上做了积极探索。  相似文献   

一、定准社区依法治理基调 统一的认识是做好社区依法治理工作的思想政治基础。首先,从认识上提高。自去年2月我区开展社区依法治理工作以来,区委多次开会研究社区依法治理工作,区里分管领导7次组织召开有关社区依法治理专门会议,从多个方面深化了各级领导干部和广大群众对社区依法治理工作的认识。其次,从组织上理顺。明确了社区依法治理领导和组织机构,由区普法依法治区领导小组负责全区的社区依法治理工作,依托原有的依法治理组织网络,按行政区域划分,建立了区、街道、居民委员会和驻区单位3级社区普法与依法治理组织领导机…  相似文献   

近年来,我市为了推进企业民主政治建设,加强企业民主管理、民主监督,在全市国有、集体及其控股的760家企业中实行了厂务公开制度。目前,职工群众对这项工作的满意率达90%以上。我们的主要做法是:深化认识加强领导一是统一思想,形成共识。为了强化这项工作,市委、市政府将其列入了全市工作的重要议事日程。通过组织各级党政领导认真学习党的十五届四中全会精神和江总书记“三个代表”的重要思想,使全市上下认识到,实行厂务公开是一项事关企业改革发展的长期工作。二是健全组织,加强领导。为了加强厂务公开工作的组织协调工作…  相似文献   

中国社科院社会学所副所长李培林近日在探讨“新形势下企业政治思想工作难在哪里、新在何处?”时指出.应当看到新形势下思想政治工作存在着一些困难和问题。首先,腐败现象在不断蔓延和加剧,体制转轨中的漏洞给一些人钻了空子,目前还没有有效的遏制办法。一些国有企业的领导也养起了自己的“小厂”,而且,比较普遍。厂长这样干。你怎么做职工的思想政治工作?所以说领导干部保持清正廉洁是当前思想政治工作的一个最大的难题。其次,现在的思想政治工作存在着脱离实际,跟不上当前的形势发展的问题。许多地方做思想工作就是读文件,职工…  相似文献   

建立企业思想政治教育的创新机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业思想政治工作机制,人们有不同的理解。有的从功能出发,提出企业思想政治工作机制包括政治导向机制、思想教育机制、道德规范机制、氛围营造机制等;有的从管理角度出发,提出企业思想政治工作机制包括领导机制、责任机制、保障机制、评价机制等。笔者认为,优化企业思想政治工作机制,必须坚持整体性原则,既要考虑思想政治工作功能的发挥,也要注意加强思想政治工作的自身建设,二者相辅相成,不可偏颇。优化企业思想政治工作机制,一定要贯彻党的十五大报告提出的“三个着眼于”的精神,真正从急需解决的问题入手。  相似文献   

最近,江泽民同志多次强调要改进工作作风。思想政治工作也要改进作风,狠抓落实,特别要扎扎实实解决以下几个问题。 一是在思想观念上戒“虚”,增强思想政治工作靠实干的意识。过去一讲到思想政治工作,总少不了一个“虚”的印象,工作对象认为“虚”,政工干部认为“虚”,有的领导同志也认为“虚”。这种“虚”的印象,不仅影响了人们对思想政治工作的地位作用的认识,而且容易使党务政工干部形成一种误解,认为思想政治工作反正是虚的,做多做少无所谓,甚至以虚对“虚”。因此,要保证思想政治工作的落实,必须首先去掉这个“虚”的…  相似文献   

窦刚 《法治与社会》2010,(10):74-74
2010年,延川县地方税务局在市地税局和县委、县政府的正确领导下,认真贯彻全市地税工作会议和县委工作会议精神,积极践行“聚财为国、执法为民”工作宗旨,以组织收入为中心,纳税服务为基础,信息化建设为支撑,规范化管理为主线,思想政治为重点,让人民满意为目标,全面完成了各项收入和工作任务,为地方经济发展做出了突出贡献。  相似文献   

毛泽东同志领导中国新民主主义革命、社会主义改造和社会主义建设取得了不断的胜利,在指导中国革命和建设的过程中,积累了丰富的经验。毛泽东的思想政治工作的理论和实践,是中国共产党宝贵的精神财富,他创造性地运用马克。思列宁主义基本原则,形成了比较完整系统的思想政治工作的原则和方法。  相似文献   

2011年,志丹县老干局在县委、县政府的坚强领导下,认真学习实践科学发展观。全面落实老干部的政治待遇和生活待遇,不断加强离退休干部党支部建设和思想政治建设,组织引导老干部发挥积极作用,为全县改革发展稳定做出了积极贡献。  相似文献   

检察思想政治工作具有动员、组织和引导广大干警,做好检察工作、自觉为党和国家工作大局服务的功能。在构建社会主义和谐社会的新形势下,检察机关担负着为和谐社会建设创造良好法治环境的重要任务,迫切要求检察干警树立和谐执法思想、培育和谐执法作风、提高和谐执法能力,这就给检察思想政治工作赋予了新的内容,提出了更高的要求。如何发挥检察思想政治工作在服务构建和谐社会中的重要作用,  相似文献   


This inter-disciplinary article focuses on the role, significance, and impact of charisma in cultural leadership. It brings together fresh empirical data with a critical review of the literature to investigate the role of charisma in the operation, reputation, and strategic success of arts organizations. For the first time, this article synthesizes a diverse range of literature from sociology, psychology, political science, management, and leadership studies and applies it critically to the context of the arts. This comprehensive review is compared against interviews with key stakeholders in the arts, which challenge the neo-charismatic literature on leadership and support a return to aspects of the original formulation of charisma, as envisaged by Max Weber. The article finds that charismatic leaders are seen as extraordinary individuals and are excessively romanticized by arts managers, policymakers, and audiences. It questions this normative bias and concludes that charismatic leaders should be treated with a degree of skepticism, even caution, to temper any negative impacts on "followers" and organizations.  相似文献   

This article examines dual leadership in Australian performing arts companies, reflected in the respective roles of artistic directors and general managers. Our findings challenge assumptions underpinning much of the literature on dual leadership; in particular, the assumption that conflict is inevitable between the two leaders. In our research, we identified dual leadership relationships that might more accurately be described as instances of collaborative leadership. We suggest that one explanation for this presence of collaborative leadership may be that the study found similarities in both leaders’ passion for the arts, often reflected in a shared background in an arts practice.  相似文献   

Nonprofit arts organizations are experiencing declines not unlike those experienced by other nonprofits twenty years ago. At that time, key leadership in strategic planning reversed trends of decline. This research explores stakeholder perceptions of authentic leadership in strategic planning in nonprofit arts organizations in metropolitan Detroit. Eight arts organizations were represented in the study. Findings suggest that there is an insufficient application of authentic leadership traits, such as trust and empathy, in the strategic planning process of the sample organizations. Further, findings suggest that an imbalance between arts-based mission and commerce-based business in the strategic planning process hinders effective planning, leading to ineffective outcomes.  相似文献   

This article discusses artists’ work in performing arts institutions in Norway. Many scholars describe Nordic performing arts institutions as slow-moving and heavy “art factories,” where artistic creativity is almost suffocated within bureaucratic “prisons.” The general problem that we raise in the article is whether this pessimistic picture of the relation between state control, market influence, and artistic work is relevant for studying the performing arts today. The study is primarily based upon twenty-seven qualitative interviews with informants in an institutional theatre and a symphony orchestra. We conclude that the actors in the Theatre are trapped—not so much within “a bureaucratic iron cage”—but rather within “an iron cage of charismatic leadership,” while the musicians in the Orchestra enjoy the relative freedom and democratic power of a rather soft bureaucratic organization.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(6):1037-1063
A substantial body of prior research has demonstrated the significant positive effect of organizational procedural justice on institutional policy compliance. However, research examining the antecedents of organizational procedural justice is only just beginning to emerge in the criminal justice literature. Due to the potential for institutional deviance and the importance of rule adherence among individuals in positions of authority, we believe it is important to investigate correctional officers’ procedural justice perceptions. As such, this study examines 929 correctional officers over 40 institutions to identify if criteria for fairness, leadership style, and officer and institutional characteristics influence officers’ perceptions of procedural justice. Results from hierarchical linear regression indicate that the ability to have a say in decisions, a sense that institutional rules are impartial, and perceptions that management leads through motivation and encouragement significantly increases correctional officers’ perceptions of procedural justice. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

In this article, I present a review of financial and management accounting literature on the arts and cultural sector. My objective is to understand to what extent this literature is able to offer a critical perspective on the study of performance evaluation practices in arts and cultural organizations, as it is currently missing in the arts management literature. Adopting a critical perspective means shifting the focus of research from the technicalities of evaluation rules and procedures to their embodiment by the different organizational and societal actors of the arts and cultural sector.  相似文献   

From 1970 to 1990, Yugoslav culture was signed by the tight net of Self-Governed Interest Associations (Samoupravne interesne zajednice, SIZ). Understood as one of ex-Yugoslavia's transient eras, when political control over cultural life was given to the boards of professionals and experts, “SIZ time” provided an ideal base for future development of arts management. This article explores the possibilities of applying the positive experience of the SIZ model, modified by contemporary NGO models, as the possible solution for arts management transition problems in Serbia and the region. I conclude that South European state funding and institutional systems cannot provide adequate support for arts management development, thus projects in this field should be undertaken through NGOs, with additional financial support and coordination from the international community. NGOs and the ex-SIZ system give examples of a positive experience in conducting projects in the field of arts management.  相似文献   

The author questions the arts support system in post-Communist Romania, examining whether the cultural policies during 1990-2006 have contributed to the development of the arts sector, the enhancement of artistic creativity, and the independence of artists. His analysis focuses on the institutional framework and the financing mechanisms that support artists. The author argues that the institutional configurations and the collective mentalities that dominate the cultural sector and public policy have strongly influenced cultural policy in Romania. Along with the economic difficulties, the weighty legacy of the centralized authoritarian state and the paternalistic attitude that dominated for so long in Romanian history have acted as constraints on the public support for the arts and artists. The post-Communist cultural policy remains dependent on historical patterns and, despite some attempts of reform in the late 1990s, it is only recently that a noninterventionist policy and a more effective arts support system emerged.  相似文献   

The 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was a major legislative achievement of the 111th Congress. This law structurally reforms the US health care system by encouraging universal health care coverage through regulated competition among private insurance companies. When looking at the process for reform, what strikes an observer of US health care policy in the first place is that the Democratic majority was able to enact something in a political field characterized by strong resistance to change. This article builds on that observation. Arguments concentrate on the legislative process of the reform and support the idea that it may be partly explained by considering an evolution of US legislative institutions, mostly in the sense of a more centralized legislative process. Based on approximately one hundred semidirected interviews, I argue that the Democratic majority, building on lessons from both President Bill Clinton's health care reform attempt and the Republicans' strategy of using strong congressional leadership to pass social reforms, was able to overcome institutional constraints that have long prevented comprehensive change. A more centralized legislative process, which has been described as "unorthodox lawmaking," enabled the Democratic leadership to overcome multiple institutional and political veto players.  相似文献   

Israel's enactment of national health insurance was clearly a breakthrough. However, other aspects of reform that were supposed to be implemented simultaneously were stymied, in particular, the conversion of government hospitals to independent trusts and removing the Ministry of Health from the direct provision of services such as mental health and long-term care. This article explores how punctuated equilibrium and path dependency coexist in the Israeli case. In doing so, it examines the relevance of concepts provided by various theories of social and institutional change. Aside from path dependency and punctuated equilibrium, we discuss other notions derived from related theories, such as political leadership and the role of ideas. Applying these theories to the Israeli case helps better understand the coexistence of punctuated equilibrium and path dependency.  相似文献   

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