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Propelled by APEC and newly bolstered bilateral and multilateral relations between China and the Asia-Pacii c region, economic and trade relations between China and other major APEC members have witnessed bounding development.  相似文献   

As the global significance of the Asia-Pacific continues to rise, the area’s regional security is arousing more concern. To improve security in the Asia-Pacific,  相似文献   

正The Asia-Pacific region now faces another year of slowing growth, but the region will remain the anchor of global economic stability, said a UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) survey released in May. In a recent interview with Beijing Review, Amitava  相似文献   

正The APEC meetings held in Beijing in November produced good results.The meetings outlined a blueprint to enhance physical,institutional and people-to-people connectivity in the AsiaPacific region by 2025.To achieve this goal,China will contribute US$40 billion towards setting up a Silk Road fund,providing investment and financial support for infrastructure construction,  相似文献   

FOURYEARSago,LuYi,arecipientofmanhonors,waswell-knowninHenan'sacademiccirclesforhisimportantresearch.TheseincludedastrategyondevelopingfinancialresourcesinHenanProvince.Luhadwrittenabout40articlespublishedproviniallyornationally,suchas"TaxReformShouldNotIgnoreEnvironmentalProtection."Andhehadauthoredfivebooksonaccounting.HewassecretarygeneraloftheHenanAccountingAssociation,anddirectoroftheHenanFinancialAssociationandoftheNaionalFinancialTheoryResearchSocietyfortheYoungandtheMiddl…  相似文献   

正THE 2014 informal meeting of the AsiaPacific Economic Cooperation(APEC)is to be themed"Shaping the Future through Asia-Pacific Partnership."The meeting this year will focus on three topics–advancing regional economic integration,promoting innovative development,economic reform and growth,as well as strengthening interdependence and infrastructure.The summit will also discuss the feasibility of the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific(FTAAP)and determine if the Free Trade Area can be started.Bright Future for the FTAAP Founded in 1989,APEC,as an intergovernmental organization operating on the basis of non-binding commitments,open dialogue and equal respect for its 21member economies,is devoted to facilitating economic  相似文献   

HE Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) Annual Conference 2o14 took place in Boao, South China's southernHainan Province, from April 8 to 11. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, a dozen leaders of other countries and more than 40 heads of international organi- zations and ministerial level officials were present at the opening cer- emony. Other BFA attendees included 50 chairmen and CEOs, 30 executive vice-presidents and Asia-Pacific re-gional presidents, and 70 China regional presidents of 150 companies listed among the Fortune 500.  相似文献   

国际金融危机与亚太国际关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年爆发的世界性金融危机对亚太地区造成了一定的影响.但是,与1929年的经济危机相比,2008年的金融危机对亚太地区的影响较小.由于深刻的历史根源,不同政治文明间的冲突是亚太地区现在和将来面临的最主要问题.在关注亚太地区不同政治文明间冲突时,尤其是后金融危机时代,有必要把中国与世界的关系放在一个更大的区域里审视.  相似文献   

亚太地区技术移民数量不断增加,"人才外流"到发达国家的现象非常突出,与非技术移民的情况相比,亚太地区不同国家或地区间对长期移民和短期移民的政策存在不同的差异。亚洲地区技术移民的流动与资本流动和贸易往来紧密相关,最主要的特点就是技术移民的短期性。  相似文献   

正THIS year marks the 25th anniversary of establishment of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC).In the past quarter century,APEC,as an important platform for Asia-Pacific cooperation,has made huge contributions to regional integration and to improving the livelihood of peoples in the locale.China is APEC’s largest developing member nation.In the past 20 or more years since its involvement in APEC,China’s economy has made remarkable achievements throughout its gradual process of integration  相似文献   

BAN WENZHAN 《人权》2008,(5):34-37
The regional framework for human rights cooperation that has as its core a regional human rights charter andmechanisms is an important third way to promote and protect human rights, apart from the domestic and the universal international ways.  相似文献   

More than a decade ago, at the lastWorld Conference on HumanRights in Vienna, the interna-tional community, with the sup-port of the Chinese Govern-ment, adopted the following decision:"The World Conference on Human Rightsreaffirms the important and constructive roleplayed by national institutions for the promotionand protection of human rights, in particular intheir advisory capacity to the competent authori-ties, their role in remedying human rights viola-tions, in the disseminations of …  相似文献   

颜军 《理论月刊》2010,(3):25-27
党的十六届三中全会明确提出了以人为本、全面协调可持续的科学发展观。科学发展观是对马克思主义社会发展理论的继承和发展,是与时俱进的马克思主义发展观。它进一步拓展了马克思主义的社会发展观,科学地回答了当今中国发展中的一系列重大问题。  相似文献   

科学发展观与可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林莎 《长白学刊》2004,(3):10-13
党中央近日提出的新的科学发展观是建立在马克思主义认识论基础之上,同时又与可持续发展的基本精神相一致.从可持续发展的视角去分析新的科学发展观,应该说:"以人为本"是发展的本质;"协调发展"是发展的核心;"文明发展"是发展的境界.在全面建设小康社会这一新的历史发展时期,强化并树立新的科学发展观,有着重要的"纠偏"和"引领"作用,其意义重大而深远.  相似文献   

发展经济学自20世纪80年代以来已进入了一个新的发展时期,在对传统发展观批判的基础上拓宽了发展概念的内涵,在经济增长源泉的探索中逐渐形成了新制度主义的发展思路;新增长理论的兴起促进了增长理论与发展经济学的融合;对资源耗竭和环境退化的担忧使可持续发展问题成为发展经济学家研究的热点;在市场自由主义和个人主义盛行的社会中,国家的权力在下降,人际关系变得越来越重要。  相似文献   

开发的最初含义是指欧洲市民社会的自我发展。然而,开发——市民社会的自我发展逐渐向国家权力体系的依存转换,政府与企业成为开发的主体。20世纪80年代以来,对于开发的反思,开发的结构转型,内发式发展推动了亚洲市民社会的兴起。需要强调的是,亚洲兴起的市民社会是在对国家主导的开发体制反思的基础上逐渐发展起来的,与19世纪的市民社会有着明显的区别。内发式发展是亚洲市民社会兴起的一个主要推动力。这种协同、连带、共生的地域发展模式将对中国构建和谐社会产生深远的影响。  相似文献   

在新发展理念中,协调发展着重解决发展不平衡的问题,对于促进人的全面发展具有重要意义。人的全面发展实质上是人的需要、能力、交往等各方面的协调发展。全面发展的反面是片面发展、畸形发展。人的片面发展、畸形发展是不平衡、不协调的发展。在唯物史观中,人的全面发展构成了社会发展的根本动力,而社会发展又以人的全面发展为根本价值取向,因而只有以人的全面发展为引领,才能实现社会的全面进步。在此意义上,不平衡发展根源于人的不平衡发展,而人的不平衡发展又以人的不充分发展为前提。因此,促进人的全面发展,以人的全面发展引领经济社会发展是化解发展不平衡问题的基本途径。  相似文献   

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