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This year,Sun Fu,a deliveryman with Meituan Waimai,a leading food delivery service platform,will have his Spring Festival Eve dinner at work in Beijing.Understanding the concern that the travel rush during the Chinese New Year might trigger a resurgence of the novel coronavirus disease.  相似文献   

Red tourism destinations with unique features gain increasing popularity Since childhood,Mao Haofu has been hearing stories about revolutionary figures and the revolutionary base in his hometown—Jinggangshan City in Jiangxi Province—from his grandfather Mao Binghua,former curator of the Jinggangshan Museum.  相似文献   

正Cooperation zones facilitate development and life at large across the Greater Bay Area During his days working for the local government and an accounting firm in his hometown of Hong Kong, Lo Yuenlai cherished an entirely different professional dream—to work in the field of technology and innovation. After learning about the opportunities opening up in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province,the young man decided to give it a go.  相似文献   

正A village teacher has been devoted to bettering the lives of students living deep in the mountains Having been a primary school teacher for two decades, Zhang Yugun, 41, still remembers the moment that he decided to give up the chance to work in a city and return to his hometown to teach.  相似文献   

正Speaking Standard Chinese is a skill that helps people out of poverty For the first few years after Abudullah Urashim left his hometown in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, "2 yuan for 50 grams" was the most fluent Standard Chinese sentence that he could say. He left Xinjiang to sell raisins in east China and used this phrase to answer all questions posed by his customers.  相似文献   

At Your Service     
正In 2017,when Liu Shanshan,then 32 years old,is asked to accompany an elderly family member to see the doctor,she had no idea that request would lead her into a new profession.  相似文献   

The creation of a multilateral world has changed the international scene. While the United States preserves its military superiority, the continuous development of China and Russia's resilience influences the balance of power. Under the administration of President Joe Biden, Washington seeks to set the tone by demonstrating to its partners that "it is back" on the world stage after four years of former President Donald Trump's policies. During his first trip to Europe since his inauguration in January, Biden took part in Group of Seven (G7), NATO and U.S.-EU summits. But the meeting that captured international attention was the one with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Geneva, Switzerland, on June 16.  相似文献   

DO you admire Bruce Lee and his furious fists? You are not alone - he was also a popular figure in heaven, and was snatched from this earthly world when he was in his prime. After his untimely death, Bruce Lee became a legend. Countless other film stars, including Jackie Chan, were influenced by this paragon of martial arts cinema.  相似文献   

西汉贾谊《鵩鸟赋》以推度鵩鸟之意抒发对人生、世界之看法,豁达中见悲愤。作者乐观旷达,但又无法摆脱其政治失意的痛苦,故作品中既有积极进取的苦恼,又有乐观旷达的道学追求,但道学思想却是贾谊思想的主流。本文重点剖析《鵩鸟赋》所蕴含的道学思想。  相似文献   

美国作家海明威以其独特的"冰山原则"创作手法享誉世界文坛。通过分析他在多篇小说中使用的"冰山原则",可以展示掩藏在"冰山"之下人物丰富的精神世界和作者鲜明的主题思想。  相似文献   

叔本华是西方非理性主义的代表,“生存意志”构成了他的哲学体系的核心主题,并由此成为他悲观主义哲学的基础,但深受康德二分哲学和佛教影响的叔本华还是试图寻找在“此世”中证悟并得到解脱的方法。世界在叔本华眼中是如此悲观的一副景象,却依然没有阻挡他找寻出路的理想,这样的态度本身是积极乐观、值得钦佩的。  相似文献   

姜吉林 《青年论坛》2009,(1):130-133
19世纪美国小说家艾德加·爱伦·坡生前无人关注,死后却获得了世界性的声誉。特别在后结构主义语境下,他的文本获得了多种批评话语的青睐。从文体层面解读爱伦·坡的短篇小说,可以发现他不俗的创作实绩和独特的文学风貌。他的小说具有明显的哥特风格和死亡意识;为表现这种边缘化的主题,爱伦·坡在故事文本中着力营造奇特的意象。诗人身份又赋予爱伦·坡的小说创作一些崭新的特质,诗化小说是爱伦·坡在小说领域所作的独特尝试。  相似文献   

上海东方艺术中心总经理林宏鸣,中等身材,戴副眼镜,文质彬彬,深邃的目光闪烁着睿智,略显严肃的面容透出自信。他在大学学的专业是历史,而不是经营管理,却在剧团、剧院经营管理方面施展了出色才华,做出了卓著成绩,引世人瞩目。这是他敢于不断挑战自我、超越自我的必然结果。  相似文献   

哲学既不像过去人们想象的那么无所不能 ,也不像人们现在所忧患的那么无用。哲学作为一种超越性智慧 ,自有其“无用之大用”。哲学的功能和价值体现两个方面 :对个人而言它可以帮助人们提高精神境界、保持好奇感、赋予生活以意义、训练理论思维水平。对社会而言 ,它通过批判现实 ,激发社会活力 ;通过构建理想 ,引导社会前进。  相似文献   

Call for Unity     
‘History is moving forward and the world will not go back to what it was in the past.Every choice and move we make today will shape the world of the future,’Chinese President Xi Jinping said in his special address at the World Economic Forum Virtual Event of the Davos Agenda,held on January 25.  相似文献   

进入21世纪,梅州籍华侨华人、港澳同胞捐助侨乡公益的力度和广度都大大提升,“造血型”捐助项目增多。但是也存在捐赠渠道、领域有待拓宽、捐赠项目有待提质、新生代侨捐未能有效培育等问题。在新时代下,为了更好地推动侨乡公益事业的可持续发展,可以在拓宽侨捐渠道、打造特色项目领域、维系乡情以涵养侨捐资源上有所作为。  相似文献   

于倩 《青年论坛》2010,(3):136-138
郁达夫以反封建斗士的姿态登上“五四”文坛,但是作为一个处于新旧转型期的作家,他的身上仍然有着很深的传统文化烙印。在他的小说中交织着出世与入世、颓废与守礼的矛盾,这都体现出作者独特的传统文人气质。在郁达夫颓废的外表下,深藏着一颗深具传统知识分子人文关怀的心。  相似文献   

AN old Chinese saying goes,"Guangdong is for food and Fengcheng is for chefs." Shunde,known as Fengcheng in ancient times,is a town in the south-central part of Guangdong Province.which enjoys a reputation as the "hometown of Chinese chefs" and "birthplace of Canton-ese cuisine." In 2014,Shunde was designated as a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy.  相似文献   

湘西独特的人文环境,孕育了沈从文浓厚的苗族文化心理。这种文化心理,赋予了作家认识世界的独特目光和审美情趣,孕育了他的个性,影响了他一生的处事态度。这种心理主导下的创作思想,在一个以汉儒文化和西方文明为主流的都市文化背景下,不失为一种特立独行的创作个性。  相似文献   

刘绍卫 《桂海论丛》2011,27(5):30-34
邓小平民族理论是在民族工作实践中逐步形成和发展起来的,经历了始创、形成和不断完善的发展阶段,特别是在改革开放新时期,确立了中国特色民族理论的主体文化精神,使党的民族政策落实获得了良性发展的结构,形成了具有鲜明特色的民族理论方法。  相似文献   

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