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行政行为说明理由制度提高了行政机关的政治责任,强化了对行政权的司法审查,使得司法审查从对行政权结果的审查扩展到对整个行政过程的审查。同时,该制度的实践也对传统行政法学理论形成挑战。在我国《行政程序法》制定过程中、在我国行政诉讼法修改过程中有必要对此进行深入研究,以构建我国合理的行政行为说明理由制度。  相似文献   

说明理由制度是行政法上的基本制度,是现代国家规范行政权、促进行政法治及保障公共参与的重要方式。我国以单行法的形式规定了特定类别行政行为的说明理由义务,但由于规定粗略、标准不一及法律后果不明确等原因,使说明理由要求难以发挥其制度功能。美国行政法上的说明理由即时性原则奠定了说明理由制度在行政法上的基础地位,在制约行政裁量滥用的同时极大地促进了形式法治,但同时对规则制定造成了些许负面影响。有条件地接受"事后说理",将即时性原则视为司法审查的一般指导性规则,统一"发回不撤销"判决方式的适用情形,将促进行政法治与实现行政管理目标并重,是修正即时性原则的基本方向。深入探究即时性原则的分析框架和发展方向对完善我国说明理由制度极具借鉴意义。  相似文献   

南非法院对外国仲裁裁决的承认和执行   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南非法院对外国仲裁裁决的承认和执行既可根据南非的普通法,也可根据南非的《承认与执行外国仲裁裁决法》进行。根据南非普通法,如果外国仲裁裁决不是终局的,或缺乏有有效的仲裁协议或自然公正,或裁决是通过欺诈方式获得的,或裁决的承认和执行违反南非的公共政策,南非法院就不会承认和执行该裁决;而南非的《承认与执行外国仲裁裁决法》是为实施《纽约公约》而制定的,不过,二者在内容上存在着不同。  相似文献   

卡拉布雷西的《制定法时代的普通法》一书提出了一种制定法之上的普通法权力来应对日益突出的立法过时现象,而这种权力存在的正当性依据有两个:多数主义和法律图景。但是,由于卡拉布雷西缺乏对多数主义的前提性批判以及未能为法律图景提供一个可欲的方向,没有意识到普通法系中两种规则的划分,其结果将使普通法降格为受到多数主义决定的制定法之下的普通法,这恰是走向了卡氏理论意图的反面。当下中国司法在面对立法过时时承担了积极的作用,但是依然不能摆脱立法民主合法性与司法应对立法过时之间存在的困境。  相似文献   

香港法院借用普通法上的判决意见规则,在"庄丰源案"以及"外佣居港权案"中确立了一项限定人大释法之效力的规则,在一定程度上改变了《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法》的解释制度。判决意见规则有着深厚的普通法理论基础,且作为香港原有法律传统的一部分被《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法》所承认和保留;同时,判决意见规则也在司法实践中凸显了作为立法解释的人大释法制度的固有困境。香港法院借用普通法上的判决意见规则处理人大释法并没有减损全国人大常委会的权威,而是揭示了进一步完善人大释法制度的路径,即个案分析和有限解释。  相似文献   

澳大利亚“新行政法”的产生及其主要内容   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
<正> 澳大利亚法学界将澳自七十年代以来制定的一系列调整现代行政关系,反映现代行政权力行使民主化、科学化趋势的法律及在实施中形成的相应法律机制称为“新行政法”(New ad-ministraivelaw)。“新行政法”的主要代表性法律有:1975年行政上诉裁判所法(AATA)、1976年督察专员法(OA)、1977年行政决定(司法审查)法(ADA)、1982年情报自由法(FIA)以及1988年隐私权法(PA)等。这些法律的制定和实施对于澳建立在英国普通法基础上的旧行政法  相似文献   

香港回归前的一百多年里,其整个法律体系呈现出明显的普通法系色彩。普通法系中,司法审查一般包括对立法的审查和对行政行为的审查,对行政行为的审查又包括对行政行为违宪的审查和行政行为违法的审查。香港回归祖国后,其法律制度仍保留了部分普通法的传统。但在"一国两制"的法律框架下,香港的司法审查制度也发生了较大的变化。  相似文献   

一、听证概述1996年3月17日颁布的《中华人民共和国行政处罚法》中关于听证的规定虽然只有两条,但却为中国法制建设做出了一个最伟大的贡献——首次以立法形式规定了听证程序。听证制度被认为是现代民主的重要标志之一,其渊源于英美普通法上自然公证听取两方面意见的法理。最初使用于司法领域,谓之“司法听证’。二十世纪后,由于行政权不断扩张,行政机关行使带有司法性质的权利以限制或剥夺当事人权利的现象日益普遍,为防止行政专断,保护当事人的权益,实现民主行政,提高行政效能,听证制度就应运而生于行政领域。听证从起源看是一…  相似文献   

司法判例制度论要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
何然 《中外法学》2014,(1):259-279
司法判例制度是一个国家或地区中涉及司法判例的选编、发布、内容、效力、引用、推翻之规则的总和。承认判例法的国家有司法判例制度,不承认判例法的国家也有司法判例制度。司法判例制度起源于自然法的发现和习惯法的传承,而且在神明裁判中留下沿革的痕迹。司法判例制度的变化受到制定法发展的影响。制定法强则判例弱;制定法弱则判例强。于是,英美法系国家和大陆法系国家的司法判例制度走上不同的发展道路。近代以来,两大法系的司法判例制度又呈现出融合的趋势。当下中国的"案例指导制度"需要改进和完善。  相似文献   

令状制度是英国普通法历史上最为重要也最具有特色的司法制度,它和陪审制度一起构成了普通法形成与发展的程序基础。王权是理解早期普通法形成过程的一个不容忽视的因素。在从王室的行政令状到作为一种普通法诉讼制度的司法化令状的演变过程中,早期英国王权演变和特殊性扮演着重要角色,推动了中央司法治理的制度化、例行化,也为通行全国的普通法的形成奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The Medical Treatment Act 1988 (Vic) gives statutory recognition to a patient's (or their agent or guardian if incompetent) right to refuse medical treatment. The case of Gardner; Re BWV confirmed that medical treatment as defined under the Act included artificial nutrition and hydration and as such could be withdrawn, notwithstanding that this would result in the patient's death. This article analyses Gardner; Re BWV and argues that, by deliberately dealing narrowly with the issues at hand, both the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal at first instance and the Victorian Supreme Court knowingly left BWV to die from dehydration over a period of weeks. By not addressing these issues, the tribunal, and more particularly the Supreme Court, lost an opportunity for a reform of the law, so urgently needed at end of life, which would have allowed for "mercy killing", thus sparing BWV and her family the lingering death she was given.  相似文献   

Australia’s statutory labour law has undergone very significantamendment following the enactment of the Workplace RelationsAmendment (Work Choices) Act 2005 (the Work Choices Act). Thisarticle argues that the new law radically revises the publicrealm of labour law established through the century-old systemof conciliation and arbitration. The Act seeks to strip backthe influence of trade unions and the traditional regulator,the Australian Industrial Relations Commission. It generatesa realm of private employer power, augmented where necessarywith direct intervention by Executive government to ensure thatthe old system does not re-emerge. The Work Choices Act is remarkablein its use of statutory language to obscure and defer meaning.The processes of its making were also marked by a reluctanceof the government to explain or even acknowledge the importof the law. It is tentatively concluded that the Act is a productof the mix of ideological, pragmatic and psychological motivationsunderlying its creation.  相似文献   

张敏 《时代法学》2007,5(3):101-107
在版权担保权益完善问题上,美国版权法与美国《统一商法典》的规定各不相同。从制定法的角度来看,美国联邦版权法优先于州法既有宪法依据,又有UCC自身的遵从条款。美国法院在审判实践中体现并深化了与制定法精神相一致的联邦法优先原则。  相似文献   

行政诉讼法采用封闭性正面列举的立法模式,仅规定违反法定程序、适用法律错误、超越职权等五种情形为行政行为撤销的要件,致使有些违法形态难以归入其中,给司法实践和后续立法造成了困难。行政行为的撤销要件是对司法审查的指引而非制约,其构成应建立在对法律规范的分类基础上,并采用开放的立法结构。建议将来修订行政诉讼法或制定行政程序法时,增列“没有法律依据的”、“决定内容违反法律规定的”和“其他侵害公民、法人或其他组织合法权益的”三种情形为撤销的要件,以解决实践中的解释困惑,并增强这一制度的社会适应力。  相似文献   

The 1974 amendments to the Labor Management Relations Act have created new problems of statutory interpretation in the rapidly evolving area of health care labor law. By including nonprofit hospitals under the auspices of the Act, the amendments have opened up a new area for unionization and have given rise to questions concerning the types of bargaining units that are appropriate in health care facilities. In the following article, the authors discuss these questions and other current issues in health care labor relations law. The issues include the determination of relevant bargaining units, the status of state nursing associations as labor organizations, and the ten-day strike notice requirement of the Labor Management Relations Act.  相似文献   

The European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 is the cornerstone of UK legislation designed to accomplish the legal dimension of Brexit. It brings the entire acquis of EU law into UK law in order to avoid regulatory black holes that would otherwise occur. The Act embodies a twofold legislative strategy: EU law brought into UK law thereby is to be made fit for purpose by exit day, with necessary changes being made by statutory instrument; Parliament can then decide at greater leisure thereafter whether it wishes to retain, amend or repeal this legislation. The burden placed on Parliament is unprecedented, all the more so given the exigencies of time in which the changes are to be made. This article explicates the principal provisions of the 2018 Act, and the concerns as to constitutional principle and the rule of law raised by the legislation. The tensions in the drafting process are made apparent, and uncertainties in the resulting text are revealed.  相似文献   

Law is an essential tool for improving public health infrastructure and outcomes; however, existing state statutory public health laws may be insufficient. Built over decades in response to various diseases/conditions, public health laws are antiquated, divergent, and confusing. The Turning Point Public Health Statute Modernization National Collaborative addressed the need for public health law reform by producing a comprehensive model state act. The Act provides scientifically, ethically, and legally sound provisions on public health infrastructure, powers, duties, and practice. This article examines (1) how statutory law can be a tool for improving the public's health, (2) existing needs for public health law reform, (3) themes and provisions of the Turning Point Act, and (4) how it is being used by public health practitioners.  相似文献   

《行政程序法(试拟稿)》评介   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
《行政程序法(试拟稿)》是行政立法研究组为立法工作部门提供的参考草案,已为14稿。试拟稿的总体思路、框架结构,以及试拟稿中一些重要制度的形成和安排,与起草试拟稿相关问题的考虑等等,是关心行政程序法的人们所着重关注的问题,也是试拟稿介绍的中心问题。其中包含了各方面的共识,也有仍存争议的问题,期待专家、实务工作者和广大读者的关注、意见和建议,以期共同为制定出适应我国国情的、先进的行政程序法而努力。  相似文献   

The Factors Act 1823 was the first major statutory exception to the rule nemo dat quod non habet in English law. The limited existing analysis of this Act suggests that it came about through the lobbying actions of merchants. This article demonstrates that the Factors Act 1823 was actually a compromise, and was considered a mere stepping-stone for further reform. The additional role of government policy in the development of the Factors Act 1825 is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1981,46(9):3400-3406
The Secretary issues final regulations for the Graduate and Professional Study Fellowships Program. The regulations, which implement Title IX, Part B of the Higher Education Act of 1965, have been amended to reflect the statutory changes in the Education Amendments of 1980 and to reflect changes required by the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR). These regulations specify the selection criteria the Secretary uses in evaluating applications for fellowships for graduate and professional study, public service education, and studies in domestic mining and mineral and mineral fuel conservation. These regulations also describe application procedures, eligibility requirements, and the terms and conditions of an award.  相似文献   

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