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<醒风流>和<二度梅>这两部才子佳人小说,在情节、语言、人物及其活动场景等方面有着诸多雷同之处,因袭关系明显.通过书中的仪征地名沿革、清代官制变化等线索,考定<二度梅>的成书当在乾隆十三年之后,远晚于成书在康熙十一年的<醒风流>,而且<二度梅>中有三条材料呈现出因袭<醒风流>的明显痕迹.因此可以论定:<二度梅>确实承袭了<醒风流>.  相似文献   

<韩非子·说林>上下两篇本是韩非平时积累的原始资料汇编,内容多为传说故事,类似于后来之"故事集".它的文体学意义有二:一方面,它是我国最早的寓言专集,标志着我国寓言的独立;另一方面,它对后世笔记小说有很大的影响,可以将其称作"准笔记小说",这一点通过它与<说苑>的比较就可以看出来.  相似文献   

中国古代的许多小说、戏曲不同程度地体现出了以尊重女性、追求女性独立和婚恋自由为主要内容的女性意识.<红楼梦>作为中国古典文学的一座丰碑,不仅很好地承续了<西厢记><牡丹亭>所体现的较先进的女性意识,而且达到了中国古代文学女性意识表现的最高峰.这三部作品所体现的女性意识,主要是通过女主人公的形象塑造完成的.崔莺莺重爱情轻功名,体现了女性意识的初步觉醒;杜丽娘为情而死、为情复生,体现了女性意识的进一步张扬.林黛玉蔑视功名利禄,要求独立自由,看似柔弱,实则坚韧,其女性意识是对崔莺莺、杜丽娘的继承和超越.  相似文献   

<红楼梦>的悲剧是一种日常生活的悲剧.其悲剧的根源在于日常生活总是遵循一般行为图式的安排,从而与个体的生活欲求形成抵触.这一悲剧存在于各个时代的世情小说中,具有普世性,其结果是造成常人作为生活主体.<红楼梦>展示了这种悲剧,同时为悲剧的解除提供了解答.这一解答对于今天现代化进程中的日常生活审美重建,仍然具有积极的启发意义.  相似文献   

曹寅等人承刻钦颁<全唐诗>、<佩文韵府>二书是清初出版史上的大事.二书的刊刻地均在扬州,刊刻<全唐诗>成立的机构名"扬州诗局",刊刻<佩文韵府>成立的机构名"扬州书局",虽一字之差,实为两次组局.两次刊书活动在刊刻主持者、刊书规模、难易程度上均有着显著差异.两次刊书活动中均存在一定的搭刻私书现象,这些私书的刊刻与组局的主旨无关,故不得纳入清内府所刻书的范畴.  相似文献   

王念孙在<广雅疏证>中揭示了<广雅>沿用<尔雅>"二义同条"之例的种种具体现象.<广雅>"二义同条"的"二义"之间,有的有内在联系,解释字只代表一个词;有的没有内在联系,解释字代表两个词.<广雅>中还存在"三义同条"、有的被解释字与解释字都表示两种不同含义、解释字代表两个同音同形异义词等"二义同条"的特殊情况.  相似文献   

<文心雕龙·正纬>篇是针对谶纬而作的,刘勰在认为谶纬"乖道谬典"的同时,又指出其"有助文章".谶纬所描写记载的内容事迹丰富奇特,而所用的词语又繁富生动,其"事丰奇伟,辞富膏腴"的特点,对文学创作是极为有利的,因而谶纬对汉魏六朝时期的文学创作产生了重要的影响.刘勰对谶纬提出"酌乎纬"的主张,这不仅是<正纬>篇的篇旨,而且对于<文心雕龙>全书还具有理论上的指导意义.  相似文献   

金融外包给金融风险监管提出了新的要求.有鉴于此,欧洲银行监管委员会先后出台了两份建议稿试图为银行业务外包风险监管在欧盟的框架内提供统一的指导原则.名为<外包标准>的建议稿是在<外包高级原则>(建议稿)的基础上于2006年4月出台的,二者在名称及具体内容上都有较大的不同.<外包标准>建议稿在保留第1份建议稿特色的基础上,强调了对客户金融隐私的保护,修正了金融监管部门对外包的监管权,使外包业务的分类更加明确.但是,现行建议稿在监管标准的制订上未充分考虑不同种类的外包商可能对外包风险造成的影响,要求所有的外包都必须有服务水平协议也较为绝对化.参考欧洲银行监管委员会在金融外包监管方面的立法经验,考虑我国金融外包的实践,我国应当制定普遍的金融外包监管法,同时对<电子银行业务管理办法>中电子银行业务外包部分进行完善.  相似文献   

钟扬 《金陵法律评论》2005,6(2):139-144
早在上个世纪20年代,陈源所谓"鲁迅之小说史是抄袭盐谷温的"说法,曾在学界引起公愤.然义愤代替不了科学研究.时至今日,我们既不可轻信鲁迅"抄袭"之言,也不可抹杀盐谷温的红学观及其<中国小说史略>的巨大贡献,以及他对鲁迅乃至80年以来中国小说研究的深刻影响.由此公案,更能获得有关学术规范的深刻教训.  相似文献   

修改与完善《农业法》若干法律制度的思考   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
黄河  李军波 《河北法学》2007,25(2):23-28
基于现阶段国家保护、支持农业的理念及产业政策的确立和现行<农业法>指导思想、体例结构与重要制度设计上的缺陷,借鉴世界其他国家的立法经验与并结合我国国情,分别对现行<农业法>中的农业投入、农业补贴、农村金融、政策性农业保险等法律制度的完善或重构提出相应的立法建议.  相似文献   

This is a critical personal narrative of a Canadian Middle-Eastern Muslim female Shi’i educator’s experiences in a Western academy. The different cultural and religious backgrounds that shape a Muslim woman’s academic work and her understanding of social justice are described. Specifically, the author describes religio-historical figures and the counter-narratives of women of color in the author’s life responsible for shaping her appreciation of the importance of engaging in social justice and equity. The subjectivity in this work is manifested as an alignment with her religious beliefs and doctrine that draws from a counter-narrative (i.e. the Shi’i narrative of Karbala and, more broadly, the marginalized and dissenting ideological position of Shi’ is in relation to global Islam). Her upbringing with and introduction to Shi’i rituals, empower her understanding towards issues related to justice, equal rights, and loyalty. Throughout her narrative, the author utilizes the role of a researcher as an insider and outsider based on religious and feminist approaches. Three significant themes are noted: (a) the critical role of spirituality as a powerful catalyst and feminist for transformative change; (b) the role of reflexive skills and self-criticism as a means to balance religious and academic identities; and (c) the import role of ‘border-crossers’ in negotiating and connecting between religious and academic worlds. Insights about the experiences associated with minority Shi’i Muslim female graduate educators and the importance of being critically reflective when working towards social justice and equity are provided.  相似文献   

从人生经历和朋辈交往中 ,可见李昌祺刚正性格之有自 ;而其小说《剪灯余话》则反映了其谪贬房山时的特殊情怀。与前此瞿佑的《剪灯新话》相比 ,在个人的情绪宣泄方面 ,《余话》体现的是李昌祺对仕途前程暂时的灰心和跻身功名淡淡的悔意 ,《新话》体现的是瞿佑的“感离抚遇”和“哀穷悼屈”;在同以战乱为背景的篇目中 ,李昌祺旨在重建理学的道德规范 ,瞿佑则多“只怨干戈不怨天”的反战呼号。出现彼此差异的原因 ,是由于两人所处之时代环境、人生遭际和个人性情有较大的不同。  相似文献   

The author offers a commentary on the question, "Are there Hindu bioethics?" After deconstructing the term "Hindu," the author shows that there are indeed no Hindu bioethics. He shows that from a classical and Brahminical perspective, medicine is an inappropriate and impure profession.  相似文献   

西方哲学中“存在”一词在翻译成中文时出现的麻烦,从一个独特的角度映照出“存在”一词的多重含义和所谓“存在”问题的矛盾晦暗之处。汉语虽没有一个与“存在”完全对等的词语,但却用多个不同的词语来表述包含在“存在”中的问题。通过比较可以发现庄子所谈论的“是非”问题与海德格尔所谓“存在”、“此在”的问题在很大程度上是同一个问题,但他们对这个问题的解答却是不同的。这一比较实际上已经涉及到了中西方哲学传统中对个人的看法上的一个比较普遍的差异。  相似文献   

The author discusses a survey of companies with art collections in German-speaking countries—Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Drawing on the data collected in the survey, he highlights the differences between two groups of curators currently responsible for corporate art collections, the "new professionals" and the "management administrators." First, organizational changes in corporations that occurred during the "founding boom" of the 1990s had a significant effect on the roles of corporate art managers, introducing the art-educated "new professional" into the process, which before then had been controlled by the corporate-trained "management administrators." Second, the nature, content, and styles of current corporate art collections reflect specific "corporate cultures." Third, the "new professional" corporate art curators purchase contemporary art for their collections at art fairs, a reality that has significant impact on the art market. The author concludes with an analysis of the relationship between these new professional corporate collectors and the contemporary art market by highlighting significant changes in pre- and post-1990 corporate art collections.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1994,59(104):28410-28411
This document corrects an error that occurred in the calculation of the fiscal year 1994 Medicare volume performance standard for surgical services and that appeared in the final notice with comment period published in the Federal Register on December 2, 1993 (58 FR 63856) entitled "Medicare Program; Physician Performance Standard Rates of Increase for Fiscal Year 1994 and Physician Fee Schedule Update for Calendar Year 1994." This notice also corrects a typographical error in a date.  相似文献   

士是指产生于春秋战国时期并在中国传统社会中一直存在的、以"弘道救世"为己任的、其社会群体(或阶层)在各自社会起到中流砥柱作用的人。士制度主要包括士主体规范、士行为规范、士之特权与使命规范等。骑士是指形成并存在于中世纪欧洲的以追求与维护个人及社会荣誉为己任的、对其相关社会起重要作用的骑兵阶层中的人。骑士制度也可以从骑士主体规范、骑士行为规范及骑士权利义务规范三个方面来概括。士与骑士制度具有同样重要的法律文化地位,但二者从经济、法理、思想基础,到具体内容与各自之特点都存在巨大差异,从而塑造了中西传统法律文化之不同内容、特征与命运。  相似文献   

International health institutions emphasize the necessity of including the topic of domestic violence which is accepted as a health problem worldwide, into the training of physicians. The fact that physicians should diagnose domestic violence victims who over the years were either neglected or overlooked is also mentioned. The present study aims to measure the effectiveness of the interactive domestic violence course given to Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine (DEUFM) Year V students, with tests implemented before and after the course. The same students were given the same test during Year VI (internship). The students’ average knowledge scores were found respectively as follows: pretest 78.66?±?10.54, second test 94.13?±?3.95 and third test 89.65?±?7.48. There was a statistically significant difference between tests’ average scores. It was observed that, after the course, 4 out of 19 students (21.1%) changed their answers from “no” to “yes” for the question “Have you ever been a victim of physical domestic violence?” A statistically significant difference was found between pre-course answers and the after course answers given to this question. This study showed that the course on domestic violence increased students’ knowledge level and awareness on this issue. Considering that average knowledge level will decrease over time and aiming to improve future physicians’ approach to domestic violence cases, addition of other interactive educational methods to Year V’s course program and proposal of an advanced training session to Year VI’s curriculum are being planned.  相似文献   

刑法中的行为应当是存在论意义上的、人的目的支配下的行为。不能用“行为”这一概念去统合犯罪的各种样态,但任何犯罪中都要有行为,从而在其逻辑之下实现从“犯罪是行为”到“犯罪有行为”的转变。行为不再是犯罪的上位概念,而成为犯罪成立所必须考虑的要素之一。  相似文献   

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