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陈芊呈 《学理论》2012,(23):94-95
侦查决策是侦查人员在具体的侦查实践中,设定侦查活动的具体目标,对已掌握的情报信息和可采用的侦察方法、措施进行分析,确定侦查活动实施方案的过程。从风险效益的角度,根据经济模型来构建出一个有效权衡经验型侦查决策与科学型侦查决策的模型。  相似文献   

违法侦查行为的存在历史久远,几乎伴随侦查的出现而出现,甚至更早。当今犯罪行为日益猖獗,使得世界各国纷纷赋予了侦查机关广泛的侦查取证权力。我国《刑事诉讼法》中规定了七种主要的侦查取证手段。但是在司法实践中侦查人员实际采用的取证手段远远不限于此。近些年来,公众以极大的热情关注刑事执法尤其是刑事侦查活动。在充分肯定侦查机关对于缓解社会冲突,在维护良好的治安秩序作出业绩的同时,对一些违法侦查行为的否定性评价也不断涌现。这不能简单地归结为侦查人员的素质不高,更为深层次的原因还在于制度层面。  相似文献   

作案人在作案过程中除了留下各种各样的物质痕迹外,还会留下潜在的心理痕迹,通过对现场物证痕迹的勘查,动态分析作案人实施犯罪的心理过程,有助于侦查人员明确侦查方向、缩小侦查范围,弥补现场物质痕迹的不足,同时能够对案件中的物质痕迹起到实质的相互印证、相互补充、相互引申的作用。从而促使侦查人员可以进一步理解案情,客观地把握整个犯罪过程。  相似文献   

由于犯罪案件数额较大、犯罪案件错综复杂与有限的侦查资源之间存在紧张关系,侦查人员在法律允许的限度内适当运用侦查谋略实属必要。在侦查对抗中,侦查主体须针对不同案件、情势,灵活选用各种具体的侦查谋略,常用的侦查谋略包括攻心夺志型侦查谋略、诱导型侦查谋略、分化离间型侦查谋略、迂回型侦查谋略等。侦查人员欲在侦查实践中正确、有效地施谋,须先从概念、原理、运用情势和要领等方面,对这些谋略作一定把握。  相似文献   

试论案件侦查中的“习惯“   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侦查人员要善于了解、掌握习惯的特性及种类,并为侦查活动所用。本文主要从习惯的特性、种类及意义三个方面对习惯进行了研究,对侦查实践具有一定的理论指导价值。  相似文献   

讯问犯罪嫌疑人主要通过语言,它是侦查讯问过程的主要载体。在讯问过程中,侦查人员的语言表达能力如何,直接影响讯问的效果。侦查人员提高运用讯问语言艺术的自觉性,并运用讯问语言艺术促使讯问活动顺利进行,是提高讯问水平的重要方面。因此,运用讯问语言艺术的水平高低,在讯问中具有特殊的意义。  相似文献   

公职人员职务犯罪心理及讯问策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国家公职人员违法犯罪形式虽然千变万化,但其心理特征都有共性可寻。在同违法人员正面对峙过程中,侦查人员只有洞察其心理动态,对症下药,才能使侦查工作有所突破。因此,防控对公职人员职务犯罪时对其实施职务犯罪的心理进行探讨,进而提出一些有效突破职务犯罪人员心理防线的策略和方法就显得非常必要。  相似文献   

侦查岗位核心能力是指侦查人员从事刑警职业和胜任侦查工作岗位所应具备的综合素质和关键能力,而侦查人才培养是侦查人员岗位核心能力提升的主要途径。当前,我国侦查人才培养存在诸多问题,基于岗位核心能力视野,探寻校局共建的办学模式、确立复合型侦查人才培养目标,完善侦查人才培养方案、丰富侦查教学内容体系,创新侦查人才培养方法、构筑侦查本科教育"双导师"制,以及构建侦查人才师资团队是创新侦查人才培养模式的关键路径。  相似文献   

不同于审问式诉讼模式,抗辩式诉讼模式是"当事人控制的事实发现模式",其核心是强调当事人在诉讼中的主体地位。侦查讯问制度的构建模式直接反映刑事诉讼活动对人权保障目的的落实情况。应维护被追诉人的诉讼主体地位,构建符合我国刑事司法语境的抗辩式侦查讯问制度,使被追诉人在一定程度上拥有与侦查人员进行"平等对话"的空间。基于此,我国当前的侦查讯问制度仍有进一步完善的必要性。  相似文献   

挫折心理是人们在从事有意识的活动中较为常见的一种消极心理反应,而思想政治教育作为一门指导人们形成正确思想行为的科学,能够调适人们的挫折心理、矫正人们的心理障碍。本文在把握挫折心理调适的必要性基础上,着重从主客观因素分析挫折心理形成的原因,并提出了调适挫折心理的主要措施。  相似文献   

Anyone who has taught courses or conducted research under the rubric of ‘public administration’ must have been troubled more or less frequently by two characteristics of his ‘field’‐ its nebulous scope and its lack of any distinctive technique. He must have felt himself a Jack of all trades as he pottered amateurishly about, now on the fringes of administrative law, now at the margins of accounting and budgeting, and then at the edges of industrial relations and occupational psychology. As a teacher, how often did he face a class of public servants, each more expert and experienced in some specialty than he was in any?  相似文献   


Referring to the short-term survival of new progressive governments, ‘progressive setback’ has been a remarkable political phenomenon in many East Asian countries during the recent decades. Regarding this phenomenon's background, this paper investigates why and how urban citizens challenged their progressive governments in Thailand, South Korea, and Japan. First, this paper argues that the progressive setback across East Asia reflects the difficulty progressive governments faced in overcoming the legacy of longstanding conservative regimes, which had locked urban citizens into specific modes of subsistence. The progressives invoked the protest of urban populations as their new socioeconomic policies undermined these populations’ traditional basis of subsistence. Second, an investigation of the primary modes of urban subsistence in each country makes the cross-national comparison of progressive setback possible. Urban middle classes in Thailand, as an exclusive group incorporated into the mainstream political economy, engaged in a fierce contest with a progressive government that denied their privileged status in Thai society. In Korea, the self-employed turned to the conservative party since market restructuring programs of the progressive government made it difficult for these self-employed to maintain profits and sustain their livelihood. Finally, Japan's urban workers could not welcome the welfare expansion of the new labor-friendly government, because this class was too dependent upon wage incomes to agree with the consumption tax hike that welfare expansion required as its precondition. This paper implies that the old habits of urban citizens are an important hurdle for East Asia's progressives to overcome.  相似文献   

Contrary to apparent differences in timing and style between Harold D. Lasswells political psychology and the policy sciences approach that he pioneered, the continuity and compatibility between the two are very high. The appropriateness of Lasswells political psychology framework for addressing the intellectual tasks of the policy sciences is demonstrated by linking the insights of his political psychology to the policy sciences framework, and reviewing the common pragmatist philosophy underlying both his political psychology and the policy sciences.  相似文献   

网络言语是书面言语的一种,网络言语与口语的联系极其密切。本文试图通过对网络虚拟社区成员构成状况的考察和对网络言语中所能反映出的地域性、时代性、社会性及个体心理、特征的研究,找出一种对网络言语人年龄、籍贯(母语地)、职业身份、文化程度、性别及是否为精神病人等方面进行正确分析判断的途径和方法,从而为网络案件侦查提供客观依据。  相似文献   

警察工作倦怠及其干预   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
警察工作倦怠是警察长期处于工作压力下的一种极端反应,它是包括情绪耗竭、人格解体、个人成就感降低在内的一种综合症候群。警察的工作倦怠问题的产生有其职业、社会环境、组织管理和个人特征方面的原因。工作倦怠会破坏警察的身心健康,降低其工作绩效。最后,文章还对如何解决警察的工作倦怠问题提出了一些建设性的建议。  相似文献   

Since Mill and Tocqueville, theorists have speculated that local participation, particularly involvement in workplace decision making, contributes to participation in wider politics. Theory suggests there should be two types of relationships between work and politics. First, there should be a correspondence between similarly formal or authoritative occupational and political involvements. Second, occupational participation should generate political participation. Thus, both authority patterns and actual participation connect work to politics.This paper hypothesizes that, other things being equal, occupational involvement, such as authority and participation at work, generates wider political participation, and that this influence occurs most strongly across levels of similar formality between the occupational and political spheres. The study finds that work participation, in fact, generates political participation, and that the connection is strongest along a hierarchy of formality connecting participation from the workplace to politics.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Panel on Innovations in the 1985 National Election Study Pilot Survey, American Political Science Association, Washington, DC, August 1986.  相似文献   

“New media” workers have joined the creative economy as digital designers, web page designers, and producers of entertainment products. Like many creative commodity producers, their work lies at the intersection of the technical (in this case code writing) and the expressive (through design). It reflects the tensions inherent in this intersection and the conflicts common to many creative workers who produce commodities but whose work also reflects some element of personal expression or authorship. The ways in which these tensions are resolved is central to the formation of new occupational and professional identities. Cultural economy perspectives offer us insights into the subjective experience of the tensions associated with creative work. They become more powerful, however, when combined with an understanding of the policy context in which new media has evolved. Drawing on both cultural economy and policy analysis approaches, I argue that while new media work emerged in conjunction with new technologies and reflects the tensions between technical applications and design, it also is a product of changes in broader regulatory frameworks that have shaped the work-world of new media. The “regulatory difference” has produced considerable variation in the occupational identities of new media workers among advanced economies. In some economies, new media work is evolving in a form that is closer to that of the professional, whereas in the United States it is better described as an entrepreneurial activity in which new media workers sell skills and services in a market. To make this argument I examine findings from the growing body of international work on new media but focus on the particularities of the United States case. What this evidence indicates is that the character of new media occupations is defined as much by the policy context within which it emerges as by the technology it uses.  相似文献   

Hazell  Robert 《Publius》2006,36(1):37-56
Devolution to Scotland and Wales throws up related questionsabout the government of England. Does England need to find itsown separate political voice? Does England too need devolution?There is little demand for an English parliament. "English voteson English laws" commands more support but would be impossibleto implement in practice. Despite the setback of the Northeastreferendum defeat, the future will see further development ofregionalism in England. Regional government is the only institutionalsolution that could help to give England a louder voice andalso help to decentralize the government of England. But itis not inevitable. There is no logic in the process of devolutionthat requires the English to have devolution too.  相似文献   

Is occupational locus or focus important for public service motivation? Does national context influence public service motivation? To answer both questions, the author examines attitudes toward work motives from national samples in 11 North American and Western European nations using multilevel binary logistic regression analysis. The findings demonstrate that the locus of an occupation in government and its focus on a public service activity both are important in shaping preferences for work motives related to public service motivation. Also, the preference for work motives held by citizens is correlated with the type of welfare regime in a nation. Although it is less pronounced, some evidence suggests that the type of welfare regime influences preferences toward work motives among government employees.  相似文献   

This paper outline some of the central feature of the approach to historical epistemology developed by Georges Canguilhem and argues for their contemporary significance in relation to recent changes in the life sciences. It develops this in relation to three lines of enquiry.The first concerns the specific characteristics of scientific reason.The second conerns the relations betweeen knowledge of life and life itself.The third concerns the role that historical work on scientific reason can play within contemporary critical thought.In each area it proposes some developments of Canguilhem's approach, and illustrates this with examples from biology,medicine and psychology.  相似文献   

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