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大众文学是20世纪日本文坛独具特色的一种文学形态,因此日本学界对其理论研究可谓是汗牛充栋,论争不断。本文从其中的一个问题即产生的源流出发,在梳理日本大众文学源流研究的基础上,进一步剖析大众文学与日本的“近代”、“文学”等概念确立的内在关联。日本近代社会促成了大众文学的发生,而大众文学也起到了塑造日本国民精神与素质的重要作用;日本文学的近代性孕育于大众文学,而大众文学也承载了日本近代文学独特的生命力。至少在源流上,在日本是不存在大众文学与纯文学的界限之分的,二者的对峙图式只是其发生的一种建构而已。  相似文献   

本文主要针对活跃于日本明治、大正、昭和三个时期的近代历史学家、思想家津田左右吉(Tsuda sokichi,1873-1961)的"国民思想史观"、"日本文化史观"、"东洋文化史观"等学问理论的主张,解析其对近代日本文化"独自性"意识的形成及"国民思想"对日本社会之影响,进而探讨其"东洋文化史观"的形成与学问转化的问题。  相似文献   

日本侵华时期,大批日本左翼转向作家,迫于各种缘由来到中国东北,在殖民主义政权猖獗之时,他们在文坛上留下了众多的殖民主义色彩的“标识”。牛岛春子便是其中一个典型代表。她以一个“满洲国”官僚太太的身份目睹了“满洲”殖民政权的衰微,又以女性作家特有的纤细笔触诠释了统治民族眼中的异地异风异人。本文力求从历史叙述的角度揭示“左翼转向作家”牛岛春子笔下的“民族协和”景象,以资为剖析日本殖民主义政权的侵略政策提供一个历史的昭示。  相似文献   

"假名文字论"是近代日本文字改革运动的产物,"满洲假名"是它的变异形式。在这一期间假名文字论者经历了从内到外的艰辛历程。但是战后假名文字论者最终还是退出了历史舞台,原因在于"假名文字论"始终未能得到日本国民的认可。  相似文献   

在日本文学史上,有一批为法西斯军国主义侵略战争高唱赞歌、涂脂打气;为日本国民战争狂热鼓噪喧嚣、推波助澜;为天皇笔战、为天皇献身的法西斯作家——“笔部队”。他们包括长期在军队服役并直接参与作战的“军人作家”;受日本内阁情报派遣到侵华前线体验战争的“从军作家”及受报社、杂志社派遣或自愿赶赴前线的“民兵”。“笔部队”的这些作家受军国主义思想的影响,在扭曲的“大亚洲主义”和狭隘的“文学报国”思想支配下,本着“吾为君书,吾为君亡”的精神,心甘情愿地投身于侵略战争。  相似文献   

日本1995年度《科学技术白皮书》指出,"为了21世纪的发展,重要的问题是进一步积蓄可说是我国最大资源的国民的才智,并加以正确的运用。为此,需要进一步发挥国民的理性创造力,产生新的价值,实现能给国民带来真正富裕生活的科学技术创造立国。"日本提出"科学技术创造立国",是日本科学技术经过战后几十年的发展所必然导致的结论。现在,就让我们来简单回顾一下战后日本科技发展的历程。  相似文献   

太平洋战争爆发后,西田几多郎提出了面向世界的历史课题,即"世界性的世界形成主义"。西田的世界观是以东亚为视角、以日本为中心的世界观,其目的是将"八纮为宇"的"皇道精神"发挥于世界。在日本政府已经确立"大东亚共荣圈"的亚洲战略之后,西田提出"东亚共荣圈"理念,试图从哲学的世界观、文化观角度解读并深化日本政府的"大东亚共荣圈"理论。西田的"东亚共荣圈"中包含浓厚的日本历史特殊性和日本民族优越论的倾向,与军部法西斯的"大东亚共荣圈"殊途同归。  相似文献   

姚美良的文化工程已有十年历史。他的文化工程是深刻分析中国历史进程的结果。十年以来,他提出三个宏观目标,体现出三个不同发展阶段。80年代末90年代初,他提出"弘扬中华文化,振奋民族精神",而后再提出"纪念先贤,昭启来者",近二年又提出"弘扬爱国主义,促进祖国统一"。这些极富号召力的目标,加上一项又一项文化工程的实施,在海内外引起巨大反响。纪念近代史开端150周年系列活动;纪念黄遵宪当代书画艺术国际展;捐资兴建中山大学永芳堂和近代十八先贤铜像广场;成立近代中国研究中心和孙中山研究所,以及举办《孙中山与华侨》国际…  相似文献   

坪内逍遥《小说神髓》要展现的是一个庞大的帝国文化图景,其主要意图应置入近代日本社会“他者意识一民族主义一近代国民国家”这一思想观念流程中才能够被理解。它不仅呈现出作者根深蒂固的民族主义立场,而且反映出日本文化界在明治维新后积极谋求文化自立、自强与扩张的文化帝国主义图谋。  相似文献   

《叶山嘉树日记》历时14年之久,体系庞大,内容纷杂。《叶山嘉树日记》主要包含三部分:叶山本人从昭和7年1月1日至昭和20年1月2日为止的日记、昭和7年版《新文艺日记》1册与17册的叶山大学笔记以及大正12年6月27日至10月5日的《狱中记》。本文将《叶山嘉树日记》按照不同时期政治立场或战争倾向进行了归类,并作出了相关诠释。作为战时一代有代表性的知识分子,对叶山受战争影响、在"转向"与人道主义之间摇摆不定的精神轨迹进行了辨析。  相似文献   

芥川奖在1981年至2010年30年间共推出26名女作家,当代日本女性生存样态在女作家的笔下得到了淋漓尽致的展现。本文选择其中有代表性的文本,解读大道珠贵《咸味兜风》有悖伦常的身体交易中体味变味的爱;金原瞳的《蛇舌》在惊世骇俗的肉体改造中最终告白的爱的缺失;青山七惠《一个人的好天气》在与长辈女性的交往中表达了对爱的渴求。进而勾勒出女性话语的建构所经历的漫长、曲折乃至痛苦的过程。  相似文献   

Tomi Suzuki 《Japan Forum》2018,30(1):85-104

This paper shows the ways in which, in the immediate post-war period (1945–1951), Kawabata Yasunari (1899–1972) reflected on his earlier, pre-war literary career and re-envisioned his postwar literary trajectory by constructing a new genealogy of the modern novel in Japan, in relationship to the intricate issues of the literary styles of the modern novel, ‘national language’ (kokugo), and the literary tradition. By examining his Shin bunshō tokuhon (New Guide to Literary Language, 1950), which presents Kawabata's past and present views of literary language, I will argue that Kawabata's changing views of language and literary style must be understood in the context of contemporary debates over national language policy and language reform movements. I will show the manner by which Kawabata formulated his views of language in dialogue with his two rival writers: Yokomitsu Riichi (1898–1947) in the prewar period and Tanizaki Junichirō (1886–1965) in the postwar period. As we shall see, the death of his close literary colleague Yokomitsu in 1947 and Tanizaki's unflagging literary exploration during and following the war prompted Kawabata to position himself in a genealogy of modern Japanese literary writers as well as in relationship to the linguistic and literary tradition of Japan.  相似文献   

This analysis shows how Japanese legations, first established in Europe during the 1870s, were not just symbolic gestures but played a key role in the Meiji government’s quest for international recognition. The concept of resident ambassador was unfamiliar beyond the European world, so the transition from sending visiting envoys to establishing permanent missions was a pivotal stage. Here a comparative framework gauges the importance of Japan’s new strategy within the context of similar experiments by states such as the Ottoman Empire, Persia, and subsequently China and Siam. The case of Sameshima Naonobu, Japan’s first resident minister in Europe, highlights the cultural barriers the Japanese faced. Assisted by Frederick Marshall, an Englishman at the Japanese Legation in Paris, Sameshima’s research on the mysteries encoded in this particular social universe offers some insight on the nature of the diplomatic corps in Europe.  相似文献   

Focusing on the relation between the literary theory and the novels of modern Japanese writer Natsume Sōseki (1867–1916), this article argues that we need to include more ‘non-Western’ theories in the discussions of world literature. Furthermore, it concludes that a world literature contextualization of Sōseki's theory helps explain how his novels critically negotiate the influences from Western literature in Japan. By comparing Sōseki's theoretical and literary writing, this article shows continuity between his Theory of Literature and his novel Kusamakura, arguing that both question Western universality in defining literature. In other words, the comparison stresses Sōseki's continued preoccupation with understanding the transformation of literatures due to global interaction. During the modern period, such transformation was probably nowhere more conspicuous than in Meiji Japan, where not only society but also its literature was rapidly changing.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the meaning of ‘the West’ in Chinese and Japanese political discourse. It argues that for Japanese and Chinese political thinkers, the West does not exist in the West. Rather, the West is sometimes at the periphery and, at other times, at the centre. For them, ‘the Chinese’ is about the epistemology of all-under-heaven. There is no such concept as ‘Other’ in this epistemology. As a result, modern Western thinkers depend on opposing the concrete, historical, yet backward Other to pretend to be universal, while Chinese and Japanese thinkers concentrate on self-rectification to compete for the best representative of ‘the Chinese’ in world politics. ‘The Chinese’ is no more than an epistemological frame that divides the world into the centre and the periphery. In modern times, the Japanese have accepted Japan as being at the periphery of world politics, while the West is at the centre. To practise self-rectification is to simulate the West. The West is therefore not the geographical West, but at the centre of Japanese selfhood. Self-knowledge produced through Othering and that through self-rectification are so different that the universal West could not make sense of the all-under-heaven way of conceptualizing the West.  相似文献   

谷崎润一郎是日本近现代文坛重要作家之一,其成长轨迹体现了日本明治、大正、昭和时期东洋与西洋文化交错影响下文人的心路。纵观谷崎润一郎的文学创作,可以看到在不同时期、不同作品中,体现着不同的美感追求,本文将通过探讨唯美主义的发生与流变,努力廓清谷崎润一郎的唯美历程。  相似文献   

齐珮 《东北亚论坛》2006,15(4):121-125
在日本近代化发展过程中,大正时期出现了“中国情趣”的热潮。由于日本的近代化是在旧物破坏、照搬西洋的前提下进行的,使得人们面对不伦不类的日本发出传统消失殆尽而西洋模仿又流于肤浅的不满。另外,由于明治维新的不彻底性,资产阶级民主主义运动失败,日本国内盛行国家主义、民族主义至上的风气,使近代知识分子追求自由、平等和近代生活方式的梦想破灭。在这种闭塞的时代背景下,面对东西文化和思想的冲突,近代日本知识分子陷入苦闷彷徨中,于是到中国上海旅行成为他们追求梦想、宣泄感情的手段。  相似文献   


This study of contemporary Japanese translations of selected stories of Edgar Allen Poe argues that contemporary translators have adopted a creative strategy of translation that succeeds in avoiding what Berman has called ‘the destruction of underlying networks of signification’. In a writer of gothic horror such as Poe, chains of expression that establish a mood and visualization are vital to building the reader’s sense of fear and anticipation. The current study shows that the Japanese translators employ sound symbolism and alliteration to create a feeling akin to that in Poe, yet their application of such techniques is distributed differently than in Poe’s original language, and differently from one another. This article examines the use of mimetics in four contemporary Japanese translations of two of Poe’s gothic horror narratives and two translations of one detective narrative. The results show that the Japanese translators used mimetic words in their translations at rates similar to those found in recent studies of selected writers of modern and contemporary fiction. The second finding is that when translating the passages containing the seventy-six sound-symbolic forms in the English source text, the translators of Poe used Japanese mimetic terms 34 per cent of the time. The third finding is that the 34 per cent figure for percentage of sound-symbolic English words translated with mimetic expressions in the target text represented only 12 percent of the total number of mimetics (355 tokens) used in the Japanese translations. The fourth finding reveals an overlap in translator use of a mimetic averaging 42.6 per cent.  相似文献   

东日本大地震、大海啸引发的日本核事故,对日本的核电事业乃至全球的核电事业造成巨大冲击,对我国能源安全也提出新的挑战。中日两国都是能源消费大国,在能源领域既有合作也有竞争。日本拥有世界一流的节能技术和新能源开发技术,还拥有包括能源储备等在内的保障能源安全的丰富经验,加强中日之间多种形式的能源合作对破解我国能源安全瓶颈具有重要意义。  相似文献   

近代日本报业对中国新闻业的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
日本的明治维新运动,开辟了一个明治时代(1868—1911年),促成了日本近代报刊的诞生、发展,乃至进入"报纸复兴时代"。中日两国具有地理上的接近性,近代报纸的发展进程大致相近,中日两国文化交融成为近代报刊转型之基础,日本报刊对中国戊戌变法期间新闻业具有启发作用,对辛亥革命时期办报思想的促进作用。  相似文献   

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