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徐伟 《法律科学》2014,(2):163-173
我国目前立法规定和司法实践全面承认了"应知"可用于认定网络服务提供者主观知道,但学界在这一问题上却分歧很大。这一现象的产生源于对网络服务提供者提出的应知要求与其不负审查义务的共识相冲突。主张网络服务提供者应知既难以在理论上得以证成,也是对相关规定的误读。通过借助诉讼法中的推定规则,可有效证成网络服务提供者主观知道,从而实现了从起点客观事实不明到终点网络服务提供者承担侵权责任间逻辑脉络的贯通。依循这一逻辑路径,我国目前的相关立法、司法和未来学界的研究重点等都需作出相应的调整。  相似文献   

随着我国互联网的高速发展,网络服务提供者扮演着越来越重要的角色.伴随而来的是层出不穷的网络服务提供者平台上的知识产权侵权现象.侵权责任中如何区分、确定网络服务提供者的责任,在保护权利人合法权益的同时合理确定网络服务提供者的应承担的义务和责任,成为今后知识产权立法需要考虑的问题.本文通过分析我国避风港原则的相关规定,指出当前实践中存在的不足之处并提出相应解决方法,力图完善我国避风港原则相关规定,平衡权利人、网络服务提供者之间的权利义务关系.  相似文献   

邓社民 《时代法学》2011,9(2):58-65
从网络服务提供者的服务类型及其责任限制与反限制的基本理论来看,《侵权责任法》第36条无视网络服务提供者服务的类型,一刀切地规定网络服务提供者承担连带责任,势必加大网络服务提供者的责任,打击网络服务的积极性;无视国内外立法关于网络服务提供者侵权责任限制规则——避风港规则的规定,简单化处理网络侵权纠纷。随着《侵权责任法》的实施,将造成与《信息网络传播权保护条例》相冲突,使《信息网络传播权保护条例》的合理规定无法适用等。因此,建议删除《侵权责任法》第36条第2、3款,保留第1款,并补充一句:"其他法律法规有规定的除外";或者删除第36条的规定,将网络侵权责任作为专门一节,整合《信息网络传播权保护条例》的有关规定,完善网络服务提供者侵权责任。  相似文献   

吕凯  杨丹芳 《法制与社会》2011,(33):104-105
网络环境下直接侵权的用户往往具有隐蔽性,网络服务提供商经常成为此类诉讼的被告。我国对于网络服务提供商的著作权侵权责任适用的是过错责任归责原则。网络服务提供商应当对其网站上的信息负有合理的注意义务。本文基于对我国著作权法的相关司法解释、信息网络传播权保护条例及其《侵权责任法》中对网络服务提供商的责任规定的分析,指出现行法律规定的不足之处,并且针对以上不足,借鉴美国的相关立法提出一些建议,以更好的完善相关法律。  相似文献   

随着我国网络信息业的快速发展,法院受理的涉及计算机网络的著作权纠纷案件呈不断上升态势。有效规制该类侵权行为并建立合理的法律制度以对网络服务提供者的侵权行为进行合理有效的制裁,同时又能够保证网络产业的健康发展是至关重要的。笔者在回顾我国网络著作权侵权立法与司法实践的基础上.根据不同的情况对网络内容提供商和网络服务提供商的著作权侵权责任等加以分析.进而提出构建我国网络环境下著作权侵权责任的相关制度的立法建议。  相似文献   

互联网的发展和成熟,不仅诱发了信息交流方式的革命,而且导致许多网络侵权的发生。网络服务提供者的侵权行为是现代侵权行为法发展起来的一种特殊的网络侵权行为,在网络时代如何规范该类侵权行为,如何建立一套制约相关各方权利、平衡各方利益的法律制度,合理保护权利人的利益.对纲络服务提供者的侵权行为进行有效的制裁,同时又能够保证网络产业的健康发展是至关重要的。笔者根据不同的情况对网络内容提供商和网络服务提供商的着作权侵权责任加以分析.进而提出建构我国网络环境下着作权侵权责任的相关制度的立法建议。  相似文献   

网络服务提供者承担相应的侵权责任既具有充分的法理依据,也是保护网络著作权人合法权益、维护社会安全的需要。目前,我国网络服务提供者责任制度存在诸多不足,应在明确其价值取向及功能的基础上,对相关制度进行重构,以使网络服务提供者责任负担符合法律公平正义的基本要求。  相似文献   

杭州互联网法院近期对我国首例小程序侵权案作出一审判决。本案争议的焦点问题在于小程序类平台是否符合"网络自动接入(传输)服务提供者"主体要件,以及是否承担"通知—删除"义务。立足我国法律规定和司法实践,借鉴"避风港"制度源起的美国相关法律规定、立法解释和相关判例,结合对网络自动接入(传输)服务提供者的主体界定、驶入"避风港"的资格门槛等的深入辨析,不应将小程序类平台简单地认定为"网络自动接入(传输)服务提供者"。同时根据网络服务提供者在特定侵权活动中的多重角色,应关注多重规制的存在,特别是注意与新实施的《电子商务法》电商平台知识产权保护规则相衔接。  相似文献   

随着计算机网络服务的日益发展,许多新的法律问题接踵而至,给我国现有的法律体制提出挑战。其中一个十分迫切的问题是如何对网络上发生的侵权行为合理地界定网络服务商的责任。这个问题不仅关系到这一新兴行业的生存与发展,而且也关系到网络用户及相关权利人权益的保护。本文试图从概念界定入手,通过对法理基础和实践操作的探讨,从而提出解决这一问题的建议。  相似文献   

网络销售平台正逐步成为社会生活中重要的商品交换平台,提供网络销售平台的网络服务提供商应否向知识产权权利人及时披露足以识别涉嫌侵权行为人的信息这一问题也愈发受到关注。对这一问题,TRIPs以授权性规范作出了规定,允许缔约方立法规定网络服务提供商的信息提供义务,而对此问题最近部分发达国家签订的ACTA则以强制性规范作出规定。我国也有类似规定,但相关规定的法律位阶较低,建议我国知识产权法律在以后的修改完善中,就侵权者身份信息的披露问题作出原则性的规定。  相似文献   

互联网法律规制的若干问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张平 《知识产权》2012,(8):3-16,2
互联网应用极大地改变了人们的生活方式,互联网领域的法律问题也改变着法律的世袭领地,创造出了法律的"混血儿"。调整因互联网应用而产生的各类社会关系的法律规范即互联网法,其调整手段涉及公法和私法领域,是一个正在成长中的兼具特异性范畴和共同性范畴的综合性法律部门。互联网立法既要针对互联网发展的特点,制定互联网领域的单行法,又要在现有的民法、刑法、知识产权法等部门法中增加针对互联网领域的专门条款,以达互联网法律规制的目的。  相似文献   

李耀磊  张永华 《河北法学》2021,39(1):112-120
智能化体育产业需要进行必要的法律规制,以实现体育产业的有序发展。随着我国人工智能、大数据和互联网等相关技术的快速发展,体育产业呈现出多维度泛在智能化趋向。在智能化体育产业法律规制方面,《体育法》存在明显的缺位,体育行政法规和部门规章也存在规制的不足,而《新一代人工智能发展规划》对智能化体育产业并未予以适当关注。因此,在对智能化体育产业的法律规制策略方面,应选择在《体育法》中进行总则概括规定、分章明确细化规定、在行政法规和部门规章中进行适当体现、由行业协会进行重点监管的法律规制路径。  相似文献   

Since the ratification of the Europe agreements, Eastern European accession countries are transposing community law into their national legal framework. The law approximation process in the field of health concerns three themes, viz public health, health–related issues, and the internal market. Although the health acquis has been largely focused on public–health issues, it is increasingly becoming clear that internal market treaty provisions may also affect health–related rights. For candidate member states this means that the common market has important consequences for health and their health–care systems. Therefore, this paper will examine the impact of relevant treaty provisions on acceding countries' (public) health legal framework.  相似文献   

Considering the prevalence of online hate speech and its harm and risks to the targeted people, democratic discourse and public security, it is necessary to combat online hate speech. For this purpose, internet intermediaries play a crucial role as new governors of online speech. However, there is no universal definition of hate speech. Rules concerning this vary in different countries depending on their social, ethical, legal and religious backgrounds. The answer to the question of who can be liable for online hate speech also varies in different countries depending on the social, cultural, history, legal and political backgrounds. The First Amendment, cyberliberalism and the priority of promoting the emerging internet industry lead to the U.S. model, which offers intermediaries wide exemptions from liability for third-party illegal content. Conversely, the Chinese model of cyberpaternalism prefers to control online content on ideological, political and national security grounds through indirect methods, whereas the European Union (EU) and most European countries, including Germany, choose the middle ground to achieve balance between restricting online illegal hate speech and the freedom of speech as well as internet innovation. It is worth noting that there is a heated discussion on whether intermediary liability exemptions are still suitable for the world today, and there is a tendency in the EU to expand intermediary liability by imposing obligation on online platforms to tackle illegal hate speech. However, these reforms are again criticized as they could lead to erosion of the EU legal framework as well as privatization of law enforcement through algorithmic tools. Those critical issues relate to the central questions of whether intermediaries should be liable for user-generated illegal hate speech at all and, if so, how should they fulfill these liabilities? Based on the analysis of the different basic standpoints of cyberliberalists and cyberpaternalists on the internet regulation as well as the arguments of proponents and opponents of the intermediary liability exemptions, especially the debates over factual impracticality and legal restraints, impact on internet innovation and the chilling effect on freedom of speech in the case that intermediaries bear liabilities for illegal third-party content, the paper argues that the arguments for intermediary liability exemptions are not any more tenable or plausible in the web 3.0 era. The outdated intermediary immunity doctrine needs to be reformed and amended. Furthermore, intermediaries are becoming the new governors of online speech and platforms now have the power to curtail online hate speech. Thus, the attention should turn to the appropriate design of legal responsibilities of intermediaries. The possible suggestions could be the following three points: Imposing liability on intermediaries for illegal hate speech requires national law and international human rights norms as the outer boundary; openness, transparency and accountability as internal constraints; balance of multi-interests and involvement of multi-stakeholders in internet governance regime.  相似文献   

文化产业发展中的反垄断法制建设新问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方小敏 《现代法学》2006,28(5):166-172
文化体制改革深入把文化产业市场化发展的有关问题推到了法学研究的前沿,特别是对与市场经济紧密联系的竞争法提出了新的课题。文化产业有区别于其他一般经济领域的特殊性,西方国家的立法经验和法律实践表明文化产业的市场化经营必须依靠竞争法调整和保障。发展文化产业给反垄断法制建设提出了新要求,正在制定中的我国反垄断法应就与文化产业发展有关的竞争问题作出相应的规定,为文化产业的市场化改革和发展提供法律保障。  相似文献   

华劼 《河北法学》2008,26(6):7-12
随着网络和信息技术的快速发展,网络上的个人隐私权正在被严重地侵害,面对这种侵害,各国都致力于建立完善的网络隐私权法律保护体系。从比较研究的角度讨论美国和欧盟的网络隐私权立法保护模式和规则,并对我国网络隐私权的保护提出立法建议。  相似文献   

This article deals with both legal and economic analysis of the new Turkish Commercial Code provisions regarding single member companies. In this respect, legal provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code are examined and compared not only with the Twelfth European Union Directive and Societas Unius Personae, but also regulations of the European Union member states. Since single member companies are to be established as limited liability companies under Turkish law, this article considers the benefits of the limited liability form that can be applied to single member companies in the framework of firm theory. It also examines the benefits and risks of single member companies in terms of transaction costs and assesses the safeguards against the risks in this regard. Finally, an evaluation is made in the light of the data collected relating to the number of companies established after the new Turkish Commercial Code entered into force.  相似文献   

This article considers the role of land in (regional) development and the financing of such development. Specifically the article reflects on the application of legal provisions relating to the use of land and development, including considering how fiscal instruments can be used to promote economic development in a cross-border legal entity. The article concludes with recommendations as to how cross-border economic development can be improved. The article takes as its starting point the intention of the regions of Parkstad Limburg (NLs) and Aachen (GER) to establish a European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation (EGTC), with a view to promoting cross-border economic and spatial development.  相似文献   

王曦 《现代法学》2003,25(4):140-147
关于环境信息的收集、处理、交流和使用的法律规定是环境法的重要组成部分。由于水资源与经济发展和人民生活息息相关,加强和完善有关水资源的信息管理体系的任务显得尤为迫切。本文查证我国有关水资源的法律中关于环境信息的收集、处理、交流和应用的法律规定并分析其实施情况。在这种查证和分析的基础上,本文对如何完善我国水资源环境信息管理体系提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

论我国电子商务安全立法的四种规范   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沈木珠 《法学论坛》2001,16(4):19-27
国际上没有一个国家能够确保电子商务活动的安全,我国对网络及网上交易的立法也不完善。但人们一般都混淆系统及网络管理规定与电子商务安全规范的概念,认为我国已经建立起完备的电子商务安全法律体系。本文对此提出质疑,并在分析我国电子商务发展及立法状况的基础上,论述了电子商务安全立法在运作、认证、结算及法律责任等方面的四种规范,提出了相应的改进意见。  相似文献   

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