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当我们对律师特别是辩护律师的职业价值进行讨论和思考时,可以发现,其核心精神体现为两个方面,一是忠诚原则,强调的是律师“当事人利益至上”的义务,反映的是律师的诚实观念;二是正义原则,强调的是律师保障人权、维护社会正义的公益义务,表明的是律师的正义观念。忠诚与正义,是律师执业的基础,也体现了律师职业的正当、合理性。“恪守诚信,维护正义”,应当成为我国律师队伍建设的核心价值。  相似文献   

李敏 《法制与社会》2010,(27):188-188
当前依法治国作为治国方略已成为我国全社会的共识,而律师在建设法治社会中发挥着重要的作用。律师作为国家司法制度的重要组成部分,是现代法治社会中捍卫法律公正、维护社会正义的法律职业者,因而律师必须要接受严格的道德约束,这是职业使命和职业利益的需要,律师有义务承担这种责任,并应百倍珍惜和全力维护这种职业形象。  相似文献   

叶莹 《天津律师》2006,(2):46-48
法官与律师均为国家司法制度的重要组成部分.是现代法治社会中捍卫法律公正、维护社会正义的法律职业共同体。在一个法治完备的国家.他们之间应建立起一种彼此尊重、平等合作、相对独立、互相监督的良性互动关系。  相似文献   

法律职业共同体引论   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
本文从解析法律职业共同体的概念入手 ,着重分析了法律职业共同体的构成、性质与特征 ,以期提供一个关于法律职业共同体的一般理论。本文认为 ,法律职业共同体是由法官、检察官、律师、法学学者所构成 ,是一个意义共同体、事业共同体、解释共同体、利益共同体 ,表现为独立与互涉的特征。  相似文献   

修改后的《律师法》明确了律师的职业使命,即:律师应当维护当事人的合法权益,维护法律的正确实施.维护社会公平和正义。从而更强调了律师的社会属性、法律属性和公益属性,丰富了律师作为法律人的内涵,提升了律师的社会境界,强化了社会功能。  相似文献   

一、律师的职业价值与主体价值追求 社会职业分工视野下的律师,代表着各种相互对立、冲突的利益,似乎既代表正义又代表非正义,天然具有某种“品格分裂症”。“与邪恶为伍、为异端辩护”使律师这个职业容易为权力者所鄙视、为社会公众所诟病。然而正是赋予所谓邪恶与异端以作为一个人应有的权利.才可能彰显每一个人的尊严与权利——我们每一个人都有可能受到错误的刑事追究。每一个个体权利、具体权利的维护,每一起具体案件的博弈,其实都是纠纷得以解决、权利得以实现的过程,某种意义上也可称之为正义得以实现的过程。凶此,律师即使在个案中成为“邪恶”的辩护人,其整体价值亦与正义有关。  相似文献   

柳平 《中国律师》2009,(7):51-53
我国《律师法》已明确规定,律师是依法取得律师执业证书、接受委托或者指定,为当事人提供法律服务的执业人员。律师应当维护当事人的合法权益,维护法律正确实施,维护社会公平与正义。律师执业中,必须遵守宪法和法律,恪守律师职业道德和执业纪律;必须以事实为根据,以法律为准绳,应当接受国家、社会和当事人的监督。  相似文献   

众所周知,律师肩负着维护法律正义、化解社会矛盾和平衡司法体制的使命,是名副其实的法律工作者。党的十一届三中全会以来,随着我国民主与法制建设的不断健全,人民群众法治观念的不断增强,律师业在我国呈现出前所未有的发展势头,律师已日渐成为一个令公众羡慕的社会职业。然而,由于处于转型阶段的律师体制尚未健全,长期以来有关部门对律师的监督管理存在种种疏漏,导致律师队伍的素质良莠不齐。违背律师职业道德,盲目迁就当事人;违反律  相似文献   

在当下的中国,律师因为是客户利益的捍卫者而被社会视作是可信赖的道德良心者、律师因为运用法学知识和法律规则而被社会视作是法律职业共同体的成员、律师因为提供法律服务以获取报酬而被社会视作是各行各业中的显贵。与此相应,社会便要求律师有崇高的正义道德之心性、要求律师具有知识上的独立性、要求律师遵循良好的行业规范。显而易见,对律师提出的这些要求乃是以社会对律师的那些看法为依凭的,当然也是颇为合理的。然而,令人感到遗憾的是,上述对律师的看法却丢失了一个极为重要的维度,而这个维度便是律师在中国法制发展过程中所…  相似文献   

法律职业是一个知识的共同体,更是一个价值、观念和伦理的共同体,这一共同体的形成高度仰赖某种传统的建立和传承。西方现代法律职业的建立,起源于某种师承关系,如早期英国律师职业的学徒制和法国法律职业的家族化。传统的代际传承,葆有了这个职业独立的精英气质,也建立了融汇于血脉的正义追求。法治精神就是法律职业传统的积淀和弘扬。西方的法律职业将这种传统发展成为凝聚法律人的精神家园,十分珍视并竭  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to review the impact of social networking sites on law, the legal profession and dispute resolution. Within a very short period of time, social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace, combined with social networking hardware platforms, such as iPad, iPhone, Blackberry, and Android, have infiltrated the profession of law and dispute resolution. Many legal professionals now have a social networking profile, use information on social networking sites as evidence, and interact with other lawyers and judges through such forums. This increased interaction in a publically accessible and viewable medium presents a challenge to the legal profession's traditional ideas of independence, confidentiality, and rules of evidence. Social networking mediums are here to stay. Therefore, this article looks at how this trend affects law and the legal profession, what issues it presents to lawyers and judges, whether new laws are necessary to take into account the impact of social networking sites and the benefits of such technology in fostering access to justice and helping parties achieve justice.  相似文献   

在传统的城乡分割的二元社会结构体制下,农民工成为中国现代化社会转型中的特殊范畴.伴随着经济社会的快速发展,跨区域进城务工经商的农民工愈来愈多,农民工在为城市发展做出巨大贡献的同时,却没有获得相应的合法身份和公平待遇.因此正视农民工目前的处境并给予其相应的国民待遇是中国社会转型期的重要任务.  相似文献   

张东 《法学论坛》2012,(1):36-43
收益公正分配是转型时期社会公正的重要维度,维系人权保护、经济发展、社会稳定与国家治理,蕴涵着分配正义理论。多种因素决定经济法分配正义是复合正义,强化在市场分配机制基础上的国家再分配职能,以促进社会基本结构的公正。经济法分配正义理论通过奠定收益分配之理论基础,提供收益分配之制度属性的路径促进收益公正分配,进而实现以社会公正为中心的可持续经济发展,推动中国社会顺利转型。而以分配正义为衡量尺度,我国收益分配制度需要进一步完善。  相似文献   

胡铭 《法学研究》2011,(2):52-69
我国社会正处于转型期,各种社会矛盾凸显,刑事司法面临着新的挑战。西方的法律现实主义能为我国转型期刑事司法提供可资借鉴的方法论和改革思路。法律现实主义运动在批评形式主义与三段论式审判的基础上,把法律看作具有多重目标的社会引擎,关注司法行为、纠纷解决与社会问题。在中国语境下,引入法律现实主义,不是要简单地否定形式主义,而是应理性对待形式主义并在其中融入客观主义;应在刑事司法裁判中适用利益权衡,重视经验归纳而不拘泥于简单的演绎推理;应以实现社会正义为核心,构建合理衔接的多元纠纷解决机制。  相似文献   

Research indicates that practising and teaching alternative dispute resolution may reduce the prevalence of mental health issues within the legal profession. This paper builds on these findings by arguing that an approach to mediation focused on access to justice, of which social justice is core, will enhance positive legal professional identity. This approach, which is yet to be trialled, values equality of access and achievement of just outcomes. It does not over-privilege neutrality and self-determination and also values the positive role of law within society. The paper outlines the nature of an access to justice approach to mediation, and explores how this approach may be challenged by the more traditional and fundamental values of mediation, namely, neutrality and self-determination. In addition, it discusses the approach in light of the provisions of the Australian National Mediator Accreditation System (NMAS) Practice Standards and explores the relationship between the access to justice approach and positive legal professional identity. Overall, it discusses the importance of an access to justice approach to mediation in legal education and lawyering and explores the relevance of that approach to promoting social justice, wellbeing and positive professional identity.  相似文献   

知识产权的观念:类型化及法律适用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
易继明 《法学研究》2005,(3):110-125
以知识产权为主的无形财产日益重要是社会历史发展的结果,知识产权也是传统财产权的延续,但我们今天不仅面临着知识产权类型化困难问题,而且在自然权利、他人利益和社会正义之间存在着利益平衡的法律难题。因此更加需要强调知识产权的私权性质和观念,在司法过程中通过传统民事法律制度实现知识产权立法的目的。  相似文献   

现代化进程是一个从传统农业社会迈向现代工业社会的社会转型过程,也是各种社会问题不断产生和不断被解决的转型治理过程。其中,从效率优先转向公平正义优先体现了现代化背景下的社会转型与法律治理的一般规律。党的十九大报告和四中全会决定体现了我们党对现代化建设和社会转型治理规律的深刻认识,也展示了中国特色社会治理的法治路径。具体表现为:明确提出国家治理体系和治理能力现代化,体现对社会现代化和转型治理基本规律的自觉把握;健全党的全面领导制度和为人民执政、靠人民执政的制度,完善以法律法规制度为基础的社会治理体系的整体构建;坚持经济发展、民生保障与社会治理相结合,在法治轨道上实现社会转型问题的系统治理;把公平正义作为坚持完善法治体系、基本经济制度和民生保障制度的逻辑主线,科学把握现代化后期转型治理的重要内容;坚持法律治理和道德治理相结合,展示了中国社会转型治理的社会主义风貌。  相似文献   


The legal profession has remained relevant in bringing about positive transformation in society — with leaders, policymakers, and change makers around the world mostly possessing a background in the law. That said, the trust, and positive image, enjoyed by legal professionals continues on a declining path. Considered more glamorous, the legal profession has gone astray from the path of social justice. In this article, I argue that the negative perception of legal professionals is, in large part, because of the way legal professionals are taught and trained in law schools. I argue that legal teaching pedagogy in South Asia, and generally in developing countries, is a product of colonial structure. Even after the so-called decolonisation movement, law schools and universities, for example in South Asia, institutionalised a legal pedagogy unsuited to the epistemic actualities of their societies. A law student in South Asia was and continues to be taught the Western conception of what the law is and its relationship to justice. In a legal culture carrying the transplanted laws of the colonisers, the students of developing countries are meticulously trained in the technical skills of reasoning and interpretation by applying Eurocentric guidelines of positivist construction. In light of this, I propose a shift in legal education: to transform the existing legal education and pedagogy into ‘justice education’. I focus on the ancient principles — located in the Eastern legal philosophy — of empirical reasoning and the importance of the human nature of sociability in arriving at social justice. To combat the tendency of insulating law students from societal problems, I propose a social justice-driven legal pedagogy. I have also reflected on some practices that ‘are’ and highlighted other practices that ‘ought to be’. My thesis connotes that the legal profession has an innate role in building the capability of individuals who are deprived and excluded. In line with it, I present examples of scalable clinical legal education being practised specially by the Kathmandu School of Law that can create multidimensional legal professionalism.


江国华 《法学研究》2014,36(1):56-73
对应于两次历史性社会转型以及第二次转型的三个发展阶段,当代中国的司法价值观发生了四次历史性变迁,即从为阶级斗争冲锋陷阵的政治司法价值观转变到为经济建设保驾护航的经济司法价值观,而后再演变为为社会稳定排忧解难的社会司法价值观,并走向为法治文明注译导航的衡平司法价值观。鉴于前三种司法价值观本质上都是法律工具主义的产物,是人治的变种,故有必要对其做历史性反思。唯此,型塑以"公正、廉洁、为民"为基本内核的多元衡平司法价值观方为可能。  相似文献   

In contrast to Anglo-American lines of professional development, the central agent of professionalization in many Continental countries was the state bureaucracy. However, this article proposes that an understanding of the class structure of traditional society is also needed to explain the privileged position of lawyers. An historical study of lawyers in the 19th century, after Finland was annexed by Russia, demonstrates that the legal profession provided the nobility an important medium of adaptation to the new society. The importance of the legal profession initially to the state bureaucracy, and subsequently to the nobility, explains its social prominence and its future development. An analysis of the position and needs of the prominent classes in the society of Old Regimes may constitute a fruitful viewpoint in the study of early professionalization in the Continental context more generally.  相似文献   

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