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法制新闻作为一种专业性新闻,是以1980年《中国法制报》的创刊为标志的。1985年开始的向全体公民普及法律常识的活动,是中国向社会主义法制迈进的一个创举,同时也促进了法制新闻的快速发展。近20年来,人民群众在生活中基本树立起了契约观念、诉讼观念、依法办事和在法律面前人人平等的观念,法制新闻报道的内容也早已涉及国家、社会生活的方方面面。因此,作为对这个现实进行反映的法制新闻报道的重要性得到了进一步的提升,形成了独特的媒介文化景观。目前的法制新闻报道与早期报道相比,出现了一些值得肯定的新特点,但仍然存在一些问题。  相似文献   

张磊 《天津检察》2009,(1):15-16
刑事案件,特别是重大有影响的刑事案件,是媒体争相报道的热点。媒体基于新闻报道的自由,对刑事案件进行报道,满足了受众了解案件的需要,如果报道得当,对宣传法制理念,提高公民的法制意识,是大有裨益的。但是,当前媒体对刑事案件的报道,存在过多、过细、过俗、过偏、过度等问题,影响了媒体在刑事案件报道领域发挥舆论监督、导向的作用,因此有必要进行分析,提出改进建议。  相似文献   

随着改革开放的不断深入,随着法制建设的不断发展,随着新闻队伍的不断壮大,法制报刊的发展面临着巨大挑战。如何在竞争中寻找机遇,如何在挑战中寻找优势,如何在保持风格中增加特色,这正是各法制报刊老总们迫切思考的问题。   由中华全国法制新闻协会发起,由云南法制报社具体承办的全国法制报刊改革与发展研讨会于 2001年 4月 22日— 27日在云南昆明召开。这是新世纪法制报刊老总们的第一次聚会。中华全国法制新闻协会副会长、法制日报社总编陈应革,中华全国法制新闻协会副会长、人民公安报社总编孙晓阳,中华全国法制新闻协会副…  相似文献   

吴卫 《法制与社会》2011,(20):174-175
随着社会的飞速发展,法制类新闻报道已经越来越多地成为新闻采访的报道对象,其中包括对案件庭审的报道,如何把握好庭审报道,让法庭审判的通过媒体的报道进行延伸和传递,让更多的人通过庭审了解司法工作、学习法律知识,推进依法治国方略的深入是当下各类媒体都必须重视的问题。  相似文献   

试论法制新闻报道的价值取向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
十一届三中全会以来,我国民主与法制建设蓬勃发展。作为与社会法制实践相伴而生的法制新闻报道也迎来了生机盎然的春天。与其它领域的新闻报道相比,虽然她作为专业报道起步较晚,但犹如一支轻骑兵,异军突起,独树一帜。特别是十六大提出了依法治国、建设社会主义法治国家的基本方略,为法制新闻报道的发展奠定了坚实基础,“立足政法口、面向全社会”,备受重视和关注,进入了快速发展时期,报道的对象范围日趋扩大,报道的形式手段渐呈多样,报道的社会教育功能不断强化,在新闻报道总量中所占比例呈增多趋势。但是,我们也应看到法制新闻报道中存在诸…  相似文献   

在我国.作为一种专业性新闻,法制新闻是以1980年《中国法制报》(《法制日报》前身)的创办为标志,伴随着依法治国进程的推进和新闻监督职能的不断加强而蓬勃发展起来的。至上世纪末,全国法制类新闻报刊已发展到200余家.发行量高达400多万份,从业人员达2万多人.每年编发各类法制新闻稿件高达数百万件。  相似文献   

自去年以来,河北电视台、燕赵都市报、河北法制报,以及法制日报等中央驻冀媒体的跑口记者们,都有一个共同的感觉:河北法院成为特别抓他们眼球的新闻“富矿”。一年以来,河北法院以其多项亮点工作,聚焦了当地多家媒体的注意力。  相似文献   

随着社会主义民主建设和法制建设的蓬勃开展,法制新闻现象已逐渐波及到我国社会生活的各个领域,法制新闻报道已成为整个新闻报道中的主要组成部分,在客观上,它不但为公民社会主义法律意识的培养提供着一个强大的、丰富的法律信息源,而且亦为新闻事业和新闻学及法学的发展提出了许多崭新课题。我国的法制新闻与资本主义国家的社会新闻中的法庭新闻和犯罪新闻,从性质和内容上都有本质区别。它系指对我国社会主义民主建  相似文献   

正2014年6月3日上午,在位于北京市金台西路的人民日报社值班室内,两位来自浙江省温州市平阳县的投诉者称,他们那里拆除违法建筑要比照曝光媒体的大小,因被《浙江法制报》曝光为"拦路虎"的违法建筑至今  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国社会主义政治文明的不断发展,民主法制建设的不断推进,法制与社会生活的联系日益密切,大量的法制宣传报道见诸于各类媒体,法律术语的使用频率也随之大幅攀升.法律是一个特定的专业范畴,有着特定的表达方式、特定的使用主体和含义,俗称"法言法语".有些法律术语,尽管只有一字之差,却分属不同的法律范畴,不能互相错位和替代.在法制宣传中,法律术语能够准确表述,用语恰当则有利于新闻报道的真实性和精确性,有利于法律常识的推广普及,有利于法治社会的构建;否则,就很可能会误导读者,贻笑大方,甚至因小失大,给法制宣传、给媒体、给社会造成不小的负面影响.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the extent to which young adults' reports of—and desires for—maternal and paternal involvement differed between intact and divorced families. An ethnically diverse sample of 1,376 young adults completed measures of reported and desired mothering and fathering across 20 parenting domains. Results indicated that both reports of and desires for father involvement differed sharply by family form (intact versus divorced), whereas few family form differences emerged for reported or desired mother involvement. These findings are discussed in terms of implications for custody and access decisions within the family court system.  相似文献   

One of the most controversial—and least understood—issues in the area of sexual violence is the prevalence of false reports of rape. Estimates of the rate of false reports vary widely, which reflects differences in way false reports are defined and in the methods that researchers use to identify them. We address this issue using a mixed methods approach that incorporates quantitative and qualitative data on sexual assault cases that were reported to the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) in 2008 and qualitative data from interviews with LAPD detectives assigned to investigate reports of sexual assault. We found that the LAPD was clearing cases as unfounded appropriately most, but not all, of the time and we estimated that the rate of false reports among cases reported to the LAPD was 4.5 percent. We also found that although complainant recantation was the strongest predictor of the unfounding decision, other factors indicative of the seriousness of the incident and the credibility of the victim also played a role. We interpret these findings using an integrated theoretical perspective that incorporates both Black's sociological theory of law and Steffensmeier, Ulmer, and Kramer's focal concerns perspective.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2020,60(2):108-119
Forensic criminology examines the use of forensic science in society. Justice can be hampered, for example, if the communication of forensic scientific findings is unclear or misleading, even if unintentionally. Although various recommendations guide the communication of forensic science, it is unclear whether they are reflected in practice. This study explored the communication of forensic biology in 10 cases of major crimes against the person heard in the Tasmanian Supreme Court, where the standard practice is to issue brief summary reports in the first instance. The content of expert reports and corresponding testimony was analysed to determine its adherence to recommendations outlined in standards, practice notes, and research. While reports were found to be very brief, testimony elaborated on all major elements. Mostly elicited by the prosecution, some elements were volunteered by expert witnesses, or raised by defence. Overall, expert evidence in courts—but not reports (due to the use of brief summary reports)—largely adhered to recommendations. Further research is needed to determine the prevalence and effectiveness of alternative approaches to communication that were identified in certain cases.  相似文献   

Human trafficking and slavery are heinous crimes that occur in all regions of the world. Victims are frequently trafficked or enslaved using tactics involving force, threats, or coercion. Perceptions of human trafficking and slavery often involve images of slaves, bound and shackled, kidnapped, and raped. Anecdotal evidence from Australia suggests that victims of human trafficking and slavery in Australia do not fit this stereotypical image. This article sets out to explore the more subtle elements of human trafficking and slavery in Australia through a review of human trafficking and slavery court case reports. The article presents summaries of case reports for the period 2004–2014 and identifies tactics of enslavement and pathways into slavery. The article also considers the implications—for identifying victims and combating human trafficking—of the more subtle methods of enslavement that occur in Australia.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the reporting of shoeprint cases concerning the possibility of various laboratories drawing different conclusions from similar cases. For this purpose, six sets of photographs — six fictitious crime cases — were prepared. The six cases were distributed to the 34 crime laboratories having registered for the European Meeting for Shoeprint and Toolmark Examiners. The examiners in different laboratories were asked to examine the cases and to draw their conclusions from each of them based on pattern, shape, size and the accidental characteristics marked on the photos. The expressions for the conclusions were selected as degrees of probability. The examiners were asked to follow the expressions given, even if they were not using the same wording in their own reports. Based on the survey, there seem to be remarkable variations in the conclusions of shoeprint reports drawn from identical cases in different crime laboratories.  相似文献   

根据阴道液蛋白 SDS-PAGGE 谱型的器官特异性,认定了保存于—30℃、4℃达3年及室温达9年的阴道液斑和保存于室温2个月的混合斑,初步应用于案例鉴定。  相似文献   

This article reports a State Justice Institute funded research project attempting to demonstrate the difference between mediation and evaluation disputes over child custody, and visitation where domestic violence is involved. The researchers attempted to develop samples at two courts—Hennepin County Circuit Court in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Multnomah County Circuit Court in Portland, Oregon.  相似文献   

Although the Supreme Court repeatedly cautioned that youthfulness adversely affects juveniles' ability to exercise Miranda rights or make voluntary statements, it endorsed the adult waiver standard—knowing, intelligent, and voluntary—to gauge juveniles' Miranda waivers. By contrast, developmental psychologists question whether young people understand or possess the competence necessary to exercise Miranda rights. This article analyzes quantitative and qualitative data of interrogations of three hundred and seven (307) sixteen‐ and seventeen‐year old youths charged with felony offenses. It reports how police secure Miranda waivers, the tactics they use to elicit information, and the evidence youths provide. The findings bear on three policy issues—procedural safeguards for youths, time limits for interrogations, and mandatory recording of interrogations.  相似文献   

The present survey is based mainly, as far as the United States is concerned, on the files of the Smithsonian Science Information Exchange (SSIE), from whom we received—with the financial support of the University of Central Florida—the most recent five hundred or so project reports in the field of criminal and juvenile justice and related areas, including crime-related drug and alcohol abuse projects. As to foreign projects, only a few are listed with SSIE; most of the following information is the result of an admittedly incomplete inquiry among organizations, research institutes, and universities abroad. May we say here that we received excellent cooperation from them which we greatly appreciated. Space being limited, we can describe in the following article only a few of the some one-thousand projects we examined.  相似文献   

This article reports findings from a qualitative follow-up investigation of a mandated parenting and safety program for system-involved female IPV survivors. Participants were contacted 12 months or more after program completion and invited to participate in individual interviews. The interviews focused on the longer-term life changes survivors attributed to the program. Data were collected from 38 survivors. Qualitative analysis determined 4 key themes: relationship changes (e.g., most women were no longer with abusive partners), parenting changes (e.g., improved communication and discipline strategies), personal life changes (e.g., improved help-seeking and self-esteem), and new or ongoing challenges (e.g., financial stress). Overall, findings suggest that tailored, mandated programming — when positive and empowering — may lead to some longer-term beneficial outcomes.  相似文献   

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