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photoshop软件处理现场指纹初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着远程指纹比对系统的应用,如何更好地进行现场指纹的固定、提取显得越来越重要,笔者在应用北大方正的远程指纹比对系统3.0版过程中发现,如果现场指纹是分辨率为500线的原大指纹,且以BMP格式保存,该系统就能直接打开并正常比对。而数码照相拍摄的指纹一般分辨率为72线,指纹不是原大,存贮方式为JPG或TIF格式,根本不符合上述三个条件。而运用photoshop软件可以较好地改变上述三点差异。1操作过程(1)在现场指纹旁放一张不短于指纹的比例尺,用数码照相机拍摄下该指纹和比例尺,然后通过读卡器等设备将该图片转换到装有photoshop软件的微机…  相似文献   

指纹查询比对的效果与指纹查询设备及指纹数据有关外,还有一个重要因素就是指纹技术员的指纹比对操作方法,笔者总结了以下实战应用六法,供参考.  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的飞速发展和信息化进程不断加快,指纹自动识别技术得以迅速发展,在指纹的查询中,显示出了快捷、准确的特点,为认定犯罪嫌疑人发挥了有效作用。然而对变异指纹的查询中仍需要对所查询的指纹进行细致分析,综合判断。在一次专项战役中,我们把近年来久侦未破的沉积案现场指纹重新入库,查询比对,破获了一批案件,其中两例变异指纹的查找、比对、认定,让我们在实际比对操作中得到了启示,对今后的工作起到了借鉴的作用,介绍如下:案例1 1997年9月15日,某市新文化街发生盗窃案,现场提取的一枚箕型纹指纹重新输机、编辑、对稳定的特征点…  相似文献   

目的研究改进现有指纹自动识别系统的比对速度。方法将大量的比对数据提前加载到内存中,结合多线程并行计算,达到一次加载多次使用的目的。结果多组测试数据证明内存比对方式可以有效减少访存时间,提高了整体比对速度。结论指纹系统的内存比对方式是快速可行的比对方法。  相似文献   

在指纹查询比对工作中,由于指纹自动识别系统系自动对十指指纹进行特征提取,检案人员应在把握系统特征比对算法基础上,根据已录入系统案件相关信息,如提取部位、提取方法、乳突线颜色等相对应的现场指纹进行研究分析,从而提高指纹比中率。笔者结合_T作实践,就如何利用指纹自动识别系统防止指纹漏检论述如下。  相似文献   

王斌 《刑事技术》2009,(1):74-75
就目前广泛运用的美国Cogent十指指纹自动识别系统来说,只有十指指纹和现场指纹的录入、比对查询功能,没有对掌纹的处理、比对功能,致使大量的现场掌纹和捺印掌纹不能发挥应有的作用,而现场有时会提取到条件不错的掌纹,特别是有些只有掌纹的重大案件,靠传统的人工比对费时费力又容易出现遗漏等问题,笔者通过1例案件的侦破,介绍利用美国Cogent十指指纹自动识别系统对掌纹进行处理、比对的方法和体会。  相似文献   

北大方正指纹电子公司在开发指纹自动识别系统,服务公安刑侦破案的多年实践中,不断改进系统功能,使系统越来越适应刑侦破案的实战需求。1998年底我公司与Intel公司的合作取得了令人振奋的成果,使指纹比对速度又上新台阶,实现了又一次飞跃。长期以来,在利用指纹自动识别系统协助公安破案的过程中,指纹库的容量和比对查询速度是一对主要矛盾,库容的增加必然会带来查询速度的降低。公安部门作为使用者当然希望指纹库容越大越好,比对速度越快越好。我们也充分为用户着想,与Intel公司合作,采用最新计算机技术,用三级并行比对方案,在大容量库中单纯靠软件同样实现了很高  相似文献   

赵晔 《刑事技术》2007,(4):50-51
随着计算机技术的应用和发展,指纹的查询工作已经由原来的单纯依赖人工比对的传统模式,转向技术越来越成熟的计算机指纹自动识别系统。CAFIS计算机指纹自动识别系统的发展经历了单机版、局部联网、全局联网和多级联网等阶段;系统的水平也从单一指纹识别技术,发展到多功能、多警  相似文献   

1案例案例1:2001年2月24日,本市某小区发生一起入室抢劫案,现场勘查时,由现场出入口南阳台窗户下框,用炭黑刷显提取箕形指纹一枚。经指纹档案库检索出马某的指纹材料,比对时发现马某左手拇指个别特征分布与提取指纹基本相同,但是中心花纹左上角存在着差异。综合现场情况分析,差异的存在主要是犯罪嫌疑人在攀爬过程中,手指用力和移动使遗留指纹发生了局部变形所致。并不影响两者的同一认定(见图1)。图1嫌疑指纹与样本指纹比对案例2:2001年10月28日,本市某小区内发生一起杀人案,一位妇女被人杀死在租住房内。现场勘查时,在中心现场的一个衣橱…  相似文献   

在指纹查询比对工作中通常遇到的情况是,一枚现场手印要与几十枚甚至上百枚样本手印进行比对.或一名嫌疑人十指指纹要与上百枚现场手印进行比对,而不是一枚现场手印对一枚样本手印的一对一的检验,这就需要建立一个科学、准确、快速有效的比对检验程序,以便迅速准确地发现相同的手印,满足大量实际工作的需要。  相似文献   

婚姻两维度多层次匹配理论的基本模型是在批判地吸纳了关于解释择偶的婚姻市场理论、社会交换理论和进化心理学理论的合理成分的基础上构建的。两性在婚姻匹配中倾向于遵循两个基本原则,一是双方有关婚姻资源条件具有等价性;二是双方有关婚姻特质具有契舍性。这是分析婚姻质量的两个主要维度和该理论的两个主要命题。个体的婚姻资源和婚姻特质分为生理的、心理的、社会的及价值倾向的等多个层次,每个层次都涉及等价性和契合性匹配问题。使用该理论的基本命题可以解释目前我国城乡婚姻匹配冲突的原因。该理论模型既能解释婚姻匹配的静态结构,又能解释婚姻的动态变化规律,从而为婚姻指导提供依据。  相似文献   

This work uses a sample of Dutch offenders, serving an average of 6.7 months of confinement, to examine the relationship between time served in prison and future criminality. To overcome the selection issues inherent in this examination, this article introduces a new method to the criminological literature that relies on a generalization of the propensity score to control for observed differences in offenders sentenced to different periods of confinement. On the whole, very little evidence of a relationship between time served and future offending was found. In particular, 3‐year reconviction rate and the proportion of offenders reconvicted in the next 3 years do not seem to depend on incarceration length. Although a relationship between time served and future sentence length was found, the evidence is modest.  相似文献   

加强行政审批制度的配套措施建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
审批改革涉及经济、政治、法律等诸多领域,除进行自身改革外,要加强中介组织和公共财政体制建设,创新管理方式,构建先进的行政文化模式等配套措施推进改革进行。  相似文献   

We describe a procedure for reconstructing documents that have been shredded by hand, a problem that often arises in forensics. The proposed method first applies a polygonal approximation in order to reduce the complexity of the boundaries and then extracts relevant features of the polygon to carry out the local reconstruction. In this way, the overall complexity can be dramatically reduced because few features are used to perform the matching. The ambiguities resulting from the local reconstruction are resolved and the pieces are merged together as we search for a global solution. The preliminary results reported in this paper, which take into account a limited amount of shredded pieces (10–15) demonstrate that feature-matching-based procedure produces interesting results for the problem of document reconstruction.  相似文献   

This study examines death/life capital sentences in one southern state, North Carolina, during the period 1990 to 2010 to determine the extent to which they are comparatively excessive/lenient. The study employs data derived from a variety of official sources on the population of capital trials in the state during this timeframe and follows the analytic techniques developed by David Baldus and his colleagues and by Paternoster and Kazyaka in their studies of comparative excessiveness in capital sentencing in California, Georgia, and South Carolina, respectively. The results show a substantial number of death sentences that meet the standard for excessiveness, but the data also show a nearly equal number of life sentences that may be deemed too lenient. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

职能变化是编制调整的基本依据.编制调整必须与职能变化相匹配是编制管理的基本原则。为检验二者在实际编制管理中的匹配性。我们选择北京市海淀区作为样本.对其乡镇街道的职能变化以及行政、事业编制的变动情况进行了调查,结果显示:乡镇街道的职能和工作量普遍增加。但行政编制与事业编制整体紧缩,职能变化与编制调整之间已形成明显矛盾。同时还发现,在严格控制编制的情况下.乡镇街道聘用的协管员和临时工却明显增加,协管员和临时工的大量聘用已经成为消解乡镇街道职能变化和编制调整之间矛盾的主要途径。  相似文献   

As part of a series of studies aimed at validating techniques in forensic odontology, this study aimed to validate the accuracy of ante-mortem (AM)/postmortem (PM) radiographic matching by dentists and forensic odontologists. This study used a web-based interface with 50 pairs of AM and PM radiographs from real casework, at varying degrees of difficulty. Participants were shown both radiographs as a pair and initially asked to decide if they represented the same individual using a yes/no binary choice forced-decision. Participants were asked to assess their level of confidence in their decision, and to make a conclusion using one of the ABFO (American Board of Forensic Odontology), INTERPOL (International Criminal Police Organisation) and DVISys? (DVI System International, Plass Data Software) identification scale degrees. The mean false-positive rate using the binary choice scale was 12%. Overall accuracy was 89% using this model, however, 13% of participants scored below 80%. Only 25% of participants accurately answered yes or no > 90% of the time, with no individual making the correct yes/no decision for all 50 pairs of radiographs. Non-odontologists (lay participants) scored poorly, with a mean accuracy of only 60%. Use of the graded ABFO, DVISYS and INTERPOL scales resulted in general improvements in performance, with the false-positive and false-negative rates falling to approximately 2% overall. Inter-examiner agreement in assigning scale degrees was good (ICC = 0.64), however there was little correlation between confidence and both accuracy or agreement among practitioners. These results suggest that use of a non-binary scale is supported over a match/non-match call as it reduces the frequency of false positives and negatives. The use of the terms “possible” and “insufficient information” in the same scale appears to create confusion, reducing inter-examiner agreement. The lack of agreement between higher-performing and lower-performing groups suggests that there is an inconsistency in the cognitive processes used to determine similarity between radiographs.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(5):837-868
Deterrence and labeling theories make opposing predictions regarding the effect of sanctions on subsequent crime. Deterrence anticipates that sanctions deter, while labeling anticipates that sanctions amplify future crime. The knowledge base with respect to this question is vast, and while a handful of studies provide evidence of a deterrent effect, the majority of studies indicate a null effect. Our study examines whether an arrest leads to an increase in subsequent crime, but extends the knowledge base by considering whether an arrest has the same effect across offender trajectories and by employing techniques that deal with sample selection bias. Thus, we assess for whom sanctions deter or exacerbate subsequent offending. Results indicate that for greater risk youth, arrest amplifies subsequent delinquency, net of other effects, but not among lower risk youth. Thus, experiencing an arrest aggravates subsequent delinquency among some but not all persons. Implications and directions for future research are identified.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(1):105-124
Previous research has consistently reported that gang members are more likely to experience violent victimization compared to non‐gang members. Recently, however, a study challenged this conventional wisdom using the Gang Resistance Education and Training (GREAT) data. Employing propensity score matching (PSM), this study reported no significant differences in violent victimization between gang and non‐gang members. Upon closer examination of the GREAT data and the PSM process used in this study, we note several theoretical, methodological, and statistical concerns. We reanalyze the GREAT data using both negative binomial regression and PSM. We find that self‐reported gang members were significantly more likely to report subsequent violent victimization compared to non‐gang members. Although contrary to this previous study, our findings are consistent with the bulk of previous empirical research and widely held beliefs about the relationship between gang membership and violent victimization.  相似文献   

具备高度的责任心和负责精神、完善的责任机制和可问责机制,无疑是一个有效率和有公信力的现代政府所必须的品格及活力的源泉。行政问责制是民主政治的一个组成部分,是实现责任政府的一个重要实现途径。本文在阐述行政问责制理论基石的基础上,分析了我国实施行政问责制的困境,提出了完善行政问责制的对策建议,希望以此能对我国行政问责制度的构建和完善有所帮助。  相似文献   

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