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Nasanbat, an ethnic Mongolian, was born in Ordos, Inner Mongolia in 1969. He graduated from the Art Department of Inner Mongolia Normal University in 1989. In 2000, he studied in Germany's Braunschweig University of Art under the guidance of Prof. Norbert Tadeusz and obtained a master's degree. In 2006, he studied in the master class of Braunschweig University of Art under the guidance of Prof.  相似文献   

GUOXiaoyong,executive vice president of the China International Publishing Group (CIPG) and concurrently executive vice president of the Translators Association of China, is an experienced translator, journalist and editor. Graduating from the Arabic Department of Shanghai International Studies University in 1976, he worked for many years in China's Xinhua News Agency as a translator, editor and journalist. From 1980 to 1982, he studied Arabic language and culture at Kuwait University. From 1985 to 1988, he worked as a resident reporter of Xinhua News Agency in Beirut, and in 1991,  相似文献   

XIONG QIUHONG 《人权》2010,(1):26-28
I. A Review of China's Judicial Protection for Human Rights
To effectively protect human rights, a country needs to specify in its laws a complete series of basic rights its citizens shall enjoy. Meanwhile, the legal rights for an individual citizen would be meaningless even though such rights are prescribed in laws if, when the person's rights are infringed upon, he or she has no access to judicial relief. Administration of justice is the last resort, in fact the most effective, means.  相似文献   

PROFESSOR Justin Lin Yifu is nothing if not a patriot. "The main reason I returned to China was because I wanted to make a contribution to the economic development and economic transition of China," the World Bank's new chief economist once famously said while delivering a talk at the Marshall Lectures at Cambridge University in 2007. Lin was trying to explain why he left Yale in the late 1980s after spending time there as a senior research fellow, and the implication was that he could well have chosen to stay on in the West, as so many of his fellow Chinese graduate students were then doing,  相似文献   

KRO came to study in China as a senior high school exchange student when he was 17. He lived in a Beijing hutong, learnt to drink Chinese .spirits and became fluent in the city's distinctive dialect. This handsome half American, half Norwegian guy also gained a Chinese name: Zhuang Xiaolong. After finishing college, Kro returned to Beijing in February 2006 and opened Kro's Nest pizza restaurant near the west gate of Peking University.  相似文献   

THE 116th anniversary commemoration of Mao Zedong's birth, held on November 15, 2009 at Beijing's Great Hall of the People, had an unusual twist. This year's ceremony included a seminar on how to promote Mao's philosophy and the "red culture" that his charisma has inspired, reflected in the construction of a 12-hectare theme park.  相似文献   

On February 21, 1972, U.S. President Richard Nixon started a weeklong official visit to China, the first by an American leader to the People's Republic. Nixon later called it "The week that changed the world." At the end of his trip the two countries released the Joint Communique of the United States of America and the People's Republic of China (also known as Shanghai Communique), in which both expressed a desire to normalize relations and stressed common ground on several key issues. The frosty ties between two of the world's biggest countries began to thaw. On December 16, 1978, China and the U.S. signed the Joint Communiqu6 on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations, officially recognizing each other and establishing diplomatic relations on January 1, 1979. On March 1 the same year they exchanged ambassadors and embassies, and Sino-U.S. relationships entered a new epoch.  相似文献   

THEY used to call me Private Enterprise Li (Li Minying), but I would rather be known as "Three F Li" (Li Sannong). It was by accident that I became an economist. At the very beginning of China's economic reform, I presented the concept of transforming China's economy through shareholding, and suggested that the private sector and the state-owned sector enjoy equal status in the economy. As a participant in economic policymaking in China I have witnessed a lot of changes to the People's Republic.  相似文献   

SEVERAL years ago, few travel books ever mentioned Yangpu District in the context of exploring glitzy Shanghai. That's understandable considering the fact that this cradle of Shanghai's modem industry wore down into a "rust belt" when it fell through the cracks of economic and industrial activity begun in the 1980s. Old legacies and new endeavors are legitimizing its new claim to an old economic birthright, and it's doing it all in style - again - in a transformed, knowledge economy.  相似文献   

Pushing Granite     
IF you want to look at what it means to be transformed by tech- nology, what better fast-track, hothouse case to consider than China, a society that has morphed itself in an alarmingly compressed window of time. That's what inventor and stone sculptor Daniel Henderson concluded. You likely use a piece of Henderson's work regularly; he holds the patent for wireless transmission of photos and video from cell phones. Having made a solid fortune manipulating the ethereal, it's not so surprising that he then gravitated towards stone.  相似文献   

Yu Chengsong has secured a unique position in Chinese art history by virtue of his groundbreaking creation of a new genre combining oil painting and woodcut. Also, applying the techniques of traditional Chinese painting, Yu has reworked portraits of famous people in Chinese and world history, works that have been hailed as landmarks in China's portraiture. His are representative works of the fourth wave of Chinese and Western painting art,  相似文献   

China's independently developed moon rover, which will be used during the second phase of the Chang'e lunar probe program, is a genuine feat of engineering, capable of overcoming virtually any obstacle it is likely to encounter on its upcoming mission to explore the lunar surface. "The rover will unfold and stand on its wheels automatically before proceeding with its exploration tasks once it gets out of the spacecraft," said Mao Ming, head of the China North Vehicle Research Institute, which is in char.cle of the rover's development.  相似文献   

THROUGH all the years he has held his post, Wang Ji has been on a never-ending hunt for potential investors.As chief of the Domestic Investment Promotion Department at the Xi'an Hi-tech Industrial Park in Shaanxi Province, he has long struggled to attract investors from China's developed east. Recently, however, he has sensed a change in the wind as a growing number of corporations have started approaching him. During the 13th China East-West Cooperation and Investment Trade Fair last April, he secured a record RMB 24.1 billion in investment deals.  相似文献   

正Mr. Luo Haocai taught at Peking University Law School for a long time. Even though he held such important positions as vice president of Peking University (PKU),chairman of the Central Committee of China Zhi Gong Party, vice president of the Supreme People’s Court, and vice chairman of the Ninth and Tenth National Committee of the CPPCC, he preferred being called "Teacher Luo." My frequent interactions with Teacher Luo started in 2007 and continued to 2016 when he was the president of the CSHRS.  相似文献   

Afew days ago, Zhao Ying's friend introduced her to a man. A mediocre man she decided, but did not actuallyrefuse to see him again. This marriageable 28-year-old used to place a high income and good looks first when evaluating a prospective spouse. Today, she tends to check out "ordinary Joe's" - in search of what's called the "budget husband."  相似文献   

正Commemorating China’s chief architect of reform and opening up inspires latest revisions As a teenager,Zhang Weiying,now a prominent economist and former Dean of the Guanghua School of Management at Peking University,thought he could be nothing more than a farmer like his illiterate parents.In an article written in memory of the year he was admitted to college,Zhang,born in 1959,noted that he spent the first 19 years of life in his hometown,a remote village in China’s northwest Shaanxi Province.As someone  相似文献   

<正>The world’s second most populous country is ripe for the taking Despite the fact that he has witnessed his company grow from scratch there in the past few years,Yu Yongbin,the former Executive Director of Huawei Technologies Co.Ltd.(India),still doesn’t feel like he has the world’s second most populous country all figured out."You can never completely understand the time-honored country,just like you can’t see its entire national emblem at a glance,of which only three lions are visible and the fourth one is hidden from the view,"Yu said with a smile.  相似文献   

The Qiang are a monogamous people. Before a couple become husband and wife, they go through a good many rites such as engagement and wedding ceremonies. When a young man takes a fancy to a young woman, he sends a matchmaker to sound out her family. After getting approval from the head of the family, the husband-to-be goes to his fiancé's home to organize an engagement banquet and consults to fix the date of the wedding. At the appointed time he entertains his fiancé's relatives and friends at her home, and prepares the betrothal gifts. During the whole engagement process, the bride-to-be is supposed to keep out of public view, hiding away in her room or at the home of a relative.  相似文献   

The topic of"dreams" reminds me of a text by the late Chinese writer Shi Tiesheng who was paralyzed when he was 21, in whichhe elaborated on his devotion to sports. He loved track and field the most, more than writing, and his favorite star was Carl Lewis whom, with a strong body and super speed, he regarded as the luckiest man on earth. Shi once thought that he would do anything to have Lewis' physique and vigor in another life, if there were one. But observ- ing the athlete's rise and fall after a doping scandal, he gained fresh understanding of success, happiness and life in general. He said his dream was to have a healthy body, a beautiful soul and life wisdom. While acknowledging that many think one should not be too greedy or ambitious, Shi's overriding belief was that everyone has the right to dream big, and to look forward to the best in the world.  相似文献   

Painter Wang Tao, 46, studied at the Central Academy of Arts and Design (now part of Tsinghua University) in the 1980s. After graduating he took more specialized courses in oil painting. It was during Wang’s boyhood that he began to fantasize about what lay behind the mottled red walls that he passed on his way to school each day. This childish fancy gave birth to a series of paintings with a wall motif. As all aspects of society, art included, inexorably change, Wang Tao uses hi…  相似文献   

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