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印章盖印时间是判断文件形成时间,进而判断文件真伪的一个重要要素。通过对印章胀缩导致的印文大小特征变化的分析,探讨了印文大小特征变化在印文盖印时间鉴定中的应用,讨论了利用印文大小特征变化进行印文盖印时间鉴定的方法和注意事项,并介绍了两起实际案例。  相似文献   

通常情况下一份完整的文件有抬头、内容、落款签名或印文、落款时间等多个要素组成,文件是否真实有效,取决于与该文件有关的诸多要素。在许多案件的审理过程中,文件形成的确切时间往往是当事各方主要争议的焦点,特别是文件上印章印文的盖印时间更是最为常见的提请鉴定的问题。根据鉴定实践和实验研究,对印文墨迹分布特征及材料特性在印章印文盖印时间鉴定中的应用,及在鉴定过程中应当引起注意的相关事项进行探讨,并通过实际案例予以说明。  相似文献   

通过对近年来我们受理的印章印文盖印时间鉴定实际案例进行系统的研究,较全面地阐述了印章印文阶段性特征中常见定性特征和定量特征及其在鉴定实践中的运用.并重点讨论了印文阶段性特征中定量特征在鉴定实践中的运用,初步探讨了进一步利用这些定量特征建立统计学模型的可能性。  相似文献   

文件上印章印文可变性印迹特征通常表现为印文上的异物印迹,文字线条的断线、露白,印文边框的缺损,浓重的印泥(油)点或团块,以及原子印章的套框、支撑爪的印迹等。根据印章的印面结构和印面附着物的变化规律,通过被检验印文与该印章印文的历时样本的比较检验,以印文的可变性印迹特征的异同,推断被检验印文的盖印时间。1利用印面结构不可逆变化特征鉴别印文盖印时间印面结构的不可逆变化的特征,主要表现为印面结构的缺损、磨损特征。这类特征从无到有,由少到多,发展到不同的变化程度,标志印章印面的不同变化阶段。它的异同一般可以界定盖印的…  相似文献   

目的找出同源激光雕刻橡塑印章印文之间的特征差异,建立检验鉴定此类印章印文的鉴别方法。方法制作14枚同源激光雕刻橡塑印章,借助文件仪、显微数字分析仪等仪器观察分析其盖印的印文样本。结果找出了各种细节特征差异。结论同源性激光雕刻橡塑印章因其规格性特征符合很好,检验鉴定要以细节特征比对为主。  相似文献   

当前,与印文鉴定相关的并在鉴定实践中经常遇到的新问题和难点问题有高仿真印文的鉴定、变造印章问题、利用真实印文变造文件、同版印章印文、朱墨时序等,本文就高仿真印文的鉴定进行了系统阐述,介绍了各种高仿真印文,包括各种高仿真印章的盖印印文、复制印文、转印印文的伪造手段及其特点,并提出了高仿真印文的鉴定思路和要点。  相似文献   

双溶剂提取法判定印泥印文形成时间的初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的通过双溶剂提取法判定印泥印文的形成时间,为判定文件的真伪提供重要依据。方法选用6种不同品牌的印泥和4种纸张分别制作印泥印文的历时性样本,通过实验确定适用于双溶剂提取法判定印泥印文形成时间的弱提取剂和强提取剂;确定薄层扫描时狭缝的大小和扫描波长;绘制盖印时间与提取率的关系曲线。结果弱提取剂为50%的甲酸溶液,强提取剂为N,N-二甲基甲酰胺,狭缝大小为12.00mm×0.60mm,扫描波长为485nm,得到了盖印印文形成后半年内印泥提取率随印文形成时间变化的关系曲线。结论双溶剂提取法是判定印泥印文形成时间的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

试论光敏印章盖印印文的检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨光敏印章盖印印文形成机理 ,总结检验方法。 方法 查勘刻制光敏印章流程 ,制作光敏印章 ,观察其盖印印文特点 ,查阅相关资料 ,结合检案实践对印文特征进行评析。 结果 弄清了光敏印章的制章原理 ,提出了光敏印章种类鉴别和个体鉴别的特点和方法。  相似文献   

目的寻找同源性机雕渗透印章印文间的特征差异,探索检验鉴定此类印章印文的方法。方法制作了9枚同源性机雕渗透印章并盖印大量的印文样本,通过文检仪、显微镜等仪器观察分析印文特征。结果找出了同源性机雕渗透印章印文间的细节特征差异。结论同源性机雕渗透印章虽规格性特征符合好,但仍旧可以区分,检验鉴定要以细节特征比对为主。  相似文献   

目的探索利用气相色谱法较精确、定量测定自含墨印章印文盖印时间受人为老化条件的影响。方法分别在恒温烘烤、紫外线照射、纯水浸泡等人为老化条件下,测定自含墨印章印油中所含有的主要相关溶剂成份的含量变化。结果得出了主要溶剂成份在人为老化条件下其含量的变化规律以及人为老化与自然老化的对应关系。结论利用气相色谱法可以对不同保存条件下自含墨印章印文的盖印时间进行测定,为实际相关案件的检验提供了依据。  相似文献   

Stamps and stamp impressions examinations are based on matching defects and design details on the questioned and control samples. These examinations are routinely carried out by document examiners around the world. International proficiency tests for questioned documents examination have been available for decades while similar programs specifically focusing on stamp impressions examination are rare. This study reported a recent proficiency testing program on stamp impressions examination organized by an accredited provider in accordance with ISO/IEC 17043 requirements. Twenty‐four forensic laboratories registered for the program. Apart from giving details on the design and operation of the program, this study also aimed to provide the limitations and difficulties encountered in sample preparations, homogeneity, and stability tests of the testing materials. Various comments and feedbacks received from the participants, particularly in respect of examination approaches, challenges faced by the participants in forming conclusions and their suggestions for further improvement would be evaluated.  相似文献   

The examination of stamp impressions has been an integral part of questioned document examination since its inception. Matching in design details and unique defects has proven to be essential factors for rubber stamps and stamp impression examination. In this study, several duplicate stamps were made from various rubber stamp manufacturers in Hong Kong, from the same original stamp impression(s). The objective was to examine the stamp impressions prepared from these duplicated stamp products and compared with each other and to determine whether they could be distinguished from the source stamp impression(s); by comparison of the size and defects deliberated introduced onto the latter. Further consideration of this study was an attempt to create a perfect duplicate stamp from an original stamp impression. The results of the analysis showed that the quality of source stamp impression(s) and scanner device of the stamp manufacturing process, and the knowledge of the stamp manufacturer were critical to the quality and outcome of the duplicated stamp products. It is concluded that although a perfect duplicate stamp could only be made under several essential control conditions, it was still possible to create a duplicate stamp that replicated the features of the original when a high-quality source stamp impression was available.  相似文献   

在文书检验中,朱墨交叉顺序的判定一直是一个常见、重要的内容,对于鉴别文书的真伪具有决定性的重要意义。近年来,在科研和检案实践中发现,正确区分印章印文与书写文字的先后顺序,应掌握以下几个基本环节:有统一的技术规范作指导;检验设备应当满足技术规范要求;对字迹和印文色料与纸张结合方式进行检验;检验方法不能单一,应用多种方法相互对照应证;客观评价阳性反应的出现率和排除假阳性反应的干扰。  相似文献   

Stamp‐pad ink seals are often placed on important documents, and determining the dating of stamp‐pad ink seal is important to assess the authenticity of a document. In this study, 20 different brands and types of stamp‐pad inks were classified by ultraviolet visible spectrophotometer. Six different brands and types of papers were classified by micro‐Fourier transform infrared spectrometer and visual spectral comparator 6000. Three different brands of stamp‐pad inks and two different types of paper were used to make diachronic samples of the seals. A method was employed to date the stamp‐pad seals by comparing absorbance ratios and inks of known age. Curves were created to show the relationship between the absorbance ratio of ink and the age of the seals. The experimental results showed that the absorbance ratio method was applicable for the relative dating of stamp‐pad ink seals in some cases where the seal was placed on the document within 10 weeks.  相似文献   

Given a questioned document and a questioned pre-inked rubber stamp, comparisons of each can be made with a microscope or similar magnification device. If sufficient evidence exists, these questioned items can be linked even if the stamp was not used as it was originally designed.  相似文献   

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