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不同专业大学生的学业成败归因特点研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究采用问卷法比较了不同专业大学生在学业成就上的归因特点。不同专业组学生在成败的原因知觉、期望和情感因素上都具有共同性和差异性.显示出各专业组的特点。不同专业知识和专业技能训练是影响学生归因倾向的情境因素,在分析学生学习动机并采取教育措施时不容忽视。  相似文献   

汤倞 《法制与社会》2010,(15):12-13
归因是社会心理学研究的重要内容之一。在社会情境中,归因和个体的动机有直接的联系,很大程度上可以决定动机的倾向性和强度,从而决定个体的行为。本文对在监狱这一特殊的社会环境下如何运用归因理论理解并预测罪犯的行为,从罪犯的行为推测罪犯的心理特质,继而通过归因训练使罪犯形成积极的,能促进他们发展的归因风格,从而提高罪犯的改造质量进行了探索,为归因理论在罪犯教育改造中的应用提出了积极的建议。  相似文献   

儿童学习动机类型与创造力倾向关系的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本研究采用问卷法,对小学生的学习动机类型,创造性倾向以及二之间的关系进行了研究。368名有效被试来自南京市三所普通小学的三、四、五年级学生。研究结果表明:(1)在我国小学生中,确实存在内部动机和外部动机两种学习动机类型,三年级学生与四、五年级学生相比,更多地表现出外部动机占主导地位,随着年级的增长,小学生中学习动机类型为内部动机的人数逐渐增多。但两种不同的动机类型依然存在。(2)随着年级的增长,小学生的创造性倾向呈现出一种正增长的趋势:四、五年级学生比三年级学生有更高的创造性倾向。(3)不同学习动机类型小学生的创造性倾向表现出显差异。持内部学习动机的小学生在总的创造性倾向上优于持外部动机的小学生。  相似文献   

高校里的招生与上课规则,外人永远读不懂。明明每年都有硕士博士的统招考试.可还是有人能够获得竞试机会;明明大学是上课的地方可有些学生却可以堂而皇之地拒绝上课,并且还能得到校方的“保护”。如今“论文博士”这个新概念打开了高校乱象的潘多拉盒于;透过“论文博士”,我们找到了许多难以理解又“顺理成章”的怪事的答案。  相似文献   

汪彦玲 《江淮法治》2009,(19):52-52
江苏省人大法工委、教科文卫委、省教育厅联合召开新闻发布会,宣布《江苏省学生体质健康促进条例》从9月1日起正式实施。条例规定。小学生每天在校集中学习时间不得超过六小时,小学一、二年级不得布置书面家庭作业,其他年级学生每天书面家庭作业总计控制在一小时以内;中小学校应当保证学生每天在校体育活动时间不少于一小时。条例一经公布.有人欢呼叫好,也有人不以为然,本期的“一家之言’’就此展开讨论。  相似文献   

学习焦虑水平与成败归因倾向关系的研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
对学习焦虑水平与成败归因倾向之关系的研究,直接涉及前因性情绪对归因的影响的认识。研究结果表明,学习焦虑水平对归因有着直接的指导作用,不同学习焦虑水平的学生对于成功或失败的学习结果有着不同的归因倾向,而且,这些不同的归因倾向有着与学习焦虑水平相关联的激励后效。  相似文献   

采用MCYQ儿童气质问卷和EMBU父母教养方式评定问卷调查了80名小学四、五年级学生的气质及其父母的教养方式。结果表明:小学高年级儿童的气质只与父母教养方式的情感温暖、理解,惩罚严厉和拒绝否认三个维度显著相关。儿童气质对父母教养方式的影响存在共性和差异,节律性、适应性和坚持性与父母亲的教养方式都显著相关,而情绪、注意品质和反应阈只和母亲的教养行为显著相关。影响父母教养方式的积极气质因素为节律性强、适应迅速、坚持性强和注意不易分散,消极因素为活动量大、适应缓慢、趋避性为易接近、注意易分散等。难养型和偏难养型儿童,其母亲较少表现情感温暖、理解行为,较多给予惩罚严厉和拒绝否认行为。  相似文献   

三、我国的因果关系 我国属大陆法系国家,到底应该采用哪种因果关系理论作为判断标准,理论上存在较大争议,但以必然因果关系说为通说。传统一般侵权行为和特殊侵权行为因果关系,都是建立在直接的必然因果关系理念之上,即原因事实与结果事实之间存在直接的、必然的因果制约关系。这种学说严格区分原因与条件,认为行为对损害的发生起着决定作用,行为和结果之间有内在的、必然联系的,称为原因;行为对损害的发生只起一定作用,行为和结果之间是外在的、偶然联系的,称为条件。只有当行为人的行为与损害结果之间具有内在的、本质的、必然的联系时,才成立因果关系。这两种侵权行为尽管有很多的不同,但它们在因果关系的表现形式上大多为一因一果,即一一对应的关系。  相似文献   

孩子是社会的未来一也寄托着家庭的希望。于是,社会上就有一些人将“生财”的目标放在孩子身上,甚至不惜扼杀这些孩子的未来,甘冒风险、此文中的一位校长.就冒险玩了这么一把,结果“赔了夫人又折兵”。──编者如果有人作出承诺:在头号他交纳了一笔学费后,他保证在两年四个月时间内,将对小学五年级的学生输导完初中和高中的全部课程,使学生按时参加全国高等学校统一考试,学生如考取大学,学费不退;如落榜,则退回一部分学费,你对此承诺(也称承包高考)是否相信?如果你有正上小学五年级的孩子,你是否敢于一试?那么这到底是一…  相似文献   

本研究比较三、五年级起点的学生英语语音语调的发展.研究采用准实验设计,样本包括198名中国小学三、五年级学生和15名美国小学生.学年结束时,对被试施行朗读测验、单人单盒磁带录音并将录音带匿名编号、随机混合,由3名英美人以随机顺序各自独立评分.结果表明:无论是按学校分类、按性别分类、还是按任课教师分类,五年级被试的平均分都显著地高于三年级被试,且处于最高分数段者也多是五年级被试.  相似文献   

董杜骄 《行政与法》2005,(4):119-120
在国家教育考试部门组织的各类教育考试中,涉及命题组织管理、试卷印刷、运送、保管、考试实施、评卷组织管理等诸多环节,充分体现了教育考试系统运行的复杂性。我国现行的试卷安全法律制度模式,偏重于防范试卷泄密,至于试卷安全事件一旦发生后的处置,则缺乏法律设计,从而导致了试卷安全事件发生后,有关应急处置机构职责不清,工作程序紊乱,采取得力措施时又找不到法律依据的现象。基于此,本文对如何应对教育考试安全事件进行了初步的立法思考。  相似文献   

Earlier research on the relation between school features and petty crime suggests that schools can intentionally influence the crime rate of the pupils. These findings were the starting point for a Dutch study at secondary schools of the same type in Dutch towns. The study focused on effects on the delinquency of third-year low-stream pupils (aged 15–17). For the study a control theory was formulated, a conditional control theory, which, in contrast to Hirschi's social control theory, recognizes possible delinquent influences of the pupils' network. In the study a strong statistical relation between integration of pupils in school and petty crime was found. However, I found almost no influence of the studied school features on integration and petty crime. These results led to the question whether the real important feature of schools had been neglected in the study. This seems not to be the case. A multilevel analysis shows that it is unlikely that there is major impact of schools on the integration of pupils, on delinquency, or on the relationship between integration and delinquency. This can be the result of special aspects of the Dutch school system and of the neglect of theory in earlier research.  相似文献   

朱立恒 《时代法学》2007,5(6):65-70
尽管从理论上讲统一司法考试具有十分重要的意义,但从近五年来的实践来看,我国统一司法考试制度存在一定的局限性,从而影响了统一司法考试制度的价值实现。第一,由于现行司法考试在考试内容和题型设置方面过于强调考生的记忆能力,因此不利于选拔高质量的法律人才。第二,由于司法考试的通过率过低,造成了中西部地区司法人员断档、法律人才紧缺。第三,尽管一次性司法考试有助于节约成本,但一考定乾坤的考试未必能够选拔到真才实学的考生进入法律职业队伍。  相似文献   

Policy-makers and researchers have long been interested in the punitive attitudes and causal attribution of crime of police officers. Understanding the punitive attitudes and causal attribution of crime of those who enforce the law is necessary for both theoretical and practical reasons. The current study examines gender differences in punitive attitudes and causal attribution of crime among police officers at the beginning and at the end of their academic studies. One hundred and one police officers (47 policewomen and 54 policemen) participated in this study. The main results indicate that (a) policemen held more punitive attitudes than policewomen, (b) there were significant gender differences in the first year of academic study, with stronger support of classical theories (more punitive) among policemen compared with policewomen, but no gender differences were found in the last year, (c) police officers tended to attribute classical theories (more punitive) to the causes of crime regardless of gender and year of study, and (d) belief in individual positivism (less punitive) was greater among policemen than policewomen, and among the men, it was greater in the last year of studies than in the first year. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(1):65-93

This study used attribution theory to explain respondents' levels of support for the death penalty for juveniles, the mentally ill, and the mentally retarded via the administration of a quasi-experimental factorial survey to 697 subjects who were called for jury service. The results indicate that the respondents with dispositional attribution styles were significantly more likely to recommend a death sentence than were those with situational attirbution styles. Moreover, the study found that the effects of a large number of the “known correlates” of support for the death penalty were fully or substantially mediated by attribution theory measures. The substantive, theoretical, methodological, and legal/policy implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

王昭武 《中国法学》2020,(2):238-255
混合惹起说虽然是共犯处罚根据论的通说,但是其最大不足在于,无法有效应对新型网络共同犯罪。造成这种问题的根本原因是,混合惹起说以限制从属性说作为理论基础,主张只有犯罪结果对正犯与共犯而言均具有违法性,才可能处罚共犯。然而,既然共同犯罪的本质是行为的共同而非犯罪的共同,成立共犯理应只需从属于正犯的实行行为,而且,对正犯的违法性评价未必连带作用于共犯,因而可以采取最小从属性说,无须采取限制从属性说。如此,就需要对混合惹起说进行修正:处罚共犯,只要求犯罪结果对共犯而言具有违法性即可,无需对正犯也具有违法性。这样既可以有效地应对新型网络共同犯罪等问题,也可以对共犯故意创造"利益冲突状态"的行为作出准确评价。  相似文献   

Attributions of blame for the first and latest episodes of violence were assessed in a sample of 139 couples who were referred to a mandatory domestic violence treatment program in the military. Use of a methodology which allows for reports of nonmutually exclusive categories of attribution from both members of the dyad revealed more complex patterns of attributions than reflected in the existing literature. In addition, there were low rates of agreement within couples as to who was to blame for the violence. Although both men and women exhibited a high frequency of blaming their partner for both episodes of violence, men were significantly more likely to blame themselves for the latest than for the first episode. Attributions of blame were related to contextual variables in both men and women. Sex specific relationships emerged. These results were discussed with specific reference to predictions derived from attribution theory and their clinical implications.  相似文献   

Accidental or deliberate poisoning of food is of great national and international concern. Detecting and identifying potentially toxic agents in food is challenging due to their large chemical diversity and the complexity range of food matrices. A methodology is presented whereby toxic agents are identified and further characterized using a two-step approach. First, generic screening is performed by LC/MS/MS to detect toxins based on a list of selected potential chemical threat agents (CTAs). After identifying the CTAs, a second LC/MS analysis is performed applying accurate mass determination and the generation of an attribution profile. To demonstrate the potential of the methodology, toxins from the mushrooms Amanita phalloides and Amanita virosa were analyzed. These mushrooms are known to produce cyclic peptide toxins, which can be grouped into amatoxins, phallotoxins and virotoxins, where α-amanitin and β-amanitin are regarded as the most potent. To represent a typical complex food sample, mushroom stews containing either A. phalloides or A. virosa were prepared. By combining the screening method with accurate mass analysis, the attribution profile for the identified toxins and related components in each stew was established and used to identify the mushroom species in question. In addition, the analytical data was consistent with the fact that the A. virosa specimens used in this study were of European origin. This adds an important piece of information that enables geographic attribution and strengthens the attribution profile.  相似文献   

对受刑人的劳动成果权归属理论界一直存在着争论,目前有关受刑人劳动成果的归属的立法,在国外主要有两种立法模式,一种是以日本为代表的一元化的立法方式,即全部收归国有,另一种是意大利、美国等国家,采用多元化的立法方式,受刑人的劳动成果按照一定的比例,在与受刑人有利害关系的人之间进行分配。我国对受刑人劳动成果的态度,与日本的制度相类似。以著作权为例分析得出国家或者监狱管理部门不可能成为权利主体,说明受刑人的劳动成果权收归国有与法学理论相违背,实践中也不好操作。我们可以借鉴意大利的做法,即受刑人的劳动成果应当尽可能地清偿刑事被害人。采用受刑人劳动成果多元化的归属原则,按照一定的顺序处理受刑人的劳动成果。使受刑人劳动成果的归属更加合理化,以促进社会的和谐发展。  相似文献   

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