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为了能够深入系统地研究和探讨法医鉴定及其程序性问题,必须从法医鉴定的源头上,即沿着法医、法医学、法医学教育、法医检验技术、法医鉴定及程序、法医结果或意见等脉络,来考察法医鉴定的形成、演变及其发展的历程。  相似文献   

虚拟解剖技术具有无创、非接触和可以发现潜在病变等特点,在法医病理学、法医临床学等领域具有广阔的运用前景。本文回顾了虚拟解剖发展简史,对虚拟解剖在法医学各领域的运用情况进行介绍,总结了我国当前虚拟解剖运用的情况,并提出了加强规划、制定标准、加强协助和科研推广等建议。  相似文献   

为了解澳大利亚司法鉴定技术发展现状,借鉴澳大利亚鉴定机构的发展理念、优势技术和鉴定管理等经验,司法部司法鉴定科学技术研究所组织法医毒物学、法医病理学、法医临床学、司法鉴定质量控制等学科的专家及司法鉴定管理人员对澳大利亚五个司法鉴定机构进行了考察访问。通过交流,对澳大利亚司法鉴定的基本概况、组织结构、质量控制等有了基本了解,对各司法鉴定专业尤其是法医毒物学、法医病理学、临床法医学的鉴定技术及科研现状有了深刻的认识。  相似文献   

一、特点随着我国社会主义法制建设的不断发展,运用法医技术为侦察、审判服务,在实践中已越来越重要了。同时,新的形势也为法医技术工作  相似文献   

目的运用Citespace软件对法医临床学相关文献绘制知识图谱、进行可视化分析,探究该学科领域研究热点和动态发展,梳理鉴定难点脉络。方法汇总CNKI收录《中国法医学杂志》《刑事技术》《法医学杂志》《中国司法鉴定》刊登的法医临床学相关论文,利用Citespace分析其关键词、研究热点、基金资助、作者、发文机构及所在地等。结果法医临床学作为法医学分支学科之一,近年来呈现的科研成果部分获基金资助,多由开设法医学专业的院校完成;随着科研理论、技术方法推陈出新,法医临床学鉴定标准、版本也得以构建、更迭、完善,鉴定体量位居法医"四大类"之首。结论作为最具中国特色的法医学分支学科,法医临床学研究着重服务司法实践、以期用成果技术反哺鉴定,实现学术、实践的交流、转化。通过Citespace知识图谱可视化分析学科发展历程,有助于回溯此间规律,提示未来研究方向,提升鉴定业务水平,为持续增强法医临床学学科影响力提供借鉴。  相似文献   

法医门诊建设与发展的理论探索常林,王宁敏法医门诊是指法医在医院或鉴定室对不住院的伤者进行法医学鉴定或协助诊疗。法医门诊是运用医学和法医学理论和技术直接为司法实践服务的社会窗口。可以说在司法领域已成为社会热点问题。据文献报导国外已有法医门诊的形式。作者...  相似文献   

道路交通事故法医检验技术的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近年来,经济快速发展和机动车数量急剧增多,道路交通事故频发和伤亡人数不断上升已经成为备受关注的全球性问题。法医检验作为交通事故处理中重要的证据,其鉴定意见直接影响着当事方的权益和事故处理。不容置疑,法医检验技术的运用对鉴定意见有十分重要的影响作用。本文对国内外法医检验技术的最新研究进展和应用进行综述,供同行实践工作中参考。  相似文献   

本文论述了现代教育技术中的微型教学法、多媒体计算机技术、仿真系统在公安院校技能训练中运用的方法、效果等,并指出虚拟现实技术的发展对公安技能未来训练模式的深远影响。  相似文献   

我国古代法医语言的现代借鉴价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国古代法医语言,在一定程度上是法医文化的活化石。它给我们传达了古代法医检验思想、检验制度、断案量刑、洗刷冤屈等大量信息,因此古代法医语言是研究我国法医学的宝库。探讨我国古代法医语言,对研究法医学起源、检验技术、检验制度,对中国司法鉴定文化的构建和推进现代司法鉴定事业的发展具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

《中国法医学杂志》是综合性学术期刊,栏目分五大类:第一类,有"论著"、"技术与应用"和"学术探讨"栏目,刊载在法医学科各领域的科研成果(包括阶段性成果),探讨新理论,介绍新技术、新方法、新进展,所涉及内容覆盖了法医病理学、法医损伤学、法医人类学、法医临床学、法医物证学、法医毒物学、毒物毒品分析、司法精神病学等。第二类,有"短篇论著"、"调查报告"、"经验交流"等栏目,刊载在法医学实践中对方法学的优化和改进,交流学术研究经验,运用科学方法获得的科学数据以及技术应用经验和体会。  相似文献   


In recent years, virtual reality (VR) technology has convincingly demonstrated its potential for assessment, training, rehabilitation and treatment purposes in a variety of domains, including (mental) healthcare and education. This paper explores the possibilities for VR application within criminal justice practice. Criminological literature and literature of related disciplines on VR applications were reviewed with a special focus on risk assessment, correctional rehabilitation, and reintegration. We also devoted attention to the VR-based treatment of anxiety-related disorders among victims of crime. Literature shows that VR can provide safe learning environments that would otherwise involve risk, generate ethical and ecologically valid virtual alternatives for which real-life situations would be unethical to use, and develop environments that are impossible to create in the real life. These unique characteristics make VR a promising tool to expand the current toolbox of risk assessment instruments, and correctional rehabilitation and reintegration programs in important ways. Before implementing VR in criminal justice practice, an elementary understanding of both the advantages and disadvantages of VR technology is desirable but given a longstanding and effective VR tradition in other domains, the future of VR in criminal justice practice is bright.  相似文献   

得益于虚拟仿真技术的发展,计算机仿真取证目前已在我国悄然兴起,其可以很大程度上弥补传统静态取证证据获取能力之不足,但由于适用环境条件不成熟,仿真取证的司法应用问题一直未能解决。有鉴于此,从技术、法律和程序三个方面分析了仿真取证司法应用过程中亟待解决的问题,同时对仿真取证的法律、技术和程序标准的内容进行了系统构思。  相似文献   

Three-dimensional computer visualization of forensic pathology data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite a decade of use in US courtrooms, it is only recently that forensic computer animations have become an increasingly important form of communication in legal spheres within the United Kingdom. Aims Research at the University of Nottingham has been influential in the critical investigation of forensic computer graphics reconstruction methodologies and techniques and in raising the profile of this novel form of data visualization within the United Kingdom. The case study presented demonstrates research undertaken by Aims Research and the Department of Forensic Pathology at the University of Sheffield, which aims to apply, evaluate, and develop novel 3-dimensional computer graphics (CG) visualization and virtual reality (VR) techniques in the presentation and investigation of forensic information concerning the human body. The inclusion of such visualizations within other CG or VR environments may ultimately provide the potential for alternative exploratory directions, processes, and results within forensic pathology investigations.  相似文献   

Rapid prototyping (RP) comprises a variety of automated manufacturing techniques such as selective laser sintering (SLS), stereolithography, and three-dimensional printing (3DP), which use virtual 3D data sets to fabricate solid forms in a layer-by-layer technique. Despite a growing demand for (virtual) reconstruction models in daily forensic casework, maceration of the skull is frequently assigned to ensure haptic evidence presentation in the courtroom. Owing to the progress in the field of forensic radiology, 3D data sets of relevant cases are usually available to the forensic expert. Here, we present a first application of RP in forensic medicine using computed tomography scans for the fabrication of an SLS skull model in a case of fatal hammer impacts to the head. The report is intended to show that this method fully respects the dignity of the deceased and is consistent with medical ethics but nevertheless provides an excellent 3D impression of anatomical structures and injuries.  相似文献   

虚拟治理成本法作为一种常用的环境价值评估方法,对于环境污染责任追究工作发挥着重要作用.通过系统梳理虚拟治理成本法相关定义、适用范围以及评估流程,并对2014-2020年期间(以裁判日期计)国内典型相关案例从时间分布、地域分布、污染物类别及环境受体、鉴定机构情况等方面进行研究,梳理该方法的实践应用情况,总结我国虚拟治理成...  相似文献   

《Federal register》2001,66(14):7250-7258
The Secretary amends the regulations governing the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program (VR program) by revising the scope of employment outcomes under the VR program. These regulations redefine the term "employment outcome" (as it applies to the VR program) to mean outcomes in which an individual with a disability works in an integrated setting. This action is necessary to reflect the purpose of Title I of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (Act), which is to enable individuals with disabilities who participate in the VR program to achieve an employment outcome in an integrated setting.  相似文献   

The delivery of forensic science evidence in a clear and understandable manner is an important aspect of a forensic scientist's role during expert witness delivery in a courtroom trial. This article describes an Integrated Evidence Platform (IEP) system based on spherical photography which allows the audience to view the crime scene via a virtual tour and view the forensic scientist's evidence and results in context. Equipment and software programmes used in the creation of the IEP include a Nikon DSLR camera, a Seitz Roundshot VR Drive, PTGui Pro, and Tourweaver Professional Edition. The IEP enables a clear visualization of the crime scene, with embedded information such as photographs of items of interest, complex forensic evidence, the results of laboratory analyses, and scientific opinion evidence presented in context. The IEP has resulted in significant improvements to the pretrial disclosure of forensic results, enhanced the delivery of evidence in court, and improved the jury's understanding of the spatial relationship between results.  相似文献   

《Federal register》2000,65(108):35792-35801
The Secretary amends the regulations governing The State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program (VR program). These amendments are needed to implement changes in the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (Act). These changes establish evaluation standards and performance indicators for the VR program.  相似文献   

In recent years, China has evidenced a large number of criminal precedents on virtual property crime, but how to deal with it remains controversial, both theoretically and practically. Thus, systematic studies based on relevant precedents and doctrines are urgently needed from three perspectives: the conceptual boundary of virtual property, the judicial application of virtual property crime and the determination of the quantitative element of virtual property crime. Accordingly, the current research also seeks to shed light on other countries facing the same issues. In the context of criminal law, virtual property should be screened by three substantive criteria: digitization, value and scarcity. Whether virtual property is identified as a property right or a contractual claim in the field of civil law will not substantially affect the determination of criminal responsibility. Virtual property has both property and data features, and the different legal interests carried by both should be protected by criminal law. For the judicial application of virtual property crime, there are three approaches: property crime, data crime and computer crime. The three do not have a ranking or mutually exclusive relationship, and the principle of ideal concurrence (Idealkonkurrenz) should be applied. When determining the quantitative element of property crime, two different types of users and game operators should be distinguished, and the actual property damage standard should be favoured. When considering data and computer crime to determine the quantitative element, we should not rely excessively on the criteria of illegal income and economic loss, but should make a comprehensive Judgment around the degree of legal interest infringement.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this paper is to report on the successful implementation of forensic facial approximation in a real case in the forensic context. A three‐dimensional (3D) facial approximation protocol of the skull was performed with free software, applying techniques in a virtual environment that have already been consolidated in the literature. The skull was scanned with the photogrammetry technique, the digital replica was imported in the Blender software (Blender Foundation, Amsterdam) and individualized model sketches of the face were traced with the MakeHuman software (MakeHuman Org) according to the anthropological profile of the victim. The face created was imported in Blender, where it was adapted, modeled, and sculpted on the 3D skull and its soft tissue markers, using an American open‐source application of the technique in the digital environment. The face created in a virtual environment was recognized and legal identification procedures were started, resulting in the more agile delivery of the disappeared body to its next of kin. It is therefore concluded that facial approximation may not be a primary method of human identification, but it can be satisfactorily applied in the forensic field as an individual recognition resource. It has great value in narrowing the search, reducing the number of alleged victims, and leading to identification tests, therefore significantly reducing the number of genetic DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) tests—which are considered costly for the State or Federation—and consequently reducing the waiting time before delivery of the body to its family.  相似文献   

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