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保障和完善农民工健康权益的法治向度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柯楠 《行政论坛》2011,18(3):78-81
就法治视角而言,农民工健康权益保护是一个基本人权维护问题。农民工健康权益对法治存在依赖关系,法治通过保护公民健康权为保障和完善农民工健康权益保驾护航。目前我国农民工健康现状及现有法律制度缺陷决定了保障农民工健康权益只能通过法治。加强农民工健康权益保障法治建设,夯实保障和完善农民工健康权益的法治根基,是保障和完善农民工健康权益的基础工程。这就要求深化户籍制度改革,加强立法工作,明确国家义务与社会责任,建立利益表达机制,切实实行保障和完善农民工健康权益的法律制度。  相似文献   

詹玉璞 《民主》2010,(5):19-22
国家赔偿制度直接涉及公民权力行使和公民合法权益的维护。作为与公民的切身利益密切相关的一部重要法律,《国家赔偿法》是根据《宪法》制定的,于1994年5月12日通过,1995年1月1日起实施。这对于保障公民、法人和其他组织依法取得国家赔偿的权利.促进国家机关及其工作人员依法行使职权,化解矛盾纠纷,  相似文献   

政务公开制度是确保公民知情权得以实现的主要制度安排,而我国现阶段的政务公开制度建设,不论在立法还是在实践操作层面都尚存在诸多问题。如何正视并探索适当的方法来解决这些问题正是确保公民知情权落到实处的关键所在。为此,应从观念更新、法律保障及制度完善三方面采取措施加以改进,包括培养公民的现代权利意识和观念;确立知情权的宪法基本权利地位,以《条例》协调地方政府信息公开立法,完善公民知情权的法律保障体系;加强新闻发布制度,进一步完善救济制度,规范电子政务的建设。  相似文献   

和谐社会构建中的民主制度供给与公民精神化育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
和谐社会构建是一项宏大系统的综合工程,需要从制度到文化的全面建设.由于民主政治发展过程中往往存在着制度供给与公民文化养成之间不相协调的时滞效应,因此,在公民观念淡薄、公民精神缺乏与制度供给不足并存的现状下,应该通过完善和创新制度,在民主制度供给下使公民在嵌入式的政治参与实践中养成公民精神,以期民主制度在公民精神的关照下得到更加理性地建构.为此,当下应该通过建设社会主义宪政,坚持和完善人民代表大会制度,培育公民社会,推进和创新基层民主,在民主制度建构中化育公民精神,促进社会的和谐发展.  相似文献   

在住房价格居高不下、公民住房保障困难重重的现实语境下,被视为中国住房保障供应第三条路径的住宅合作社受到全社会的普遍关注。20多年的历史发展证明,住宅合作社在我国并没有发挥其应有的社会效果,中国住宅合作社的生存和发展面临诸多困境,其根源不仅在于立法的缺失,更是各种团体利益捆绑的结果。完善房地产市场调控,保障公民居住权利,应当肯定和鼓励住宅合作社制度的发展。通过住房立法完善住宅合作社法律制度是当前亟需解决的首要问题。  相似文献   

第六期(第十一篇加强社会主义民主政治建设第十三篇加强国防和军队建设第十二篇加强社会主义文化建设第十四篇建立健全规划实施机制)1、坚持和完善人民代表大会制度、___制度、民族区域自治制度。积极稳妥地继续推进政治体制改革,巩固和发展民主团结、生动活泼、安定和谐的政治局面。健全民主制度,丰富民主形式,扩大公民___的政治参与,保证公民依法实行民主选举、民主决策、民主管理、民主监督。加强基层民主建设,坚持和完善政务公开、厂务公开、村务公开,保证公民依法行使选举权、___权、参与权、监督权。尊重和保障人权,促进人权事业全面…  相似文献   

张丽清 《民主》2011,(7):19-22
一、行政强制法是一部非常重要的法律行政强制制度涉及行政管理效率,也涉及对公民人身权的限制和公民、法人财产权的处分。行政强制包括两部分:一是行政强制措施,即行政机关在实施行政管理过程中,依法对公民人身自由进行暂时性限制,或对公民、法人的财产实施暂时性控制的措施;  相似文献   

论个人信用与个人信用法律制度建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
夏玮 《理论导刊》2004,(7):18-20
个人信用是整个社会信用的基础。个人信用法律制度是监督、管理和保障公民个人信用活动健康规范发展的一系列的行为规范和规章制度。我国个人信用法律制度存在诸多缺陷和不足,必须从完善保护公民个人合法权益的法律规定等方面加以改进。  相似文献   

不良行政行为不但是行政管理中的一种不正之风,而且会侵害公民的正当权益,但当前对不良行政行为的治理只是注重单方性的内部监督与问责,而忽视公民权益的保障。同时由于相关法律制度的缺位,且没有专门性监督机构,导致公民权益无法得到救济。保障公民因不良行政行为受损的权益,是实现公共行政正义的需要。既要通过完善相关法律制度、畅通公民权益救济途径保障公民权益,也要设置专门性的监督机构切实维护公民权益。  相似文献   

正人民代表大会制度是保证人民当家作主的根本政治制度,是中国特色社会主义制度的重要组成部分,也是党在国家政权组织中贯彻群众路线、充分发扬民主的最好实现形式。衡阳破坏选举案是对我国人民代表大会制度的公然挑战。我们必须站在政治的高度、全局的高度,深刻认识此案的严重性和危害性,依法依纪加以严惩,坚决维护人民代表大会制度的权威和尊严,依法有效保障公民的基本政治权  相似文献   

以党内民主的动力助推反腐倡廉建设,必须充分保障党员民主权利,以此激发队伍纯洁的内在活力。保障党员的知情权是推进党内民主的基础,保障党员的参与权和选举权是尊重党员主体地位的标志,保障党员的民主决策权是发挥党员主体作用的关键,保障党员的监督权和罢免权是推进党风廉政建设的现实路径。要加强党内基层的民主建设,提升反腐倡廉的创新动力。积极探索农村基层党内民主和"两新"组织党内基层民主的多种实现形式,推进基层社区党内民主的创新。  相似文献   

This paper examines the legal conception of political parties. It does so by unearthing the history and ontology of the common law relating to political parties in international perspective. The flexibility of the unincorporated association, in which parties are understood through the private law of contract as networks of internal rules or agreements, rather than as legal entities, has proven to be a mask. In the common law’s imagination, the ideal party is a ground-up organization animated by its membership. But the law mandates no such thing, and in its statutory and constitutional conception intra-party democracy may be sublimated as parties need be no more than an electoral persona or brand.  相似文献   

In this paper we use comparative study of electoral systems data to understand the variation in citizens’ perceptions of political party placements on the left–right scale. We estimate multilevel models to assess the extent to which individual characteristics, party characteristics, and institutional designs contribute to variability observed in citizens’ perceptions of party placements. Because lack of information on the part of the citizens may be revealed through failure to respond to the left–right scale questions or through random components to actual placements, we develop models that include assessments of both types of responses to reduce bias from considering only one source. We find that individual-, party-, and institutional-level variables are relevant to understanding variation in citizens’ perceptions of party placements. Finally, we demonstrate that an inability to cognize the left–right scale (incognizance) and a deviation in the perceptions of party positions (perceptual deviation) have important consequences for citizens’ thermometer evaluations of political parties.  相似文献   

A well-functioning democracy requires citizens’ support for its political institutions and procedures. While scholars have previously studied the role of contextual factors for explaining satisfaction with democracy, a rigorous focus on how the party choice set affects how satisfied citizens are with democracy is largely absent from the literature. This neglect of the impact of parties is surprising, given their central position within modern, representative democracies. In this article, a comprehensive and comparative analysis of the impact of party systems on citizens’ satisfaction with democracy is presented. Use is made of the combined data of the first four modules of the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems project and various measures of the party system are used to capture different aspects of the party choice set: the number of parties, their polarisation, and the congruence between public opinion and the party offer. In contrast to expectations, only scant evidence is found that having a wider choice increases citizens’ satisfaction with democracy.  相似文献   

董必武同志在长期领导中共财经和政法工作中,形成了自己独具特色的反腐败思想:必须注意加强财经干部队伍的组织、思想和作风建设;共产党不能变成"商业党",不能"与民争利";腐败要坚持"走群众路线"、接受群众监督;惩治腐败离不开法律,也需要"依法办事"。董必武同志的反腐败思想,对我们当代的反腐败斗争具有重要的启迪作用和借鉴价值。  相似文献   

Scholars often mention the centrality of parties for the democratic political system. Indeed political parties are indispensable institutions for the linkage between state and society, and should not remain absent in any comparative analysis of citizens’ political attitudes. Yet, only rarely do scholars study how parties shape people’s opinion about democracy. This article seeks to amend this lacuna and examine empirically how party level characteristics, specifically the nature of a party’s candidate selection procedure, relate to the level of satisfaction with democracy among citizens. The authors constructed a cross-national dataset with data on the selection procedures of 130 political parties in 28 country-sessions to examine whether citizens that vote for democratically organized parties are more satisfied with the way democracy works in their country. Additionally, this relationship is examined more closely in Israel and Belgium, two countries where candidate selection procedures show substantial variation and where politicians have made a strong claim for intraparty democratization. Both the cross-national as well as the country-specific analyses indicate that democratic candidate selection are indeed associated with greater satisfaction with democracy.  相似文献   

Elections offer a privileged moment in representative democracy, when citizens have the opportunity to express their views, both on the track record of the incumbent government, as on the way the country should be governed in the future. Procedural fairness theory assumes that taking part in a decision making procedure that is perceived to be fair, strengthens the legitimacy of the entire process. Most of the empirical research assumes that the attitudinal effects of elections are mainly due to the fact that one's preferred party wins the elections. In multi-party systems, however, such a clear distinction is not always possible and therefore it is hypothesized that the winner-loser-logic is weaker in this kind of party system. In this study we rely on a unique Belgian panel study to ascertain how electoral participation has an effect on political trust. The results show that in a proportional system all voters rise in political trust following their participation in elections. The winner-loser effect is not significant. Furthermore, the analyses suggest that especially the respondents with the initially lowest trust levels gain most by participating in elections. The theoretical implication of this finding is that apparently elections are still considered to be an important and legitimate linkage mechanism between citizens and the political system.  相似文献   

The debate on citizen images of political parties is long standing, but recently it has taken on added importance as the evidence of party dealignment has spread across Western democracies. This article assembles an unprecedented cross-national array of public opinion data that describe current images of political parties. Sentiments are broadly negative, and this pessimism has deepened over the past generation. Then, we demonstrate how distrust of parties decreases voting turnout, contributes to the fragmentation of contemporary party systems and the electoral base of new protest parties, and stimulates broader cynicism towards government. Although political parties are the foundation of the system of representative democracy, fewer citizens today trust political parties, and this is reshaping the nature of democratic politics.  相似文献   

Are citizens in consensus democracies with developed direct democratic institutions more satisfied with their political system than those in majoritarian democracies? In this article, individual‐level data from the second wave of the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems and an updated version of Lijphart's multivariate measure of consensus and majoritarian democracy covering 24 countries are used to investigate this question. The findings from logistic multilevel models indicate that consensual cabinet types and direct democratic institutions are associated with higher levels of citizens' satisfaction with democracy. Furthermore, consensus democracy in these institutions closes the gap in satisfaction with democracy between losers and winners of elections by both comforting losers and reducing the satisfaction of winners. Simultaneously, consensus democracy in terms of electoral rules, the executive–legislative power balance, interest groups and the party system reduces the satisfaction of election winners, but does not enhance that of losers.  相似文献   

党务公开是中国共产党加强执政能力建设的一个重大举措,是走向权力文明进而促进政治文明发展的必由之路。党务公开的实质是权力公开透明运行,其目的是增加党内工作和党内生活的透明度,保证广大党员的主体地位和知情权,进一步加强对权力的监督和制约。封建官本位的文化价值观、党组织对自身利益的维护、以传统管理方式和经验从事党务工作以及上下级党组织党务公开互动管道不顺畅是阻碍党务公开和权力受监督制约的重要因素。只有以党内民主的文化价值观颠覆和清除封建官本位的文化价值观,正确认识和协调好党组织自身利益与广大党员以及人民群众利益的关系,将党务公开的经验管理和常规管理转变为信息管理和科学管理,畅通上下级党组织党务公开的互动管道,才能以权力文明促进党内民主发展和政治文明发展。  相似文献   

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