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政策科学在学科发展过程中 ,存在三个问题 :1 政策科学是在多学科基础上发展起来的 ,政策研究领域需要解释的问题更为错综复杂 ;2 政策科学常借用普通理论学科的研究分析方法 ,其学科方法相对比较杂乱 ;3 政策科学是新兴学科 ,学科理论与知识工具的改进需要求助认识方法的创新与发展。政策科学的发展离不开哲学的指导 ,与上述三个问题相对应 ,哲学在公共政策科学中的功能 ,可表述为三个方面 :第一 ,有助于复杂政策问题的综合认识与解决 ;第二 ,规范各普通学科理论在政策研究中的方法应用 ;第三 ,推动政策学科知识工具的改进  相似文献   

郑石明 《政治学研究》2020,(1):87-101,M0005,M0006
政策科学作为一门应用性跨学科研究的新兴学科,在世界各国和各领域因其能解决社会现实问题而蓬勃发展。随着中国改革开放的不断深入,外部环境复杂多变,政策科学势必面临各种新的挑战。文章以政策科学的发展过程为研究对象,系统梳理国内外文献,归纳总结政策科学发展的三个阶段及其演进逻辑,提炼出政策科学研究范式的转换路径。同时,文章针对现阶段政策科学研究存在的问题——对民主性或科学性的盲目追求,提出今后政策科学应当促进民主与科学的融合以及跨学科研究,紧密结合中国的实际情况,创新政策科学理论与方法,推动中国政策科学的繁荣发展。  相似文献   

政策扩散理论与中国“政策试验”研究:启示与调适   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
要全方位提升中国政策科学的研究品质,必须在研究中有意识地将政策科学理论体系与中国政策过程实践有效衔接起来.作为政策过程理论发展中的新兴范式,政策扩散理论可以为对中国独具特色的“政策试验”实践进行学理性阐释提供一个适宜的研究视角和分析框架,而中国基于“政策试验”的政策扩散过程因其自身特点,亦需要对这一理论的本土化应用做出相应的调适.通过对中国以试验为内核的政策扩散现象进行长期且扎实的研究,不但有助于扩展政策扩散研究的理论版图,甚至还有望重新定义整个政策扩散理论体系.  相似文献   

政策科学的中国化与理论创新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
政策科学这一名词 ,对于20世纪80年代以前的中国学人来说 ,还是一个从未听说过的概念 ,有关这一学科的系统研究更是一件根本不可能的事情。自从80年代中叶以来 ,这一学科已经受到部分学者的关注。1992年全国政策科学研究会的成立 ,极大地推动了我国政策科学的发展 ,一些研究成果得以发表和出版 ,政策科学和公共政策理论作为一个学科已为学术界所公认 ,并获得了应有的地位。对于目前所取得的这些成绩 ,我们当然必须予以充分肯定。但是 ,政策科学研究在我国的历史毕竟不长 ,要使之成为一门具有中国特色的重要学科 ,还有很多工作要做…  相似文献   

中国学术的创新,关系到中国文化的繁荣之路,随着人类经济的发展、社会问题的增多,某个单纯的学科可能很难解决社会中存在的问题,所以学术创新的研究需要从多方面来进行。本文以"理解和把握当今的社会现实"为切入点,推进以"社会现实问题"为导向的研究,科学把握实际,紧密结合实践,大力引导和推动跨越学科的交叉研究,促进对学科的综合研究发展,不断进行创新,通过综合体现出各个学科的自身优势,把握住重大现实问题,密切关注学科前沿问题研究的水平,加强学术创新方法的研究,共同担当起繁荣中国文化发展的伟大使命。  相似文献   

朱常柏 《学理论》2013,(30):30-32
瑞典社会民主党是瑞典工人阶级政党,长期以来坚守马克思主义的理论支柱之一——历史唯物主义的理论,其实施的普享型福利政策让每个瑞典人都有机会过上富裕而有意义的生活。共同富裕、追求人的自由全面发展以及维护社会公平的价值取向,是瑞典社民党福利政策直接的理论渊源和思想基础。瑞典社民党福利政策是切合自身国情的自主安排,是迈向社会主义的有益实践。瑞典社民党已经引领国家走出了福利危机的困境,使该党福利制度基本得到保存的情况下恢复了经济活力。立足本国国情,走切合自身情况的福利社会发展道路,是当代各国科学发展的理性而又现实的选择。  相似文献   

公共政策的质量事关人民的祸福、国家的兴衰和社会的进步。政策科学与公共政策研究的兴盛和发达 ,可以为国家和社会获致高质量的公共政策提供有力的智力支持和学术保障。在我国 ,由于系统的和规范化的政策科学研究才刚刚起步 ,本土化的学科体系尚未真正建立 ,学科发展的研究途径尚显陈旧和狭窄 ,因此 ,不能适应改革开放和社会主义现代化建设跨世纪发展的迫切要求。面对新的世纪 ,中国政策科学与公共政策研究的发展 ,既有机遇 ,更有挑战。创新学科发展的思维方式 ,开拓新的研究途径 ,构建具有中国特色的学科体系 ,是当前政策学界面临的一项十分重要的学术任务。有鉴于此 ,本刊邀请了9位学者就该问题进行笔谈 ,以期引起学术界同仁对该问题的关注。  相似文献   

关于领导科学走出困境的一些思考──兼论用人学指导领导科学理论研究郭晓君一领导科学这一学科在我国是本世纪80年代初创建的。十多年来,广大领导科学理论研究者和实际领导工作者辛勤耕耘,出版和发表了大批优秀著作和论文,对许多重要理论问题和实际问题进行了探讨,...  相似文献   

科学社会主义学科的逻辑起点问题就是科学社会主义理论体系本身的逻辑起点问题。因此,要对科学社会主义学科逻辑起点进行讨论,就必须从科学社会主义理论内容出发。同时,逻辑起点作为某一理论体系的起始范畴,具有自身的科学规定性。从科学社会主义学科的基本定位、科学社会主义理论的基本内容以及逻辑起点的基本规定出发,社会化大生产应当是科学社会主义学科的逻辑起点。  相似文献   

全国政策科学研究会学科建设研讨会于 2 0 0 0年 8月 1— 3日在井冈山召开。与会的专家学者主要围绕着政策科学基础理论、政策实践和政策科学如何为政策实践服务等问题进行了深入的探讨 ,提出了许多有价值的见解。多数学者认为 ,当前 ,政策科学基础理论研究的重点应是如何构建有中国特色的政策科学理论体系 ;政策实践研究的重点应是中国社会转型期的公共政策问题 ;政策科学如何为政策实践服务应重点探讨政策科学理论进入政策实践的途径。这是政策科学学科建设的三个着力点。  一、关于构建有中国特色政策科学理论体系问题有的学者提出 ,要…  相似文献   

The National Interest and the Federal Role in Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Elmore  Richard F.; Fuhrman  Susan 《Publius》1990,20(3):149-162
The current discussion of national goals for education createsa predicament for the federal government. Political pressureis mounting for an increased federal role in education, butits ability to play this role is limited both by its own budgetand policy constraints and by the increase in education policyinitiatives of state and local government over the past tenyears. This predicament is not amenable to solution by resortto traditional doctrinal or functional views of federalism.It requires the formulation of a new federal strategy. Amongthe initiatives the federal government might take are raisingpublic discourse about educational performance, sponsoring collaborativeefforts to reduce the incoherence of current educational reformsat the high school level, and increased use of federal categoricalprograms as development projects for new approaches to teachingand learning. These initiatives have the advantage of beingconsistent with current federal budget and policy constraints,drawing upon traditional federal functions, and complementingstate and local reform efforts.  相似文献   

建立领导干部财产申报制度,可以将领导干部置于社会力量的监督之下,有利于增强群众对党和政府的信心。我国民间对建立这一制度的呼声也日趋高涨,中央和地方政府进行了积极地实践探索,但仍然存在制度困境。下一步可采取"全面申报、分步公开、重点审核、完善配套"的方针,健全金融和房产实名制度、完善反洗钱制度、建立强制信托制度和领导干部信用管理制度等,逐渐发挥监督合力和综合效能,为深入推进廉洁政治建设夯实基础。  相似文献   

Policy conflicts are ubiquitous in many countries. Yet research on policy conflict is typically based on cases in western, democratic countries. As a result, little is known about the characteristics of policy conflicts in non-western countries, such as China, or how these characteristics compare to western contexts. The Policy Conflict Framework (PCF) was recently developed to help scholars identify, diagnose, and compare policy conflict characteristics. This research uses the PCF to guide a comparative analysis of the nature of policy conflicts in China and the United States. With interview data on policy actors from Chongqing, China and Colorado, USA, we present the findings by comparing the differences and similarities of policy conflicts in the two countries around shale oil and gas development. We conclude with the strengths and limitations of this comparative study of policy conflicts in China and other national contexts, along with recommendations for conducting PCF research in China.  相似文献   

吕平 《学理论》2012,(17):36-39
作为一种政治宣传,“美国重返东南亚”的表述存在着为奥巴马政府强势介入东南亚地区事务辩护的成分,并不是对冷战后美国东南亚政策的客观描述.在此基础上衍生而出的表述——“美国重返东亚”,承袭了为美国干涉东亚事务辩护的成分,有利于奥巴马政府借助论述的“软实力”弥补自身硬实力的下滑.盲目使用他人的论述,并在此基础上加以延伸,表现出中国对国际事务表述能力的缺陷,迷失自身立场.只有认真分析美方的政策文本,并从自身角度加以客观论述,才会正确地理解国际力量的变动,有利于中国利益的长远护持.  相似文献   

我国流域环境政策与管理体制变革研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,我国流域生态环境问题仍十分严重,而其治理却步履维艰,其中的重要原因之一就是缺乏系统性的、功能互补的环境政策和管理体制。就此问题进行了一些基础性的研究,力图以现代环境经济学的相关理论为基点,将流域环境经济政策和政府管制政策加以整合,并探求一种更为合理的流域管理体制,以保证政策的有效实施。并指出在流域管理体制中,更为关键的问题是将理论设计的模式真正地变为具有实际意义的运作机构。  相似文献   

Despite its worthy motives, social market philosophy provides neither a useful analytical framework for understanding modern capitalism, nor the policy tools to address our present economic and social predicament. The concept of ‘market failure’, with its underlying assumption of market equilibrium, does not capture the systemically adverse outcomes of collective market forces. A more sophisticated understanding of capitalist economies, and the societies in which they exist, would recognise that the market economy is a dynamic but not self‐regulating system. It is embedded in, and impacts on, four other economies – of the natural environment, of family and care, of voluntary association, and of the public sector – which operate under different motivations and allocative principles. The role of government is central, to balance the values created by different kinds of institutions and to constrain the dynamic impacts of market forces. A number of policy conclusions are offered arising from this framework.  相似文献   


Following its time-honoured ‘great and powerful friends’ foreign policy tradition, Australia has been cultivating close ties simultaneously with the United States and China. Yet, as a rivalry between the two powers apparently looms large, Australia faces an acute dilemma. While the rise of China and the question of Taiwan are often cited as main causes of US–China discord, this article argues that the American neoconservative policy on China, underpinned by a belief in both military strength and moral clarity, is integral to this growing competition and is, by extension, partly responsible for the emergence of Australia's predicament. To avoid such a difficult choice, the article suggests that Australia should strive to curb the policy influence of neoconservatism both in the United States and at home by pursuing a more independent foreign policy, making clear its strategic postures on US–China relations, and helping establish a trilateral strategic forum between Australia, the United States, and China.  相似文献   

This article investigates the nature of policy path dependence through analysis of climate policy formation in the United States. In 2008 the US Congress attempted to pass the Lieberman–Warner bill, a comprehensive climate and energy package that would have capped greenhouse emissions and established a nationwide cap and trade program. In the same year, California successfully enacted the Global Warming Solutions Act. This article explores the circumstances of both cases and raises the question of why legislation at the state level was successful and took such a divergent form from legislation at the federal level. The divergence of these cases is used to highlight the nature of coalition formation and policy path dependence in the legislative process. Explanations of policy tend to gravitate toward either the generalizability of game theoretic approaches or the empirical depth of case studies. This article suggests a combined approach that uses case studies to analyze the positions and motivations of actors and to then model policy development over time. The approach examines policy through the formation and negotiation of policy coalitions. Drawing on the Advocacy Coalition Framework and omnibus analysis, the approach expands these coalition theories first by analysing legislative development at the interface of legislators and constituent interest groups, and second by adding temporal dimension to the analysis. The findings suggest that policy is path dependent in that it is negotiated between coalitions that in turn create stability in the policy process and insulate policy fields from external shocks. Policy path dependence suggests that theory alone is insufficient to predict policy outcomes; policy results depend strongly on prior policy efforts, historically and socially contingent coalitions, and the resulting framing of policy possibilities.  相似文献   

This article examines the impacts, on citizenship rights, democratic practice and public policy, of the constitution‐like regimes for the protection of investor rights embedded within contemporary international investment treaties. It argues that a central objective of these investment treaties is to remove specific governmental functions from the stock of policy instruments available to national governments and to democratic polities. Drawing upon Habermas' discourse‐theoretic approach to law and democracy, the article argues that national states have the room to deviate, if not withdraw from the current configuration of economic rights advanced and enforced through international investment treaties. A robust proceduralist approach to rights and democracy would subject these agreements to critical democratic practice and open space to revise and roll back some of the rules and institutions associated with economic globalization.  相似文献   

An established line of research demonstrates that vague judicial opinions are less likely to be implemented than clear opinions. Vague opinions thus present a puzzle. Why would judges craft opinions that risk noncompliance? We argue that the relationships between judges and other policy makers in separation‐of‐powers systems are central to understanding this puzzle. Opinion vagueness can reflect efforts to resolve core tradeoffs associated with judicial policymaking that bear some resemblance to standard accounts of political delegation. Vagueness offers judges the ability to manage their uncertainty over policy outcomes and to hide likely defiance from public view. At the same time, vagueness removes a central source of pressure for compliance that judges can place on other policy makers. Using a game‐theoretic model, we identify conditions under which judges use vagueness precisely as legislatures use statutory discretion. We also demonstrate conditions under which judges use vagueness in ways unanticipated by standard delegation accounts.  相似文献   

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