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多边形分解方法计算人体体表局部损伤面积   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在人体体表损伤鉴定时,常常需要测量损伤区域面积、创口长度以及关节活动角度等指标。因此,如何准确、方便地测量上述指标一直是法医界关注和研究的课题。本文采用多边形分解方法,利用数码相机拍摄体表损伤区域图像,使用自主开发的“法医鉴定图像分析测量”软件,测量体表损伤区  相似文献   

目的探索一种直接利用电脑角度测量软件测量电子数据照片图像中人体肢体大关节运动活动度的方法。方法使用通用量角器测量腕、踝关节获得实时数据,照相机分别在置有量角器作为参照和未置量角器参照的两种情形下对腕、踝关节运动活动度进行拍照固定,固定后的电子数据图像经电脑角度软件测量获得有参照物和无参照物两组角度测量数据。将各关节在各运动方向上的实时测量、有参照物照相测量及无参照物照相测量等三组活动度数据进行统计分析比较。结果三种测量方法测得的腕、踝各关节运动活动度数据两两比较均无统计学差异,测量结果相同,两种角度软件测量法测量的数据精确度较实时测量均略有提高,且图像中有参照物时更方便软件测量。结论角度软件测量法经济、快速、相对准确、可重复操作,在基层法医临床鉴定工作中对肢体大关节运动活动度的测量具有一定的应用优势。  相似文献   

论关节活动度丧失程度的计算   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在关节活动度丧失程度评定中,率先提出了考虑关节各方向运动在关节整体活动中的不同地位和作用的新观点,分别对人体各关节各方向运动在日常生活活动及一般工作需要中的活动比重进行了详细分析,以重要、次要、不重要等层次,用百分比做了量化,最后将关节各方向活动度丧失比例与关节各方向活动比重二因素列入简便而统一的公式,表示了合理计算关节整体活动度丧失程度的正确方法,具有一定的科学性和实用性。  相似文献   

应用Pixel法测量不规则体表瘢痕面积   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
正体表瘢痕在法医鉴定中很常见,由于瘢痕形态多为不规则,用一般测量面积的方法会产生较大误差。本文介绍一种应用薄膜描记+图像处理软件PhotoShop测量体表瘢痕的方法—Pixel法(本文称像素法),该方法不但可较精确计算瘢痕面积,同样也适用于器官缺损面积(如耳廓缺损)、皮肤色素面  相似文献   

在司法鉴定实践工作中,可通过拍摄被鉴定人损伤部位的数码照片,使用Photoshop7.0图像处理软件,在损伤部位照片的比例尺上得到图像像素的线密度或面密度的数值,利用图像处理工具选择损伤的长度或面积范围,求得设长度或面积范围内的像素数,从而计算出损伤的长度或面积。  相似文献   

光电图像测量技术即视频图像测量技术,是建立在计算机视觉基础上的一门高新检测技术,它广泛应用于在线测量、逆向工程等主动、实时测量过程等。由于它具有直观可视、测量参数多、范围大、安装和维护方便、价格低廉、使用灵活等特点,因而是世界各国学者研究的热点。本文简述光电图像测量技术的系统组成、工作原理、特点、在智能交通与平安城市安防监控中的智能应用等。  相似文献   

人体体表损伤法医学鉴定软件开发及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Yu X 《法医学杂志》2000,16(4):201-204
通过运用人体体表损伤法医学鉴定软件,进行各种体表损伤和瘢痕面积、长度、骨折畸形愈合角度和关节活动度等测算。用于人体轻伤和重伤、交通事故损伤、工伤、军人伤残、意外伤害保险等损伤程度的法医学鉴定,亦可用于临床烧烫伤等损伤面积和程度准确计算。本软件基于 Windows平台,应用 Visual Basic6.0编程,设计了扫描照片、数码照相、联机摄象和鼠标多种录入损伤图象路径,打印输出图文格式化鉴定书。测算结果具客观性和重复性好,克服了传统方法的弊端。软硬件环境通用,界面友好,简单易学。经数家法医学鉴定机构 3年多的两百多例实际检案应用,取得了较好的社会效益。  相似文献   

目的对比不同测量方法在测量不规则瘢痕面积时的优缺点,以确定不规则瘢痕面积测量标准。方法对不规则瘢痕面积进行数字化扫描,运用坐标纸读取法、Auto CAD像素法、Photoshop套索像素法、Photoshop魔棒填充像素法及福昕PDF阅读软件测量法进行测量,从测量时间、可重复性、是否可以全程记录及是否可以溯源等方面进行比较分析。结果采用上述瘢痕面积测量方法的结果差异无统计学意义,但在测量时间、同一人多次重复性及多人测量可重复性上差异存在统计学意义,仅福昕PDF阅读软件可以溯源。结论上述方法均可应用于瘢痕测量,但是各有利弊,还需针对司法鉴定开发新的测量软件。  相似文献   

介绍一种四肢关节失能度的计算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人体四肢关节及其周围软组织完整结构受到(钝)锐器的破坏,造成软组织瘢痕挛缩.关节腔狭窄或融合.导致关节活动受限强硬.致使肢体关节大能。肢体伤残程度在《人体重伤鉴定标准》(以下简称际准)和《道路交通事故受伤人员伤残评定》(以下简称评定)中均制定了量的标准,可是均未提供关节夫能度百分值计算方法,在实际鉴定中日采用计算方法不同,对同一人的鉴定所得结论差异甚大。笔者将对不同类型关节夫能度计算方法提出个人见解,仅供同行参考。计算方法四肢关节按生理功能可分三型。一是平轴关节,它是由一组活动组成,即沿着肢体横…  相似文献   

通过测量人体骨骼进行个体识别是法医人类学领域的一项重要研究。计算机断层扫描(computed tomography,CT)技术能提供高分辨率骨骼图像,后处理工作站中的软件可以对骨骼图像进行重组,测量软件可在骨骼断层图像和重组图像上对径线、角度、面积、体积等不同体制人类学骨骼测量指标进行测量,测量较少受到人为因素干扰。本文分别从性别判定、身高推断、面部软组织厚度测量及年龄推断四个方面,对国内外CT测量骨骼在法医人类学骨骼个体识别的研究中应用的文献进行了综述,并讨论和比较了CT主要技术及CT在法医人类学相关研究中的应用。  相似文献   

When a bullet punctures a surface, it leaves behind a bullet impact, which can be analyzed in order to determine the origin and trajectory path from which a bullet was discharged using many different scientific methods to reconstruct a shooting scene. The purpose of the research was to test the accuracy and repeatability of reconstructing the impact angle of single bullet impacts using the ellipse method. The research was conducted by firing various calibers of ammunition into drywall panels positioned at varying angles of incidence from 88° until ricochet occurred. This was done in order to determine which caliber type and angle of incidence are most accurate and precise for reconstructing a shooting scene. The study examined four caliber types fired into drywall panels, with 5 repeated shots for each of the 11 angles of incidence (n = 220). Furthermore, 31 participants partook in the study to estimate a bullet impact angle of incidence utilizing the ellipse method. The results show that the best performance (accuracy and repeatability) is seen with the measurements of the 0.45 caliber ammunition. When angle of incidences is low (<64°), the performance (accuracy and repeatability) was seen to be better in all caliber ammunitions. Overall, the data provided for single bullet impacts deposited in drywall show that the ellipse method is useful in providing measurements for most crime scene reconstruction purposes and has also demonstrated that results vary depending on the type of ammunition, firearm, and angle of incidence being examined.  相似文献   

Abstract: Although not very common, forensic investigation related to projectile ricochet on water can be required when undesirable collateral damage occurs. Predicting the ricochet behavior of a projectile is challenging owing to numerous parameters involved: impact velocity, incident angle, projectile stability, angular velocity, etc. Ricochet characteristics of different projectiles (K50 BMG, 0.5‐cal Ball M2, 0.5‐cal AP‐T C44, 7.62‐mm Ball C21, and 5.56‐mm Ball C77) were studied in a pool. The results are presented to assess projectile velocity after ricochet, ricochet angle, and projectile azimuth angle based on impact velocity or incident angle for each projectile type. The azimuth ranges show the highest variability at low postricochet velocity. The critical ricochet angles were ranging from 15 to 30°. The average ricochet angles for all projectiles were pretty close for all projectiles at 2.5 and 10° incident angles for the range of velocities studied.  相似文献   

Closed circuit television (CCTV) footage is often available from crime scenes and may be used to compare perpetrators with suspects. Usually, the footage comprises incomplete gait cycles at different velocities, making gait pattern identification from crimes difficult. This study investigated the concurrence of joint angles throughout a gait cycle at three different velocities (3.0, 4.5, 6.0 km/h). Six datasets at each velocity were collected from 16 men. A variability range VR throughout the gait cycle at each velocity for each joint angle for each person was calculated. The joint angles at each velocity were compared pairwise, and whenever this showed values within the VR of this velocity, the case was positive. By adding the positives throughout the gait cycle, phases with high and low concurrences were located; peak concurrence was observed at mid‐stance phase. Striving for the same velocity for the suspect and perpetrator is recommended.  相似文献   

四肢关节活动度测量方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究有效的四肢关节活动度的测量方法。方法以被测关节为原点,在构成该关节的“两边”上各取一点组成一个三角形,分别以两脚规测出“各边”的长度,运用数学原理,分别测出被测关节最大及最小限度活动的度数,计算出该关节的实际活动度及失能度。结果提高了准确度,减少误差,弥补了其他方法的不足。结论三角形法简便易行,克服了四肢因体态、制作工艺等因素造成的误差,是一种客观、精确、有效的新方法。  相似文献   

论法人的精神损害赔偿   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
法人与自然人一样 ,有权请求精神损害赔偿 ,其精神损害赔偿的范围应从两个角度进行探讨 ,即从侵权行为所侵害的民事权利角度来看 ,法人的精神损害赔偿应适用于对法人的一切人格权的侵害和部分身份权的侵害 ;从损害利益的角度来看 ,法人的精神损害赔偿范围应该是精神利益的赔偿  相似文献   

A blind study to determine whether virtual toolmarks created using a computer could be used to identify and characterize angle of incidence of physical toolmarks was conducted. Six sequentially manufactured screwdriver tips and one random screwdriver were used to create toolmarks at various angles. An apparatus controlled tool angle. Resultant toolmarks were randomly coded and sent to the researchers, who scanned both tips and toolmarks using an optical profilometer to obtain 3D topography data. Developed software was used to create virtual marks based on the tool topography data. Virtual marks generated at angles from 30 to 85° (5° increments) were compared to physical toolmarks using a statistical algorithm. Twenty of twenty toolmarks were correctly identified by the algorithm. On average, the algorithm misidentified the correct angle of incidence by ?6.12°. This study presents the results, their significance, and offers reasons for the average angular misidentification.  相似文献   

Small angles of projectile entry are difficult to determine in two-dimensional targets or in three-dimensional targets where internal deflection has taken place. This results from the fact that small errors in measurement lead to large errors in the calculation of the sine function used in the estimation of the angular projection of a circle onto an inclined plane at angles of less than 20 degrees from the normal. The use of a bullet tip scale, constructed to the dimensions of the entering projectile, allows a significantly more accurate determination of small angles of entry in targets not subject to stretching. A comparison of the relative error inherent in calculating entry angle using the sine function and measuring the angle using the bullet tip scale demonstrates the suitability of using the tip scale at angles less than 20 degrees and the sine function at entry angles greater than 20 degrees.  相似文献   

The accurate determination of sex and race are important tools to forensic and physical anthropologists. In this study, the sex and race of 205 adult Ugandans were determined from the antero-posterior radiographs of the pelvis by measuring their subpubic angles. The angle ranged from 50 to 140 degrees with a mean of 93.86 degrees and standard deviation (SD) of 21.12 degrees for males and 75 to 155 degrees with a mean of 116.11 degrees (SD, 17.79 degrees) for females. The angle was significantly wider in women than men (P < 0.05), as indeed has previously been shown in other population groups studied. Using the demarking point method, 31.82% of Ugandan men and 10.53% of Ugandan women could be accurately sexed. However, more Malawians of both sexes previously studied had lower values for the angle and could be more accurately sexed. This study has also documented regional and racial variability of this angle among different population groups previously documented. Using the watershed subpubic angle derived from the means of this study and those of previously documented studies, 63% of Ugandans and 71% of Malawians could be accurately assigned to the black race. This method is recommended to physical and forensic anthropologists in the developing world.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The "lateral angle," the angle with which the posterior wall of the internal auditory canal meets the posterior fossa plate, is arguably wider in females (>45°) than males (<45°). Not previously addressed, however, are repeatability of angle determination, and whether the extent of temporal bone pneumatization is a confounder. Forty-one adult human cranial specimens (82 clinically normal temporal bones) were studied; no sex information was available for this United States sample. Two casts were created from each ear; each cast was independently categorized twice. No association of lateral angle with mastoid size was found. Repeatability was good. Although bilateral symmetry was suggested (phi = 0.60, p  = 0.05), two crania had oppositely categorized right-left angles. We observed a new finding: narrowed but clinically normal canals in 10% of crania. The lateral angle is a good candidate to be a morphological method in determination of sex.  相似文献   

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