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对外援助是中国与其他国家间进行政治、经济合作,实现政策、民心互通的重要政策工具。中国在推进"一带一路"倡议过程中,需要不断扩大对外援助规模。对外援助需要在"一带一路"倡议推进过程中发挥先锋、先导作用,从战略上与"一带一路"倡议相对接,在资金上向"一带一路"沿线国家倾斜,并通过构建援外制度来推动"一带一路"倡议的顺利实施。目前,中国存在援外制度不健全、援外基本法缺位、援外管理体系不协调等制度问题。在"一带一路"倡议实施过程中,如何落实援外战略、调整援外资金结构和数量、提高对外援助实效等都对中国的对外援助制度提出新的挑战。当然,"一带一路"倡议也为完善对外援助制度提供了新的动力和契机,中国可尽快出台《对外援助法》,理顺对外援助管理体系,加强对外援助绩效评估,通过制度完善提升援助实效,为"一带一路"倡议的顺利推进奠定坚实基础。  相似文献   

中国开展对外卫生援助已有50多年的历史,援外医疗队是中国在卫生领域开始最早的援助形式。随着时间的推移,中国对外卫生援助的形式逐步多样化。就决策和管理机制而言,中国对外卫生援助分由两个部门负责:对外派遣医疗队由卫生部门主管,其他援外形式由商务部负责。几十年中,虽然这两个体系都经历了变化,但条块分割、缺乏政策一致的状况一直存在。中国对外卫生援助决策和管理机制演变所体现的特点,折射出中国整体援外机制的特点,也是中国总体外交机制变化的一个缩影。针对这些特点,需要改革对外援助决策和管理体系,加强对外援助专业领域政策一致性,加速对外援助法律框架建设和国家对外援助战略的制定。  相似文献   

<正>中国对外援助饱受国内诟病之际,《南风窗》通过对比数据发现,中国对外援助确实正从"提供硬帮助"转变为"施展软实力"。主要对外援助资金的种类从无偿援助变成优惠贷款,更加注重社会公共设施的援建。  相似文献   

在安倍"积极和平主义"外交理念的指导下,日本对外援助政策由"政府开发援助"向"开发合作援助"转型,援助目标突出对外交、安保的支持,并与国家利益及援助规范紧密联系。在新的对外援助政策作用下,日本对华"一带一路"合作呈现以理念和价值观为前提,突出有限度接触和多层次制衡的政策特点,不但增加了中国在周边推进"一带一路"建设面临的竞争压力,而且使中日"一带一路"合作复杂多变。中日双方应通过顶层设计与战略沟通,尽快构建双边合作机制与对接平台,创立中日第三方合作示范项目,树立项目品牌形象,实现合作共赢。  相似文献   

自进入21世纪以来,随着中国参与对外援助主体的多元化,对外援助治理模式逐渐从传统的以政府为单一主体的垂直管理模式转变为纵横交错的多元主体互动模式。经过实地调研并结合中国—FAO南南合作项目的案例,综合考察中国农业多边对外援助中多元主体的治理结构,可以发现中国农业多边对外援助治理具有"双轨制+"的特点。一方面,政府、实施单位及个人等主体遵循以科层制为中心的垂直权力机制;另一方面,一线管理机构、社会组织及个人等主体形成横向扁平化的网络合作机制。这两方面共同形成纵横双向的双轨合作治理结构。同时,"+"为选择的第三方,即国际组织平台,架起了援助方、受援方合作的桥梁,实现了援助治理的资源优化与整合,提高了援助效率和有效性,并促进了中国通过对外援助治理参与全球治理的国际化进程。研究"双轨制+"结构将既有利于提高中国对外援助的宏观规划和管理能力,也为理解发展援助有效性这一问题提供新的视角。  相似文献   

气候援助是指有关国家或国际组织为应对和适应气候变化而采取的针对特定国家或地区开展的资金、技术等援助措施。气候援助是国际社会应对和适应气候变化的重要组成部分。由于具备相对突出的资金和技术优势,中国于本世纪初开始实施南南合作框架下的气候援助。通过这一实践,中国确立了相对完整的气候援助理念,即坚持气候援助与总体对外援助的统一性,坚持以"可持续发展"为基本导向,倡导南北合作与南南合作"共存并进",确保平等互信、包容互鉴、合作共赢;通过这一实践,中国还进一步完善了中国气候外交体系,丰富了中国对外援助的模式和内涵,推动了国际政治经济新秩序的建立。为更好地履行中国所担负的国际责任,促进中国气候援助的更大发展,中国应基于既有实践,建立气候援助的长效机制,巩固和深化南南合作型气候外交的模式和途径,持续推进气候治理技术革新,采取多种方式打造气候援助的话语权。  相似文献   

美国是最早实现对外援助机制化和法制化的国家之一。美国对外援助机制主要由以《对外援助法》为主导的对外援助法律体系和以国际开发署为核心的对外援助执行体系构成。上述对外援助法律体系和机构设置确保了美国对外援助项目的稳定性和原则性。与此同时,不同时期内国会通过的相关法案和行政部门出台的相关行政指令,加上根据需求建立和参与的其他对外援助机构,保证了美国对外援助在不同时期服务于具体外交政策目标的灵活性和实时性。需要指出的是,美国对外援助机制也存在四个方面的问题:《对外援助法》内容过时,相关法律和行政指令繁多;缺乏高级别对外援助机构充分参与政策制定、项目执行管理和监督;对外援助目标缺乏清晰和统一的界定;机构间合作机制不够有效。在中国对外援助规模不断增长的背景下,考察美国对外援助机制的优势和不足,具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

崔文星  叶江 《国际展望》2022,14(1):74-94
援助是一国外交政策的重要工具。冷战期间,美苏对外援助的主要目的是争夺盟友,对援助成效的评估主要是以过程为导向,其标准是援助的投入是否成功使受援国留在本方阵营。冷战后,西方国家内部出现援助预算的合法性危机,对援助成效的讨论也逐渐从过程导向转向结果导向。进入21世纪,联合国千年发展目标和2030年可持续发展目标为发展援助的结果评估提供了重要参照。结果导向型援助提高了中国对外援助的可见性,但其存在的弊端和南北垂直援助特征需要中国制定超越援助的新时代国际发展合作战略。联合国2030年可持续发展议程吸收了结果导向型援助的积极因素,但这也为超越该理念奠定了基础。新时代中国国际发展合作与2030年议程的深入对接为中国突破西方战略围堵和实现中华民族伟大复兴提供了重要机遇。全球发展倡议与"一带一路"倡议、人类命运共同体理念和生态文明思想共同构成中国全球发展话语权的基础,并逐步超越了结果导向型援助,为落实2030年议程指明了方向。  相似文献   

欧盟对外发展援助政策的变化及其原因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一.欧盟对外发展援助政策概况 对外发展援助(developmentassitance)又称对外援助(foreignaid)或发展合作(developmentcooperation),从广义上说,是指一个国家、国家集团或国际组织对发展中国家给予的经济、资金、技术等方面的援助。对外发展援助作为战后国际关系的一个组成部分,无论对受援国还是援助国本身,都产生了重要影响。欧盟的对外发展  相似文献   

中国的对外援助事业随国际、国内形势而变化。近年来官方对国际发展合作的重视不仅促成中国对外援助指导思想的转变,也为对外援助向国际发展合作转型奠定了理念基础。中国为发展合作提供全球公共产品的实践不断丰富:一是基于本国成功经验而开展的减贫国际合作成为重要公共产品,二是通过创新农业技术合作方式为解决全球粮食安全问题提供更多公共产品,三是借助三方合作更好地创新公共产品供给模式,四是持续加强全球卫生公共产品供给。中国对外援助在取得积极成效的同时,也面临经济、技术实力有限、援助项目可持续性不足、受援国国家治理与互不干涉内政之间协调困难、国际发展合作的话语权有待提升等挑战。未来,中国应注重从制度建设、资金筹集、可持续性提升、受援国能动性发挥、国际话语权提升等方面做更充分准备。  相似文献   


Our purpose was to find out to what extent civil servants—managers, specialists, and experts—in 13 Finnish ministries have confidence in their management systems. We defined trust as a kind of deep sentiment, more fundamental than mere acceptance, satisfaction or legitimacy. Trust and mistrust are strong motivators for cooperation and collaboration. They are logical outcomes of social interaction in terms of management systems and context. We found out that civil servants are more likely to trust management if it acts professionally with no emphasis on political factors. Ministers, for instance, can efficiently earn their trust with administrative experience and behavior norms. Our analysis showed that there are both well‐trusted and ill‐trusted components in management systems implicating that management must be the object of continuous development. As a whole civil servants have more confidence in work community than in strategy, structure, people policies, and administrative processes of the ministries.  相似文献   

Do different levels of exposure to EU law implementation have consequences for the organization of national ministries? Previous accounts suggest that European integration has little influence on the ‘hardware’ of member state administrations. Data covering the organization of 21 ministries in Estonia, Poland, and Slovenia show the Europeanization effect to be more pronounced than might be expected. Ministries responsible for transposing many EU directives tend to institutionalize centralized oversight in legislative planning, review, and monitoring; ministries with few implementation responsibilities rarely make such adaptations. This effect holds when one controls for the impact of partisan preferences and organizational conventions. The results offer a counterpoint to the studies of old member states that find little EU effect on the organization of domestic ministries.  相似文献   


Once a key site in the War on Drugs against cocaine, the Upper Amazon in northeastern Peru has lately seen an increase in addiction to coca paste, a toxic by-product of the cocaine manufacturing process. Unregulated and coercive Pentecostal ministries, founded and administered by recovered pastors, constitute the main form of addiction treatment in the Upper Amazon today. Based on ethnographic research in nine ministries and using the example of the ministry ‘We Will Revive,’ this article suggests that Pentecostal ministries re-articulate addiction as demonic possession. Accordingly, ministries treat addiction through spiritual warfare against the Devil. In so doing, Pentecostal ministries change the locus of the War on Drugs from trade networks to sinful bodies.  相似文献   

In 2009, extensive performance management measures were introduced in Italian ministries, following a significant legislative initiative. The objectives that were initially set, however, have not yet been reached. In the paper, the authors discuss this issue, starting with the consideration of the main limits on the introduction of performance measurement systems in public organizations. The discussion leads to the conclusion that the shortcomings of performance management depend not only on the persistence of an administrative paradigm, but also on the underestimated impact of control over organizational behavior; where the latter is linked not to mechanical logic processes, but to more sophisticated forms of reactivity or even counter-intuitive sense-making processes.  相似文献   

Since 1987, mainland Chinese ministries have been experimenting with a western style civil service system. The provisional guidelines published in that year called for the creation of a professional administrative class to be hired by open recruitment at the central and provisional levels of leading state ministries. The article is a micro-analysis of civil service reform in the Ministry of Light Industry and evaluates the first two years of reform in this ministry, which is responsible for supervising roughly twenty percent of China's production of durable consumer goods. The reform process has been gradual and incremental. The reforms were stimulated by the need to modernize China's state-run ministries in order to make them economically competitive with the mainland's growing private market sector. However, the article concludes that the reforms are too limited to make a substantial contribution to this goal.  相似文献   

This article compares the Europeanization of central government in four Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs): Estonia, Latvia, Poland, and Slovakia. Using a large N survey of ministerial civil servants, it finds that the Europeanization of central government is characterized by partial convergence. The scope of Europeanization is large and similar among CEECs, reaching widely and deeply into government ministries. Moreover, patterns of Europeanization are similar among CEECs: the same ministries form the ‘inner core’ and ‘outer circle’ of Europeanized ministries; only a small proportion of civil servants work full‐time on EU issues and routinely engage in activities that ‘project’ national policies at EU level. Compared to old member states, patterns of Europeanization show signs of convergence, while the scope of Europeanization is larger in CEECs.  相似文献   

Communication professionals are increasingly found within government ministries. Based on classic work on bureaucracy and recent literature on mediatization and personalization, this article develops two ideal types: the government information provider and government spin doctor. These ideals are constituted by six dimensions: recruitment criteria, values, loyalties, reputational concerns, interactions, and tasks. A study of nonpartisan communication professionals in Norwegian ministries is used to illustrate the empirical relevance of the ideal types. The analysis shows that for loyalties and reputational concerns, Norwegian communication professionals resemble the government information provider. Regarding interactions and tasks, they resemble the government spin doctor. For recruitment criteria and values, the picture is mixed. The empirical application thereby illustrates a fruitful aspect of the framework as certain configurations will bring forth inbuilt tension in communication professionals' role. The framework allows a fine-grained approach to extend ongoing debates of appropriate and inappropriate practices of communication professionals in ministries.  相似文献   

Why, how, and when does intra-ministerial change take place? Previous answers to these questions suggest that political factors, such as cabinet reshuffling, are the most decisive drivers of inter-ministerial change. By contrast, this article begins with a distinction between the mechanism responsible for intra-ministerial and inter-ministerial change of ministries, the latter discusses which of these has been given more attention in previous research. Data covering the intra-ministerial change of 11 ministries in Germany between 1949 and 2006 can demonstrate that environmental as well as organizational factors are decisive in order to explain the timing and type of intra-ministerial change. The main finding is that a clearly definable threshold of tasks, organizational units, and a horizontal dispersion of jurisdictions – all of which react to the international environment – can explain intra-ministerial change in German ministries.  相似文献   


Uganda implemented public expenditure and revenue management reforms from the early 1990s with specific aims of improving budget planning and aligning aid with fiscal priorities. The dynamic relationship between aid and domestic fiscal aggregates is analysed using a Cointegrated Vector Autoregressive model with annual data for 1972–2008 and quarterly data for 1997–2014. Aid has been a significant element of long-run fiscal equilibrium, associated with increased tax effort and public spending and reduced domestic borrowing. Fiscal reforms have improved aid and expenditure management, contributing to improved fiscal performance in Uganda, with lessons for other African countries.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the macroeconomic management of large inflows of foreign aid. It investigates the extent to which African countries have coordinated fiscal and macroeconomic responses to aid surges. In practice, we construct a panel dataset to assess the level of aid ‘absorption’ and ‘spending’. This article departs from the recent empirical literature by utilising better measures for aid inflows and by employing cointegration analysis. The empirical short-run results indicate that, on average, Africa's low-income countries have absorbed two-thirds of (grant) aid receipts. This suggests that most of the foreign exchange provided by the aid inflows has been used to finance imports. The other third has been used to build up international reserves, perhaps to protect economies from future external shocks. In the long run, absorption increases but remains below its maximum. Moreover, we also show that aid resources have been fully spent, especially in support of public investment. There is only weak evidence that a share of aid flows have been ‘saved’. Overall, these findings suggest that the macroeconomic management of aid inflows in Africa has been significantly better than often portrayed in comparable exercises. The implication is that African countries will be able to efficiently manage a gradual scaling up in aid resources.  相似文献   

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