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正During talks about the origin tracing of COVID-19,Mike Ryan,Executive Director of the World Health Organization's (WHO) Health Emergencies Program,cited the study on the origins of the Ebola outbreak.  相似文献   

正The world gets tired of the U.S. ‘Wuhan lab leak' claim ‘They(the U.S.) have been saying that for almost a year. If there is real evidence, then it's the responsibility of the U.S. to share it," Marion Koopmans, a top virologist, told the BBC on May 27, when asked about her opinion on a recent U.S. report claiming it was "plausible" that the coronavirus had been leaked from a Wuhan lab.  相似文献   

In a report on its joint mission with China to trace the origins of COVID-19,the World Health Organization(WHO)said it was"extremely unlikely"that the virus was released through a laboratory incident.Thirty-four experts from WHO and China conducted research in Wuhan for 28 days to conclude that the infection most probably spread through an intermediate host or through cold/food chain products.  相似文献   

Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed a Global Development Initiative on September 21, calling for bolstering con-fidence and jointly addressing global threats and challenges to build a better world for all. Xi made the remarks at the general debate of the 76th Session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) via video link, as the world faces the combined impacts of changes unseen in a century and the COVID-19 pandemic. Beating COVID-19 Right now, COVID-19 is still intensely felt around the world, with the number of new cases rising every day globally. "We must beat COVID-19 and win this decisive fight crucial to the future of humanity," Xi said, voicing his confidence that "we as humanity will surely overcome and prevail" despite the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic may appear overwhelming.  相似文献   

A Real Ranking     
正America Ranked First!In June,when Bloomberg changed the metrics of its COVID Resilience Ranking to "accommodate the shift in COVID-19 management," this was done to lift the U.S.from May's 13th place to the top spot in the index,a system in place since last November and updated monthly.  相似文献   

正On the surface, Joe Biden emerged as successful in securing consensus in both the Group of Seven(G7)and NATO on labeling China as a "systemic challenge" during his first tour of Europe.However, hiding beneath such "achievements," the U.S. alienated itself from the majority of countries still fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

"Do a Google news search for‘vaccine diplomacy’:All the top results are about China.Do a Google news search for‘vaccine solidarity’:None of the top results are about China."This is what Carlos Martinez,a Londonbased social commentator,wrote when he retweeted a report by the Guardian newspaper that had"vaccine diplomacy"in the headline.  相似文献   

当前,全球新冠肺炎疫情防控形势仍然十分严峻,在此背景下,美国部分政客却屡借溯源问题向中国“甩锅”推责,搅浑病毒源头真相,掩盖自身失败责任,破坏全球抗疫合作,引起国际社会广泛质疑与批评。多项数据和信息显示,美国才最有可能是新冠病毒的“起源国”,是导致疫情在全球快速扩散的罪魁祸首,而美国的政治化操弄更是让全球战胜疫情步履维艰,面临严重挑战。  相似文献   

吴重庆先生提出的“无主体熟人社会”理论,描述了当前青壮年劳动力主体在农村社会的缺失状态,分析了社会关系演变中的病变问题。但是,作为一种新近理论,“无主体熟人社会”在其源起、阐释和特征等方面的概括,仍有必要做进一步的分析。  相似文献   

War on the Virus     
A new round of COVID-19 infections has swept across China beginning on October 17. As of November 12, 1,499 cases had been reported across the country in this round, 279 of which were imported cases. And as of November 13, the virus had spread to 21 provinces. "The situation is becoming more stable as the clusters of cases in multiple provinces have been brought under control," Wu Liangyou, Deputy Director of the Bureau of Disease Prevention and Control with the National Health Commission (NHC), said at a press conference on November 13. The case clusters in Heilongjiang, Hebei, Henan and Sichuan provinces have been brought under control while those in Liaoning, Jiangxi and Yunnan provinces, as well as in Beijing, require additional efforts.  相似文献   

新冠疫情治理需要国际社会加强合作,公共卫生外交是促进各国进行公共卫生合作、建立疫情全球防线的关键举措。通过开展公共卫生外交,一方面,中国争取了世界卫生组织和国际社会的支持和帮助,满足了中国抗击国内新冠疫情形势的需要;另一方面,中国凭借丰硕的抗疫成果在全球树立了典范,通过对国际社会进行疫情通报、经验沟通、技术合作和医疗援助,推动了人类卫生健康共同体理念的传播,守护了全球疫情防线。同时也应注意到,国家层面公共卫生安全战略的不完善、一些西方国家的大国博弈旧思维,以及各国公共卫生治理理念与能力的差异等问题对中国当前的公共卫生外交提出了挑战。对此,中国应尽快完善国家公共卫生安全战略,秉承人类卫生健康共同体理念,大力推进全球公共卫生外交并积极贡献卫生公共产品,以巩固新冠疫情防控的全球战线。  相似文献   

China's 14th National Games officially opened in Shaanxi Province on September 15, marking the first time for a province in west China to organize the quadrennial multi-sport event since its inaugural edition in 1959. As the highest-level sporting event in the country, a total of 50 Olympic cham-pions, representing all of the country's provinces, municipalities and autono-mous regions, compete during the athletic extravaganza. With COVID-19 still a major consideration, the National Games' organizing committee devised and implemented comprehensive pandemicprevention regulations, with the goal of "zero infections."  相似文献   

THE decision announced on May 7 by the World Health Organization in Geneva to grant emergency use listing (EUL) to a COVID-19 vaccine man-ufactured in China represents a milestone moment.The successful EUL application is built on years of training and research by Chinese scientists,as well as decades of investment,coordinated efforts,and reform on the part of the government,national regulators,and the manufactur-ers themselves.We look forward to such recognition of more Chinese-produced vaccines in the future,and not only for COVID-19.This marks a new chapter in Chinas role in global public goods supply in health,building on its R&D capability and manufacturing capacity,as well as its commitment to contribute substantially to global health.  相似文献   

正The "lab leak lie" is racist.To be clear,the unscientific surmise that COVID-19 was spread intentionally or unintentionally by a Chinese government laboratory in Wuhan is racist.From the beginning,this lie was an expression of dog-whistle politics,one that has exploited longstanding racial stereotypes,and that has in turn deepened anti-Asian racism in many countries around the world.Stoking the fires The fact that the Donald Trump administration promoted the lab leak lie in 2020 is not surprising.Before the outbreak,  相似文献   

我们,中华人民共和国和东南亚国家联盟成员国外长,于2020年2月20日在老挝万象举行中国-东盟关于新冠肺炎问题特别会议;注意到2020年2月14日发表的《关于共同应对新冠肺炎疫情的东盟主席声明》,关注新冠肺炎导致的呼吸系统疾病;认识到中国和东盟一直共同应对突发和重大挑战,形成守望相助、,患难与共的传统。  相似文献   

杨英杰 《长白学刊》2021,(2):92-100
改革开放40余年,中国经济总体规模和发展质量有了大幅度提升,为应对新冠肺炎疫情和国际经济环境的急剧变化打下了坚实的基础。"双循环"新发展格局形成的历史逻辑清晰地表明中国经济发展的结构和质量均已达到了一个新的历史阶段;其理论逻辑则基于李嘉图比较优势理论,对我国要素禀赋及由此衍生的制度和文化需求提出了更高的要求;其实践逻辑则对深化改革和扩大开放双管齐下促进新发展格局的平稳形成,提供了更为基本的抓手和更为合理的预期。  相似文献   

石磊 《思想战线》2006,32(3):75-79
大众传媒越来越深度地参与社会生活,我们对客观现实的认识也越来越依赖大众传媒,现实环境逐渐演变为媒介环境。媒介环境呈现出鲜明的影像特征,“我靠虚像生活”已经成为一种生存状态。运用昆德拉的“意象形态”、柏拉图的“洞穴理论”、李普曼的“拟态环境”、藤竹晓的“拟态环境的环境化”、鲍德里亚的“仿真、超真实、内爆”等理论,可以对此进行不同角度的阐述。公众把媒介环境的影像当成客观环境的真实来把握,就会落入“托马斯公理”所预言的圈套之中,可能使错误理解成为现实。  相似文献   

I review my 30 years in the community mental health field, emphasizing the personal and historical context that shaped this career. I especially highlight the origins of the values that guided significant career decisions, including family, neighborhood, religious and educational influences. The core guiding value was the belief that public service is both a privilege and an obligation, and that righting social injustice through such service is a noble calling. I trace the evolution of my thoughts and actions reflecting this value, from an early desire to "help children," through preparation to become a child psychologist, and ultimately to practice in a public community mental health setting and a career dedicated first to primary prevention and then to broader safety net services for those in need. I highlight a corresponding intellectual evolution as well, a progressive change in identity from "clinical psychologist in the community" to community psychologist.  相似文献   

Boao Forum for Asia seeks to stay youthful and vibrant amid changes After a hiatus imposed by COVID-19, the Boao Forum for Asia(BFA) will resume its annual rendezvous at the eponymous tropical town in the Chinese island province of Hainan.  相似文献   

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