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Psychological health is gaining more attention, especially among China’s urban population A couple of months ago, Wu Miao found herself trapped in a bout of depression whilst on maternity leave. On the one hand, she and her husband were strapped for cash as raising a baby turned out to cost a lot more than they had initially expected, and she was earning much less during the leave. On the other hand, her mother-inlaw was temporarily staying with them to help take care of the baby, but this resulted in the occasional bickering over household trivialities.  相似文献   

A growing number of Chinese 20-somethings choose to live alone A smartphone and a dog are all Lin Ran needs for a relaxed weekend at home.She spends over 10 hours a day on the phone, switching between apps, ordering food,watching TV episodes and short videos, and chatting with friends. She also makes sure to free up one hour to walk her dog around the block.  相似文献   

At Your Service     
正In 2017,when Liu Shanshan,then 32 years old,is asked to accompany an elderly family member to see the doctor,she had no idea that request would lead her into a new profession.  相似文献   

The Call of the Wild is one of the masterpieces of Jack London.The hero,Buck,is a dog.The dog is not only an animal but has features of human beings.By comparing Buck's attitudes and behavior to its masters with the way the masters treat Buck,and analyzing Buck's response to John Thornton's death,we can see that the author expresses the desire for loyalty in this novel.  相似文献   

IN 1943, Li Shuxian was driven out of her home in Changchun City, Jilin Province in northeast China by Japanese soldiers and as a result had a miscarriage that deprived her of the ability to bear another child. Two years later, she adopted a 3-year-old Japanese orphan, and renamed her Xu Guilan. Says Li Shuxian, "I had mixed feelings at first. What decided me was knowing that Xu Guilan would die if I didn't adopt her, so I overcame my hatred of the Japanese and raised her as my own." Now 81, Li Shuxian  相似文献   

World economic leaders, bankers and economists now believe that the imbalanced global economicstructure and the lack of a more rational approach to the international monetary system are toblame for the global financial crisis. As one of the economists who are doing their best to diagnosethe crisis and offer remedies, Wu Xiaoling, former Vice Governor of the People's Bank of Chinaand Vice Chairwoman of the Financial and Economic Affairs Committee of the National People'sCongress, elaborated on her ideas abou...  相似文献   

从战略高度重新审视南唐与吴越之间的战争 ,吴越始终扮演着中原盟友的角色 ,在南唐失国的过程中发挥了牵制、削弱和落井下石的作用。无锡之战后 ,杨吴失却了日后发展的战略基础 ;伐闽之战中吴越驰援福州 ,使南唐从此步入衰降的轨道 ;北周与南唐交兵 ,吴越协同进击 ,使南唐分兵作战 ,损失惨重 ;最后 ,吴越又与宋结盟 ,出兵会攻金陵 ,直接导致了南唐亡国。  相似文献   

梅娘(原名孙嘉瑞,笔名敏子、孙敏子、柳青娘、云凤、孙翔等)是活跃在上个世纪三、四十年代华北东北沦陷区的著名小说家。梅娘的小说创作,从自身的成长经历和情感体验出发进行着飘离政治的叙述。幼年丧母、缺少母爱的童年对梅娘小说创作的影响非常显著。  相似文献   

The Soft Link     
An NGO's efforts to promote people-to-people diplomacy between Chinaand the United States It was on Harvard's campus that Liu Xi hit upon the idea to set up a program to bring the real China to more Harvard students.Liu attended a master's program at the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) from 2013 to2015.While studying in the U.S.,she realized that many Americans have a biased view of China.  相似文献   

北京女子高等师范学校学生李超为争取平等的教育权,与传统家庭不断抗争,不幸病死.这一悲剧经由追悼会、媒体报道逐渐转化成一起公共事件,引发有关妇女命运及其解放的热烈讨论,并由此产生多种文本.而文本制造者的不同性别、身份又导致各自论述中存在某些差异.李超事件的发生,呈现出五四时期社会性别关系的复杂面貌.在诉诸于制度变革之外,妇女解放仍需要女性自主意识的觉醒和女性力量的增强.  相似文献   

正Local Xinjiang government promises young people a better future by improving educationOn the afternoon of September 16, 18-year old Nurbigul Tohti sat quietly in the art room of No.4 Middle School of Kuqa, part of Aksu Prefecture in south Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Her eyes were fixated on the face sketch in front of her.  相似文献   

正Wu Tianyi, an 86-year-old medical expert and Communist Party of China(CPC) member, has lived and worked on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau for over half a century. The plateau, the highest in the world known as the "third pole of the world," covers the entire Tibet Autonomous Region and parts of other surrounding administrative areas. Wu, the founding father of China’s altitude sickness medication, has dedicated his professional life to the research on this particular type of sickness.  相似文献   

The Oldest Old     

Thus far the literature has failed to distinguish adequately between caregiving and social support. Since caregiving is generally conceptualized as burdensome and social support as positive this distinction is especially critical for many of the oldest old who are likely to have a need for help, but the help needed could be delivered in the context of social support. Caregiving implies dependence but social support implies interdependence. Interdependence permits the elder self-determination allowing her/him to remain in charge of her/his own life. A careful examination of the needs and resources of the oldest old indicates that they are at high risk for anxious adult children assuming premature caregiving roles. Intervention strategies should aim to prevent caregiving by encouraging families to strengthen social support networks in general and helping networks in particular. This would promote interdependence. Community supports should be designed to enhance and supplement helping networks.  相似文献   

土家族巫文化的人类学考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从人类学视角对土家族巫文化进行考察、挖掘、阐述,从而进一步了解了土家族色彩斑斓的巫文化特质及巫文化事象。  相似文献   

《清威略将军吴英事略》是吴英继《行间纪遇》之后撰写的另一部自传体著作,为线装抄本,现藏厦门市图书馆。经将《清威略将军吴英事略》与《行间纪遇》比对之后,发现两者之间既有一定的源流关系,也有明显差异。尽管《清威略将军吴英事略》一书存在着若干神灵怪异的描述和文章排序错乱等问题,但其保存了一些《行间纪遇》所没有的资料,对于了解、研究吴英的身世、成长过程以及探寻与吴英的相关史迹有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

正How China’s Kunqu Opera finds its groove on the ballet stageInspiration arose when a mutual friend of Wu Husheng and Zhang Ting proposed the idea and introduced them to each other. After Wu got in touch with Zhang, they immediately clicked and started devising the creation of A Dream of a Floating Life.China's Kunqu Opera and the art that is ballet performing together on the same stage? A feat perhaps far-fetched before, yet, as the world rests on the cusp of change, no longer beyond realization. One might be curious as to what the combination of the two arts, opera and dance, East and West, looks like. A Dream of a Floating Life will provide the answer to that question.  相似文献   

Nearly 200 million Chinese people opt for non-traditional forms of employment Soon after graduation,Wu Mengwei,an electronic and information engineering major,followed his passion and became a writer contributing to online novel websites.He usually works five to six hours every night and jots down some 4,000 to 6,000 words.  相似文献   

老纽约社会的婚姻--论伊迪丝·华顿的纽约小说创作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪初,美国文坛上升起了一颗璀璨之星,即女作家伊迪丝·华顿。她运用细腻的人物心理描写和精当的语言描绘了一幅“老纽约”贵族女性的生活蓝图,以独特的视角审视上流社会中女性的地位及其命运。本文在仔细研读华顿作品的基础上,分析其小说创作中的婚姻主题,认为她通过对这些贵族女性的生活际遇以及她们所处社会环境的错置现象的叙写,揭示出女性在父权制社会中的从属地位,进而窥视其反抗的声音以及日益增强的女性自我意识。  相似文献   

作为党和国家民族工作的卓越领导者 ,乌兰夫对我国民族高等教育事业做出了重要贡献。他参与创建了延安民族学院 ,担任中央民族学院的首任院长 ,倡议在全国创办民族学院 ,对民族高等教育的办学规律和办学指导思想也有着深刻的认识和论述。这些经验和理论对我们今天实施西部大开发战略、科教兴国战略和发展少数民族地区的高等教育事业 ,仍然具有重要的借鉴和指导意义。  相似文献   

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