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T HIS year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China(CPC).Over the past century,the CPC has made great contributions to the country,the people,the Chinese nation,and the world,which shine through history. To the Country Xi Jinping,general secretary of the CPC Central Committee,pointed out that those who lag behind lose out in the end,and self-reliance can be achieved onlythrough development.  相似文献   

Why does the Communist Party of China (CPC) remain popular despite making several serious mistakes? How could the CPC make China the world’s second-largest economy? These are among the 13 questions answered by Xie Chuntao, a professor with the Party School of the Central Committee of the CPC, in his latest national bestseller-Why and How the CPC Works in China. The English edition of the book, published in July by the Beijingbased New World Press, won a larger international audience at the Frankfurt Book Fair in October-not only because it addresses Western curiosity about the "China model" and "China’s road," but also because it puts forward a new way of introducing China and the CPC to the world. For this and the next three issues, Beijing Review will publish several chapters of the book, allowing readers a glimpse into the book. Edited chapter one-Why Was the CPC Capable of Establishing a New China-is as follows:  相似文献   

Editor's Note: The third volume of Xi Jinping:The Governance of China has been published hy the Foreign Lan-guages Press in both Chinese and English.The newly-published volume is a collection of 92 articles,including speeches,conversations,instructions,and letters of Xi,general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee,between October 18,2017 and January 13,2020.  相似文献   

中国共产党为了完成自己在各个阶段的任务 ,都充分利用了统一战线这个重要法宝 ,相应地也对统一战线提出了基本要求。在进入21世纪前夕 ,党中央对统一战线提出了新的“四个服务” ,即 :为建设有中国特色社会主义的经济、政治、文化服务 ,为维护安定团结的政治局面服务 ,为实现祖国完全统一服务 ,为维护世界和平与促进共同发展服务。统一战线如能做好这“四个服务” ,则又将为自己增添辉煌色彩!  相似文献   

Roads to Riches     
正At the ceremony marking the centenary of the Communist Party of China's(CPC's) founding on July 1, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, declared on behalf of the Party and the people that through the continued efforts of the Party and the nation at large, China has realized its first centenary goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.  相似文献   

正The Belt and Road Initiative has yielded substantive results since it was initiated eight years ago,and it is expected to inject impetus to promote the healthy development of globalization,experts said.In 2013,during his visits to Central and Southeast Asian countries,Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed the major initiatives of building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the21st-Century Maritime Silk Road.  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,习近平总书记在众多国际外交场合以及国内重要会议上,反复阐述人类命运共同体思想,并进行了深刻论证。它是建构在共同国际权益观、共同利益观、共同可持续发展观的价值基础之上,以马克思共同体思想为来源,以中国优秀传统文化为动力,以历代党的领导人的思想为基础,面对当前世界性发展难题提出的中国国际秩序观。此外,它的价值实现了外延,为世界走向和平、走向共同发展、实现全球治理提供了现实可能的“中国方案”。  相似文献   

王毅 《北京周报(英文版)》2020,(12):I0001-I0006
新冠肺炎疫情是对中国人民生命安全和身体健康的一个重大威胁,也是对全球公共卫生安全的一次重大挑战。面对严峻考验,在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,全国各族人民万众一心、众志成城,形成了抗击疫病的强大合力,书写了可歌可泣的英雄篇章,赢得了国际社会的钦佩与支持。  相似文献   

党的建设是一个永久性的课题,必须与时俱进。目前,高学历党员人数直线上升,因此,在党的建设中高校党建占有越来越重要的地位。青年时代是世界观形成的关键时期。为了党的事业能够后继有人,必须把培养学生的政治方向提到党的建设的高度。高校党组织要以江泽民"三个代表"重要思想为指导,按照邓小平提出的"四有"标准和江泽民提出的"四个希望",培养出适合中国特色社会主义建设事业的新型人才。  相似文献   

The symposium on the "Progress of Human Rights Development in the New Era in China" was jointly hosted by the China Society for Human Rights Studies and the Publicity Department of the Guangdong Provincial Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and organized by Guangzhou University Institute for Human Rights in Guangzhou on 19 December 2017. Scholars and experts from more than 20 universities and institutes, as well as delegates from over 10 ministries and commissions under the State Council participated in the symposium. The symposium explored four themes: "Human Rights Connotations in Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era", "The Progress of Human Rights Development in China after the 18 th National Congress of the CPC", "The Prospective of Human Rights Development in the New Era in China", as well as "Building a Community with a Shared Future for Human Beings and the Progress of the Human Rights Development of the World". This Paper is a record of the important opinions articulated during the Symposium.  相似文献   

Under the background of the fact that human rights protection has become an important part of the socialist construction with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and with the international background of the strengthened trend of mainstreaming of human rights, Xi Jinping's series of speeches and the 19 th CPC national Congress reports comprehensively explained the construction of human rights in China and the development of the international human rights. The important discourse on human rights by General Secretary Xi Jinping is people-centered: people's yearning for a better life is our goal and reveals the source of human rights. Chinese dream is a dream of the country, of the nation, and of everyone in China. The close integration of individual and collective human rights points out that the state and people are important parts of collective human rights and it is an effective response to the "human rights over sovereignty" of Western countries. That there are not the best human rights, but the better ones; fighting for human rights is not always done, but always doing scientifically reveals the operational form of human rights. The right of survival and development is the primary human right; to attach importance to the right of peace conforms to the reality of our country and it has the support of the vast number of developing countries. Building a community with a shared future for human beings is a new vision for the development of the international human rights. only when the perfection and implementation of Constitution and law are paid attention to, and the democratization and legalization of the international human rights cause are promoted, can the guarantee be provided for the realization of human rights. The important discourse on human rights by General Secretary Xi Jinping is guided by Marxism, carries the communist party member's original intention of serving people and is deeply rooted in the masses of the people. It inherits the theory of "benevolence" and "harmony" in Chinese culture,stands at the height of history and times, and points out the direction for the all-round development of Chinese people and the overall progress of society, and for the liberation of all mankind. This scientific theory is successfully guiding China's human rights construction constantly towards new achievements and has had a profound and extensive impact on the international human rights cause.  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情,是新中国成立以来发生的传播速度最快、感染范围最广、防控难度最大的_次重大突发公共卫生事件。面对来势汹汹的疫情,在以习近平同志为核心的中共中央坚强领导下,中国采取最全面、最严格、最彻底的防控举措,14亿人民同舟共济,众志成城,同疫情展开顽强斗争,付出巨大代价和牺牲。在全国人民共同努力下,中国疫情防控形势持续向好、生产生SW?加快恢复的态势不断巩固和拓展。  相似文献   

正At the 10th meeting of the Central Committee for Financial and Economic Affairs on August 17,President Xi Jinping,also General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee,called for the promotion of common prosperity after China has built a moderately prosperous society in all respects.  相似文献   

Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed a Global Development Initiative on September 21, calling for bolstering con-fidence and jointly addressing global threats and challenges to build a better world for all. Xi made the remarks at the general debate of the 76th Session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) via video link, as the world faces the combined impacts of changes unseen in a century and the COVID-19 pandemic. Beating COVID-19 Right now, COVID-19 is still intensely felt around the world, with the number of new cases rising every day globally. "We must beat COVID-19 and win this decisive fight crucial to the future of humanity," Xi said, voicing his confidence that "we as humanity will surely overcome and prevail" despite the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic may appear overwhelming.  相似文献   

正On April 22, when speaking at a virtual climate summit hosted by U.S. President Joe Biden, Chinese President Xi Jinping called on the international community to work together to foster a community of life for man and nature with "unprecedented ambition and action."  相似文献   

中国共产党的百年历史,从一定意义上看,就是中国共产党人在实践中推进马克思主义与各个历史时期的中国具体实际相结合,创造性地形成中国化马克思主义的历史。中国革命建设改革所取得的胜利,在于中国共产党始终坚持解放思想、实事求是,不断进行理论创新,形成了以毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观和习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为代表的中国化马克思主义理论。这些理论构成了马克思主义中国化的理论形态,中国特色社会主义道路则构成了马克思主义中国化的实践形态。把握国内大局和国际大局是马克思主义中国化顺利推进与取得成功的科学方法。中国特色社会主义是中国化的马克思主义理论形态和实践形态的高度融合与有机统一,坚持中国特色社会主义是确保实现中华民族伟大复兴的根本遵循。  相似文献   

文章充分肯定了十六大以来10年间我们党和国家事业发展所取得的辉煌成就.客观地分析了当下中国存在的自然生态“失衡”和社会政治生态“失衡”两个突出问题,积极评价了党的十八大的理论创新,特别是科学发展观的科学性,高度赞扬了以习近平为总书记的新一届中央领导集体上任一个多月来为实现十八大提出的宏伟目标而展开的一系列卓有成效的实践。  相似文献   

You Ji 《当代中国》2016,25(98):178-196
The establishment of the National Security Commission (NSC) of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is a major regrouping of the top CCP power structure, a ‘New Deal’ in Xi Jinping’s endeavor to revitalize China. In full operation it will reshape Beijing’s national security (NS) decision-making process concerning the formulation of national security strategies, crisis management at home and abroad, coordination of national security policies and actions by Party/army/state agencies and institutional links with its foreign national security counterparts. This article argues that the NSC will primarily address the Party’s internal security concerns, which is the key link to its efforts to strike a new balance between various security typologies. It analyses Beijing’s securitization guidance and practice and constructs its organizational structure and functions.  相似文献   

协商民主是实现党的领导的重要方式,是中国社会主义民主政治的独特优势。党的十八大以来,随着社会主要矛盾的变化,实施民主协商逐步成为中国基层预防和化解社会矛盾的重要方式。党的十九届四中全会上,"民主协商"成为社会治理体系的基本组成部分。协商民主对于实现利益整合、降低决策风险、培育社会自治和增进公共理性具有显著功效。在化解基层社会矛盾方面,协商民主制度在不同的决策阶段发挥着重要的治理效能。中国共产党的群众路线的传统、各级党委政府对协商民主制度的倡导、基层社会协商民主实践的创新,构成了中国基层社会协商治理发展的动力。  相似文献   

近期以来,围绕台湾前途走向,海峡两岸三政党(大陆的共产党、台湾的国民党及台湾的民进党)的互动出现了前所未有的活跃。这三个政党是目前“两岸一中”之下鼎足而立、呈犄角之势的“三个不等边”政治势力。当前两岸的新态势,已呈现出以“红”为主导力量,“蓝”为争取盟友,“绿”为化解对象等新特点,以胡锦涛总书记为代表的中央领导集体在对台工作上提出了一系列新思路、新政策和新做法,在两岸关系上已开创了一个崭新局面。  相似文献   

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