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“恐怖活动组织”界定问题初探   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
恐怖活动即对公民的人身或重大公私财产非法暴力或暴力威胁,用以威胁、恐吓政府、公众或上述两者的某一部分以达到政治或社会目的之行为。恐怖活动组织即3人以上,出于政治或恐吓、要挟社会的目的,为实施恐怖活动而结成的具有一定稳定性的犯罪组织。文章阐述了恐怖活动及恐怖活动组织的特征,并认为不能简单地将恐怖活动犯罪界定为国际犯罪  相似文献   

当今世界,恐怖活动已经是整个国际社会的安全威胁。纵观恐怖活动发生的形式,有爆炸、绑架与劫持人质、暗杀、施毒、计算机信息系统的破坏等,但是在众多的恐怖活动形式中爆炸恐怖活动作为杀伤力和破坏力最大的一种手段,已成为当今恐怖分子最常用和最主要的恐怖活动形式。因此,防范恐怖爆炸犯罪是公安机关反恐的一项重要的工作。  相似文献   

在现代危害公共安全罪中,最残忍、最恶劣、危害最大的犯罪应当是恐怖活动犯罪。恐怖活动犯罪之所以残忍,是因为其以无辜群众为侵害对象;恐怖活动犯罪之所以恶劣,是因为其以侵害无辜群众为手段,胁迫权威机构满足他们不合法的主张和行为;恐怖活动犯罪造成的危害之大,经常是震惊世界的,如美国的“9·11”事件。  相似文献   

生物恐怖与一些国家的反恐怖政策、措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李劲松 《科技与法律》2003,(1):87-89,102
一、前言目前 ,面对恐怖组织或恐怖分子在世界范围内的恐怖袭击 ,各国政府应具备怎样的预防、有效应对和有效打击能力 ,是摆在一切有正义感政府面前的一个具有挑战性的问题。要有效地遏制、预防和打击各种恐怖活动 ,必须制定一系列的相关政策、法规 ,直至国家法律 ,形成一个世界范围内的协调打击恐怖活动的态势。在美国“91 1事件”之前 ,许多国家都制定有一些预防和打击恐怖活动的措施 ;事件之后 ,各国对已有的措施又作了相应的、必要的修改、补充 ,使之更加行之有效。下面就生物恐怖的事件和危害性、一些国家反恐怖措施作一概要介绍 ,供大…  相似文献   

威胁我国安全的恐怖主义特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
恐怖主义对我国的威胁日益突出,对国家安全、社会稳定和人民生命财产安全构成了严重危害。威胁的主要来源,一是国际恐怖势力和极端组织实施的恐怖活动;二是境内外民族分裂势力实施的恐怖活动;三是邪教组织实施的恐怖活动;四是黑社会等严重刑事犯罪组织和其他极端分子实施的恐怖活动。威胁我国安全的恐怖主义除了具有一般恐怖主义的政治性、暴力性、刑事违法性等共同特征以外,还具有主体结构多元、国际背景复杂、宗教色彩浓厚、组织运作联合、方式手段诡秘、发展态势趋强等突出特点。  相似文献   

反恐怖活动的刑法立法分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
恐怖活动将是 2 1世纪人类所面临的重大威胁。国际刑法以及许多国家的国内刑法均规定了旨在惩治恐怖活动的犯罪 ,包括 :组织、参加恐怖活动组织的犯罪 ,实施恐怖活动的犯罪。恐怖活动有其基本特征 :目的通常具有一定的政治、经济性 ;侵害的对象是特定的重要人士或者不特定的社会公众 ;行为内容具有强烈的暴力性 ;主体具有严密的组织性。尽管我国刑法规定了组织、领导恐怖活动组织罪、参加恐怖活动组织罪等 ,不过鉴于恐怖活动是一种有别于传统犯罪的新型犯罪 ,因此还需要在法律上对恐怖活动组织予以明确化 ,同时可以考虑设置独立的恐怖活动罪 ,将恐怖活动的罪与刑特定化。恐怖活动不是“孤立的个人”的行为 ,但是这并不排除恐怖活动分子以个人犯罪的身份受刑罚处罚。  相似文献   

恐怖融资是恐怖犯罪活动,尤其是重大恐怖犯罪活动得以实施的一个重要条件.为防控恐怖犯罪活动,有关国际法律文件以及不少国家均要求或已经通过刑事立法严厉打击恐怖融资行为.不管是对恐怖活动资金的筹集、提供行为,还是对恐怖活动资金的反向洗钱行为,我国刑法均存在规制不足或疏漏的问题.为履行我国参与的国际条约,同时防控日趋严重的恐怖犯罪活动,我国应当通过设置“为恐怖活动筹集、提供资金罪”与“反向洗钱罪”,将任何人或任何单位为恐怖活动筹集、提供资金的行为,以及掩饰、隐瞒资金的恐怖活动用途或为恐怖活动资金流通提供服务的反向洗钱行为纳入刑法规制范围.  相似文献   

恐怖活动自古有之,恐怖主义的猖獗始于20世纪90年代,给当今世界蒙上了血腥味的阴霾,严重影响了世界经济,政治,文化的正常发展。反恐斗争是当今世界各国关乎国家安全的重要战略事宜,然而由于恐怖组织实施恐怖活动动机不断复杂,手段运用日益多元,组织结构逐渐扁平,长期目标渐渐模糊给反恐斗争带来了巨大挑战。本文以公安情报学的视角,借鉴公安情报学中的连线分析,风险分析两项分析工具,尝试着给日趋复杂,艰巨的反恐斗争提供更具结构性的思考模式与更具操作性的实战方法。  相似文献   

新中国成立前后,革命与反革命两种力量激烈较量,土匪也在政治较量中主动或被动地介入其中.在众多的土匪中,有一个女土匪头子年轻貌美,并且因为受到毛泽东主席的特赦而使她的人生充满了传奇色彩.  相似文献   

恐怖活动犯罪有别于普通刑事犯罪,国内国际立法针对恐怖活动犯罪做了特别规定,但是目前我国反恐立法关于恐怖活动的界定不足以区别确定恐怖活动犯罪,影响了反恐法律规范的正确适用。我国的恐怖活动犯罪与普通刑事犯罪的差别只存在于犯罪的主观要件上,恐怖活动人员意图以非法暴力手段实现分裂国家、宗教极端思想等目标是恐怖活动的关键特征,应在立法上得到确认。我国在《反恐怖法》上定义恐怖活动和恐怖活动犯罪时,应明确规定"意图以非法暴力手段实现分裂国家、宗教极端思想等的目标"这一特别主观要件要素。  相似文献   

中国反恐的国际视角是在关注和解决国内产生恐怖主义的原因基础上,应研究影响国内恐怖主义活动外部原因,总结国际联合反恐成效与经验,探索新形势下加强反恐国际合作的思路,在更加开阔的国际视野下开展中国反恐斗争,从而更有力地打击和防范针对中国的恐怖活动并更有效地履行中国反恐的国际义务。  相似文献   

我国当前面临最大的恐怖主义威胁是具有恐怖主义、宗教极端主义及民族分裂主义特征的“三股势力”,影响新疆社会稳定的因素主要是“东突”等恐怖组织策动的以民族分裂为宗旨的暴力恐怖犯罪活动.暴力恐怖犯罪危害极大,反恐防暴斗争形势十分严峻,打击和遏制新疆地区暴力恐怖犯罪活动,是一项长期而艰巨的任务.本文着重阐述“东突”暴力恐怖犯罪的新特点,分析其发展态势,并在此基础上提出防范此类暴力恐怖犯罪的对策.  相似文献   

当前我国诱发恐怖爆炸的国际国内因素广泛存在,袭击目标向涉及国计民生的重点要害单位及重要交通枢纽转移,已经严重威胁我国的安全和稳定。我国应建立反恐怖爆炸的紧急处置机制,加强爆炸物的监管,建立健全反恐怖爆炸的情报信息研判机制,加强内部基础防范建设,构建全方位的反恐防控体系。  相似文献   

Research Summary
This article discusses the paucity of data available for assessing the "life span" of a terrorist group. It introduces a new methodology that allows researchers to examine when terrorist groups perform their preincident activities. The findings suggest that differences exist in the temporal patterns of terrorist groups: environmental terrorist groups engage in a relatively short planning cycle compared with right-wing and international terrorists. The article concludes by examining a case study on "the Family," which is a unique environmental terrorist group that conducted activities over a relatively long period of time. This group provides an interesting contrast to other environmental terrorists. Despite significant organizational differences, their patterns of preparatory conduct were highly similar.
Policy Implications
The findings suggest that (1) temporal and spatial data about preincident terrorist activity can be collected from unclassified and open sources and (2) law-enforcement agencies that are investigating environmental groups have relatively little time to observe and infiltrate their individual cells (compared with right-wing and international terrorists). Finally, the data suggest that environmental terrorists—at least so far—have engaged in attacks that are less deadly than the comparison groups.  相似文献   

高学敏 《行政与法》2014,(7):126-128
面对日趋严峻的恐怖活动威胁,国际社会和世界各国不断地探索通过立法的方式预防和打击恐怖活动.目前,由于我国的反恐立法存在立法格局不科学、缺乏系统性等问题,难以满足预防和打击恐怖活动的需要.为适应我国反恐形势的新变化、推进反恐工作依法开展以及履行我国应尽的反恐国际义务,应当尽快制定一部系统、全面的《反恐怖法》,同时,注重运用政治、经济、外交、法律等手段对社会进行综合治理,以期从根本上消除滋生恐怖活动的根源.  相似文献   

民国社会是一个广大的复杂实体,在这个实体中,同时存在主流社会与非主流社会,制度性社会群体与非制度性社会群体,它们相互联系,相互作用,相互制约,影响了历史进程的发展。帮会作为一个非主流社会现象,属于非制度社会群体.从民国帮会的演变与作用以及恐怖活动,分析民国时期帮会恐怖活动产生与演变的特点及其规律,目的就是希望透过历史认清现实,充分认识当今恐怖活动产生的政治与社会基础,对完善现代中国反恐怖法律制度有积极意义。  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(2):59-80
A game theoretic model is developed where a government protects against a terrorist seeking terrorism and criminal objectives. A terrorist can recruit a benefactor providing funds by remaining ideologically pure, or may resort to crime. The model accounts for the players’ resources, unit costs of effort, unit benefit and valuations and contest intensities for terrorist and crime objectives. We determine and quantify how these factors and the government impact a terrorist’s terrorism and crime efforts and relative ideological orientation on a continuum from being highly ideological to being highly criminal. We also consider how the terrorist group is impacted by support of benefactor(s), the central authority’s ability to impose greater sanctions for terrorist activities compared to criminal actions and the ideological orientation of the group’s leadership. We discuss insights from the model and consider a few historical perspectives.  相似文献   

The Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM) was designated a terrorist organization by Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, China, the United States, and the United Nations in 2002. However, no systematic studies have been published on the new terrorist organization in Xinjiang, China. Using a case-study approach and interviews, this article attempts to provide information in terms of its historical evaluation, related religious and ethnic issues, organizational agenda, activities, and role in the current international terrorist network. This article argues that better international cooperation and the improvement of social and religious policies will help curtail activities of the ETIM.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the sociodemographic network characteristics and antecedent behaviors of 119 lone‐actor terrorists. This marks a departure from existing analyses by largely focusing upon behavioral aspects of each offender. This article also examines whether lone‐actor terrorists differ based on their ideologies or network connectivity. The analysis leads to seven conclusions. There was no uniform profile identified. In the time leading up to most lone‐actor terrorist events, other people generally knew about the offender's grievance, extremist ideology, views, and/or intent to engage in violence. A wide range of activities and experiences preceded lone actors' plots or events. Many but not all lone‐actor terrorists were socially isolated. Lone‐actor terrorists regularly engaged in a detectable and observable range of activities with a wider pressure group, social movement, or terrorist organization. Lone‐actor terrorist events were rarely sudden and impulsive. There were distinguishable behavioral differences between subgroups. The implications for policy conclude this article.  相似文献   

It is hypothesized that individuals who play different roles in terrorist organizations will have different psychological processes underlying their activities. An innovative examination of the personal construct systems of terrorists explored this. As part of a larger study, three individuals convicted of Islamic‐related terrorist violence in India were interviewed using a semi‐structured life narrative procedure enhanced by a Repertory Grid (Kelly, 1955/1991). One was a senior leader of a terrorist group, one a subordinate, the third a person who planted a bomb without full knowledge of the larger design he was part of. Principal component analyses of these grids informed by comments from the life narratives were used to elaborate each man's conceptual system and how it related to his commitment to violence. Important differences among the three individuals' in their construct systems were found. This demonstrated that the forms of Jihadi commitment is embedded in the individual's personal construct system. So, although these three case studies can only be taken as providing indicative results, they do point to aspects of construct systems that reveal the potential for disengagement, being most likely present in the lower echelons of terrorist organizations. Those who are unable to reconstrue themselves as having a non‐terrorist future are unlikely to disengage. This is probably typical of those who lead these organizations. The results therefore contribute to the growing literature arguing for significant differences in terrorists' understanding of themselves and their roles and provide an original methodology for assessing a person's potential for deradicalization.  相似文献   

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