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未成年人犯罪历来是犯罪学重点研究课题,由于城乡二元结构的影响,我国未成年人犯罪也打上了二元性烙印。实证研究发现,我国城乡未成年人犯罪既有共同特征,也有各自的特殊性。城乡未成年人犯罪的共同性主要表现为成长过程中都受到父母的溺爱并过分满足其物质要求;都喜欢上网并有相当比例的网瘾;在犯罪前都有较高的不良行为记录和离家出走经历;犯罪行为都有比较显著的暴力倾向;犯罪所获主要满足自己的消费;出狱后再犯的可能性都达到20%左右。但他们也有不同点,主要表现为文化程度、家庭教育方式、犯罪类型等方面。农村户籍未成年人的侵财型犯罪更为突出,而城市户籍未成年人的强奸犯罪明显高于农村户籍未成年人犯罪。  相似文献   

刘觅 《法制博览》2015,(7):256-257
作为一个社会的衍生品,非婚生子女现象一直被视作婚姻家庭甚至是社会的阻碍,其应享有的权利得不到基本的保障,他们从出生开始便受到不公正的待遇,这样的不公平待遇还将会一直伴随他们成长。非婚生子的户籍制度问题都是被忽略和不被重视的,我国对非婚生子女的立法过于简单化和原则化,在实践中可操作性不强,应当进一步完善法律制度体系,完善我国非婚生子女的法律地位,最终让其与婚生子女享有同等权利,达到保护之目的。  相似文献   

随着经济的快速发展和法律规制的不断完善,劳动力市场空前活跃,用人形式也逐渐多样化,其中劳动关系和劳务关系是我国现代社会经济生活中最普遍的两类用人关系。劳动关系与劳务关系虽然仅有一字之差,其含义却千差万别。劳动关系是劳动者与用人单位在劳动过程中发生的社会关系,劳务关系是两个或两个以上平等主体之间就劳务等价交换的过程中产生的社会关系。二者在主体地位、表现形式、责任形式等各方面都存在区别。正确区分二者的差异,对于我们正确合理的理解法律,促进法律的正确适用,切实保护劳动者的合法权益有着非常重要的价值。  相似文献   

第二次世界大战后,联邦德国(西德)和美国在共同抗苏的基础上建立起密切的合作关系。但是,两国关系是不平等的主从合作关系,西德扮演的是“伙计”的角色。进入60年代,德美关系起了变化。这种变化对西德来说是痛苦的。一方面是美国不顾西德的利益寻求同苏联合作;另一方面西德与苏联关系的僵局还没打开,而对美国的背弃又无可奈何。西德对外政策已到了非变不可的关头。决定和影响这一时期德美关系发展变化的主要是以下三种因素:国际形势、实力对比和国家利益。  相似文献   

城乡社区是居民高度集中的生活地区,属于社会治理的基本单元。城乡社区内发生的犯罪不仅严重侵害了刑法保护的法益,而且由于犯罪就发生在居民身边而给其带来情感上的负面冲击。我国当前社会主要矛盾已经发生了历史性的变化,社区居民对刑事司法效果也有着新高度的要求。而处于转型期的我国当前社会各种矛盾交织,传统犯罪因素和现代犯罪因素叠加,从而导致犯罪率居高不下。城乡社区并不是世外乐园,可以免受犯罪的滋扰。如何建设既能让人民安居的社区,又能在一定程度上预防犯罪的发生、而在犯罪发生后又能将犯罪危害减少到最小,是社会治理追求的主要价值目标之一。研究城乡社区犯罪发生的特点及成因,从犯罪控制和预防的角度,可以采取若干有针对性的举措,实现城乡社区的平安建设目标。  相似文献   

奥巴马上台后,积极改善与欧洲盟友的关系,采取了相较于小布什政府更加“低调”、“谦虚”和“倾听”的态度与欧洲盟友发展关系,欧美关系获得了明显的改善。尽管奥巴马未来任期内,欧美摩擦会依然存在,并有可能加剧,但欧美仍将互为最重要的盟友,合作会进一步加深。欧美关系将在竞争、冲突与合作中风雨兼程,继续朝向“更加有效的平等伙伴关系”定位目标发展。  相似文献   

我国跨入城乡统筹发展新时代   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟岷源 《南风窗》2011,(6):55-58
调整城乡统筹发展过程中的利益格局,不同专家学者强调的着力点各有侧重,但核心都在于要找到利益平衡点。进入十二五,加快推进城乡一体化如箭在弦。从城市到城乡,一字之差却意味深长,标志我国真正跨进了城乡统筹发展的新时代。  相似文献   

两岸城乡统筹发展的政策既包括整体性及综合性的,也包括区域性及专门性的。从两岸整个城乡统筹发展的历史进程和现状看,这些法规政策在不同的历史阶段对两岸各自的城乡统筹发展所起的作用不尽相同,但无疑对两岸各自的城乡统筹发展都起到了有力的推动作用。由于海峡两岸具有高度相同的历史、人文等背景,通过对两岸城乡统筹发展政策的分析比较,可以为大陆地区未来制订城乡统筹发展政策提供一个参考[1]。  相似文献   

二元社会结构与政治稳定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国的城乡二元社会结构在很大程度上起源于特定历史条件下维持社会政治稳定的需要 ;在二元结构条件下形成的城市“压力转移”和农村“精英转移”的互动机制的确发挥过重要的政治稳定功能 ;然而 ,这一稳定机制具有内在的局限性 ,迫切需要在从城乡分治到城乡统筹发展的进程中 ,再造中国政治稳定的社会基础  相似文献   

Kimty Seng 《发展研究杂志》2018,54(9):1496-1512
This article analyses the effects of microcredit on household welfare in terms of household expenditure per capita in Cambodia, with data from the Cambodia Socio-Economic Survey carried out in 2014. The analysis describes the effects via formal and informal lending sectors, accounting for endogenous selection bias arising from unobserved factors and for structural differences between borrowers and non-borrowers in terms of expenditure functions. The findings suggest that microcredit in both sectors reduces household expenditure.  相似文献   

Previous studies of wealth effect on fertiliser use have produced mixed results on the direction of the impact. Our article looks at this issue from a different perspective by considering the presence of doubts, such as about the true content or general effectiveness of fertiliser. We show theoretically that there could be different responses between the high-wealth and low-wealth farmers. We analyse also the wealth effect empirically using household panel data from the Hebei province of China. The results indicate that the direction of wealth effect does indeed change across the different levels of farmers’ wealth.  相似文献   

This article examines the Ebola epidemic of 2014 and compares it to the initial HIV/AIDS epidemic of the 1980s. We examine similarities and differences between the two outbreaks and end with policy suggestions for future disease management.  相似文献   

This paper uses Mexican household data on water treatment to provide empirical evidence on the relationship between risk preferences and use of preventive health measures. The main finding is that in households with children, more risk-averse mothers are more likely to treat the water the household consumes. This result suggests that while households may face external constraints on their behaviour, personal preferences are also determinants of their choices.  相似文献   


Joint household structures in which several generations co-reside in a single house are common across developing countries. Such households may confer benefits on all the family members through household public goods with the patriarch exercising greater control over resources. Therefore, the household structure may affect the bargaining power of its members. This paper estimates the effect of joint versus nuclear household structure in India on the autonomy of women and their labour force participation and the heterogeneity in the effects by income, caste, and region. I use an instrumental variable approach and find that women living in nuclear households have greater decision-making power.  相似文献   

Impacts of Migration on Household Production Choices: Evidence from China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The great migration from Chinese farms to cities during the past several decades ranks among the most economically consequential of modern population movements. We use a national sample of rice-producing Chinese households to examine the effects of that migration on agricultural production. Our assessment involves evaluating four alternative theories of labour market equilibrium in the framework of an expanded agricultural household model. Migration’s farm production impacts appear to be slight, not on account of farm labour market perfections or remittance-financed technological improvements, but by substituting a reduction in leisure and other low-return activities for lost labour.  相似文献   

Zhen Liu 《发展研究杂志》2018,54(6):1041-1059
The objective of this paper is to examine the treatment effect on farm household productivity induced by the Sloping Land Conversion Program. Using large balanced household level data from five provinces during 1996–2010, this study shows that the SLCP significantly improved the productivity of participants during the first round of funding of the programme until 2008, while the effects decreased gradually in the second round with most years not showing significant differences. Moreover, it is found that there are heterogeneous effects on farm household productivity between the south and north, as well as between poor and rich regions.  相似文献   

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