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工人阶级的历史使命源于工人阶级的先进性,这是马克思主义科学社会主义理论的重要组成部分。中国工人阶级通过中国共产党的领导和中国工会的发动组织,与最广大的人民群众一道,为实现工人阶级崇高的历史使命不懈奋斗。中国工人阶级在全面建设小康社会的过程所肩负的特殊历史任务和作用,就是中国工人阶级在新的历史起点上的历史使命。而中国工会肩负着组织广大职工群众实现历史使命的重要职责。  相似文献   

通过对英国近代名著<苔丝>进行中英文对照赏读,从中英文版中各自的语言特色及表达手法等角度出发,可以欣赏其英文原著的细腻用辞与中文译本的朴雅风格,并可以发掘张谷若先生独具匠心的一些翻译技巧.  相似文献   

行政文化是行政体系的深层结构,是行政管理之魂,它的变化与发展对于公共行政而言意义重大。 通过研究行政文化的演化与变革,探索出具有中国特色的行政文化发展的规律,构建起与当代中国社会环境相适 应的新型行政文化,是优化行政管理,顺应社会发展的内在要求。  相似文献   

我国上市公司独立董事"独立性"的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"独立性"是独立董事制度的"基石和灵魂"。但我国的上市公司由于股权结构不合理等因素,造成了这种独立性在实际中的缺位。本文以独立董事独立性的基本标准为研究起点,分析影响我国上市公司独立董事独立性的主要原因,提出了从确定独立性的标准为出发点,建立包括完善独立董事选拔机制以及合理的薪酬制度等措施来提高我国上市公司独立董事的独立性。  相似文献   

毛泽东同志历来十分关注工人阶级、工人运动和工会工作 ,在这方面有一系列重要论述和指示。本文论述了他领导工人运动的光辉实践 ,概括了他对工人阶级和工会理论的主要贡献。  相似文献   

回顾新时期劳工研究,缺乏中国劳工研究传统的根脉,应该了解和传承中国劳工研究的传统,特别是被边缘化甚至被遗忘了的传统,甚至应该阔而大之,包括民国、近代、古代社会实际生活中相关的传统。  相似文献   

This paper addresses contradictions between common perceptions of Asian Americans as a “model minority” and growing evidence of discrimination and its negative psychological implications for this group. The current study examined Chinese American early adolescents’ distress from experiences of discrimination, its relationship with mental health and social functioning, and what factors may support their healthy development in the face of discrimination. The sample consisted of 158, 6th–8th grade, Chinese American youth. Study findings provided evidence for a relationship between distress from discrimination and social emotional health variables of depression and cooperation (a social competence construct). Results also revealed that peer support buffered the negative effects of discrimination on cooperation. These findings highlight the interpersonal context of discrimination among early adolescents, and the importance of developmentally and culturally appropriate supports.
Jennifer M. GrossmanEmail:

本文通过研究劳动关系与经济社会发展之间的关系,结合我国劳动关系发展的历史和现状,提出了我国劳动关系政策选择的原则、目标模式以及政府、企业、工会应发挥的作用.  相似文献   

This article examines the mode of understanding and experiences of family relationships of Chinese migrant women in Britain. In contrast to much existing research work on the patterns and experiences of postwar settlement of unskilled Chinese male labourers in Britain, the focus here is on the life stories of 41 Chinese women with different migration trajectories and varying economic and cultural capital. Their oral testimonies reveal Chinese women's diverse expectations and experiences of migrant family relationships and their different strategies to achieve self-fulfillment both within and outside the confines of the migrant family. For some women, migration brings opportunities for a fulfilling and independent lifestyle. They are successful in negotiating their way around and sometimes out of their initial familial and social position. For others, they bear the disproportionate cost and labour of familial strategies of advancement and remain vulnerable to the most constraining aspects of diasporic existence.  相似文献   

中国古代服饰是以社会等级以及纲常来笼罩服饰的全部境界,处处体现着等级规范和政治意识,服饰礼仪在一定程度上节制了人们的言行举止。中国现代服饰礼仪的发展,必须坚持与时俱进的思想,在研究中国古代服饰礼仪的渊源、变化脉络的基础上形成创新。  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(6):685-703

The 1885 Chinese expulsion from Tacoma, Washington Territory highlights the importance of local political economy in shaping how a wider anti-Chinese movement played out in a particular community. Tacoma was a newly emerging city where white residents felt the threat of corporate domination in the form of the Northern Pacific Railroad. In this context, the city’s German immigrant mayor, Jacob Weisbach, could draw upon his longstanding labor radicalism to mobilize a broad anti-Chinese coalition that blurred the divide between white workers and the local business class. The result was the forceful removal of Chinese residents following a year-long campaign that culminated in mob action and became known as the ‘Tacoma Method’. This local violence in turn fed into ongoing national efforts to secure Chinese exclusion. Tacoma’s Chinese expulsion illustrates how radical labor traditions could be turned, under particular conditions, to the politics of racial repression even as the proponents of expulsion framed their efforts in terms of an egalitarian and democratic agenda. The participation of the Knights of Labor and other labor radicals in a politics exemplified by the Tacoma Method was accordingly tied to the larger racialized American state-building project as it unfolded in the late 19th Century.  相似文献   

在社会主义条件下,要从国家与工会的性质出发,把握两者关系的实质;从不同的经济体制出发,把握两者关系的具体模式;从职能界定出发,把握两者关系的职能划分;从各自的特性出发,把握两者的本质特征;从两者的关系出发,把握工会作为国家政权的社会支柱作用;从两者的关系出发,把握工会政府关系的主要实现形式。  相似文献   

历史的趋向和民族的习惯是一股强大的惯性.综观中国传统诉讼观念的形成流变,一直有官方的和民间的两条线贯穿于其中."无讼""息讼"是官方的指导思想,"畏讼""厌讼"是民间的百姓心态.我国传统法律文化的价值取向引导并形成了中国传统诉讼观念.  相似文献   

Chinese adolescent immigrants from the People's Republic of China (P.R.C.) are a rapidly growing and understudied group of minority youth. This study examined several factors related to the psychosocial adjustment of 113 Chinese youth who had immigrated to the U.S. from the P.R.C. The study was designed to delineate the relationship between psychosocial adjustment and several demographic variables, family functioning variables, English language proficiency, and value orientation (collectivism vs. individualism). Results indicate the following: (1) participants who received higher family conflict scores, lower family organization scores, and higher authoritarianism scores reported lower levels of psychosocial functioning; (2) participants who preferred to use English reported more individual psychosocial adjustment problems than those who preferred to use Chinese; and (3) the relationship between language preference and adjustment was mediated by value orientation. Results indicated that Chinese adolescent immigrants who preferred English were less collectivistic and that lower collectivism scores were linked to lower levels of psychosocial functioning.  相似文献   

由于各个国家不同的传统、价值观念、社会准则、风俗习惯等因素造成的文化差异在跨文化交际中形成了文化障碍从而导致交际的失败.跨文化交际的三大障碍包括:认识上的误区,刻板印象及民族中心主义,因此,以“入乡随俗”的观点进行跨文化交际可以更大程度地相互接近、沟通最后取得交际的成功.  相似文献   

劳动关系是重要的社会经济关系,关系到劳动者、企业和政府等多方主体的切身利益。中国目前正处在经济转轨和社会转型的历史性变革时期,身处其中的劳动关系也将发生深刻的变化,即由目前兼具计划经济和市场经济特征的转型期劳动关系向完善的市场经济体制下的劳动关系转变,从其价值取向上来讲就是向政府主导的利益协调型劳动关系方向转换。  相似文献   

由于社会、历史、文化、风俗、语言的各异,中英文诗歌中的爱情意象也各具风采,既有相似之处,又呈现出不同的特点.本文尝试着通过对一些颇具代表性的中英文诗歌中爱情意象的赏读与浅析,试图发掘两者之间的异同与某些规律.  相似文献   

工会理论创新一直是工会理论研究与实践工作者孜孜以求的目标之一,而任何理论的创新都来源于对实践变化的思考。当前,中国工会在实践中遇到了一些亟待破解的题目,其中既有涉及经济领域的问题,也有参与社会建设的问题;既有中国工会自身发展遇到的困惑,也有全球工人运动面临的难题,等等。当前的工会理论创新需要深刻了解时代背景,勇于运用新的研究方法以加快各项实践难题的解决速度。  相似文献   

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