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王勇 《行政与法》2013,(3):108-112
财政部救助问题银行是避免问题银行破产的最后一道屏障。多年来,美国财政部救助问题银行逐渐形成了"保护纳税人权益"、"成本可回收"、"最后手段性"三项基本法律原则,并被严格恪守。相比之下,中国财政部救助问题银行的立法与实践匮乏,相关法律原则阙如,与救助相关的部分财政法律制度亟待调整。  相似文献   

杨松  王勇 《法律科学》2010,(6):98-108
金融危机的爆发引发了美国对问题银行的新一轮大规模公共资金救助。此轮救助不仅是对传统救助方式的再次使用,更是基于对金融危机爆发机理和监管缺陷的反思,通过金融监管改革法案,实现对传统救助方式的创新发展。中国应以美国为鉴,结合本国国情,通过立法逐步建立以存款保险公司、中国人民银行和财政部为救助主体,银监会、存款保险公司、中国人民银行、财政部四家机构之间分工明确又相互协调的问题银行公共资金救助体系。  相似文献   

我国建设服务型政府必须以财政支出作为物质保障,而目前,我国的公共财政支在存在诸如结构不合理,管理体制不健全等问题,因此,我们必须深化财政支出改革,建立"公共服务型"财政支出体系。以服务型政府五个内涵为指导原则的公共财政支出体系的建立过程就是解决我国公共财政支出问题的过程。  相似文献   

和谐社会的政府救助义务   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
和谐社会应有完善的自我保障机制,政府的救助义务是社会保障的最后一道防线。政府对贫困公民的救助义务是生存权原则对行政主体提出的要求,也是转变政府职能的内在需要。政府在社会救助中肩负着宏观管理和微观保障的职能。政府的救助行为按利益实现方式的不同,可以分为直接救助和间接救助两种形式,直接救助形式包括发放现金、给付实物、收容救助,间接救助形式包括医疗救助、教育救助、就业救助、法律援助以及其他救助形式。  相似文献   

司法救助作为国家改善民生、健全社会保障体系工作的重要组成部分,实践中存在着因信息衔接不畅通、救助线索发现难、救助标准不统一、部门协同不及时等导致救助实效不到位等问题。检察机关应树立大数据思维,加强大数据运用,通过加强与政府相关职能部门沟通协调,建立区域困难群体信息数据池,依托司法救助服务乡村振兴实体化工作平台构建大数据模型。通过大数据赋能司法救助工作,检察机关能够快速锁定救助对象,精准测算救助金额,同步开展社会救助、分类帮扶,更好巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果,助力全面推进乡村振兴。  相似文献   

本文通过分析当前城市贫困群体救助方式存在的主要问题,包括依靠政府主导作用、社会参与度不够、贫困者自我救助不积极等,指出构建和谐社会、救助城市贫困群体需要实现"政府引导、社会互助、个人自助"相结合的救助方式,促进社会救助理念转换,在注重生存性救助的基础上关注发展性救助,在激发贫困者自助意识的同时提升其自助能力。  相似文献   

我国银行破产法律制度问题研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王楠 《法学家》2007,3(4):77-85
由于银行在经济体系中发挥的重要作用及其业务的特殊性,一般的破产法并不完全适用于银行破产.银行破产往往可以划分为清算前和清算两个阶段.在清算前阶段,银行监管机构会通过各种措施救助银行.只有当救助无望时,破产银行才会进入破产清算.在这一阶段法律应明确规定监管机构采取行动的标准,以及可以采取的救助措施,限制其自由裁量权,避免监管姑息.而在清算阶段则应明确监管机构的权力.  相似文献   

刑事被害人国家司法救助制度,是指国家对因遭受犯罪侵害导致生活陷入困难而又无法从加害人得到及时有效赔偿的刑事被害人给予一定物质救助的一项制度。从本质属性来讲,它具有救助性;从特殊属性来讲,它具有司法性。本文主要从刑事被害人国家司法救助制度名称、理论依据、基本原则、申请人资格及裁决机关等几个容易引发争议的问题进行论述,以促进我国刑事被害人国家司法救助制度的建立和完善。  相似文献   

政府救助金融危机容易引发市场主体的道德风险,如何在政府与市场主体之间重新分配责任,以纠正因政府救助所致的政府干预与市场调节之间的失衡,是后金融危机时代法律关注的重点。对大型的金融机构征收金融危机责任费,让其最终承担起政府救助成本有助于恢复政府与市场之间的平衡。金融危机责任费对市场主体权利义务的重新调整与责任的重新分配,突破了传统的法律责任理论,具有明显的社会性和身份性;而金融风险的外部性、大型金融机构与中小金融机构之间的不平等风险地位是金融危机责任费的风险根源。此外,它对于完善我国金融法制建设也具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

刘嘉慧 《法制与社会》2011,(34):217-218
最低生活保障标准关系着低收入群体的基本生活,目前我国主要根据物价水平和居民收入水平对其定期调整,但在物价上涨背景下低保标准的价格调整机制存在着原则和理念落后、周期和频率不统一、调整方式缺乏科学性和规范性等问题,需要转变调整原则、完善调整措施并加强配套制度的建设,保证最低生活保障标准与物价的协调进而发挥最低生活保障制度的社会救助作用。本文主要分析城市低保标准的价格调整机制。  相似文献   

Unlike the popular narrative, which suggests that the Greek debt crisis was the result of lavish spending, this article demonstrates that the ‘crisis’ was generated by a transformation of purely private debt into public debt. This finding is supported by the preliminary report of the Greek Parliamentary Committee on the Truth of the Greek Debt, which clearly showed that the exponential increase of private debt in Greece risked the collapse of the private financial institutions exposed to it, namely Greek, French and German banks. This resulted in pressure on the Greek government to recapitalise and nationalise Greek banks through Eurozone and IMF funding. This funding, which came to be known as ‘bailout for Greece’ was nothing more than the rescue of private banks through EU taxpayers' money, only 5% of which went into the Greek economy. The article shows that the process by which the debt was transformed, as well as the post‐crisis bailout were odious, illegal and illegitimate and the ensuing debt itself was unsustainable and wholly against fundamental human rights.  相似文献   

It has been more than 3 years since the collapse of the investment bank Lehman Brothers and the beginning of the Troubled Asset Relief Program. Most recently, the sovereign debt crisis in Europe has led to the bailout of the governments of Ireland, Portugal and Greece. A main reason behind these bailouts is to support European banks loaded with government bonds on their balance sheet. In this article we analyze the detrimental consequences of the public bailout in 2008 and argue that a free market alternative existed. The alternative of a private bailout outlined in this article, consisting of the conversion of liabilities into equity and a private capital increase, largely avoids the problems of a public bailout. Similarly, a public bailout of governments of the Eurozone to sustain banks may be detrimental.  相似文献   

张国红 《政法学刊》2000,17(3):36-38
金融资产管理公司组建后最重要的工作就是进行债转股,学者们将这一工作称为一种“双赢”——化解金融风险,减轻企业债务负担。但是在债转股实践中,资产回收风险依然困扰着国有商业银行。本文具体分析了银行面临的各种风险,并有针对性地提出化解风险的对策。  相似文献   

During the global financial crisis, criticism of the politicization and lack of professionalization of the savings banks has taken a central position in the political debate. The aim of this article is to analyze if the political presence of governing bodies in Spanish savings banks has been reflected in their various risk-taking behaviors before and during the financial crisis. We will also analyze whether the influence of the chairman’s banking experience matters. The results do not provide evidence that the composition of the boards of savings bank, or even their politicization, have played a role. However we show that savings banks run by a chairman with previous banking experience are likely to be significantly more solvent and less volatile.  相似文献   

The Islamic finance industry is relatively new and vibrant. It is becoming a mainstream industry in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa). The industry is based on a number of Sharia’a maxims and in particular the prohibition of Riba. Islamic law scholars’ emphasis on the ethical dimension of this industry and how it can be seen as a solution to existing capitalism. The current financial crisis presented this industry with an unprecedented test and an opportunity to influence and merge into main stream finance. This paper presents an evaluation of Islamic finance industry in the current financial crisis and whether the governance and ethical foundation of Islamic finance institutions distinguished itself from conventional finance. Thus, this paper begins with an overview of Islamic finance, then it discusses the governance framework structure of Islamic finance institutions and the role of its organs. In addition, this paper will compare between the ethical framework of the Islamic finance institutions and the conventional institutions. Finally, this paper will discover the ethical failure of the current global financial system and its relation with the current financial crisis.  相似文献   

翟继光 《中国法律》2008,(6):5-7,54-57
金融危机已经引起世界各国政府的普遍关注,面对金融危机,世界各国政府所能采取的主要是货币政策和财税政策。由於金融危机在本质上是财富重新分配的危机,因此,作为财富重要分配手段的财税政策将发挥更加重要的作用.  相似文献   

作为虚拟经济核心的金融,如果偏离为实体经济服务的正常轨道与价值定位,迟早都会导致金融功能异化,从而引起金融危机的爆发。本文在探讨金融功能的基础上,分析金融功能异化的表现及原因,提出针对异化的金融功能进行金融法矫治的主张。通过金融法的社会责任本位价值导向使金融回归为实体经济服务的本位,对金融主体及其行为的金融法规制使金融尽可能地走向理性,以更加角色化的金融法责任设置使金融活动立足于实体经济基础并承担信用风险,从而营造一个维护金融体系、发挥金融功能的法律秩序。  相似文献   

互联网金融已经成为我国金融体系的重要组成部分,互联网金融平台的立法与监管变得愈加重要.在不断强化对互联网金融微观合规监管、竞争监管和消费者保护的同时,需要逐步加强对互联网金融的宏观审慎监管,这需要在法律上解决一个关键问题,即互联网金融平台是否纳入以及如何纳入金融市场基础设施监管.这一问题关系到互联网金融的发展、系统性金...  相似文献   

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