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科学发展观要求地方政府必须提高决策质量,避免决策失误。目前,地方政府决策中仍然存在诸如决策责任追究制度不完善,决策公开化、透明化程度不够,决策信息反馈机制不健全,决策咨询系统作用发挥不充分,决策人员的素质不够等问题,易造成决策失误。要真正落实科学发展观,地方政府必须改革和完善决策的监督制约机制,增强决策的透明度,提高决策过程的公众参与度,完善地方决策咨询制度,完善决策责任制度,提高决策人员的整体素质和水平。  相似文献   

愈来愈多政府高官弃政从商现象引发的旋转门腐败问题对建设法治政府提出了新的挑战。针对法治政府建设中的旋转门腐败问题,要从多角度分析问题产生的原因,并从离职公务员权力消磁、完善旋转门条款、推动旋转门腐败风险和收益的平衡发展等多方面探寻法治政府建设中旋转门腐败现象的法律矫治措施。  相似文献   

民族自治地方政府重大事项决策需要由"封闭式决策"转向"开放式决策",这既是保障广大少数民族地区群众的知情权、参与权、表达权、监督权的需要,更是民族自治地方政府实现决策民主化、科学化和法治化的必由之路。要在民族自治地方成功推行开放式决策,一方面要借鉴发达地区成功的决策经验,另一方面要结合本民族地区的实际,探索适合民族自治地方政府的开放式决策之路。  相似文献   

俄罗斯进行的行政机构改革对我国的政府机构改革具有借鉴意义,俄罗斯执行权力机构存在着主体性质模糊、中央与地方管辖范围不清、执行权力机构设置混乱、工作方式落后和公务员队伍素质低下等现状,产生这些现象的原因有制度上、观念上、思想文化上以及立法上多方面的因素。俄罗斯行政改革既顺应了国际发展趋势,又结合了本国特点。我国的政府机构改革应考察具体问题产生的原因,积极借鉴俄罗斯行政改革中本土与国际相结合的成功经验。  相似文献   

政府决策是政府管理公共事务的一项基本职能,依照现代法治的理念和精神,政府的一切行为都必须接受宪法和法律的支配和制约,政府决策也应当如此,应该尽快提高法治化水平。根据当前我国政府决策法治化进程中存在的问题,应该继续在政府决策中强化法治观念、推进决策程序的规范化和制度化、完善政府决策监督制度和决策责任追究制度。  相似文献   

法治政府建设是法治的核心,体现了法律对行政权的控制。法治政府是体现了政府执法理念、执法方式的根本转变。法治政府的理论前提是法律对行政权的防控和监督,体现了权力制约的思想。法治政府建设的目标是有限政府、诚信政府、透明政府和责任政府。本文指出为了实现建设法治政府的目的,必须通过规范行政执法制度、完善行政监督体制、加强公务员队伍建设等具体途径来实现。  相似文献   

地方政府行政组织改革是要精简机构,转变职能,提高工作效率和优质服务水平,建立高素质的公务员队伍。地方政府组织改革是我国政府改革的关键。本文通过对地方政府的界定和现状分析并对所存在问题提出相应的对策,从而对我国地方政府机构的改革进行重新定义。  相似文献   

公务员培训是提高公务员业务水平与综合素质的重要措施。本文以黑龙江省海林市(县级市)公务员培训工作中存在的问题为切入点,围绕公务员培训管理机构、施教机构、受训者之间的关系,旨在探讨现有条件下改进县级政府公务员培训工作的思路与方法。  相似文献   

现代市场经济的宏观调控法律制度的出现,是西方国家对运用"看不见的手"来调节自由经济政策重新审视的结果。自由、公平是现代市场经济的核心理念,政府在决策时,一方面要考虑到如何保障经济主体自由地进行经济活动,提供公平的市场秩序,另一方要面思考如何使对经济主体自由的限制最小化。本文将对政府在宏观调控中的定位,政府经济决策的价值取向、决策范围和程序、法律责任及司法救济进行简要分析,并进一步阐述政府经济决策的法律约束问题。  相似文献   

面对我国政府管理中的问题,许多学者从不同的角度提出了不同的解决方案,这些主张在不同的地方被不同的政府拿来作为政府改革的目标。本文通过对法治政府、有限政府、责任政府和服务型政府的比较分析后,认为法治政府已经涵括了有限政府和责任政府之内容,服务型政府则从管理职能和管理方式上突出了服务之作用,因而,我国应该建立法治基础上的公共服务型政府。  相似文献   

侦查决策,即侦查中的决策活动。“决策”是“侦查决策”的种概念,“侦查决策”是“决策”的属概念。侦查决策是侦查主体在侦查活动中,在一定的客观条件下为达到一定的目的,为确定侦查的行动目标和行动方法而进行的一系列筹划、优选和决断活动。侦查决策这一概念的引入,为我们在侦查决策理论学术研究中开辟了一条深入研究侦查活动中的决策活动的道路,也开辟了一条从决策这一独特角度深入研究整个侦查活动过程的道路。  相似文献   


Research suggests that jurors misunderstand the presumption of innocence. However, past studies have not asked participants to estimate the defendant’s probability of guilt, setting aside the fact of charge and indictment. We conduct two studies to explore the impact of this question wording on estimates of the probability of guilt/innocence by jury-eligible Mturk workers. In Experiment 1 (N?=?275), question wording (legal, factual and ambiguous) was varied within participants and revealed significantly higher estimates of innocence in response to the legal than the factual or ambiguously worded question. In Experiment 2 (N?=?303), question wording was manipulated between participants both before (prior) and after (posterior) the presentation of evidence. Prior estimates of guilt were significantly lower in the legal than factual or ambiguous conditions. Question wording also predicted posteriors, and these in turn predicted verdicts. These results suggest that imprecise wording may have contributed to concerns about jurors’ understanding of the presumption of innocence, highlighting the need for further research. Link to associated OSF page: [https://osf.io/ywuxr/?view_only=b2148ffd1f674e62b66d31ed6593e586].  相似文献   

支持决策是为响应联合国《残疾人权利公约》第12条的要求在成年人监护领域出现的新理念和新措施。支持决策的核心价值是使残疾人在他人的帮助下自主做出决定,从而维护残疾人的人格尊严与自由。支持决策在世界范围内受到极大关注,很多国家都在尝试建立支持决策的法律模式。我国正处于民法典编纂过程中,支持决策理念的出现为我国成年人监护立法提供了新思路、新方向。我国民法典婚姻家庭编在设计成年人监护制度时应以辅助制度体现支持决策的指导思想及具体内容。  相似文献   

This paper draws on research in social and cognitive psychology to show how theories of judgment and decision making that incorporate decision makers' affective responses apply to legal contexts. It takes 2 widely used models of decision making, the rational actor and lens models, and illustrates their utility for understanding legal judgments by using them to interpret research findings on juror decision making, people's obedience to the law (e.g., paying taxes), and eyewitness memory. The paper concludes with a discussion of the advantages of modifying existing approaches to information processing to include the influence of affect on how legal actors reach judgments about law and legal process.  相似文献   

决策是政府行使其管理职能的首要环节。近年来,我国政府在推进政府决策科学化、民主化的过程中,逐步建立起了政府公共决策的报告制度、评估制度等制度体系,取得了一定成效。但是,按照社会主义政治文明建设与和谐社会目标的要求,我国政府决策依然存在着一些问题。为了解决这些问题,更好地为社会主义市场经济建设和政治体制改革服务,构建政府决策的责任机制已势在必行。  相似文献   

It is not uncommon for there to be multiple eyewitnesses to a crime, each of whom is later shown a lineup. How is the probative value, or diagnosticity, of such multiple-witness identifications to be evaluated? Previous treatments have focused on the diagnosticity of a single eyewitness’s response to a lineup (Wells and Lindsay, Psychol. Bull. 3 (1980) 776); however, the results of eyewitness identification experiments indicate that the responses of multiple independent witnesses may often be inconsistent. The present paper calculates response diagnosticity for multiple witnesses and shows how diagnostic probabilities change across various combinations of consistent and inconsistent witness responses. Multiple-witness diagnosticity is examined across variation in the conditions of observation, lineup composition, and lineup presentation. In general, the diagnostic probabilities of guilt were shown to increase with the addition of suspect identifications and decrease with the addition of nonidentifications. Foil identification results were more complicated-diagnostic of innocence in many cases, but nondiagnostic or diagnostic of innocence in biased lineups. These analyses illustrate the importance of securing clear records of all witness responses, rather than myopically focusing on the witness who identified the suspect while ignoring those witnesses who did not.  相似文献   

Two studies examined preference for authority or subordinate decision control in dispute resolution and allocation procedures in an organizational setting. In both studies, a marked preference for the authority/subordinate sharing of decision control was found. In Study 1, nearly one third of respondents preferred that subordinates share decision control with supervisors in both dispute and allocation situations; for several of the situations decision sharing was the modal preference. The study also found a tendency to prefer subordinate decision control in disputes but supervisor decision control in allocations. In Study 2, again the most preferred procedure was one in which subordinates shared decision control with their supervisors. The procedure high in decision sharing was rated as the one most fair. It was also rated as more likely to improve relationships among members and to result in the best decision. Some differences in preference for decision control and decision sharing depending upon social factors predominant in the setting were found.  相似文献   

This study uses the naturalistic decision-making (NDM) perspective to examine how Dutch forensic team leaders (i.e., the officers in charge of criminal forensic research from the crime scene until the use of laboratory assistance) make decisions in real-life settings and identifies the contextual factors that might influence those decisions. First, a focus group interview was conducted to identify four NDM mechanisms in day-to-day forensic decision making. Second, a serious game was conducted to examine the influence of three of these contextual mechanisms. The results uncovered that forensic team leaders (i) were attracted to obtain further information when more information was initially made available, (ii) were likely to devote more attention to emotionally charged cases, and (iii) used not only forensic evidence in the decision making but also tactical, unverified information of the police inquiry. Interestingly, the measured contextual influences did not deviate significantly from a control group of laypeople.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of an analysis of judicial disparity in the sentencing of persons represented by legal-aid lawyers. Because the socioeconomic characteristics of legal-aid clients are fairly uniform, the analysis of such cases made it possible to explore the influence of case facts, system factors, and the judicial disparity of the sentences given in relatively similar situations. The analysis finds that case facts and offender characteristics, particularly prior record, are good predictors of sentence type and excellent predictors of sentence length. While there was some indication of judicial inconsistency in sentence-type decisions, that is, unexplained variation from case to case, there was little indication of strong individual judicial bias across the cases used in the analysis.  相似文献   

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