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补强证据规则的程序地位在整个补强证据规则理论中具有牵一发而动全身的核心地位,厘清补强规则的理论问题,有必要对其程序地位进行研究。阶段化的审理结构和二元制的审判组织体系使以英美法系国家为视角的研究,具有更加清晰的属性。通过对英美补强规则的依据及程序适用的研究,可以断言补强规则应当属于证据能力规则,而不是证据评价规则。  相似文献   

针对我国《刑事诉讼法》第46条规定的口供补强规则存在的立法缺陷和理论研究中存在的对口供补强规则的一些认识,通过对口供补强规则中的几个核心问题如需要补强的口供的范围、补强证据的证明对象、口供补强的程度、共犯之间的口供能否相互补强等进行探讨,提出我国应当兼采实质说与形式说,合理设定补强范围和补强标准,补强证据的证明对象应当是主证据而不是案件事实,同案犯的口供不能通过一致性获得补强。进而对我国完善口供补强规则提出立法建议。  相似文献   

在我国,简易程序中的法庭上自白可以不需要补强,除此之外,其他一切刑事案件中的自白都需要补强;在对自白进行补强时,自白的补强证据只要能够保证自白的真实性即可,而不应当在补强的范围上作形式上的要求。自白的补强证据除了应当具备一般意义上的证据能力外,还必须独立于被补强的自白;在程度上,补强证据只要能与自白结合在一起使法官产生确信即可,而不需要达到能独立使法官产生确信的程度。另外,共犯自白在作为认定其他共犯犯罪的证据时同样需要补强证据;共犯自白可以作为其他共犯自白的补强证据。  相似文献   

本文以王某、刘某和奚某买卖合同纠纷案为例,介绍该案抗诉时检察机关如何把握法官对证据的审核规则、举证责任的分配规则及补强证据的运用等三个要点,归纳检察机关抗诉此类案件的技巧。  相似文献   

今年3月,最高人民检察院在向全国人大作工作报告时,将“完善向律师展示证据和听取意见的工作制度”列入了今年要“着重做好的工作”。证据展示(开示)作为庭审方式改革的一项配套制度,其在我国建立的必要性和可行性引起了理论界及实务界的广泛关注。在我国,建立证据展示制度有无必要和可能?有关试点实践中,证据展示是如何运作的,有何经验和问题?国外证据展示制度的现状和发展趋势如何?本刊特邀三位来自理论和实务部门的专家分别就上述问题发表意见,以期能对关注证据展示问题的读者有所参考和启发。  相似文献   

欧卫安 《河北法学》2012,30(11):86-91
作为一种证据规则,证据补强是针对某种证明力薄弱之言词证据,须与其他证据合并提出.证据补强规则与我国“印证证明模式”在实质上具有相通性.作为一种当事人证据,被害人陈述具有极大的主观性,在一定程度上削减了被害人陈述的可信性或者证明力.在口供补强已经被我国刑事诉讼法移植确认的情况下,确立被害人陈述之补强规则也是合理的.具言之,在被害人陈述成为案件定罪的关键证据或者仅有的证据时,应当对该被害人陈述进行证据补强.  相似文献   

我国刑事诉讼法第四十六条明确规定,只有被告人供述,没有其他证据的,不能认定被告人有罪和处以刑罚。此即为我国的“口供补强规则”。正确理解和适用该规则,必须明确以下几个问题:补强证据的直接证明对象是什么,是口供的真实性还是犯罪事实的真实性?补强证据的范围是什么,或者说哪些证据可以作为口供的补强证据?对口供的补强应达到什么样的证明标准?  相似文献   

虚假供述一旦被采信,极有可能导致错案。近年来,我国先后通过出台专门的司法解释和修改刑诉法,确立了一系列有关口供的证据规则。由于虚假供述形成原因的复杂性和虚假供述的多样性,它们在整体上防范能力有限。以非法口供排除规则防止虚假供述在我国存在着现实困难和内在困境。同非法口供排除规则相比,以口供补强规则实质化作为突破口不仅具有理论根据、比较优势,也具有现实根据。为切实防止虚假供述,必须要结合虚假供述的形成机制和真假供述的识别原理,参考其他国家的口供补强规则,分别从补强证据要求、待补强口供要求、补强对象和程度等方面使口供补强规则实质化。经过非法口供排除规则过滤后的任何口供,只有在特殊情节排除了诱供指供和案情泄露的前提下获得的,并得到了具有证据能力、证明力的被告人供述以外的独立证据或者新证据的印证,且供述中的犯罪客观方面的特殊细节与证据所证明的事实基本吻合一致,才能作为证据使用。  相似文献   

贿赂案件是一种高隐蔽性、缺少物证证明的案件,因此犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的口供在案件证明中具有重要的作用。但口供证据又是一种具有真焦难辨性和不稳定性的证据,适应口供定案必须遵循法定的规则,其中口供补强规则就是一项基本的证明规则。这一规则要求,被告人口供必须有其他证据相印证才能作为定案的根据。也就是说,作为定案根据的口供必须有其他证据予以补强。这一规则的提出,是为了增强口供的证明力,防止对案件事实的误认而确定的。英美法、日本法和我国台湾地区法中都有口供补强的证据规则。我国《刑事诉讼法》46条规定,“只有被告人供述,没有其他证据的,不能认定被告人有罪和处以刑罚。”就是说仅凭口供不能定案,这实际上就是对被告人的供述要求补强的补强证据规则。在贿赂案件的证明中,有两个涉及该规则适用的问题有待于明确。  相似文献   

对自白进行补强是限制自白证明力和遏制非法取证的必要手段。本文对美国和日本自白补强规则中的补强证据证明对象、证据能力和证明程度以及共犯自白等方面进行了比较,认为补强证据应当具有证据能力,它不仅可以补强自白,还应当能够证明案件事实,并且应达到相当的证明程度。我国的自白补强规则极不完善,需要进一步改进。  相似文献   

Artificial intelligence and argumentation studies have recently developed new tools for argument visu-alization that are useful for analyzing the structure of different kinds of reasoning about evidence in law.This paper studies how three such  相似文献   

Currently, the use of isotopic ratio as corroborative evidence in criminal trials is explored. Beyond the analytical challenges that have been reported elsewhere, the crucial issue of the interpretation of analytical results in a fair and balanced way remains poorly documented. The aim of this paper is to propose a likelihood ratio approach for the evaluation of stable isotope data acquired from semtex samples. It will also lead to recommendations in relation to the acquisition of normalised international data.  相似文献   

Resuscitation and petechiae   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Petechiae can be important corroborative evidence of asphyxia, but are also seen in persons who have died of other means. It is not uncommon to encounter them in cases in which cardiopulmonary resuscitation has reestablished blood flow and pressure in small vessels already damaged by hypoxia resulting in the formation of petechiae. This report documents some representative cases.  相似文献   

口供补强法则的基础与构成   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
徐美君 《中国法学》2003,(6):125-130
口供补强法则是刑事诉讼中关于口供运用的一项重要规则 ,其设立具有哲学上和诉讼上的双重基础。口供补强规则应当包含被补强的口供范围、补强证据范围以及补强程度三项构成要件。从比较的角度 ,文章继而对这三项构成要件在我国的具体运用作了探讨  相似文献   

Inclusion criteria for the classification of malingering are shaped and largely predetermined by our explanatory theories. Current theories have postulated the motivation to malinger is either the product of underlying psychopathology (pathogenic model) or criminal backgrounds (DSM III-R model). I have proposed a third model that malingering is typically an adaptive response to adverse circumstances which may best be understood in the context of decision theory. Based on this approach I have argued that indices of malingering should be empirically derived and focused on clinical presentation. Finally, I have proposed a preliminary model for the classification of malingerers which combines clinical data with corroborative evidence.  相似文献   

Methodological problems in jury simulation research involve issues of sampling, choice of stimulus materials, appropriate unit of analysis, appropriate dependent variable, corroborative data, and problems of role playing. Despite these issues, comprehension of jury instructions may be suitable for examination by jury simulation techniques--if certain of these methodological concerns can be satisfied. In a series of 5 experiments using typical Canadian legal instructions on criminal conspiracy and the coconspirator exception to the hearsay rule, this study attempted to validate a simple and inexpensive technique for testing the incomprehensibility of a given set of jury instructions by requiring participants to apply those legal instructions to a set of facts. The results demonstrate the utility of an application test, and suggest that for assessing the comprehensibility of jury instructions, it may be acceptable to use undergraduate students as participants, to use individual participants without group deliberation, and to employ written stimulus materials.  相似文献   

钟朝阳 《证据科学》2016,(2):167-178
自书材料是职务犯罪审理时常见的一种证据形式,但它作为诉讼证据的合法性不足,故在证据属性上应当把它界定为“准口供”。自书材料在使用时应当受到限制,不能随侦查卷宗一起不受限制地直入法庭,应以用作弹劾证据为原则。在满足真实性保障的前提下,自书材料可以用作实质证据,但任何时候不得用作补强证据。应当把刑讯、变相刑讯以及威胁、引诱、欺骗所取得的自书材料均界定为非法证据。但非法自书材料不能对后续的侦查口供产生波及效应,否则就意味着惩罚守法的侦查人员,有违排除规则之阻却违法的目的,也有以司法干预党纪之嫌。  相似文献   

李训虎 《法学研究》2010,(2):156-173
中国的司法实践对证据的证明力表现出异乎寻常的关注,呼唤证明力规则、创造证明力规则并实践证明力规则。然而,当下的证据法学界对证明力规则往往持一种简单化的批判态度,其对于证明力规则的理性总结与学理思考相较于司法实务界倾注的努力不相适应。在以证明力为导向的证据法中,证明力规则的产生是一种必然。在证明力规则问题上,中国证据法学者在理论层面缺乏主体意识,但法律条文以及司法实践却显示了相当程度的主体性并保持了韧性。  相似文献   

Asphyxial deaths and petechiae: a review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Conjunctival and facial petechiae, although nonspecific findings, are considered hallmarks of asphyxial deaths. Consensus in the literature suggests that their pathogenesis is related to the combined effects of increased cephalic venous pressure and hypoxic damage to endothelial cells. Despite the common knowledge that they are neither predictable findings in all asphyxial deaths nor rare in natural, nonasphyxial deaths, the belief persists that petechiae are corroborative evidence of asphyxia. We suggest that a clear, physiologically based understanding of the pathogenesis of petechiae of the head is critical for their appropriate interpretation. We present a review of the literature and the basis of our conclusion that conjunctival and facial petechiae are the product of purely mechanical vascular phenomena, unrelated to asphyxia or hypoxia.  相似文献   

A number of studies have described subtypes of domestically violent men, and the heterogeneity of domestically violent men is well established. The aim of the current study was to investigate the distribution of subtypes using psychometric measures in convicted domestically violent offenders in England. Four subtypes of offenders were identified: low pathology, borderline, narcissistic, and antisocial. These subtypes were broadly comparable with the family-only, dysphoric/borderline, and generally violent/antisocial types proposed by Holtzworth-Munroe and Stuart. The majority of the sample (60%) best fit the generally violent/antisocial profile. However, the reliance on psychometric measurement and lack of corroborative evidence from partners means that further research is necessary to test these findings.  相似文献   

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