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迤客 《法制与社会》2011,(17):10-12
刑事和解制度是加害人与被害人直接对话协商解决刑事纠纷的方式,它具有公平价值、效率价值、节约司法资源等多重价值,以恢复正义理论、平衡理论、叙说理论为三大理论基础,并以正义价值为核心价值。司法正义是一种矫正的正义,而刑事和解的正义价值就是对矫正正义的矫正,它的正义是"和谐的正义",是"无害的正义"。但是,刑事和解从其产生开始就存在价值瑕疵,其在刑事司法实践中存在诸多的缺陷,为了避免它的缺陷所带来的弊端,我们必须构建一套科学合理的刑事和解制度,要明确界定刑事和解案件适用范围与适用刑事和解的前提条件,并且从程序上完善刑事和解制度的监督制约机制等。  相似文献   

刑事和解制度是加害人与被害人直接对话协商解决刑事纠纷的方式,它具有公平价值、效率价值、节约司法资源等多重价值,以恢复正义理论、平衡理论、叙说理论为三大理论基础,并以正义价值为核心价值.司法正叉是一种矫正的正义,而刑事和解的正义价值就是对矫正正义的矫正,它的正义是"和谐的正义",是"无害的正义".但是,刑事和解从其产生开始就存在价值瑕疵,其在刑事司法实践中存在诸多的缺陷,为了避免它的缺陷所带来的弊端,我们必须构建一套科学合理的刑事和解制度,要明确界定刑事和解案件适用范围与适用刑事和解的前提条件,并且从程序上完善刑事和解制度的监督制约机制等.  相似文献   

杨平 《律师世界》2000,(2):12-15
诉讼和解,是指民事诉讼当事人在诉讼过程中自主协商,达成协议,解决纠纷,终结诉讼的行为。试图在介绍并比较几个主要西方国家诉讼和解制度的基础上,分析我国调审合一模式的弊端及产生的原因,并进一步阐述以诉讼和解取代法院调解的必要性和可行性。一“瘦的和解胜过胖的诉讼”,这一西方著名法谚生动形象而且十分幽默地说明诉讼上和解对于解决争议所起的作用以及在争议解决体系中的地位,世界各国均承认当事人无论在诉讼前,还是在诉讼中,通过和解平息争议比法官通过硬行的判决解决争议,对于稳定社会、维系人们之间的情感,更具有社会…  相似文献   

行政执法中的协商与和解   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在行政执法中引入协商与和解从而实现行政执法方式的变革,既是顺应现代行政民主化发展趋势的必然要求,也是行政主体能否灵活应变日益复杂的现实社会、满足不同主体多元化需求的关键。作为一种行政执法方式,协商应当贯穿于整个行政程序;作为当事人预防、化解纠纷的一种方式,行政执法中的和解主要体现在和解契约与执行和解两个方面。  相似文献   

郑鹏程 《法学家》2004,(4):92-97
在国际、国内经济形势不断变化的情况下,美国、日本、欧共体、台湾等国家或地区的反垄断机构倾向于以协商和解方式解决自己与企业之间的竞争纠纷.其主要原因有两个方面一是反垄断法本身的缺陷与适用上的技术困难;二是经济全球化的影响.以协商和解方式规制行政垄断,既符合现代反垄断法实施中出现的协商和解趋势,也与本土法律文化相耦合.  相似文献   

刑事和解与死刑适用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刑事和解,是指在刑事犯罪发生以后,在司法人员的主持下,使被害人和犯罪人直接协商以达成谅解,协商结果影响到刑事处分措施的制度。刑事和解作为一种罪后情节,不仅从客观上对罪行所造成的损害进行了弥补,而且主观上表明加害人的人身危险性有所降低。因此,刑事和解可以成为死刑适用的重要参考因素。刑事和解与死刑裁量的标准我国刑法规定,死刑只能适用于罪行极其严重的犯  相似文献   

理论界对于诉讼和解的内涵尚未形成统一的意见,代表性观点如下。第一,"诉讼和解是指民事诉讼当事人在诉讼过程中自主协商,达成协议,解决纠纷,终结诉讼的行为。"该观点排除法官对诉讼和解的直接介入,从而将诉讼和解与法院调解加以严格区分。从这种观点出发,他们主张建立一种与调解不同的新的和解制度。第二,"通常意义上的诉讼和解则是指在诉讼系属中,当事人双方于诉讼的期日,在法官的参与下经协商和让步而达成的  相似文献   

丰明阳  郭刚 《中国卫生法制》2024,(2):111-115+126
医疗纠纷,是指医患双方因对诊疗护理过程中发生的不良后果及其产生的原因认识不一致而导致的分歧或争议[1]。2002年,国务院颁布《医疗事故处理条例》,使我国医疗纠纷的处理方式发生了重大转折。经过多年实践,协商和解成为医疗纠纷解决的主要途径。实践中协商和解过常伴随着非理智维权行为的发生,使协商和解难以发挥引导和谐医患关系建立,公正解决医疗纠纷的真正作用。目前,政府部门出台限额和解条款,以期改善当下医疗环境。对医疗纠纷的妥善处理不仅是法律问题,也是社会的问题,影响着社会群体对医疗卫生行业的基本看法,故需要用合理、科学的方式对当前尚存在不足的医疗纠纷和解方式进行规制。  相似文献   

王东  马楠 《人民检察》2013,(1):61-63
根据修改后刑诉法的规定,可以将检察环节当事人和解的公诉案件诉讼程序分解为四个阶段的程序,即和解启动程序、和解协商程序、和解确认程序和案件处理程序。一、检察环节当事人和解的公诉案件和解启动程序对于在公安机关侦查阶段已经达成刑事和解的,检察机关应直接对和解的自愿性、合法性进行审查,无需重复启动刑事和解。对于在公安机关侦  相似文献   

刑事和解是一种以协商合作的形式解决刑事案件的方式,它是在加害人认罪和被害人自愿的基础上,经过双方面对面地交流与协商,最后由加害人通过赔偿、道歉以及其他方式达成和解,司法机关不再对加害人追究刑事责任,或者依据和解结果对其从轻处罚或免除处罚的一种制度。刑事和解,是更好地贯彻宽严相济刑事政策以及构建和谐社会要求的具体体现,是在当事人自愿、合法的原则下,对刑事案件各方权益的再分配。  相似文献   

人类基因组计划带来的伦理与法律问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人类基因组计划是人类科学史上的一个里程碑。但是对于这一科学研究的迅速发展,人类社会还没有在心理上、伦理思考、法律建设上做好充分的准备,因而会受到巨大的冲击。因此,法律应该充分表现出自己的前瞻性,提前介入这一争端,对基因技术的使用加以规范和引导,使之按照符合人类伦理、道德的方向发展,避免出现一些危及整个人类的尊严、情感乃至生存的后果。  相似文献   

“泰坦尼克”案与海事赔偿责任限制的法律适用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王国华 《现代法学》2005,27(4):189-193
从有关海事赔偿责任限制的国际公约和一些国内法的规定,以及有关国家的司法实践来看,海事赔偿责任限制的法律冲突的解决,不应仅仅适用法院地法,同时还需要适用国际条约、船旗国法、最密切联系地法律和公共秩序保留原则等;同时,中国《海商法》的有关海事赔偿责任限制的法律适用的规定存在不足,需要进一步完善。  相似文献   

金明 《政法论丛》2007,47(4):22-28
从法理学的角度审视法律冲突在国际私法发展过程中的作用可以看出,国际私法尽管是与法律冲突相伴而生,但它的任务却并不是要解决法律冲突,而且事实上也解决不了法律冲突。法律冲突的解决只能依赖于各国“应然法律”的趋同,而国际私法的任务则是通过确定涉外关系当事人的权利义务,去建立并维护一个合理的、正当的国际民商事交往秩序。  相似文献   

In my paper I will discuss both the processes of interlingual and intralingual translation of laws. The objective is to establish how the intralingual and the interlingual translation process influence or even shape a particular language of the law affecting thus the laws and the communication in a given legal system. In order to achieve this, I will initially research into the historical process that produced a series of intralingual translations of major laws in Greece and both interlingual and intralingual translations of laws in Cyprus, investigate the main principles used in interlingual and intralingual translation, examine how the languages of the law in Greece and Cyprus were affected by these translations, and show how intralingual and interlingual translation influenced the law both in Greece and Cyprus.  相似文献   

虚假广告屡禁不绝的原因和对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钟帅  储敏 《行政与法》2004,(9):108-110
虚假广告已成为社会公害。造成其泛滥的原因是我国目前相关法律法规的缺位和不健全以及执法、监督力度不够,而社会信用体系的缺失和信用经济环境没有形成则是虚假广告屡禁不绝的根本原因。要彻底遏止虚假广告,肃清市场,必须完善立法,加大执法、监督力度,更重要的是发挥政府的主导作用,建立起信用经济环境。  相似文献   

Anatole France’s The Red Lily is best known for this ironic aphorism: ‘The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread.’ The laws mentioned in this aphorism are open to two criticisms. The first criticism is that they forbid conduct that oughtn’t to be forbidden. The second criticism is that they unfairly place greater burdens of compliance on some (here, the poor) than on others (here, the rich). It may be onerous for the poor to comply with the law against, say, sleeping under bridges; not so for the rich. It is this second criticism that I read France as expressing, and it is the reach of this criticism that I explore in this essay. Specifically, I want to ask whether the second criticism may apply to a law even if the first criticism does not – whether there can be laws that are good in the sense that they forbid behavior that genuinely ought to be forbidden, but that are nonetheless unfair in the distribution of compliance burdens they yield. Some examples may tempt us to say ‘no.’ It may be more burdensome for thrill-seekers than for the rest of us to comply with laws against speeding, but that does not make speeding laws unfair. But I argue that the answer is ‘yes.’ Good laws can, and surprisingly often do, yield unfair distributions of compliance burdens. I conclude the essay by showing how remedies for this sort of unfairness might work.  相似文献   

The FMLA is a complicated and comprehensive regulatory scheme, and it is impossible to review any but the most basic provisions in this article. The final regulations provide very detailed guidance on such issues as benefits continuation, reinstatement rights, notice requirements, and enforcement measures. Personnel policies and practices must be revised to be consistent with these final regulations, and care must be taken that leave policies do not restrict rights under the FMLA or unintentionally create expanded leave rights. In complying with the FMLA, employers must also keep in mind that there are complex interplays between the federal FMLA, state laws that provide family and medical leave, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and state workers' compensation laws, that can require expert advice depending on the particular circumstances.  相似文献   

跨境破产法的统一历来是法律统一化的难点。以往的研究成果多从统一化的内容方面进行研究和论述,而忽视了法律统一化的方式。实际上,对于跨境破产这种利益冲突集中的领域,“形式”与“内容”均会对法律统一化的效果产生重要的影响。回顾跨境破产法统一化的历程,条约、示范法、超国家的法逐一登上历史舞台,在不同的历史阶段、不同的情境下发挥各自的作用,表现出明显的法律统一化方式多元化的特征。这种多元化的统一方式正在形成一种“合力”,共同推动着跨境破产法律统一化的进程。  相似文献   

This article explores the legal status of abortion in the States if the Supreme Court overrules Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), and Doe v. Bolton, 410 U.S. 179 (1973), as modified by Planned Parenthood v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992). Although an overruling decision eventually could have a significant effect on the legal status of abortion, the immediate impact of such a decision would be far more modest than most commentators-on both sides of the issue-believe. More than two-thirds of the States have repealed their pre-Roe laws or have amended those laws to conform to Roe v. Wade, which allows abortion for any reason before viability and for virtually any reason after viability. Pre-Roe laws that have been expressly repealed would not be revived by the overruling of Roe. Only three States that repealed their pre-Roe laws (or amended them to conform to Roe) have enacted post-Roe laws attempting to prohibit some or most abortions throughout pregnancy. Those laws have been declared unconstitutional by the federal courts and are not now enforceable. Of the less than one-third of the States that have retained their pre-Roe laws, most would be ineffective in prohibiting abortions. This is (1) because the laws, by their express terms or as interpreted, allow abortion on demand, for undefined health reasons or for a broad range of reasons (including mental health), or (2) because of state constitutional limitations. In yet other States, the pre-Roe laws prohibiting abortion may have been repealed by implication, due to the enactment of comprehensive post-Roe laws regulating abortion. In sum, no more than twelve States, and possibly as few as eight, would have enforceable laws on the books that would prohibit most abortions in the event Roe, Doe and Casey are overruled. In the other States (and the District of Columbia) abortion would be legal for most or all reasons throughout pregnancy. Although the long-term impact of reversing Roe could be quite dramatic, the author concludes that the immediate impact of such a decision would be very limited. This article is current through May 1st, 2007.  相似文献   

[General Electric] conducts business in more than 100 countries around the world… . An important challenge for all of us is to understand how [laws of different countries] apply to our operations. GE, the parent company, is a corporation organized in the United States. The laws of the United States frequently extend to the operations of GE and its affiliates throughout the world as well as to the business activities of GE employees wherever they live and work. Other countries may also apply their own laws outside of their borders to their own citizens and to corporations that are organized under their laws, such as GE subsidiaries or other controlled affiliates… . In some instances, there may be a conflict between the applicable laws of two or more countries. When you encounter such a conflict, it is especially important to consult company legal counsel to understand how to resolve that conflict properly. 1  相似文献   

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