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习近平劳动观是习近平总书记运用辩证思维分析劳动而形成的关于劳动与劳动者的完整的系统 的看法与观点,是对马克思主义劳动观的继承与发展。习近平总书记在肯定劳动对于国家发展的伟大意义,提 倡劳动者积极参加劳动实践,保持艰苦奋斗、淡泊名利的劳动本色的同时,更加重视劳动者的主体地位,更加 关注劳动者个人的发展。强调劳动在个人发展过程中的重要作用,鼓励劳动者通过理论学习提高劳动水平,要 求国家与政府为劳动者提供完善的劳动保障,教育全社会崇尚劳动,尊重劳动者。这体现了国家发展与个人发展, 劳动实践与理论学习,艰苦奋斗与劳动保障,淡泊名利与尊重劳动之间的辩证关系。  相似文献   

国有企业的激励机制与劳动供给行为洪承义,严峰当前,国有企业普遍活力不足,已对整个经济运行产生了不良影响。国有企业活力不足的原因之一是不能有效地激发国有企业劳动者的生产积极性。而企业劳动激励机制不健全不完善甚至扭曲,是影响劳动者生产积极性,不能实现劳动...  相似文献   

92.在劳动保护上,用人单位有哪些职责?答:用人单位必须按照劳动法律法规的要求,对本单位劳动者承担劳动保护的义务。主要职责有:(1)向劳动者提供符合劳动安全卫生标准的劳动条件;(2)对劳动者进行劳动保护教育和劳动保护技术培训;  相似文献   

劳动法律侧重保护劳动者利益是世界劳动法律坚持的铁则,我国劳动合同法应当坚持保护劳动者利益的原则。从我国劳动关系的现状看,劳动立法应当向劳动者倾斜,对劳动合同法的偏见应当纠正。应该认识到,劳动合同法既不是对劳动者的单保护法,没有给劳动者提供"铁饭碗",也没有增加用人单位的经营成本。同时,低端加工制造业向外转移与劳动合同法的实施没有必然联系。  相似文献   

市场经济条件下,国有企业的劳动关系有如下变化。第一,劳动关系的主体由国家转为企业和职工。在计划体制下,劳动者作为一个单纯的生产要素由国家统包统配。劳动关系的主体是国家,企业和劳动者无权确立和调整劳动关系。在市场经济条件下,劳动关系的主体逐步归位于用人单位和劳动者。劳动用工权是企业的一项重要的权力。企业有权根据生产  相似文献   

谈劳动关系市场化过程中劳动者权益保障的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
劳动关系市场化使劳动关系的双方作为独立的经济主体,在劳动力市场上及生产过程中,通过博弈来实现各自的经济利益。在此博弈中劳动者处于弱势,劳动者权益受到损害。保障劳动者权益,应当充分保障劳动者的话语权,保障劳动者获得充分的劳动力价值补偿,保障劳动者参与企业利润分享的权利,以及充分发挥工会组织的维权作用。  相似文献   

我国乡镇煤矿数量众多,吸纳大量农民工就业,但劳动关系状况不容乐观,劳动者的基本生命权与安全权难以得到保障。由于煤炭生产行业的特殊性,乡镇煤矿劳动关系博弈中涉及四方主体,由此可以建立中央政府——地方政府——乡镇煤矿——劳动者博弈模型。在整个博弈中,政府的策略选择对劳动关系状况的形成起到关键作用,政府策略的合理选择有利于构建和谐乡镇煤矿劳动关系。  相似文献   

作为协调劳动关系的重要依据,劳动合同法确立了对劳动者合法权益的保护,确保了员工在劳动条件、安全生产、工资福利等方面的基本人权.然而,基于降低用工成本的动机,一些企业千方百计地规避劳动合同法,漠视员工的合法权益,凸显了其对劳动者社会责任的缺失.为了解决这一难题,当前亟需建立企业自主履行对员工社会责任的长效机制,将劳动合同法的外在约束转化为企业履行对员工社会责任的内在激励,形成劳动者权益保障与企业可持续发展的统一.  相似文献   

正确认识教育与生产劳动相结合和劳动教育的关系对于更好地开展新时代劳动教育具有重要的 理论价值和现实意义。本研究对教育与生产劳动相结合的理论进行溯源并对其演变历程进行梳理,在此基础上 探讨新时代教育与生产劳动相结合的发展方向。研究认为,不同社会背景下的教育目的具有共性,在教育方式 上均注重理论与现实相结合、教育与生产劳动相结合,从而致力于为国家和社会培养经世致用之才。在新时代, 新技术和新产业不断发展,生产劳动有了新形式,教育与生产劳动相结合扩展到更多领域,升华为内涵更丰富 的劳动教育,教劳结合与劳动教育相互依托,互为支撑。  相似文献   

《劳动法》名词解释劳动者我国《宪法》规定,中华人民共和国公民有劳动的权利和义务。根据《宪法》及有关法律、法规规定,在我国凡年满十六周岁,具有劳动能力并从事生产劳动的公民都是劳动者。由于劳动者从事的劳动工作性质的不同,管理的手段、方式也有所不同。农业劳...  相似文献   

The article focuses on the German‐Danish author and salonière Friederike Brun, née Münter (1765–1835), and her youngest daughter Ida des Bombelles (1792–1857), as they are portrayed in Friederike Brun's autobiography: Truth From Morning‐Dreams and the biography The Aesthetic Education of Ida. Inspired by Rousseau and his writings on education, the mother draws a picture of herself as a modern, split individual, and of her daughter as a traditional, ideal woman.  相似文献   

This article presents a community's efforts to address the professional development needs of frontline youth workers. A coalition designed a 13-week Youth Worker Training Institute to increase youth workers' knowledge, skills, self-efficacy, and professional networks. After the Institute, participants reported feeling more skillful, connected to other youth workers, confident, professional, reflective, and being more powerful change agents. Based on results from this formative evaluation, we suggest that it was multiple teaching and learning strategies that promoted reflection, peer learning, and networking—that contributed to youth workers gaining knowledge and skills that in turn increased their confidence and sense of self-efficacy.  相似文献   

开展劳动教育是弘扬劳模精神、劳动精神、工匠精神的生动实践,在构建“大思政课”背景下 意义重大。建设“大课堂”、搭建“大平台”、建好“大师资”,是全面推进“大思政课”建设的新要求,为 劳动教育融入“大思政课”提供了现实指引。劳动教育融入“大思政课”具有深厚的内在意蕴,劳动教育与“大 思政课”共享育人格局、实现内在耦合、具有本质联系。当前,我们仍面临劳动教育教学体系亟须完善、实践 领域有待拓展、保障措施不够充分、育人合力尚未形成等现实困境。因此,要通过善用劳动教育社会大课堂、 搭建劳动教育大资源平台、构建劳动教育大师资体系,提升劳动教育融入“大思政课”的育人实效。  相似文献   

五四时期,随着“劳工神圣”思潮的风行,“与劳工为伍”成为响应时代潮流的呼声。从北京大学平民教育讲演团深入工农群众开展讲演,到具有初步共产主义思想的知识分子在长辛店开办劳动补习学校,再到中国劳动组合书记部北方分部以长辛店工运工作为基础向北方各地工人组织扩展,整个过程充分展现了中国共产党在建党前后深入群众问题上的探索和实践情况。其中,“工学界限”问题曾一度影响了革命宣传和组织深入。面对这个问题,早期共产党人坚持以马克思主义为指导,坚定深入工人群众的工作方向,踏实、务实、创造性地开展了一系列实践探索,最终弥合了工学界限,与工人群众打成一片,积累了中国共产党人开展群众工作的最初经验。深入分析和研究这一历史过程,对于坚定人民立场、践行群众路线具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   


This paper examines the devaluation of women’s industrial work during the transition from market socialism to capitalism in Croatia. On the basis of oral history interviews with former workers from the Arena knitwear factory in Pula, it explores the gendered structure of feeling created by socialist industrialisation, and its transformations during post-socialist deindustrialisation. In socialist Yugoslavia, female industrial workers participated in the discourses and practices of workers’ self-management. Despite their hard work and their low wages, most workers fondly remember the factory as a space of socialisation, solidarity and empowerment. The factory functioned as a redistributive centre for accessing welfare rights. After post-socialist transition, workers experienced worsening social rights, precarity and exploitation as a result of deindustrialisation, privatisation and the neo-liberal withdrawal of the welfare state. Workers’ nostalgic narratives about their work experiences during socialism are mobilised to reclaim the dignity and value of work in post-socialist times.  相似文献   

This paper is an intervention within feminist and queer debates that have re-posed so-called negative states of being as offering productive possibilities for political practice and social transformation. What is sometimes called the politics of negative affect or analyses of political feeling has sought to de-pathologise shame, melancholy, failure, depression, anxieties and other forms of ‘feeling bad’, to open up new ways of thinking about agency, change and transformation. Ann Cvetkovich’s recent memoir explores depression as a public feeling and argues that ‘feeling bad might, in fact, be the ground for transformation’. As she suggests, the question, ‘how do I feel’ could usefully be reframed as ‘how does capitalism feel’? This performative staging of political forms of psychosocial reflexivity opens up new strategies for survival, new visions of the future, and importantly de-medicalises feeling beyond an individual expression of psychopathology. The grounds for affective politics might be found within new feminist futures that are attentive to the relations between emotion, affect, feelings and politics. This paper will be situated within these debates and the challenge of thinking about the productive possibilities of negative states of being. However, rather than focus on depression, I will turn my attention to experiences such as psychosis and temporal dissociation, based on my long-standing research with the Hearing Voices Network. In the context of discussions of disability and capability I will discuss the value of concepts such as debility, and ‘living in prognosis’, and respond to the call to think through what such states might offer for feminist and queer practice.  相似文献   

Since 2008 there has been an empirically observable rise in young British men sharing images of their worked-out bodies on social media platforms. This article draws on interviews with men who engage in this popular cultural practice to suggest that it is an embodied and mediated response to the precarious structures of feeling produced by neoliberal austerity. It begins by arguing that as young men’s traditional breadwinning capacities are being eroded in a post-financial crisis austerity economy, increasing numbers of them are turning to sharing images of their worked out bodies as a way of feeling valuable. Moreover, by speaking to men who engage in this practice, it becomes possible to map the affective contradictions of inhabiting the precarious spaces of austerity culture. The article concludes by suggesting that within these affective contradictions lies the potential of resistance to neoliberalism’s ongoing territorialisation of everyday life.  相似文献   

加强爱国主义教育的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
爱国主义就是千百年来巩固起来的对自己祖国的一种最深厚的感情,是动员和鼓舞中国人民团结奋斗的一面旗帜,是各族人民共同的精神支柱。在新的历史时期,要结合改革开放的实际,有重点有针对性地加强爱国主义教育。大学生作为全国广大青少年群体的重要组成部分,应作为重点教育对象,要提高教育的针对性和实效性。  相似文献   

高校工会在后勤社会化改革中,应发挥桥梁、纽带作用,积极推进改革,协助解决人事问题,引导职工转变观念,维护职工合法权益,协调利益关系,消除矛盾,凝聚人心.同时,创新后勤文化,增强后勤职工的竞争意识,提高竞争能力和服务质量,更好地为教学科研、生活提供优质的服务.  相似文献   

东北老工业基地的劳模文化集中表现为以"爱岗敬业、争创一流、艰苦奋斗、勇于创新、淡泊名利、甘于奉献"为本质内涵的劳模精神,是东北老工业基地全面振兴的重要精神资源,应充分发挥其在全面振兴东北老工业基地中的重要价值。使劳模文化融入到政府的建设中,企业的实践中,人才的培养中。把劳模文化融入培育和践行社会主义核心价值观的全过程。  相似文献   

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