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治理理论视角下的中外合作办学管理问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李蓓蓓 《法制与社会》2010,(13):187-188
随着经济全球化的不断发展,高等教育国际化呈不断扩张的趋势。在跨国教育的各种形式中,特别是中外合作办学项目在高等教育领域得到了迅猛发展并逐渐成为我国教育对外交流与合作的一种新形式。但在实施的过程中也暴露了一些问题,如合办项目申请程序冗长,师资管理不健全,无法确保高校教育办学质量,监督管理力度不够等。本文从治理理论的视角下分析它的成因,就如何加强中外合作办学的管理提出一定建议。  相似文献   

中外合作办学是教育国际化的趋势之一,正在全球范围内展开,需要有一个良好的法律环境。本文通过对中外合作办学法律环境的分析,找出其存在的问题,提出改进策略,以促进中外合作办学的健康发展。  相似文献   

朱丽 《法制与社会》2010,(13):244-244
伴随着经济全球化步伐的加快,知识经济的迅猛发展,国际间高等教育的合作日趋频繁,交流日益增加。中外合作办学被视为高等教育国际化的重要手段之一,其办学规模日渐壮大,不断推动了高等教育国际化的发展进程,带动了国内高等教育的改革与发展。本文通过对中外合作办学的兴起、发展及办学特点的分析,深入探讨了中外合作办学对高等教育国际化的推动作用及现实意义。  相似文献   

中外合作办学模式在我国的教育体制中已经占据一席之地,并且为优化教育资源,完善我国教育模式,培养国际化的综合性人才起到了积极的作用。中外合作办学中的会计教学问题是高校中外办学过程中值得探讨的一个问题。本文就中外合作中会计教学应如何完善做如下探讨。  相似文献   

罗苑玮 《法制与经济》2009,(16):129-130
中外合作办学模式在我国的教育体制中已经占据一席之地,并且为优化教育资源,完善我国教育模式,培养国际化的综合性人才起到了积极的作用。中外合作办学中的会计教学问题是高校中外办学过程中值得探讨的一个问题。本文就中外合作中会计教学应如何完善做如下探讨。  相似文献   

关于完善中外合作办学法律体系的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中外合作办学经历了十多年的发展历程,初步形成了规范中外合作办学行为的法律体系.随着高等教育国际化的日益深入和跨境高等教育的飞速发展,调整中外合作办学的法律体系也需要与时俱进、不断完善,包括立法观念、审批程序、质量保障、监管机制等多个方面.  相似文献   

中外合作办学作为跨境高等教育发展的重要形式,引起学界越来越多的关注.研究中外合作办学的法律问题,包括其法律性质、法律关系、法律适用、争议解决、法制构建等,既是规范中外合作办学行为、促进合作办学可持续发展的要求,也是我们了解跨境教育输入和输出的规则,保护我国教育利益的需要.  相似文献   

创新中外合作办学学生管理工作模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于中外合作办学自身的特殊性,使得中外合作办学学生管理工作面临许多新的挑战,只有充分分析中外合作办学基本规律,大胆创新学生管理模式,积极探索适合自身发展的管理方法,才能促进中外合作办学的科学发展。  相似文献   

第一章 总  则第一条 为实施《中华人民共和国中外合作办学条例》(以下简称《中外合作办学条例》) ,制定本办法。第二条 中外合作办学机构设立、活动及管理中的具体规范 ,以及依据《中外合作办学条例》举办实施学历教育和自学考试助学、文化补习、学前教育等的中外合作办学项目的审批与管理 ,适用本办法。本办法所称中外合作办学项目是指中国教育机构与外国教育机构以不设立教育机构的方式 ,在学科、专业、课程等方面 ,合作开展的以中国公民为主要招生对象的教育教学活动。根据《中外合作办学条例》的规定 ,举办实施职业技能培训的中外…  相似文献   

中外合作办学暂行规定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第一章 总则第一条 为加强对中外合作办学的管理,促进我国教育事业的发展和教育对外交流与合作,制定本规定。第二条 本规定所称的中外合作办学,是指外国法人组织、个人以及有关国际组织同中国具有法人资格的教育机构及其他社会组织,  相似文献   

加强"校局合作"是提高公安院校办学水平的重要环节。"校局合作"在公安院校的发展历程中,因不同的办学模式而呈现不同的状态。基于事业单位性质的公安院校的"校局合作"存在经费保障不足,合作办班积极性不高;学生实习、见习多了利益,少了责任;校局学术科研合作因种种原因不尽如人意等问题。制约"校局合作"的主要因素既有体制问题,也有利益问题。领导重视,进行体制改革,注重合作的互利互惠,实现利益双赢是"校局合作"长盛不衰的根本。  相似文献   

杨经录 《政法学刊》2014,(4):118-122
基于"网络平台"的"校局合作"是指以"网络平台"为载体的"校局合作",其必要性体现为:一是可以节约成本;二是可以推动"校局合作"深入展开;三是可以补充现实空间合作的缺陷。其可行性表现为:互联网的普及使网络已经成为人们生活的组成部分,使之具备了群众基础;公安系统金盾工程的实施,以及我院数字化校园工作的落实,使之具备了硬件基础;我院已与许多公安机关签署了"校局合作"协议,使之具备了"软件"基础。因此,要建立"校局合作网",为"校局合作"提供"网络平台"。  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(4):619-650
The use of police in schools has increased dramatically in the past 12 years, largely due to increases in US Department of Justice funding. This study used data from the School Survey on Crime and Safety to assess the extent to which the addition of police in schools is associated with changes in levels of school crime and schools responses to crime. We found that as schools increase their use of police, they record more crimes involving weapon and drugs and report a higher percentage of their non-serious violent crimes to law enforcement. The possibility that placement of police officers in schools increases referrals to law enforcement for crimes of a less serious nature and increases recording of weapon and drug offenses requires that more rigorous research be carried out to assess more carefully the school climate and school safety outcomes related to this popular and costly practice.  相似文献   

School shooting tragedies and the juvenile justice system’s movement toward a retributive and punitive framework gravely impacted how primary and secondary school students, disproportionately urban districts, used security measures to lock down campuses and build “fortress-like” schools. This iteration of control on school campuses emerged in tandem with the most recent generation’s zero tolerance approach to student violence and problems; a policy widely regarded as ineffective in urban, suburban, and rural districts. As school shootings continue to impact state legislative action and public reactions to school management, this paper takes a critical approach to school security policies and reviews the evidence on the risk for school violence and how to move away from student control approaches that do not improve school safety. Instead, the incorporation of prosocial education and school engagement efforts finds that school and student safety is improved. These, and related approaches to student body management, decreases campus violence and may also minimize the risk of some school shootings - as rare as these tragic incidents are across the nation’s schools. The interplay of schools, students, and the juvenile and family courts is ongoing. Knowing how school districts can best approach their campus environments, safety, and learning is important for school social workers and court personnel because of how often these systems work, or do not work, together.  相似文献   

Research has indicated that school factors such as communal school organization and student bonding are predictive of school disorder, with greater communal organization and greater student bonding leading to less delinquency and victimization. Data from a nationally representative sample of 254 public, nonalternative, secondary schools were used to examine structural equation models representing hypothesized relationships among communal school organization, student bonding, and school disorder. The hypothesis that communally organized schools would have less disorder held true for teacher victimization and student delinquency, but not for student victimization. In addition, the hypothesis that the relationship between communal school organization and school disorder would be mediated by student bonding was supported for student delinquency, but not for teacher victimization.  相似文献   

This article describes a conflict within the development of German schools towards more autonomy: by law the schools have to develop their own school program to describe the aims and goals of the school. But schools lack the knowledge to do so, and financial support can only be given in very rare cases. So this key element for the development of autonomous schools may not fulfil its purpose.  相似文献   


This study examines racial, social, and contextual-environmental factors to determine what effects they have in predicting the likelihood of student victimizations in urban, suburban, and rural schools. In doing so, it seeks to answer two basic questions-Is school violence more prevalent among African-American students in urban schools? And if so, which factors predict the likelihood of one being victimized in urban schools compared to suburban and rural schools? The results of this study indicate that race was not significant in predicting victimizations among students in either urban, suburban, or rural school districts. However, the probability of student victimizations increased for students who attended school in the Western regions of the U.S. where student diversity is greater. Also, students who attended schools where gangs, drugs, weapons, and security were present were more likely to be victimized than those who did not have these elements in their schools. Finally, the regression models for school crimes did better in predicting student victimizations than the personal and property crime models.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(5):792-817
This study examines the effect of dynamic and structural community characteristics on school misconduct. Data include over 45,000 students in the eighth, tenth, or twelfth grade in 237 schools. Hierarchical linear models tested the direct and interactive effects of community measures, while accounting for student and school characteristics. Community substance abuse norms as well as perceptions of community crime and disorder mediated the influence of concentrated disadvantage on school misconduct. Interaction effects demonstrated that community substance abuse norms were more influential for students enrolled in schools that had a less positive school climate although individual and school characteristics remained robust predictors of school misconduct. School misconduct is influenced by the characteristics of the surrounding community and school context, as well as the interaction between those contexts. Research relying on census data measures of community characteristics may underestimate community influence on school misconduct, and omit proximal community influences on school misconduct.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(2):349-380
Although a growing body of research on student safety focuses on school disorder, school climate, and the intersection of community/situational factors, comparatively less research has focused specifically on the individual‐ and school‐level factors that put students at risk of victimization in the immediate school environ. The present study is an attempt to broaden our understanding of the contribution of schools and school behavior to the victimization experiences of students. We compare traditional routine activity constructs to understand whether and how they differentially influence the risk of community and school victimization. Additionally, we investigate what school‐related variables (behavioral and structural) explain variation in young people’s risk for school victimization.  相似文献   

It is clear that schools are mirroring the criminal justice system by becoming harsher toward student misbehavior despite decreases in delinquency. Moreover, Black students consistently are disciplined more frequently and more severely than others for the same behaviors, much in the same way that Black criminals are subjected to harsher criminal punishments than other offenders. Research has found that the racial composition of schools is partially responsible for harsher school discipline just as the racial composition of areas has been associated with punitive criminal justice measures. Yet, no research has explored comprehensively the dynamics involved in how racial threat and other factors influence discipline policies that ultimately punish Black students disproportionately. In this study (N = 294 public schools), structural equation models assess how school racial composition affects school disciplinary policies in light of other influences on discipline and gauge how other possible predictors of school disciplinary policies relate to racial composition of schools, to various school disciplinary policies, and to one another. Findings indicate that schools responding to student misbehavior with one type of discipline tend to use other types of responses as well and that many factors predict the type of disciplinary response used by schools. However, disadvantaged, urban schools with a greater Black, poor, and Hispanic student population are more likely to respond to misbehavior in a punitive manner and less likely to respond in a restorative manner.  相似文献   

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