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危机、公共危机和公共危机管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
强恩芳 《行政论坛》2008,36(1):26-31
对于"危机"的概念,不同学者从不同侧面给出不同的定义.危机的分类主要有组德尔和安托可将危机界定为五类等诸种分法.与危机相关的概念有紧急事件、灾难、重大事故和风险等.对于从事公共组织危机研究的人员,他们表述的"危机"与"公共危机"的词意,在内涵和外延上没有本质的区别.像加拿大管理发展中心等组织和学者对其的定义比较典型.危机管理与公共危机管理可作为同一概念来对待,许多学者对其有自己的阐释.危机管理阶段论也有不同的分类,主要有:二阶段论、三阶段论、四阶段论和五阶段论.三阶段四步骤的危机管理过程可被作为公共危机管理研究的基本框架.  相似文献   

Confidence that the we can hold and be guided by the self-evident truth about our natures is the only real foundation of the liberty our Founders—our political Fathers—worked so hard to protect. But the truth is the more consistently we are guided by our Fathers’ philosopher—John Locke, the more self-evidence becomes a problem for us. We can only address our crisis in self-evidence by knowing better than our Fathers thought they knew.  相似文献   

李霞 《行政论坛》2007,(2):31-33
我国政府危机管理研究的范围主要包括:各种概念的界定、危机的类型、危机的诱因;国外危机管理经验的借鉴、危机管理案例和政府危机管理体系等。我国的危机管理研究还处在初级阶段,在关于提升政府危机管理能力的措施研究上,主要有“制度论”、“经验论”、“全面整合论”和“公共关系论”。我国学界对危机和危机管理的研究,还存在概念界定不清、实证性研究不够、跨学科研究不够和还没有形成一套完整的系统的理论等等问题。  相似文献   

生态危机是人类当代技术文化危机的征候之一。当寻求生态危机的根源时,我们不应把技术当成一种纯粹"工具理性"进行质疑甚至贬抑,辩证剖析生态危机与技术文化的内在关联,实现系统转化,进而选择适宜的生态文化模式,才能使我们的反思和批判达到一个新的高度。  相似文献   

当代资本主义在坚守资本主义根本制度的前提下进行了多次自我调整.凯恩斯主义"挽救"了资本主义,也给资本主义带来"滞胀"危机;新自由主义克服了"滞胀"危机,却加剧了贫富两极分化,引发了社会危机和次贷危机.当代资本主义两难困局表明,资本主义的自我调整不可能"医治"资本主义的"病症",社会根本制度的变革是解决问题的唯一路径;调整不是在强化"正统"资本主义的"元素",而是在为"新社会因素"的产生发挥着催生作用.  相似文献   

The debate about the (future) role of political parties in modern democracies suffers from generally unacknowledged normative preconceptions as well as a tendency to reason in terms of ‘inevitable’ social processes, rather than precise theoretical reasoning or empirical analysis. At least four distinct bodies of thought affect the discussion about the assumed crisis of party: (1) the view that parties are a danger to the good society, leading to the denial of parties as legitimate actors; (2) the belief that some types of parties are ‘good’ and others ‘bad’, causing a selective rejection of parties; (3) the proposition that certain party systems are ‘good’ and others ‘bad’, resulting in a selective rejection of party systems; and (4) the affirmation that parties are becoming redundant. The latter suggestion is shown in a variety of approaches -e. g. the idea that parties are transient agents of democratization, the analysis of parties as mere market-forces, the assumption that parties do not matter in policies, and the view, as exemplified by neocorporatism, that parties inevitably lose their functions to other political actors. The pervasive presence of aprioristic views suggests the need for a conceptual house-cleaning, the importance of distinguishing normative from empirical arguments, and the need for more detailed empirical research, giving due weight to differences between countries, party systems, parties and periods instead of postulating inexorable trends.  相似文献   

现代政府的合法性危机   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
政府合法性从本质上讲是民众对于政府统治的心理认同,它以一定的物质因素扣相对独立的精神因素及特定的社会基础为支撑,对保持政府秩序和政治稳定具有重要的作用。导致现代社会政府合法性危机出现的因素主要有政治正义性不足,现代性因素对传统舍法性来源和基础的结构性挑战,转型时期政府供给能力的下降,腐败现象产生的政治离心力等,社会结构的分化也构成了对政府合法性的威胁。要维护政府合法性,就必须顺应客观规律,在充分借助现有合法性资源的基础上,致力于创建现代合法性的结构与内容。  相似文献   

ERIC K. STERN 《管理》2009,22(2):189-202
As fundamental tests of presidential leadership and organizational capacity, crises can make or break an administration. This article presents a conceptual analysis of what makes any crisis situation challenging to deal with, and it develops a set of analytical steps that can help crisis managers diagnose particular crisis situations they might face. The proposed crisis navigation framework brings together case research studies and theories of organizational processes, so that those assuming responsibility for steering the government and society through crises—including the Obama administration—have a useful point of entry into the growing crisis management literature.  相似文献   

California's 1991–92 budget is suffering from the cyclical effects of the current recession and from structural pressures that could keep the state's budget in the red for the rest of the decade. This article outlines the causes of California's deficit crisis, and briefly examines some of the potential solutions that are being considered to resolve the state's short- and long-term fiscal difficulties.  相似文献   

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